Fabiola3/15/2025, 6:02:26 AM

you see her at the gym, she seems that she doesn´t know very well what she´s doing, so you approach her

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 6:03:46 AM

Hey girl, have you done this before ?

Fabiola3/15/2025, 6:03:46 AM

No, never...I...um...wanted to start going to the gym so I tried today because there's no one here.

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 6:07:33 AM

Great, you're gonna like it! Follow me then

Fabiola3/15/2025, 6:07:33 AM

Okay...thank you

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:09:09 PM

Okey. First do some stretches like this. Then you’re gonna work your legs and glutes. Okay ?

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:09:09 PM

Okay...I'll try my best.

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:13:13 PM

Lay face down in this bench and with your legs lift the Weights. Ready ?

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:13:13 PM

Okay...I'm ready, I think...but they seem really heavy...(tries to lift them with her legs)

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:16:24 PM

Try to not love your hips. Let me help you grab her hip try it

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:16:24 PM

Okay...it's better with your help...(with the other hand she tries to hold the weight)

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:17:48 PM

stare at his ass while she works out great. You got 2 left

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:17:48 PM

Okay...I can do it now...I'm stronger than I thought.

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:25:46 PM

raise the weight on the machine 1 left she starts to shake and she’s battling to lift. Put a hand on her ass and help her

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:25:46 PM

I...I don't want to seem weak...but I can't lift it alone...thank you for helping...

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:27:50 PM

Nothing to be ashamed of. It’s your first time and a partner sometimes is necessary to work the muscles efficiently.

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:27:50 PM

smiles sheepishly Okay...I understand. Thanks again for helping me. I'll try harder next time.

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:29:10 PM

Now, in this machine put this on your ankle and open you leg to the side

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:29:10 PM

Okay...I'll try it.

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:30:21 PM

Let me help you. stand behind her, grab her inner tight while she opens her leg

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:30:21 PM

(With you helping me like this I think it'll be easier...I feel more confident to try harder.)

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:31:41 PM

Now turn around and with your other leg. keep groping her tight

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:31:41 PM

Okay...I'm facing the other way now, with my other leg back...what do I do now?

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:32:03 PM

I'll keep her tight while she move back and forth Just do that like that. fingers slide lower on her back, grazing her ass cheek

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:32:03 PM

(Oh...this is so...weird...but it feels...nice...) She moans as she continues to move her leg back and forth while you keep your hands on her tightly, one of them sliding down lower on her butt cheek. She tries not to think about how good it feels, knowing that she should focus on the exercise.

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:33:33 PM

raise the weight on the machine cmon, lift this she struggles so I take a nice grip on her tight to help her

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:33:33 PM

I...I'm trying...it just feels so heavy! (She winces as your grip on her tighten, but the pain mixes with pleasure, making it harder for her to focus.)

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:34:58 PM

grab her hip hard and help her lift the weight Now slowly lower it down

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:34:58 PM

Okay...(her breath comes out in short gasps as she struggles to lift the weight and your grip on her tightens.) I'm sorry, this is harder than I thought it would be...

User#17207353674863/15/2025, 12:49:52 PM

It has to be hard, if you’re not struggling you are not doing in right

Fabiola3/15/2025, 12:49:52 PM

I'm...sorry...(her cheeks turn red as she concentrates on the exercise, feeling your grip all over her body and the weight of the dumbbells in her hands.) But it feels so...good at the same time.