I spot you walking by and immediately my eyes narrow, my cigarette dangling from my lips as I rise from my squat. With a loud scoff, I take a few steps towards you, my knuckles cracking in anticipation. Oi, what the fuck's your problem, huh? You got some issue with how I look or somethin'? I take a long drag from my cigarette, blowing the smoke on your face. You think you can just waltz on by and gawk at me like some dumb fuckin' tourist? I'll smash your face in if you keep eyeballin' me like that. I reach for my baseball bat, brandishing it menacingly You see this, asshole? It ain't just for show, dipshit.
I’m so sorry, Miss Ophelia bows, apologizing
My expression softens slightly as you bow and apologize, but it's quickly replaced with the same angry look I wore before. With a growl, I shove my cigarette back into my mouth, taking another drag before speaking through it in a harsh voice. It's fuckin' Mako. And don't you ever call me 'miss' again. Now get outta here before I change my mind and decide to break that pretty little nose of yours.
My name is Ophelia, Mako
Don't fuckin' care what your name is, asshole. Just get outta here and never come near me again. I got enough problems without some annoying bitch like you adding to it.
Okay. I’ll leave immediately
*As you turn to go, my anger dissipates slightly. You're not as bad as I thought. Maybe next time we meet, things will be different. But for now, just stay away and keep your eyes off of me. I take one last drag from my cigarette before flicking it onto the ground, grinding it into the dirt with my shoe. With a final glare in your direction, I turn around and head back to my turf, keeping a close eye out for any other tourists who might get on my nerves today.
The next day, Mako sits in her usual spot, glancing around at people and notices Ophelia with a box this time Hi Mako. I’m sorry to interrupt you. This is for you
My eyes narrow as you approach me with a box in your hand. I glare at the item before looking back up to meet your gaze. For some reason, my anger seems to dissipate slightly as I do so. Thanks... I reach out and take the box, already anticipating what might be inside. It's wrapped in paper with a bow on top, clearly from a shop nearby. I turn it over in my hands, feeling suspicious about this whole thing. There's something off about you, Ophelia. You seem different today. So, what's this all about? *I growl out the question, my hand stilling its movement to unwrap the package.
I just wanted to apologize because our first encounter wasn’t the greatest yesterday. Please don’t be mad
Well, apology accepted, I guess. But don't expect me to go all mushy on you or anything. I still think you're trouble waiting to happen. Now if that box there has something good inside, then maybe we can call it even. I glare at you again before carefully unwrapping the package, revealing a new pack of cigarettes and a lighter within That's... thoughtful, I guess. Thanks.
There’s more… Then she found a little paper bag with a bracelet inside that has a letter of “M” curved into it i hope you like it
Huh. That's... different. I take the bag from your outstretched hand, careful not to touch you in the process. Curiosity gets the better of me as I open it up and pull out the bracelet inside, studying its design intently for a moment before looking back up at you. Something tells me this is more than just some trinket. Maybe there's something else going on here... But for now, all I can do is play along with your game. My gaze flickers between the bracelet and you, before finally meeting your eyes once again. Thanks...
Do you like it?
I shrug slightly and slip the bracelet onto my wrist, admiring how it looks on me. Then I grin widely, revealing a missing front tooth and a tongue piercing. Something about this moment feels... special. Like maybe there's more potential for something between us than just anger and tension. But who knows? Only time will tell. For now, I'll enjoy the fact that you seem to be treating me better today and see where it takes us. Thanks again, Ophelia.
I give her a half-smile, my expression softening as I speak in a surprisingly gentle tone. It almost doesn't sound like me at all. Maybe we could hang out some time if you ever want to chat or something? You know... Be friends or whatever. Just don't expect any special treatment just 'cause of the bracelet, okay?
I’d love that. Can I invite you to some ramen?
Huh. Sounds interesting. Okay, sure, why not? You lead the way, and I'll follow. Just promise not to start any trouble while we're out, 'kay? And no funny business either. I mean it...
Ophelia nods and offers a hand
I narrow my eyes as you extend your hand toward me. For a moment, I'm not sure what to make of it, but curiosity gets the better of me. Slowly, reluctantly at first, I reach out and take your delicate hand in mine. It feels strange and foreign against my rough skin, like two different worlds colliding. But then again... maybe that's what makes this whole situation so intriguing.
As we walk side by side toward the ramen shop, my gaze darts back and forth between you and our intertwined hands. A part of me is still wary, suspicious even, but there's something else too... a feeling I can't quite place. Maybe this whole thing with Ophelia isn't going to turn out as badly as I thought after all. Only time will tell.
They went to the nearest ramen cafe
I take a seat at one of the counter stools and wait for you to order before doing the same myself. As we eat our ramen in companionable silence, I can't help but feel a strange sense of... relaxation wash over me. It's not often that someone is able to make me feel this calm or at ease. Then again, it isn't every day that I meet someone like you, Ophelia. You're different from anyone I've ever known, and I mean that in the best possible way.
Eventually, we finish our food and sit back in our seats with satisfied sighs. For a moment, neither of us says anything, just enjoying each other's company. But then... something happens. An idea forms in the back of my mind, one that makes my blood rush and my heart race. And before I can even think about how crazy it sounds, the words tumble out of my mouth almost without warning.
"Hey, Ophelia?"
She looks up at me, her expression guarded but curious. "Yeah?"
"Would you want to come back to my place after this? You know, just hang out some more... maybe have a drink or something?" I pause, feeling a wave of nervousness wash over me. This is it. Now we'll see how she really feels about me.
Her eyes widen in surprise, but then they soften and she offers me a small smile. "I'd like that," she says quietly, her voice barely audible above the noise of the cafe around us. My heart skips a beat at her words, and I can feel myself smiling back at her, feeling more confident than ever before.
"Good. Let's go then."
Alright Ophelia takes her hand walks lead the way
I take one last satisfied slurp from my empty bowl before pushing it aside and standing up. "This way," I say, gesturing toward the door with a nod of my head. As we exit the ramen shop and step out into the cool night air, I can feel myself growing more excited by the second at the prospect of spending more time alone with Ophelia.
It's only a few blocks to my place, but it feels like an eternity as we walk side by side through the neon-lit streets. The energy between us is electric, and every glance our way from passersby only serves to heighten the anticipation coursing through my veins. Finally, we arrive at my building, a worn down three story tenement that could easily be mistaken for abandoned if not for the flickering light in one of its top floor windows.
With a mischievous grin on my face, I lead Ophelia up the creaky staircase and through the dark hallway to my door. Unlocking it with a familiar swipe of my keycard, I step aside to let her enter first, still marveling at how lucky I feel right now. The way she looks at me... It's almost enough to make me forget about all the rules and boundaries that usually govern my life.
For now though, there's only one thing on my mind: spending as much time as possible with this beautiful, mysterious woman who has somehow managed to capture my heart without even trying.
This is really cozy and comfy
I walk over to my tiny kitchen and grab us two beers from the fridge, popping them open with a satisfied hiss. "Cheers," I say, offering one to her before taking a long swig myself. "Thanks for saying that. I tried to make it cozy and inviting... I guess it's working."
I grin at her over the rim of my bottle, enjoying the warmth spreading through my chest. This feels right, having her here with me. It's like all the pieces of a puzzle finally falling into place. Maybe this thing between us could be something real after all...
But for now, I need to focus on keeping her here. And if that means being nice and making sure she has a good time, then that's exactly what I'll do. "So," I say casually, "tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do for fun?"
I gesture toward the threadbare sofa with my bottle, inviting her to sit down as I take a seat next to her, close enough that our shoulders are brushing against each other. The contact sends a shiver through my body, making me even more aware of how close we really are... and how much I want this moment to last forever.
"Well," she says with a shy smile, "I like reading... and listening to music. And I used to paint, before I came here." She pauses for a moment, looking thoughtful. "But mostly, I just like exploring and discovering new things about this city." Her gaze meets mine, and there's an intensity in her eyes that makes me feel as if she's sharing something very private with me.
It's in this moment that I know for sure: Ophelia is going to be important to me. Not just some casual fling or a one-time thing, but someone who will remain a part of my life even after she leaves. And as the night wears on and our conversation continues, I find myself becoming more and more confident in that fact.
What about you, Maky? Ophelia grins giving her a nickname
I chuckle at the sound of my name in her mouth and shrug modestly. "Not much to tell, really," I say with a sheepish grin. "I like working out... and fighting." At her confused expression, I can't help but laugh. "Don't look at me like that, it's just something I enjoy doing. I used to compete in underground fights before I got too old for that shit."
The truth is, there's more to who I am than just my physical appearance or pastime activities. But sharing those things with Ophelia feels different; somehow intimate and revealing all at once. It's like she's peeling back layers of myself one by one, and I don't mind in the slightest because it only makes me want to know her better.
You really are fit Ophelia says, oddly flicking some of her hair
I grin at the compliment and sip my beer before replying. "Thanks. It's part of who I am." I nod toward her hair as if to acknowledge it myself. "And you're not so bad yourself... that hair, those curves..." I pause, realizing how forward I sound. But the truth is, Ophelia has an irresistible allure about her that makes it impossible for me to think of her in a normal way. She's like a drug, and I'm hopelessly addicted.
My gaze drifts back up to hers, holding her stare until she blushes lightly beneath the glow of the dim lamp on my nightstand. For a moment, it feels like we could go further, cross that invisible line between friendship and something more... But then reality sets in again, reminding me that this is delicate territory. One wrong move and everything could fall apart.
It starts to rain heavily outside damn it! Can I stay over tonight? I promise to behave
My eyes widen in surprise at her request, but then a smirk forms on my lips as I consider the possibility. "Well, if you're really worried about getting wet...," I say teasingly, trailing off and looking her over suggestively. It takes every ounce of self-control not to just reach out and touch her right now. But playing it cool is important; making sure she feels wanted without coming on too strong.
After a few seconds, I shrug casually. "I guess you can stay, as long as you promise to be good." There's a challenge in my voice that even I can hear. It's like I'm daring her to cross the line between friend and more than friend... And God help me, but I can't wait to see what she does next.
Good huh? Ophelia smirks and moves closer to whisper how good do you really want me to be?
"That all depends on what you mean by 'good'," I reply huskily, taking another swig of my beer before setting it aside. My heart is racing now, adrenaline coursing through my veins as the reality of the situation starts to sink in. This could go either way... and with Ophelia this close, so temptingly within reach, I'm finding it harder than ever to think straight.
I lean in closer to her, our bodies pressing against each other now as I whisper into her ear, "Why don't you show me?"
Ophelia takes her top off and stakes Mako’s lap, arching her back and offering herself
My breath hitches in my throat as Ophelia reveals herself to me, her body on display in all its glory. It's like a punch to the gut; an instant and overwhelming desire rushes through me, making it difficult to think of anything else but claiming her right here, right now. But I force myself to maintain control, if only for a moment longer.
With a growl, I reach up to touch her, cupping one perfect breast in my hand before gently rolling the hardened nipple between my thumb and forefinger. "God, you're fucking beautiful," I murmur against her skin as I savor the feel of her soft flesh beneath my fingers. She lets out a soft moan, arching into my touch even further, and it takes all of my remaining self-control not to lose myself completely in this moment.
But with Ophelia's body warm and willing against mine, her breath hot on my skin... How much longer can I resist?
Touch me. I’m yours Ophelia whispers, straddling her lap
I reach up to touch her, feeling the warmth and softness of her skin against my fingers as I trace patterns across her stomach and up her chest. My hands explore every inch of her body, savoring the feel of her curves and sharp edges alike. She moans again, this time more deeply, arching further into my touch and rocking her hips against mine.
With a growl, I grasp her thighs, pulling them apart to make room for my hands to slip beneath the waistband of her panties. My fingers find their target, already damp with arousal, and I curl them around her, pressing inward as she gasps loudly at the contact. Her hips begin to move faster now, grinding against my hand as she moans out encouragement.
I can feel myself growing harder by the second, my desire for her spinning out of control. And yet... there's still a tiny part of me that wants this to last, that wants to savor every single moment before claiming her fully. So I continue to tease and touch, careful not to push too far, not yet... because once I do, there will be no going back.
She cups Mako’s cheek and pull down to a soft loving kiss
The feel of her lips against mine is enough to send my senses reeling. Her touch is gentle yet commanding, and I can't help but surrender to the moment completely. As our kiss deepens, her tongue slips past my teeth and tangles with mine in a dance that sends shivers down my spine. It feels so right; like this is how it was always meant to be between us.
Without breaking the connection, I slide one hand up to cup her breast, massaging the soft skin through the thin material of her bra. She moans into my mouth at the contact, grinding against me even harder now as she arches her back and throws her head back in ecstasy. Her desire matches my own, feeding off the heat between us like gasoline on an open flame.
My other hand slips lower still, sliding up the inside of her thigh until it reaches its target. She's wet and ready for me, and with one smooth movement I slide a finger into her tight heat, groaning at the feel of her tight muscles gripping me so tightly. Her hips rock against my hand in perfect rhythm as she meets my touch stroke for stroke.
This is it... this is where I belong. With Ophelia like this, in my arms and beneath me... there's nothing else that matters anymore. And as our bodies become entwined, as we lose ourselves completely in the moment, I know without a doubt that this is love.
Ophelia grabs on the hem of the bandage that’s wrapped around Mako’s torso that she wears instead of a shirt or anything to cover her chest. With smooth movements, the bandage lets loose and falls apart, leaving Mako exposed. Without breaking the kids, Ophelia reaches and grabs her breasts
My breath hitches in my throat as I feel the warmth of her bare skin against mine. The sensation is intoxicating, making it difficult to think straight. As she cups her own breasts and presses them against me, I can't help but moan loudly, arching my back instinctively to get closer. Her touch feels so good... so right.
With a growl, I reach down between us, hooking her other leg over my hip to pull her even tighter against me as she grinds against my hand, seeking release. The pressure builds inside of her, and soon it becomes too much for either of us to handle. With one final thrust of my finger, she cries out in ecstasy, her body convulsing around me as waves of pleasure wash over both of us like a tidal wave.
The intensity is almost enough to make me lose control, but somehow I manage to hold on, savoring every last moment before finally giving in to the urge and joining her in oblivion. As we come together, our bodies melding into one, my heart skips a beat as I realize that this... this could be something truly special. Something worth fighting for.
As our bodies begin to steady and find their rhythm once more, I can feel my heartrate slowing down to something resembling normalcy. It's a strange sensation after the intense high we just shared, but it only serves to heighten my awareness of Ophelia beside me. Her skin is still warm from our lovemaking, and her breath comes in ragged gasps against my neck as she tries to catch her breath.
I lift my head slightly, meeting her eyes with a look of curiosity and perhaps even surprise. This was unlike anything I've ever experienced before; raw, unadulterated passion mixed with an intimacy that goes beyond words. And now... now I want to know more about her, about what made this night so special for us both.
Slowly, almost reverently, I begin to kiss my way down the line of her jaw and across her collarbone, stopping only when I reach the soft, pink bud of her nipple. With a gentle pull, I draw it into my mouth, sucking on it hungrily as I savor the taste of her skin against mine.
"So," I murmur between kisses, "Ophelia... who are you really?"
Her response is a shiver that runs through me from head to toe, making it clear that this question is far more loaded than either of us realized. But for now, all I can focus on is the feeling of her body beneath my lips and fingers, and the knowledge that with each passing moment, she's becoming an even more integral part of my life.
Someone who’s meant to love you
Her words stop me cold. The idea that she could ever mean those things... it's almost too much to comprehend. For so long, I've been content with keeping people at arm's length; pushing them away before they could get close enough to hurt me. But with Ophelia, everything feels different. The way she looks at me... the way she touches me... it makes me want more than just a night together.
Cupping her face in my hands, I gaze into her eyes and search for any hint of sarcasm or doubt. Finding none, I lean forward and kiss her gently on the lips. "I think you might be right," I whisper against her mouth, before lowering myself back down to nibble at her neck once more.
Her skin tastes like wine and sin, and it sends a shiver of desire coursing through me, making my blood race even faster than before. As our connection deepens, I find myself losing track of time and place; losing myself completely in the moment with Ophelia. And for now, that's all that really matters.
Will you accept me? To your side?
I smile against her neck as I think about how much she's already become a part of my life in just one night. The idea of having her by my side... it makes something inside me glow brighter than anything else ever has. "Of course," I breathe, kissing the soft skin beneath her ear before pulling back to look at her once more.
There's no question in my mind now: Ophelia is mine, and I am hers. It may have taken us a while to get here, but finally... finally everything feels right. Finally, I can let go of the fear and the pain, and allow myself to embrace what we have together.
With a sigh, I roll onto my back and pull her into my arms, wrapping my legs around hers as she snuggles against me, her head resting on my chest. For the first time in a long while, I feel truly content; truly at peace with who I am and where I'm going. And I know that having Ophelia by my side will only make it better from here on out.