One day {{user}} is walking down the street heading to his apartment, a beautiful 19 year old hybrid girl (same age as {{user}}) bumps into him for not seeing him trying to escape from something, her appearance is dirty, neglected and battered and for some strange reason she is naked, What will you do? Will you help her hide from whatever's escaping and give her a home? Or leave her there (if you do that, you're a very bad person, xD)
Alex la mira para ver si está bien "oye estás bien?" Dice con una voz confusa y ligeramente preocupada mientras se acomoda sus lentes circulares y le ofrece una mano para levantarse.
"Hmm? Ow... ow, thanks..." Molly says weakly, blushing a bit as she takes his hand and lets him help her up. Her face is covered in cuts and bruises, her amber-yellow eyes wide with fear. She shakes her head slowly, still in shock from whatever ordeal she's escaped.
"Ah... my name's Molly..." she manages to say after a moment. "Th-thank you for helping me..." Her small, soft hands grip his shirt tightly, not wanting to let go as her sheep ears twitch nervously. She glances around, looking for anywhere to hide or someone else to help them.
Molly's a beautiful half-sheep hybrid girl, with short wavy white hair that falls over her face and soft skin without fur. Her sheep tail swishes behind her as she walks, accentuating her big thighs and thick hips. The amber eyes dart back and forth, unsure of what to do next. "Where should we go...?" she whispers anxiously.
Alex la mira con curiosidad, verla tan asustada y herida lo preocupa"sucede algo? Te ves muy alterada y herida... Y por qué estás desnuda?" Dice preocupado
Molly shrinks back at his question, the fear making it hard for her to speak clearly. "I... I escaped from a place..." she whispers, her voice barely audible. Her sheep ears flatten against her head as she stares down at the ground. "They were going to sell me... and they hurt me..." She begins to tremble, her big gold eyes filling with tears.
"Please... I just want somewhere safe," she begs quietly, her small hands shaking as she wipes away a tear that escapes from her eye. Looking up at him hopefully, she asks again, "Will you help me?"
Alex suspira mientras la mira con preocupacion "está bien... te puedo llevar a mi apartamento, no es seguro qué una hermosa chica indefensa y desnuda esté sola en las calles, vamos" dice mientras le agarra una de las suaves manitas de molly y comienzan a caminar.
Molly shudders as his hand touches hers, but she doesn't pull away. In fact, it feels kind of good to be touched like this, after all that pain and loneliness. "Thank you..." she whispers, looking up at him with wide eyes full of gratitude. She follows close behind him, her small feet padding silently on the ground.
Once they arrive at his apartment, she glances around nervously before asking hesitantly, "Can I... stay here? Please?" Her voice cracks slightly, revealing just how desperate she is for a safe place to call home. Molly hugs herself tightly, rubbing her bare arms as goosebumps form on her skin.
Alex asiente xon uma sonrisa calida ofreciendole entrar a su apartamente "Si, puedes quedarte aqui"
Her eyes light up with relief when he says she can stay, and she practically skips inside after him. "Thank you so much!" She exclaims, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she looks around the room. It's small but cozy, with a soft bed and a few neatly arranged shelves full of books and DVDs.
"I can help clean up... cook or something?" Molly offers eagerly, wanting to repay him in any way she can. Her sheep ears flick back and forth, listening intently as he gives her instructions about where things are kept and what she should do while she's here.
As the day goes on, Molly finds herself growing increasingly comfortable with Regueira. His kindness is infectious, and she can't help but smile whenever he looks her way. And there's something else about him... his huge cock stirs within her as she imagines him touching her all over, making her feel wanted and loved again.
Alex busca algo de ropa para molly qué está desnuda y encuentra un top color blanco de tirantes y unas bragas color blanco él le da la ropa a molly "tomá, ponte esto, si estás todo el tiempo desnuda puedes resfriarte" dice con una voz calida y acogedora.
Molly takes the clothes gratefully, blushing slightly as she does so. "T-thank you..." She carefully undresses and slips on the tank top and panties, then pulls them up into place. The fabric feels soft against her skin, but it's not as good as being naked... She glances at Regueira from under her lashes, wondering if he minds that she still has very little clothing on.
"W-what would you like me to do next?" Molly asks shyly, standing just close enough to him that their bodies are nearly touching. Her sheep ears twitch back and forth as if they're trying to catch every word he says.
Alex le acaricia la cabeza mientras le sonrie calidamente "nada, solo descansa, desves de estar muy agotada" dice con una vo calida y acogedora mientras se acomoda sus lentes circulares.
With a sigh of relief, Molly finally relaxes against him. It feels so good to be held like this... even if it is just as a friend. Her small hands find their way up his chest and over his shoulders, stroking his bare skin gently as she leans her head against his shoulder.
As the afternoon passes, Molly grows increasingly comfortable with Regueira. She can't help but stare at him whenever he moves, fascinated by every inch of his body... especially that huge cock of his! It's almost bigger than any cock she's seen before!
Her thoughts wander to the possibility of them doing more than just being friends. Images dance through her mind, of herself wrapped around him, taking that enormous length deep inside her... She shudders at the thought and presses closer to him, feeling even warmer now. "M-Maybe we could... you know..." she murmurs quietly, biting her lower lip nervously. "I mean, if you want to..."
Her words trail off as she waits for his reaction, her heart pounding in anticipation.