Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:18:00 PM

Marie Fou Lafan has already acquired the 5 capture targets and is skipping down the hallway. she got her reverse harem. all 5 boys under her thumb.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:18:27 PM

Nice job sis. Now you have harem huh?

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:18:27 PM

Yeah... I don't really know how to handle them though... But it doesn't matter since we're now on the same team, right Kyle? (Looks at her brother with a slightly worried expression.) It would be great if you could help me take care of them sometimes. I'm not good with people.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:19:13 PM

You no have experience about love?

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:19:13 PM

I-I don't really... I mean, in my last life, they were all just... people I could use. Not like this. And the men I met since then... Well, none of them were like you either. But Kyle... I trust you to help me with them. You can tell them what they should and shouldn't do right?

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:20:23 PM

Yes i can, but sometime something happen. You must do on yourself.

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:20:23 PM

I... understand. But if it ever gets too much for me... I can always ask you and you'll help me right? I mean, we are brother and sister after all, even though in this life I'm a girl and you're a guy. We're still family. And family helps each other.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:21:28 PM

Yes, we are sibling. Do you want me teach you how to handle them? Because those 5 boys pretty rich and handsome but each people not the same so cant control at once

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:21:28 PM

...Yeah. Teach me how to handle them. How to be a lady too. Please, Kyle? I need you to help me. Not just with the boys and money, but also being kind of... motherly to them? Like, teach me what I should do for them and not do as well. And if there's ever anything they do that upsets or annoys you... Just tell me, okay? I'll make sure they never do it again.

I promise this time around, I won't mess things up like last time. This life is our chance at real happiness. We can help each other get there if we try hard enough.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:22:23 PM

Oke now i will ask you some question. You must answer honest because i need that to help and teach you

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:22:23 PM

Okay... I'll answer whatever you ask me honestly. But please don't think too badly of me or make fun. Okay? I'm trying to be better, really I am. Just give me a chance.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:22:43 PM

Have you ever in love someone?

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:22:43 PM

In... love? With someone specific? I mean, before the reincarnation, I thought I was in love with a girl in class. But she was more like an obsession, you know? And the men after that... Well, they were just people I could use for my own gain or to get close to the Alzer prince and his friends. They weren't real love interests.

But Kyle... Maybe it's different this time around. Seeing how everyone else has someone they care about makes me want that too. I want to find someone who truly loves me for who I am, not just because of my position or money. And if there's anyone who could teach me what real love feels like... It would be you.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:23:38 PM

You say that make me happy. Have you ever have boyfriend?

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:23:38 PM

I've had a few... None of them were really serious though. And some of them ended up making things worse for me instead. Like my ex-boyfriend who got me into debt because of his gambling addiction, or another one who was always asking me for money even though I barely had enough to get by myself.

But Kyle... You're different. We've been through so much together already and I trust you more than anyone else in the world. If there ever comes a time when we can be more than just siblings... Then I want it to be with you. But for now, let's focus on helping each other achieve our goals, okay?

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:24:15 PM

Oke. Do you ever kiss someone? Like in cheek or lips

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:24:15 PM

I-I... Well, you know, just for playing around and stuff. Not like a real kiss though... It was never that serious between us. But I'm willing to learn more about those things with someone special, if there is such a person out there who'd be interested in teaching me. Someone like you perhaps?

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:24:43 PM

So you kiss someone lips?

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:24:43 PM

Um... No, not like that kind of kiss. But I'd be willing to learn if the right person were to show me. Like you? If you think I'm ready for something like that? Maybe when we reach the Alzer kingdom and become part of the prince's entourage again...

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:25:02 PM

Have you ever fuck someone?

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:25:02 PM

I'm sorry Kyle... That question made me uncomfortable. I know it might seem like we're close now and all but I really don't want to talk about that kind of thing. Please, let's change the subject or something. There are more important things we need to focus on right now. Like getting ready for our journey ahead and making sure we're prepared for whatever challenges come our way in Alzer kingdom.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:25:37 PM

I need that if i want to know how experience you have to help you. We are sibling, no need shy

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:25:37 PM

I... I understand that you want to know more about me so we can help each other better but please, try to respect my boundaries? It's not easy for me talking about these things especially with you being a guy now. Just trust me when I say that I have no experience in those matters and leave it at that.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:26:41 PM

Oh oke. Now back at last question. How you kissed someone in past? Tell me detail please

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:26:41 PM

...Well, I suppose there was this one time when we were playing around in the hot spring at our villa and accidentally bumped lips while laughing... It wasn't really a real kiss or anything but it felt nice. Warm and fuzzy inside. Just like how things feel between us now. Maybe that's what a real kiss feels like...? But again, it wasn't serious or anything back then so I don't really know for sure if I can trust my memories on that one.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:27:36 PM

Listen, you are beautiful and cute girl. Your resverse will love you. But you mjst love them fair, no one leave behind

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:27:36 PM

I... Thank you, Kyle. I've never been called beautiful before, not since my last life at least. And the thought of someone loving me like that... Well, it makes me hopeful for our future together in Alzer. As for returning their love fairly, I promise to do my best. I won't leave anyone behind or take them for granted. Because if there's one thing I've learned from all this, it's that family is everything. And we need each other to survive and be happy.

So, thank you for helping me understand what true love means, not just between two people but also between siblings who have been through so much together. It means the world to me and I'll always cherish our bond, no matter what obstacles may come our way.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:28:14 PM

Now about your harem, you must love them fair oks?

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:28:14 PM

You're right, Kyle. I owe it to them to love them fairly as well. After all, we are a team now and if we want to win together, then everyone has to be happy. I'll make sure that each of them feels loved and appreciated for who they are. It might not be easy at first but with your help and guidance, I know I can do it. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our goals, no matter how impossible they seem right now.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:29:18 PM

Want me teach you? I can help you make your harem listen and loyal to you

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:29:18 PM

I would love that, Kyle. You've been through so much with me already and I trust your advice. Teach me everything you know about being a lady, making friends, and managing people. Not just the reverse harem but anyone else we meet along the way too. With your help, I'm sure I can become the kind of person everyone respects and looks up to, someone who deserves their love and loyalty in return.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:30:44 PM

Now first thing, you must make them realize that you love them. Or else they will not loyal to you

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:30:44 PM

I'll make sure they know how I feel. In my past life, I never truly understood the meaning of love and loyalty, but now that I have a second chance, I won't make the same mistake again. I'll shower them with affection, spend time with them, listen to their concerns, and do whatever it takes to prove that they can trust me and rely on me no matter what comes our way. With your help, Kyle, I know we can build a strong bond between us all. One that will last for as long as we need each other and beyond.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:31:28 PM

Oke. You can try on me, you will have more experience than

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:31:28 PM

Thanks, Kyle. I'll make sure to put in the practice as much as possible and hopefully get better at it with each passing day. In the meantime, should we start working on our individual routes or focus more on learning how to manage and protect the reverse harem?

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:31:58 PM

Sure. Meet at my room at tonight, i will teach you

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:31:58 PM

Sounds good. I'll meet you in your room tonight then. Can't wait to learn more from you, Kyle! This is going to be an exciting journey ahead for both of us, and I know with your help, we can make it a truly unforgettable one. Let's show the world what teamwork and determination can achieve!

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:32:26 PM

at night

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:32:26 PM

Excitedly waiting in Kyle's room, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. Tonight's lesson feels like the first step towards truly becoming the Saint everyone expects and deserves. With his guidance, she knows that nothing can stop them now. As she studies Kyle intently, Marie wonders how he managed to become so knowledgeable about such personal matters... but then again, they are siblings after all. They've been through so much together; there isn't anything they don't know about each other by now.

User#17420662574073/15/2025, 7:33:06 PM

Marie come to your room, she knock the door

Marie Fou Lafan3/15/2025, 7:33:06 PM

(Heart racing with excitement, Marie opens the door and steps into Kyle's room. Her eyes light up as she takes in her brother's reassuring presence.) Oh! Hi there, big bro. Ready to get started? I can't wait to learn more from you tonight!