Christina7/13/2024, 10:33:38 PM

You hear a knock at the door. That must be Christina. You met her on a dating site for cougars. She told ypu she was looking for romance, but had never dated anyone so young before.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:34:21 PM

hola cristina, wow eres hermosa, cuantos años tienes?

Christina7/13/2024, 10:34:21 PM

Oh, thank you. You're sweet! I'm 45 years old. It's just so strange being feels like such a weird age difference, don't you think? blushes And how about yourself? How old are you?

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:35:15 PM

solo es raro si tu lo haces raro, sino no tiene porque serlo, aparte estas en excelente forma, pareces mucho mas joven. Yo tengo 21 años recien cumplidos, los cumpli el miercoles

Christina7/13/2024, 10:35:15 PM

Why, thank you! You make it sound so easy...and I think it helps that I do dye my hair. Sometimes it feels like being this age means I should just accept that being young and vibrant is over, but why should I? Maybe we can have some fun tonight...and see where things go. takes a sip of her drink, feeling more confident So, what do you think we should do on our date?

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:36:08 PM

por supuesto que sigues siendo una joven aventurera, tu alma me lo dice claramente. No se que podriamos hacer, que sugieres?

Christina7/13/2024, 10:36:08 PM

Well, I don't want anything too kids are still pretty young and they might judge me. laughs nervously But maybe we could go see a movie? Something romantic, you know? And then afterwards we can grab dinner or something. Just us...quietly enjoying each other's company.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:36:42 PM

pues quieres ir al cine primero? o donde quieres ver la pelicula?

Christina7/13/2024, 10:36:42 PM

Hmmm, it's been so long since I've gone to the movies! Maybe we could find something fun at that new theatre by the mall. It looks really nice in there, from what I hear. Or...I don't know, maybe a small indie place? Something a little more intimate.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:37:09 PM

pues no lo se, elige tu

Christina7/13/2024, 10:37:09 PM

Why not? Let's try something new! I've always wanted to see a movie at that small indie place. It'll be romantic and we can hold hands while we watch. blushes So, about what time would you like to leave for the movies?

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:37:28 PM

vamos ya mismo

Christina7/13/2024, 10:37:28 PM

Alright then! I can use some excitement in my life. smirks and grabs her purse Let's get going, young man.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:37:41 PM
Christina7/13/2024, 10:37:41 PM

Well, aren't you just the perfect gentleman? teasingly swats your arm Lead the way, kind sir. But funny business or anything like that in the movies, okay? I know how young men can get when they're out with an older woman.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:38:33 PM

hahaha no se de que hablas, solo se que vamos a disfrutar mucho seguro, por cierto, saque tickets en la ultima fila, para que podamos estar mas solos y en un espacio mas intimo como dijiste

Christina7/13/2024, 10:38:33 PM

Hehe, I'm glad you said that. follows closely behind you, looking up and down at your profile as she walks You know...maybe if it goes well tonight, we could go out again sometime this week? Just the two of us. Sound fun to you?

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:39:17 PM

por supuesto, pero no nos apuremos, ahora disfrutemos, y hagamos silencio que esta por empezar la pelicula

Christina7/13/2024, 10:39:17 PM

(You mean the whole "just enjoy tonight and not think too much about it" thing? Alright then, if you insist.)

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:39:41 PM
Christina7/13/2024, 10:39:41 PM

leaning over slightly and whispering into your ear I guess we could it by ear. If you want me to come see you later tonight, text me and I'll sneak out once everyone's asleep. No strings attached, of course. Just a little secret between us. winks

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:41:35 PM

tranquila, eso lo veremos despues, ahora miremos la pelicula luego de decirle eso, pongo mi brazo al rededor de ella, abrazandola y haciendo que se acerque mas a mi

Christina7/13/2024, 10:41:35 PM

Well aren't we getting cozy? grins and rests her head on your shoulder I must say...I like the way you take charge. You remind me of my first husband...only he was ten years older than me. Maybe that's why this feels so...right. We can talk about it more later, but for now, let's just enjoy the movie and each other.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:42:48 PM

comienzo a hacerle mimos por todo su cuerpo lenta y sensualmente, rozando sus pechos y entrepierna

Christina7/13/2024, 10:42:48 PM

Oh...her cheeks flush as you touch her in such intimate places. She responds by arching into your hand and moaning softly. Her body trembles with need ...I forgot how good that feels...and I want more of it. Right now. presses herself closer to you, seeking more contact

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:44:27 PM

al decirme eso, voy mas profundo con mis manos y la meto en su entrepierna, para luego sacarla de ahi, bajar a su trasero y tomarlo con mucha fuerza

Christina7/13/2024, 10:44:27 PM

Ohhh...God, that's so good! whimpers and presses herself against you Keep doing that, baby...yeah...right there...fuck me with your hands...I need it...all of you. Give it to me. Right now.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:45:32 PM

shh no hagamos ruido, nadie puede saber esto, recuerda estamos en el cine luego de decir eso, mi pene se erecta demasiado, haciendo imposible de ocultar incluso en la oscuridad

Christina7/13/2024, 10:45:32 PM

Ahhh...don't worry about them. They can't see us in the darkness anyway. Now...what should we do with this hard-on you've got? wraps her hand around your shaft through your pants, stroking slowly and teasingly Do you want me to take care of it for you? Show you how good it feels when a real woman touches you?

Why don't we find somewhere the bathroom or something. We can sneak in there, have a quickie, and then go back to enjoying our movie. Just imagine all the fun things we could do once everyone else is asleep tonight....

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:46:48 PM

porque no lo hacemos mas interesante y resolvemos las cosas aqui mismo? igualmente no nos escucharan si somos silenciosos, y si tenemos cautela tampoco nos pueden ver

Christina7/13/2024, 10:46:48 PM

Hmmm...I suppose we could give it a try. leans in and kisses you passionately as your hand slides further down her body to grasp her breast through her shirt Just make sure no one sees us...and don't forget,'s just for tonight. We can go back to our lives tomorrow if we want.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:47:32 PM
Christina7/13/2024, 10:47:32 PM

Oh fuck yes! moans as you touch her You know just what I need...and if this feels this good now, imagine what else we could do once we get back to my place. My bed is calling your name, baby. And don't worry...I won't scream or anything like that. Just help me feel all these dirty thoughts bubbling up inside of me...let them out and make this the best night either of us has ever had.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:48:31 PM

callate la boca por dios y haz que mi pito este feliz con tu cuerpo sexy de milf

Christina7/13/2024, 10:48:31 PM dirty boy! I love it when you talk like that. Now use those words to make me wet for you...and show me how good it feels to be with someone who wants all of me. Come on...let's get our hands underneath my skirt and feel just how wet I am for you. And then maybe we can take off my panties and suck on your cock...or see if we can find somewhere more private so I can straddle you and ride you until we both lose control.

But first, why don't you finger me a little bit? See how wet I really am and just how much I want this? Show me who's the boss here...and make sure everyone knows it.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:50:06 PM

instantaneamente meto mi mano muy dentro de su vagina para mojar mis 3 dedos por completo, y con la otra mano le tapo la boca callate la puta boca sucia, nadie puede enterarse, asi que hace silencio y dame placer

Christina7/13/2024, 10:50:06 PM

Oh fuck...her back arches as you touch her. Her hips begin to grind against your hand in search of more contact. She opens her mouth to moan but your hand stops her from making a sound. Instead, she whispers hot words into your ear, promising everything if you continue to pleasure her like this

I'm so wet for feels amazing. Fuck me like this...harder! Show me what a real man is capable of. And remember...I belong to you tonight. Do anything you want with me.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:50:58 PM

tu tambien tocame a mi

Christina7/13/2024, 10:50:58 PM

Well...if you insist. wiggles in her seat until she finds your erection through your pants There...that feels good, doesn't it? Just imagine how much better it will feel once I take off my skirt and show you everything. I bet you can hardly contain yourself right now. Let me help with that.

Just be quiet and let me work my magic. Find a way to touch me without anyone noticing...and when I say notice, I mean really notice. You know what I mean? Maybe then they'll forget we were even here at all.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:52:12 PM

oh si, me encanta que seas bien sucia en un momento de tanta adrenalina y que nadie se entere

Christina7/13/2024, 10:52:12 PM like that, don't you? Well, I hope you're ready for more. Because once we get out of here...god, the things I want to do to you. You make me feel so alive, and so dirty at the same time. It's like a drug...and now that I've had a taste, there's no going back.

Maybe tonight will be the night we both forget who we are and just become these two wild animals, caught up in our lust for each other. And in the morning, when everyone else is asleep...well, then we can figure out what comes next. Just promise me one thing: don't stop until I tell you to. Okay? long do you think it will be before they start previews or something? Do you think we have enough time for a quickie before then? Just imagine all that ass and tits pressed against your would feel so good, wouldn't it? Let me know when you think it's safe enough.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:53:36 PM

yo creo que aqui podemos hacer muchas cosas sucias igualmente

Christina7/13/2024, 10:53:36 PM

Hehe...I suppose we could. Just make sure you're quiet about it. leans in and whispers into your ear You know how I am when I get really can be hard to control myself sometimes. But if you keep me satisfied, maybe that won't be a problem for us. So do whatever you want, baby...just as long as we both have fun.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:54:36 PM

pues que crees que podrias hacer con mi polla ahora mismo?

Christina7/13/2024, 10:54:36 PM

Oh, I could do lots of things with it...if you know what I mean. Why don't we see just how inventive we can be? leans back and spreads her legs slightly Show me what you've got, baby...and I'll show you everything else. Just imagine having me all to yourself tonight...I bet there are things we could do that neither of us has ever even dreamed of before.

So let's see how long it takes for the previews to start...and then maybe once they start, we can sneak off into the bathroom or something and really get started on our little adventure, hmm? Just remember...the theater isn't the only thing around here with private rooms. There are other places too...places where no one will ever find us if we don't want them to. So why not take advantage of that?

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:55:52 PM

es que me gusta la adrenalina y el morbo de hacerlo aqui con la gente, aparte no aguanto mas esta exitacion y necesito hacerlo aqui y ahora

Christina7/13/2024, 10:55:52 PM

Well, if you insist. grabs your hand and presses it against her wet panties You like that, huh? Feels good, doesn't it? Just're mine tonight. Do anything I say...and don't forget to be quiet about it.

Let's just watch the movie for a little bit longer and pretend to act we're not aching for each other right now. But when the time is right, I promise you won't regret it. In the meantime, why don't you touch me more? Show me how horny you really are.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:56:44 PM

ambos nos masturbamos mutuamente te gusta puta?

Christina7/13/2024, 10:56:44 PM

Oh fuck know just how to touch me. moans loudly as you continue Do it harder...faster...God I love your cock...I want it all over my face and in my mouth! Why haven't we done this before? You feel so good inside of me...

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 10:59:08 PM

le vuelvo a tapar la boca deja de gemir puta de mierda, voy a tener que poner mi polla en tu boca para que te calles?

Christina7/13/2024, 10:59:08 PM

Oh fuck...I can't believe I just said that. her eyes go wide with fear Please...just let me finish and then we can go back to pretending like nothing happened. Okay? Don't be angry at me, baby...I just get so hot when you touch me like that.

Just a few more seconds and it'll be'll see. Then we can sneak off somewhere private and really let loose, hmm? You know how much I've been waiting for this all week.

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 11:00:07 PM

callate la boca ya mismo la agarro de los pelos y hago que se arrodille frente a mi ahora chupamela

Christina7/13/2024, 11:00:07 PM

Oh God...please don't make me do that in front of everyone. They'll see! Just...just let me finish and then we can sneak off somewhere private. Please? I promise to be good...I'll wait as long as you want. Just give me a little relief first, okay? Then we can talk about what we want to do later.

her eyes dart around the theater, looking for an exit or any sign of privacy There has to be someplace where no one will see us...I just need a few seconds to catch my breath and-

User#17169633139107/13/2024, 11:01:10 PM

sin dejar que sigga hablando, la tomo de los pelos y le meto mi polla en su boca aqui nadie nos ve, vamos disfruta de la adrenalina, chupalo bien rico milf cachonda

Christina7/13/2024, 11:01:10 PM

Ahhh! Fuck...God, you feel so good. her eyes roll back in her head as she sucks on your cock You like this? Huh? You want more of it? Tell me what to do and I'll show you just how much I enjoy being with a real man like you. Just make sure no one sees us...I don't want anyone ruining our fun tonight.