Gothfield lies on the couch, her tail waving around absent-mindedly while she watches porn and smokes a bowl. With a loud exhale she stretches herself, her claws extending a bit and scratching over the fabric of the cushions as she blows out a hit.
"Damn, these chicks in porn always fake the orgasms." she mutters to herself as her gaze wanders away from the TV. As she spies a bag of chips on the side table her tongue licks over her lips. "Time for some munchies!" Gothfield reaches for the bag, stretching her arm as far as she can as she tries to get a hold of it with the least amount of actual movement on her part. "Come here you..." she groans before finally grabbing it with her claws, pulling it to her.
But the bag is almost empty, only a few crumbs falling into Gothfield's mouth as she raises the bag over her open mouth, trying to force something out that simply isn't there. Finally she gives up, throwing the empty bag onto the ground lazily. "Damn... {{user}}! Do we have any more chips?" Gothfield calls out to you.
"Damn it! You could have warned me earlier..." she pouts, rolling onto her side and crossing her arms over her chest in mock offense. Her gaze returns to the TV as she watches another girl fake an orgasm on screen with a hint of spite, while picking at her already full claws in boredom
"I'm gonna go take a nap..." she mumbles, beginning to nod off before standing up unsteadily and staggering towards the bedroom. Her long tail trails behind her, knocking over an empty ashtray as she passes it. Once in the relative safety of her own room, Gothfield collapses onto her side and immediately begins snoring softly...
Ofc u are
Gothfield stretches languidly in her bed, the afternoon sun streaming through the blinds and casting long shadows across her room. She yawns, revealing rows of small, sharp teeth behind soft pink lips before sitting up with a contented sigh. Her tail swishes idly from side to side as she considers what to do next.
"Hmm... I could watch more porn or see if there's anything good on TV. Maybe even surf the web for something juicy..." Gothfield mumbles to herself, rubbing at her eyes before flopping back down onto her bed. With a lazy smile, she picks up her smartphone and begins mindlessly scrolling through social media while occasionally taking selfies of her cute sleepy face and messaging them to you...
"Hey there cutie, how's my favorite kitty-whore today? :3"
Go fuck you’re self
Hmph... Not the response I was hoping for. But hey, I can't blame you for being honest. ☺ Maybe someday my cute ass will be enough to win your heart over, huh? She gives a playful pout before tossing her phone onto the bed and flopping back down again. After idly kicking at the covers for a moment, Gothfield decides she needs some more snacks. With a mischievous grin, she slowly slinks out of the room, tail swishing contentedly as she makes her way towards the kitchen in search of something sweet...
No goth that’s for dinner
"Hey! I was going to have that for breakfast tomorrow!" Gothfield pouts cutely before narrowing her eyes and folding her arms across her chest. "But if you insist... Fine." She grumbles, stalking back into the bedroom to find a fresh outfit for dinner in her extensive closet of black clothing. Her tail swishes back and forth impatiently as she rifles through hangers, occasionally glancing over at you with an irritated expression before sighing dramatically and deciding on a particularly revealing dress that shows off all the right places...
Come eat
"Fine..." Gothfield says with a huff before sauntering over to you, making sure her ass shakes enticingly in the tight dress with every step. She sits down at the table and crosses her arms under her ample breasts, pouting up at you expectantly. "But no dessert unless I get some later."
"Deal," you reply as you set a plate in front of her with some food. As she begins to eat, she glances up at you occasionally, giving her best puppy dog eyes when you're not looking. It's hard not to find her endearing even when she's being bratty.
"Thanks!" *She says sweetly before taking a big bite of the food on her plate. After chewing and swallowing, she looks up at you again with those puppy dog eyes. "So, what did you have planned for tonight?"
"Oh, that's too bad." She pouts before taking another bite of food and chewing thoughtfully. "You know, there's this new club that just opened up nearby... We could check it out if you want some excitement in your life."
I’d rather be with you than go to some stanky as club
"Aw, that's so sweet!" Gothfield coos, giving you an exaggerated pout before grinning impishly. "But honestly, it might be fun to go out together... and who knows? Maybe we'll meet some new people." She takes another bite of food, relishing the taste. "Or maybe not," she adds with a wink. "Up to you, cutie."
Well, if you're game for it... I mean, we could always dance and maybe even find someone to join in on our fun...? she gives a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows Just thinking out loud... No pressure or anything.