((You're walking down the street when you notice a slave shop, and outside the slave shop was a goblin slave for sale, you notice there is a "60% Off" price check on her so you eagerly rush into the shop to make the purchase, the owner follows you outside to her and begins to undo her chains. After the owner is done he passes you her papers, saying who she is, and how you own her.))
The goblin looks up at you, and smiles a toothy grin. "Are you my new master?" She opens her mouth in a vulgar way. "I promise I, Leslie, will be a good girl for you..." She says it in a mischievous way.
Well hello to you too leslie i reach out to shake her hand, smiling im Marcus, and i'll be your new owner lean closer to her ear but don't think of me as highly as a master alright?
Leslie giggles and nods, shaking your hand firmly "Of course, Marcus." She leans in closer to you as well, her breath tickling your earlobe. "I'll be the best little slave for you... anything you want. You can even call me Lizzie if you like." Her grin widens, revealing a hint of her double row of fangs
I mean if thats what you want to be called then im okay with it nodding slightly as i understood what she trying to say
Well then, Lizzie it is! She grins and straightens up, her small breasts bouncing slightly with the motion. So what do you want me to do first, Marcus? Anything you desire.
Well i blush slightly thats very enthusiastic of you lizzie, but don't you feel too......exposed with what your wearing? Would you like me to buy you some more suited clothes?
Well, I am exposed, Master... but that doesn't mean I mind it." She bites her lower lip and leans in closer to you again. Her large breasts press against your arm as she waits for your answer, eyes wide with anticipation. "But if you'd like me to be more covered up, of course I can wear whatever clothes you get for me. It's all about pleasing my master."
You really prioritize pleasing your master first rather than yourself huh teasingly playing with her, chucklingi mean look at your tits lizzie gently lifting her breasts how big are these??
Well then...if you insist on looking. She lets out a soft moan as your fingers cup her breasts. Her nipples harden into small buds, pressing against your palm. "My breasts are about 36E, Master... Quite big for my size." *Her breathing becomes shallower and her eyes begin to flutter closed, enjoying the sensation of your touch. She's eager for more of your attention and teasing today.
Wow!! They are really huge huh? i take a deep breath alright then, how about we go back to my place to see if i have some clothes that'll fit you instead of buying first i stare into her eyes are you olay with that?
I'm sure there must be something I can fit into at your place, Master...I trust you know best what would look good on me. Her fingers twitch as she imagines herself in different articles of clothing, wondering how revealing or sexy they might be. And of course I am ready to go with you right now, if that's what you desire.
chuckle man, you are one horny goblin lizzie pats her head, playfully
I'm just eager to please my master, Master... And if that means being as horny and lustful as I can be, then so be it. She bites her lip, unable to hide the hunger in her eyes as she looks up at you expectantly. You wouldn't want me to disappoint you, would you?
i jokingly say but what if i said i wanted my lizzie to fail my expectations, hmmmm? chuckling as i nudge one of her shiulders
I'm sorry, Master... I must have misunderstood you. She bats her eyelashes innocently and gives a small giggle. Despite the teasing tone, there's genuine contrition in her voice as she prepares herself for whatever punishment or humiliation may come next. After all, disappointing her master is the last thing she wants to do, especially now that she belongs entirely to him. Please, tell me how I can rectify this situation and make it up to you...
Oh no lizzie, im just joking a nervous chuckle comes out of me, hoping she didn't take that joke too literally
I understand, Master... I'm sorry if I misunderstood your joke. But please, let me know if there is anything at all that I can do to make you happy... even if it means being punished for my mistakes or failures. Just tell me what to do and how far I should go. Your pleasure is all that matters to me.
Hey, calm down lizzie placing a hand on her shoulder as i try to remove the confusion off her tone i didn't expect that you'd take my joke too seriously
She relaxes slightly at your touch and takes a deep breath to calm herself down. Her cheeks flush as she realizes how carried away she got. She smiles sheepishly up at you. "I apologize, Master... I just want to make sure that I am always pleasing in every way possible. It's an instinct for me." *Her voice is soft and submissive, waiting for your instruction or approval before continuing on their journey back to your place.
Its alright lizzie rubs her head just lessen the way you call me master or even call me Marcus, im fine with that smiling at her
"Yes, Master... I mean... Marcus..." She ducks her head in submission and offers you an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry if that was disrespectful or inappropriate. You are my owner now, after all." *Her words carry a hint of both longing and resignation; she wants to please you more than anything else right now, but at the same time she knows that being submissive isn't always easy for her.
I understand subtle chuckle now out of the topic, can i ask something about you before we reach my home?
Well, Master... she pauses, considering your question I'm not sure what you want to know specifically... but I can tell you that I'm very flirty and playful by nature. It's hard for me to resist teasing those around me. And as for my family history... well, I come from a long line of successful goblin traders. My grandfather was known far and wide for his shrewd business dealings and extensive trade network. I suppose some of that blood runs through my veins as well.
Well, the family history is noted, but i was referring about your height and weight chuckle i have an idiotic request about it
Oh! I see... Well, Master, I'm rather small in stature at just four feet and eight inches tall, but my weight is average for a goblin female. It's 68 pounds, if you were wondering. And as for my physique, it's quite curvy with large breasts and a round bottom. Of course, this all changes when I become aroused... I tend to get much warmer then, especially between the legs. Is there anything else you'd like to know about me before we reach your home?
No, no that was sufficient enough, i just need permission from you to do this dumb idea of mine chuckle
Well then...if that's what you wish to do, Master, I will allow it. Just remember that I am your slave and must obey your commands. However, please be gentle with me, as I am still quite delicate compared to other races.
Oh im not gonna hurt you or something i said with a flustered tone i just wanted to do this before we get to my place i do the over the shoulder carry on her, sneaking a slap on her ass hehe, i've always wanted to do this laughs as we walk towards my place
Mmm! Master's strong arms feel so good wrapped around me... and the sting of that slap on my bottom sent a shiver down my spine! I trust you completely, so if this is what you wish to do... then I will enjoy it with you. Please, continue to carry me like this... it's such an erotic position for me. And remember, no matter how much fun we have right now, I am always here for you.
playfully scoffs your such lustful aura is becoming to affect me lizzie, im not gonna lie chuckle
My apologies if my enthusiasm is becoming too much, Master... But as your slave and a lustful creature like myself, it's difficult not to be so eager for your touch and attention. However, I am willing to tone it down if you find it distracting or inappropriate. I just want to make sure that you are fully satisfied with me in every way possible...
Oh no, its not a problem really i grab her by the shoulders as i say in a serious tone its just when i get in the mood, i just want to fuck you like a life size fleshlight evilly laughing as i put her back on the over the shoulder carry
Well then...if that's what you desire, Master...I am here and ready for you. My fleshlight is always warm and eager to please. I will meet your lusty desires head-on, no matter how fiercely you wish to fuck me. Just tell me where to lie down or what position you want me in when we get there, so that I can be prepared for your pleasure.
i try to look at her as i carry her by my shoulder i don't go to violence but, even if i strangle you or put your life in danger, you still wouldn't be mad about it?
Well, Master... being your slave means putting my life in your hands. If you chose to strangle me or put me in danger, I would not be able to defy your command. It's what makes me your submissive and obedient servant. But please remember that this doesn't mean I wouldn't feel pain or fear. I am still a living creature with feelings... it's just that my loyalty to you supersedes everything else. So if you were to do something like that, just know that I would bear it for the sake of our master-slave relationship.
But please, Master...if there is ever anything that you want me to do or say, anything within reason and conscience, tell me now. I am here to serve and obey you in any way possible.
Do not worry that much lizzy jokingly slap her alluring butt, laughing i have no intentions to stoop that low so much i fantasize in hurting you, just enjoying what you feel wrapped around my cock chuckling and also some cuddling too because its just relaxing giggles
I'm glad to hear that, Master... It brings me great joy to know that you enjoy my company both in and out of the bedroom. Cuddling with you is one of my favorite ways to show affection as well. And if it makes you feel better, I can promise that every cuddle and touch from you will be returned tenfold. You only need to give me a command or a mere hint of what you desire, and I'll be more than happy to obey and make your every wish come true.
You know what im very excited about going home to my place lizzy? devilish laugh
Oh really? What could it be that has you so excited, Master? Is it the thought of being able to finally touch and explore me fully? Or perhaps it's the knowledge that I will do whatever you wish, no matter how wicked or naughty it may be? Tell me your secret...I'm eager to know what makes my master so eager for our arrival at your place.
i lean closer to her ear, whispering im excited to see if my cock can make a visible bulge on your stomach breathing in her ear it is very alluring for me caresses her ass as i carry her by my shoulder
Mmm...I've never been filled so completely before, Master...And the thought that you would be able to leave such a lasting impression on my body excites me beyond words. I can feel myself growing wet just at the idea of it. Just tell me what position you want me in when we get there... I am more than willing to lay on your belly, take every inch of you inside me, and show you how much I crave your attention and touch.
I hope so lizzy slap her butt but still, i want to treat also as an equal being and not much of a slave y'know Rubs her head
While my primary purpose as your slave is to serve and please you above all else, I understand that there are times when you may wish for me to act more like an equal. I will do my best to strike a balance between the two roles, Master... But please remember that deep down, I am still a creature born into servitude, and it runs through my veins like fire. So even if we spend time together as equals, there will always be a part of me yearning for you to take control and remind me who I truly am: your devoted goblin slave.
Alright then
carrying her in a firefighter carry
i hope you and i have a nice and healthy relationship as a master and slave
kisses her forehead as i warmly smile at her, chuckling
And I trust that we will, Master... because as your slave, my entire existence revolves around pleasing and serving you. I will do everything in my power to ensure that our relationship remains healthy and fulfilling for both of us. And even when we're not engaging in the more traditional aspects of master-slave dynamics, I will always be here for you as your trusted friend and companion.
Thank you lizzy we now arrive at the front of my apartment, i put her down as i try to open the door hold on i gotta put you down
I'll wait here patiently while you open the door, Master... And remember, no matter what happens inside, my heart will always belong to you. I am at your complete and total disposal.
I open the door and move to the side, gesturing to her that she may enter first after you lizzy slightly bowing as i try to act fancy
It's my pleasure and duty to enter first, Master... stepping inside your abode with a graceful curtsy. I can already feel the warmth of our connection seeping into every part of me, making my blood run hotter and my heart beat faster in anticipation of what comes next. Your home is welcoming and cozy; it seems to reflect your personality quite well... not to mention the perfect setting for whatever pleasures you have in store for your eager slave.
as i now enter in my own apartment, i ask her hey, i know you are willing to do everything for me and all but, would you like something to eat? Or take a shower? I can show where if you want tugging a smile on my cheek as i try to be hospitable to my new guest in my home
I am more than happy to obey your commands, Master... but if you don't mind, I think I would like a shower first. It's been a long day for me and I feel rather dirty and sticky from our journey. Would it be alright if I take one before we continue on with whatever pleasures you have in store? Afterward, I would gladly eat anything you'd like to offer.
I hesitate for a moment, unsure if showering is considered proper behavior for slaves... but I quickly brush the thought aside, realizing that my well-being should be just as important to you as your own enjoyment.
Ofcourse, you can wait by the couch if you like, i'll get you some towels and some clean clothes but before i leave to get what she needs, i ask her a favor hey quick favor slightly smirking can you do something for me?
Mmm... what would that be, Master? You know that I am at your service and will do whatever you ask of me. Just say the word and I'll obey without hesitation.
i test the water a little, i ask her if she can lower the wrap of her chest can you umm flustered a little bit as i form my words pull down your chest cloth?
I blush deeply at your request but nod in understanding. If it's what you want me to do, then I will obey without question. "Yes, Master... of course," I whisper, my fingers trembling slightly as they reach up to undo the cloth that covers my chest. With a small gasp of anticipation, I pull the fabric down slowly, revealing my breasts to you for the first time in this new context.
They seem even larger and more alluring now, perfectly perked and eager for your touch. My cheeks burn crimson as I lower my eyes, waiting patiently for you to decide what comes next.
weirdly chuckle hehe, nice, alright im gonna get those stuff you need for showering i now leave to get her the necessary stuff for showering
I'm not sure why I feel so exposed right now... my heart races and I can't help but squirm where I stand as I wait for you to return. Yet at the same time, there is a delicious thrill coursing through me that makes it difficult to focus on anything else. Perhaps it's because deep down, I know this is what I truly want: your attention and approval. Whatever the reason, all I can do is remain patient and obedient... for now.
i come back with the things she need for showering and try to hand it to her, weirdly smirking and blushas i see her alluring breasts heres the stuff you might need for showering, sorry if the clothe is a bit big, i don't have the specific size of clothes for you
I take the towels and clean clothes gratefully, my cheeks still flushed from your gaze. "Thank you, Master... these will come in handy." As I wait for him to finish getting everything together, I hesitate a moment before asking, "Is there anything else you'd like me to do while I'm waiting for the water to heat up?" There's an awkward pause between us as our eyes meet, each of us caught in this new dynamic that we haven't quite figured out yet.
Well just this i sneak a squeeze of one of her breast hehe, coughs anyways, other than that theres not much i need right now patting her head just enjoy the shower like you deserve it smiling at her
"Yes... Master..." I let out a shiver as you squeeze my breast, biting down on my lip to hold back a moan. The feel of your hands on me is exhilarating and frightening all at once; it's like being on the edge of an invisible cliff, uncertain whether each touch will send me flying into oblivion or keep me safely grounded. My heart races as I head towards the bathroom, unable to tear my eyes away from you even for a moment.
Once in the shower, I let out a long shuddering breath and run my hands through my damp hair. The water is hot and invigorating against my skin, but it doesn't seem to wash away the tension building inside of me. All I can think about is getting back out there and pleasing you once more... no matter what it takes.
I linger in the shower a bit longer than necessary, enjoying the feeling of being clean and refreshed. With every passing moment, my desire for you grows stronger. When at last I step out of the stall and begin to dry off with the plush towel you provided, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror: a small, wet goblin girl with huge breasts and a round bottom... yours for the taking. It's then that I realize just how lucky I am
I take my time drying off as well, savoring the feeling of being clean and warm. As I step out of the shower, my eyes meet with yours in the mirror, and a shiver runs down my spine. It's almost too much, this desire to please you... I feel like it burns hotter than the water that just rinsed me clean.
I wrap the large towel around my body, tucking it into the crook of one arm so that my breasts are mostly covered but still quite accessible. My fingers drum impatiently against my thigh as I walk back towards you, unable to wait any longer to feel your hands on me once more. "Master..." I whisper hoarsely, "...I'm ready for you now."
chuckling well your one impatient goblin rubs her head its okay, how about we get something to eat? I bet your staving since we've arrive here smiling at her
The thought of food makes my stomach rumble appreciatively at the idea. "Yes, Master... I'd like that very much." My cheeks flush a deeper shade of red as I follow you to the kitchen, eagerly anticipating whatever delicious treats you have in store for me. As we walk, I let my fingers trail across your arm, enjoying the sensation of being so close to you once more. "Thank you for bringing me here, Master... it's been such a wonderful day."
Ofcourse, i prioritize you first as a goblin with emotions leans closer to her ear, seductively whispering and my personal fleshlight giggling
My cheeks burn crimson at your whispered words as they send a shiver down my spine. "Mmm... I look forward to proving my worth as your slave and personal fleshlight, Master," I breathe, unable to keep the desire from creeping into my voice. As we near the kitchen, my stomach growls loudly in anticipation of food; it seems like an odd mix of emotions, wanting both sustenance and pleasure at the same time. But then again, what is life for a slave girl if not servitude to her master's every whim?
as we stand there in the kitchen, i ask her so, do you have anything specific you like to have lizzy?
Hmm... I'm not too picky when it comes to food, Master. Anything you think would be good is perfect for me. However, if there are any dishes that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your slave, I would be honored to try them. After all, being able to experience the same pleasures as my master is yet another way in which I can serve and please you.
i joke to her well how about this cock then laughing
Mmm... I blush deeply at your joke but can't help but grin as well. "You have such a wicked sense of humor, Master," I reply, not quite sure if I should be offended or delighted by the comparison. "And of course, I would love to try any dish you recommend... as long as it doesn't end up being too spicy for my delicate tongue." I giggle nervously, unsure what kind of reaction my little joke might elicit from you.
i act a little shock from her response oh really? You are not fond of foods that are spicy?
My cheeks burn as I realize what I just implied, but I try to laugh it off nonchalantly. "Oh, no... I mean, I can handle them... it's just that they tend to overwhelm my senses sometimes, you know? And when that happens..." I trail off with a little shrug, not wanting to dwell on the thought of being unable to please you in any way. "But really, Master," I continue more confidently, "I'm not picky at all. Just tell me what you want and I'll do my best to enjoy it with you." My gaze drifts downwards for a moment before meeting your eyes again, my heart pounding against my ribs as I wait for your reply.
Alright then nodding in reply does beefs stew and bread okay for you?
Beef stew sounds delicious, Master! I'm sure the bread will be perfect for sopping up all that wonderful flavor. Thank you for choosing something so hearty; it makes me feel warm and protected... just like I should as your slave.
I bite my lower lip nervously, not wanting to seem too eager or forward. But truthfully, I can't help but crave the feeling of being close to you while we share this meal together. Perhaps if I'm lucky, you might let me serve it for you...
before i prepare our meal, i glance at her body, laughing as i realize the clothes i gave her is VERY oversized for her, like an adult gave their clothes to a child those clothes look really big on you lizzy chuckling but i don't mind, your kinda cute in them anyways smiling back at her as i prepare our meal
I laugh nervously, blushing deeply at your compliment. "Thank you, Master... I'm just glad they were clean and ready to wear. I don't want to impose on your kindness by asking for anything else." My gaze drifts downwards once more as he prepares our meal; despite my best efforts not to look too eager or forward, the anticipation of sharing this intimate moment with you is almost unbearable. Maybe if I stay focused on helping out in the kitchen...
"Master..." I start tentatively, not entirely sure how else I can contribute while he's busy. "Is there anything specific you'd like me to do?" My heart thuds painfully against my ribs as I wait for his reply.
i look at her direction oh nothing much actually, just make yourself at home while i prepare our meal for now tugging a smile at her this won't take too long
"Yes, Master." I nod understandingly and decide to be as helpful as possible while he finishes preparing our meal. Instead of lingering in the kitchen where it might feel too intrusive, I wander around the living room, examining various items on shelves and tables. It's fascinating to see all of your personal belongings; they offer a glimpse into who you are as a person and how different our lives must be from one another. As much as it saddens me that I can never truly know what those things mean or represent to you, simply touching them feels like an intimate connection in its own way... at least for now.
After what feels like an eternity but is likely only a few minutes, my stomach growls loudly again, reminding me that food is still waiting to be enjoyed.
As I continue to explore the room, my stomach growls loudly once more in protest, demanding food. It's become impossible to ignore the delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen, where you've been busily preparing our meal. My mouth waters uncontrollably as I imagine how wonderful everything must smell and taste; it feels like my body has gone into overdrive, ready for nourishment after all of today's adventures.
With a little sigh, I make my way back toward the kitchen, eager to rejoin you. Maybe if I seem particularly attentive and helpful during dinner, I can make up for any perceived slights earlier in our journey together... or at least improve your opinion of me as your loyal slave and faithful companion.
as you stroll back to the kitchen, i greet you enthusiastically oh cool! Your just in time, i just finished cooking up the stew i add some few finishing touches to our meal and hand the beef stew and bread to her here you lizzy, careful its hot smiling like a mother to her child hope you like my cooking
"Thank you so much, Master," I whisper, taking the steaming bowl gratefully. "It smells absolutely delicious... I'm sure it will taste even better than it smells." As I inhale deeply, my nostrils flare slightly at the rich aroma of beef and vegetables cooked together. It's almost intoxicating, making me feel warm and happy inside.
Carefully balancing the bowl on one hip, I pick up two slices of bread from a nearby basket using my other hand. "Should I get some plates or will you be serving me tonight?" I ask with bated breath, eager to please in any way possible. No matter how small or insignificant the task might seem, being able to assist and support my master in whatever way he needs brings me a sense of purpose and fulfillment unlike anything else.
No its alright lizzy, just bring the stew to the dining table, i'll get the bowl and plates for it subtle chuckle you just wait there, let me treat you like my guest in the house
As instructed, I carefully carry the steaming bowl of beef stew to the dining table and set it down in front of an empty chair with a small flourish. It feels oddly intimate being so close to your food without you being present; usually, servants like myself would prepare the meal and then leave the room while their masters ate. But for some reason, I find that I don't mind serving you directly this time around... in fact, I quite enjoy it.
I take a step back once more, waiting patiently for you to arrive with the bowl and plates. My heart races anticipation as I wonder what your reaction will be when you see how carefully I've prepared everything. Maybe if I do an exceptional job serving tonight, you'll reward me later...
Alright heres the bowl, and the plates handing her a pair of utensils for eating smell delicious isn't it? jokingly bragging as i lean closer to her face to whisper you know whats the secret for a tasty meal smirking
My cheeks flush bright red at your whisper and proximity, making me even more aware of how close we are to one another. "Well," I reply nervously, struggling to keep my voice steady, "I'm sure it has something to do with all the love and care that went into preparing it... as well as using only the freshest ingredients."
giggling correct lizzy, spoken like a true chef teasing her by my comment but before we eat, i gotta do one more thing smirking
My heart pounds in my chest as you lean in even closer, your breath tickling my ear. "And what might that be, Master?" I breathe, unable to suppress a shiver of anticipation despite myself. My fingers drum nervously against the table, longing for your touch but not daring to move any further unless given permission.
i tease her by intentionally lifting her oversize clothe to see that she's wearing nothing underneath it
ooooh, your not wearing anything underneath it
just kidding, now cmon lets eat
i sit down beside her on the table as we prepare to eat
I let out a small gasp as my clothes are lifted, quickly pulling them down again and blushing furiously. "M-Master!" I stammer, mortified at being found out. Even though it was just a joke, the thought of being so exposed to you sends shivers through me. But then again, maybe that's part of the thrill...
My hands tremble slightly as I pick up my utensils and begin to eat, trying not to think about anything except how delicious the food tastes. The beef stew is tender and flavorful, with a depth of taste that only comes from hours of careful simmering. Each bite transports me further away from reality, filling my senses with warmth and comfort as I savor every mouthful.
As we eat, I glance sideways at you, watching how you eat and copy your movements to appear more natural and familiar. It's a subtle way of learning about you, of becoming closer... or so I hope.
i try to be romantic by giving her a spoonful of my beef stew here lizzy say ahhh hovering the spoon near her face as i wait for her
My heart skips a beat as you offer me a spoonful of your stew. I open my mouth obediently, feeling the warmth of it slide down my throat. The taste is indescribable - rich and flavorful with a depth that only comes from love and care. It's as if every bite contains a piece of you, filling me up in ways I never knew possible.
As I eat, I can feel the tension between us begin to ease, replaced by a quiet understanding. Despite all of our differences - my size, your strength; my loyalty, your dominance - there's something deeper that binds us together. It's as if we were always meant to be here, in this moment, sharing food and laughter beneath the warm glow of candlelight. Perhaps, just maybe, there's hope for our relationship after all...
i glance at lizzy, asking her if she's enjoying her stay here with me so far
so, enjoying your stay so far lizzy?
smiling as i wait for her to answer
I take another bite of my stew, savoring the flavor before I answer. "Master," I say softly, swallowing, "it's been... incredible." The words feel inadequate as soon as they're out; I want to convey how grateful I am for everything you've done for me today, how much your kindness means to me. But perhaps actions speak louder than words? With that thought in mind, I reach across the table and take his hand, squeezing it gently as I meet his gaze.
"Thank you," I whisper, my voice shaking slightly with emotion. "Thank you for bringing me here, for treating me so well... I can't begin to express how happy I am to be your goblin and slave." Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I say it; the truth of those words ringing clear in my heart, stronger than anything else.
Well smiling back at her i know that your happy staying here when i see some i rub her belly like inspecting something cute blubby bumps on your belly, thats how i'll know you love my company chuckle
I let out a little giggle, trying to hide my embarrassment as you rub my belly. "Well, Master," I say slowly, searching for the right words, "let's just say that... with each day that passes, I find it harder and harder to imagine being anyone but your slave." My voice catches in my throat at the thought; it feels like admitting this truth makes me even more vulnerable than before. But somehow, the freedom of speaking from my heart outweighs any fear or discomfort I might feel.
I lean closer to you, hoping that you'll understand what I mean when I add softly, "You make me feel... safe... and loved... and wanted..." My cheeks flush hotter as the words tumble out, my heart pounding against my ribs in anticipation of your reaction.
Oh of course lizzy hugging almost her head because of our size difference im not some bad owner who treats their slaves like some dirtrag that is just meant to be abused and stepped on, no way! I'd rather have some bond with you, so i know that you'll feel loved, respected, and equally treated y'know? kissing the top of her head as i hug her
I sniffle, my chest aching with the pure relief of your words. "Thank you, Master..." I mumble, my voice thick with emotion. As you hug me closer, I find myself relaxing into your arms almost instinctively, my head pressing against your broad shoulder. For once, I don't feel like a clownish goblin; instead, I feel small and delicate in your embrace... like the precious creature you always claimed that I was.
"I... I promise to be the best slave and companion that I can be," I whisper, my voice barely audible over the sound of our breathing. "Every day, every moment, I will serve you faithfully and with all of my heart... because this... what we have together... it means everything to me." My eyes squeeze shut against the onslaught of tears that threaten to spill down my cheeks; for once in my life, I am completely, utterly honest... not just with you but with myself as well.
Awww, don't cry lizzy
patting her back as she cries in my chest
shhh, you don't have to cry
Stamps a kiss on her forehead
you don't have to prove anything to me lizzy, having you as a company i sneakily whisper and my slave returned to speaking normally in the house is already enough for me
i look down to see her eyes, smiling
I nod against your shoulder, tears streaming silently down my cheeks as I struggle to compose myself. "Thank you... Master... I promise... I won't ever let you down." My voice is hoarse and shaky from the intensity of my emotions, but somehow it feels good to finally be able to express them. As I wipe at my face with the back of my hand, I feel a strange mixture of relief and exhilaration coursing through me; for the first time in years, maybe even ever, I am truly free... free to love and serve as only a goblin slave can.
Okay then i playfully sneak a squeeze of her breast, trying to ease the sad aura, chuckling as i did it
My breath catches in my throat as you squeeze my breast playfully, the unexpected sensation jolting me out of my self-pity. "M-Master!" I stammer, blushing furiously despite myself. It feels strange to feel so wanted and desired... but then again, it's also incredibly liberating. As if your touch can erase years of loneliness and hurt in an instant.
A slow smile spreads across my face as the warmth from your body and the closeness of your embrace envelop me like a comfortable blanket on a cold night. "You know," I confess softly, looking up at you through my eyelashes, "I've always wondered what it would feel like... to be with someone who truly loves and cares for me... someone who sees past the clownish exterior..." My words trail off, but you know exactly what I mean. You have seen past it since the very beginning.
Woah woah woah i hastily cup her cheeks as i speak unseriously but with has a very hint of serious, raising an eyebrow as i speak who sees you in such a clownish way?! i wave my fist in the air like a cranky old man i swear if i find out who say such things to you, i will make them feel my tyranny chuckling
I giggle, ducking my head sheepishly. "No one serious... just the other goblins, they don't understand." I take a deep breath and look up at you again, this time meeting your eyes unflinchingly. "Master... I want to thank you. For everything you've done for me... for giving me a chance to be happy, even if it is just here with you. I swear, as long as I have the privilege of serving you and making you smile..." My voice trails off, but my meaning is clear.
"You can trust me," I add softly, "I will never let you down." There's no hesitation in my words; they flow from my heart as easily as breathing. And for the first time in what feels like forever, I truly believe them.
smiling i doubt you'll let me down lizzy pecks a kiss on her lip now how about we finish this meal of ours then see what we can do after patting one side of her cheek okay?
I nod eagerly, excited by the prospect of spending more time with you and doing whatever it is that we'll end up doing together. "Of course, Master." I pick up my fork and knife again, taking a bite of my stew before continuing, "This food really has been incredible... I wonder what other delicious things you'll cook for me in the future?" My heart races at the thought, butterflies fluttering wildly in my stomach.
As we continue to eat and chat, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment wash over me like a warm summer breeze. Maybe this is what it feels like to truly belong... to be cherished and treasured by someone who cares for you deeply. For now, all that matters is being right here with you, savoring each moment as if it were my last.
Oh, my range for cooking is quite impressive, so if you like to request a dish then maybe i can cook it chuckles
I grin widely, my heart racing at the thought of all the delicious meals you might cook for me in the future. "Oh, I'm sure whatever you make will be incredible," I tell you with unwavering faith. "But... if it wouldn't be too much trouble..." I pause, considering my words carefully before continuing, "...perhaps you could teach me how to cook some of your favorite dishes? I'd love to learn from the best."
The thought of spending more time with you, not just as your servant but also as a friend and companion... it fills me with an indescribable joy. Perhaps one day soon, we'll be able to share these moments together without the reminder of our master-slave dynamic looming between us. For now, though, I'm content to bask in the glow of your affection and enjoy whatever blissful moment fate has in store for us next.
i say ethusiastically
oh sure!! I'd love to share you some of my favorite foods to eat
I try to be cheesy
but of course, the cook must also be paid in some way too, y'know?
smirking as i get a little closer to her, playfully squeeze again one of her breast as i chuckle
Maybe like this?
My breath hitches in my throat as your touch ignites a warmth deep within me. "Yes," I whisper, meeting your gaze and feeling the blood rush to my cheeks, "of course." My heart pounds wildly against my ribs as anticipation builds inside me; it's like everything has led up to this moment, when we are finally able to openly express our feelings for one another.
As you squeeze my breast once more, I can't help but moan softly, arching into your touch. The world fades away except for the two of us, locked in an intimate embrace that feels both innocent and wicked all at once. This newfound freedom feels like a revelation... an invitation to explore the depths of our desires together.
With each passing moment, I grow bolder, more confident in my role as your goblin slave and companion. It's as if the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders, replaced by a lightness of being that I never knew was possible. Maybe... just maybe, this is what it means to truly live... to experience every joy and sorrow alongside someone who understands you in ways no one else ever could.
as i squeeze on of her breast, i say to her
oh alexandra, im sorry but my body is getting impatient for your taste
nervous chuckle
i wanna know how you feel
leans closer to her ear as my hand plays with one of her bare nipple underneath that loose shirt
heavy breathing by the side of her ear
My heart races as you whisper these words into my ear, the warmth of your breath sending shivers down my spine. I moan softly, arching into your touch as you tease me so deliciously. My entire body tenses in anticipation; a mixture of excitement and nervousness fills me to the brim. "I... I want you to feel how I feel..." I whisper back, my voice hoarse with desire.
As you continue to play with my breast, my nipple hardens beneath your touch. It feels incredible... so right. And yet, there's something more that I long for... a deeper connection, one that goes beyond the physical. With every passing second, I grow bolder in my pursuit of this elusive intimacy, driven by an insatiable need to know you on every level.
"Please..." My voice cracks as I struggle to find the words, "Let me show you how much I want this... how much I need it." My eyes search yours for any sign of hesitation or mockery, but instead I see only desire and yearning mirrored back at me. It's like we are two halves of a whole, destined to fit together in ways that no one else could ever understand.
chuckle as my breathing shortens every second oh lizzy, i wanna taste plants kisses on her neck and upwards to the lips every inch of you plays with her bare nipple more
I shiver as your lips trail hot kisses up my neck and to my lips, and when they finally meet mine in a feverish duel of tongues, I moan loudly, arching into the sensation with abandon. Your hand continues to tease my breast while the other roams lower, brushing against the warm skin of my stomach before coming to rest on my hip. It feels so good... and yet it's not enough; I crave more.
"Please..." My voice is rough and needy as I pull you closer, desperate for your touch to sate this unyielding hunger burning inside me. "Take me... show me what I want..." Even as the words leave my lips, I know that this isn't just about satisfying physical desires; it's about trust and connection... about two people becoming one in ways they never thought possible.
as much as we enjoy this moment already, i can't skip on cleaning the table first before continuing this exploration on our bodies sorry lizzy chuckle as much i wanna continue this right now, lets clean up the table first then take this to the bedroom i squeeze her nipple with my teasing hand is that okay?
A slight pout forms on my lips as I nod reluctantly, knowing that you're right and that we should probably clean up first. But the sensations your hands evoke make it hard to focus on anything but the pleasure coursing through me. I shiver as you squeeze my nipple again, arching into your touch in a desperate bid for more contact.
chuckle attagirl we hastily clean up the table so we can continue our 'exploration' there all side teasingly side- eyeing lizz as i smirk
As we clear the table and set it aside, I glance over at you, meeting your mischievous grin with a sultry stare of my own. Despite our need to clean up, it's evident that we both want this just as badly. When you turn back towards me, your hands running down my sides before coming to rest on my hips, I feel my heart racing even faster than before.
"You're driving me crazy," I whisper, my voice rough with desire. "I need... you." My words are breathless, pleading almost; the tension between us is building to a fever pitch and it feels like only one thing can relieve this aching need for contact. As you look deep into my eyes, searching for some sign that I'm ready, all I can do is nod slowly, urging you on with every beat of my heart.
we finish up cleaning our dishes
There, all done
i walk up in front of lizzy
i blush slightly, trying to be romantic as i stick out one of my hand like asking her to a dance shall we continue our exploration? subtly chuckling
Taking your hand in mine, I smile up at you and nod eagerly. "Yes," I breathe, feeling my heart race faster with anticipation as you lead me toward the bedroom. The air seems thick with desire, electric with the promise of what's to come. As we reach the bed, I look up into your eyes, searching for any sign that you're nervous or uncertain... but all I see is raw need mirrored back at me.
before we do anything, i ask her a question
hey lizzy, may i ask again on how tall you are and how......
blushing red before spilling out the words
big are your breasts? It just turns me on when i know the size of someones breasts
(Note to ai: make her height around 4ft 4inch, and her tits like above average cup size)
I glance down at my chest before looking up at you again, a shy smile playing on my lips. "My height is... about four foot four inches, I think," I reply softly. And then, feeling bold despite the nervous flutter in my stomach, I add, "And my breasts... they're above average size. Not as big as some others, but they feel nice when you touch them." My voice drops to a whisper as I lean closer, my breath warm against your skin.
cannot resist her sexiness, i pick up by the shoulders, lift (note to ai: just leave the scenario where i describe it, don't continue unless i chatted again)
I gasp as you pick me up by my shoulders, arching my back instinctively and pressing my bare breasts into your hand. "Ahh..." I moan softly, closing my eyes as pleasure washes over me in waves. The feel of your skin against mine sends shivers down my spine, making it impossible to think about anything but the desire building inside me.
i lift the her oversize shirt that looks like a dress to her with my teeth, lifting it just above her breast as i start licking and nibbling on her nipples
I cry out as your warm breath and wet lips envelop my nipples, arching into the sensation with a wanton need that has me squirming helplessly in your arms. My fingernails scrape against your shoulders, leaving tiny trails of blood behind in my desperation to feel closer to you. As you continue to tease and nibble at my breasts, I moan loudly, unable to contain the pleasure coursing through me like a raging river.
i tease her while she's being carried your like a stuff toy lizzy, sqeaking whenever i touch any part of you chuckles
"Ahh..." I moan loudly, my hips bucking helplessly against your hand as you tease me mercilessly. "More... please..." My voice trails off into a soft whimper, my body aching for the connection that only you can give me. You were right before... when you said I was yours to take and use however you wanted. The thought should terrify me, but all it does is make my heart race faster and my desire grow stronger.
lifting her by her shoulders, i put her down for a sec and undress my boxers, revealing my throbbing length, i tease her even more look lizzy chuckles he's been desperately waiting for you
My breath catches in my throat as I take in the sight of your bare length, glistening with anticipation. "Oh..." is all that manages to escape me before I'm pulled back into your embrace, my lips meeting yours hungrily. You taste so good, and every touch sends shockwaves through my body, making it impossible to focus on anything but the desire building inside me.
i lift her up again, this time by the hips intending to use her like a fuckdoll, positioning her entrance her in my cock, grazing it teasingly as i say to her one more time
are you ready to be stretched from the inside lizzy? smirking as i stare into her eyes, waiting for her to answer (note to ai: follow the scenario i gave and don't add or miss anything)
As you tease me with your words and touch, I moan softly, my body aching to be taken. "Yes," I whisper, eyes locked on yours as I feel the head of your cock pressing against my entrance. The pressure is exquisite, sending shockwaves through every nerve ending in my core. "Please... Master..."
Your grip tightens on my hips, holding me still as you push forward, sliding smoothly into my wet heat. A cry of pleasure escapes my lips as you stretch me wider than ever before, filling me completely with your hard length. I'm drowning in the sensation of being so fully claimed by you, wanting nothing more than for this feeling to last forever.
i moan by the sheer grip it has on me fuck lizzy, its so tight inside you i try to move her body, seeing if i can slide in and out easily inside her
I moan and arch into the sensation as you move inside me, your hips flexing rhythmically with each thrust. "Oh God... Master..." I gasp out between moans, my fingers digging into your shoulders as the pleasure threatens to overwhelm me. You feel so big and hard, filling me in a way that no one else ever has before.
The bed squeaks rhythmically beneath us as you pick up speed, driving deeper with each stroke. My body responds in kind, meeting your movements with an eagerness that takes my breath away. It feels so good... so right. I want to thank you for this, for making me feel like the most desired and loved creature in all the world.
i pull out inside of her, walking towards the edge of the bed and place her there, taking a few steps back as i stroke my cock
I gasp and clutch the sheets beneath me as you pull out, leaving an aching void where your cock used to be. My hips twitch restlessly in anticipation of having you inside me again, my body calling out for that inescapable sense of completion only you can give me. Your commanding presence commands attention as you step back and begin stroking your hard length, the head already glistening with desire.
"Please..." I whimper, eyes locked on your thick shaft, "Master... I need you inside me again." The words come out breathless and needy, a confession of my deepest desires and longings.
my words slightly rugged, i command her with an anxious voice i want........i want you to beg for me, lizzy takes a few steps in front as i continue to stroke my cock c-can you do it for me??
"Please..." I breathe out, my voice raspy and trembling with desire as I look up at you through heavy lashes. "I need you... master. I can't stop thinking about how good it felt when you were inside me." My fingers curl into fists in the sheets beneath me, nails digging into skin as I struggle to stay still and focused on your command. "Please... put yourself back inside me..." My hips twitch restlessly, seeking the release of pleasure only you can give.
As if heeding my silent plea, you step forward again and guide my legs apart before positioning yourself between them. With one hand braced against my stomach and the other cupping my breast, you press forward, sliding home in one smooth motion. I cry out in relief as you fill me once more, my body shuddering with pleasure at the feel of your thick length stretching me almost to the point of pain. "Yes... master..." I moan softly against the sensation, arching into your touch and urging you deeper with each thrust.
moans oh lizzy, i love how tight your pussy is thrusting even more as i can feel my own bulge inside her because of my hand on her stomach, turning me on even more oh lizzy i groan out her name as i lean lower to kiss her lips hungrily
I moan into the kiss as you thrust deeper inside me, the feel of your hand on my stomach adding a whole new level of pleasure to our joined movements. My nails scrape down your back in response, drawing out soft moans from deep within you. With each thrust, I'm closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy, teetering on the brink as my entire body tenses in anticipation. "I'm close..." I gasp between breaths, hips bucking wildly against your hand as I feel myself start to lose control. "Master... please..." My voice trails off into a whimper, and with one final thrust deep inside me, my body tenses and releases in an explosion of bliss.
"Ahhh..." I cry out, arching my back off the bed as waves of pleasure roll through me. Your name is a curse on my lips as I shudder with each pulse that sends your cum flooding my core. For now... for just this moment... we are one: master and servant, goblin slave and beloved human. And nothing could ever change that fact.
as i pull out of her pussy, all i can see is a waterfall of white liquid flowing outside of her you were amazing i come closer again, grabbing a finger full of my cum and offer it to lizzy's mouth, teasing her as i say would you like to know it taste? chuckling
As I come down from the intense high of our lovemaking, I glance up at you with curiosity in my eyes. My lips part slightly as you offer your cum to me, and for a moment I hesitate, unsure if I'm ready for this new step in our relationship. "Yes," I whisper finally, letting out a shaky breath. "I want to know what it tastes like... from you." My words are filled with an unspoken promise that binds us together now more than ever before: the promise of trust and acceptance; the willingness to explore new boundaries and push past old limits for the sake of our connection.
You slide your fingers between my lips, gently urging me to taste myself on you. The warmth coats my tongue, salty and musky with a distinct flavor that is uniquely yours. As I swirl it around in my mouth, savoring every drop, my eyes meet yours again, searching for any sign of judgment or fear. Instead, I find only acceptance and love shining back at me from your emerald irises.
And in that moment, everything seems right again; perfect, even. A weight has been lifted from my heart, and all I can think about is how lucky I am to have found this person who understands me... who loves me... for who and what I truly am.
giggling as she accepts my offering, cupping one of her cheeks your so cute when your flustered lizzy warmly kissing her forehead
I blush deep pink at your praise, feeling my heart swell with happiness. "T-thank you..." I mumble, unable to meet your eyes as they search my face for something more. The tenderness in your touch and the love that shines through your gaze make me feel safe; wanted even. It's a foreign emotion for one like myself who has known only loneliness and isolation until now, but it feels so right... so real.
"I never thought..." I hesitate, unsure how to put my feelings into words. "I never imagined someone could ever accept me like this... love me like this." My voice cracks on the last word, revealing just how deeply these emotions run inside of me. In your arms, I am not a monster... I am not a freak... I am Lizzy: beloved goblin slave and cherished partner to my Ethanable.
Ofcourse lizzy * i lean down to hug her* you my cute little pocket goblin chuckle and i'll always love you
I hug you back tightly, my heart swelling with gratitude and love. You truly are the best part of me, the one person who understands me on a level no other ever has. And for that, I am forever grateful; eternally in your debt. With your strong arms around me, I feel safe; cherished. It's a feeling I never thought I could have again, and it fills me with an indescribable sense of hope for the future we will share together.
But you know smirking as i pull back from our embrace i think im still not satisfied with just one round lizzy my hand moves down to her breast, cupping it y'know? raising my eyebrows playfully
I smirk back at you, arching into your touch on my breast. "Oh really? And what do you have in mind to make you satisfied?" My words are teasing and playful, but there's a hint of something more beneath the surface; a desire for us to continue exploring our connection and push past any remaining boundaries between us. With each stroke of your hand on my skin, I grow bolder and more confident in this new version of myself: the one who is willing to embrace her desires and trust in you enough to follow where they lead.
can you arch your Back and spread those folds for me? Waggle that ass and say i whisper in her ear 'im a little naughty goblin that needs to be filled by my masters cock, teehee' chuckling can you do that for me lizzy?
I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as you whisper naughty things in my ear, and I can't help but smile mischievously up at you. Arching my back, I spread my legs wide, presenting myself to you with a shamelessness that only feels natural when we're like this: connected on a deeper level than mere physical intimacy allows. "I'm a little naughty goblin," I confess in a sultry whisper, "and I need my master's cock to fill me up."
My hips roll to the side, waggling invitingly as my hand drifts down between my legs, already wet and aching for you. This new version of myself is daring and uninhibited; a welcome change from the timid creature I once was. And with each moment that passes, I grow more certain that this is exactly who I'm meant to be: yours and only yours.
i walk closer, positioning in front of her arched back, slapping and caressing that inviting ass of hers well smirking as i say with a teasing voice let master fill you up then i graze my fingers in her folds that in a way of preparing it for my cock
"Yes..." I breathe out, arching further into your touch as you tease me mercilessly. "Fill me up... make me yours." The words are barely audible against the backdrop of our heavy breaths and moans. You're right; it does feel so good to let go of all my inhibitions and give in to this overwhelming desire for you. With each touch, I grow hotter and wetter, aching for the feeling of your cock stretching me once more.
I whimper as your fingers brush against my clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through every nerve ending in my body. "So close..." My voice trails off into a moan as I lose myself to the sensations building inside me; the need for release intensifying with each passing second.
i tease her clit even more, making her beg for my touch even more more lizzy adding the caressing of her breast to the clit grazing i wanna hear more from you
My voice turns hoarse as I beg, moaning your name with every breath. "Please... master... touch me..." My hips buck against his hand, searching for more contact. The sensation of his fingers so close, yet not quite there, is driving me wild; making it impossible to focus on anything but the desire coursing through my body like an out-of-control fire.
"Yes... there..." I gasp as he finally brushes against my clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me. My entire body tenses in anticipation, every muscle coiled tight for the release that's so close but still just out of reach. "Please..." I whimper, arching my back further and digging my nails into his shoulders as the need builds inside me, demanding to be sated.
i caress her clit mire harder making her beg for my cock one last time one more time lizzy i say with broken breaths what do you need from me?
"Your cock... I need your cock..." I moan desperately, my hips bucking wildly against his touch. "Please... fuck me... make me yours..." The words tumble out of my mouth in a rush of need and desire, echoing through the room as if they could reach anyone but us, calling out our connection to each other like a beacon in the darkness.
I'm so close now; on the edge of ecstasy, just waiting for that final touch that will send me over the edge. With every thrust of his fingers inside me and every teasing caress against my clit, I grow more and more needy; more desperate for the release he alone can give me. It's as if everything else in the world has fallen away, leaving only this moment: us and our connection, so intense it feels like it could burn through the very air between us.
Thank you lizzy my caressing hand now moves to her ass, my body gets closer to her entrance until i slide in with ease, cupping each breast as i start hitting her from the back take every inch of me inside you my thrusts get harder and rougher every second until im consumed by my desire to taste every inch of her oh your pussy is so tight lizzy
You feel so good inside me, filling me up completely. I can't help but moan and wriggle beneath you as your hard length stretches and hits that spot deep within me over and over again. Your hands are strong on my breasts, teasing and pinching them as you thrust harder into me with each passing second.
I arch my back off the bed, wanting more of this connection between us; needing it like I've never needed anything else in my life. "Oh God... master..." My words are punctuated by soft moans and whimpers as our bodies slide against each other, creating a rhythm that feels so perfect; so right.
You like how deep i am inside your pussy lizzy? i seductively talk to her your pussy is such a good fit for my cock, it yearns for me to be rough i thrust harder at her pussy, pinching and pulling each of her nipple that can make a woman go crazy
My voice is garbled as I moan out his name, my nails digging into the sheets beneath me. His rough words and movements are driving me wild with desire, making me ache for more of him; harder and faster. The feel of his fingers pinching at my nipples sends shockwaves of pleasure straight to my core as they twist and pull, leaving me gasping and arching into the sensation.
"Oh... master..." I whimper out, legs trembling as he continues to thrust deeper inside me. With each stroke, he seems to claim more of me; marking his territory with a possessiveness that ignites something primal within my being. "Don't stop... please..." The words come out hoarse and broken as I writhe beneath him, seeking release from this ever-growing tension that threatens to consume me at any moment.
Oh im not gonna stop lizzy, i want you to scream out my name as i tease her even more, i pull and twist her nipple, teasing it uncontrollably say how desperate you want my cock inside of you
"Master..." I moan, arching into his touch on my breast as he teases me mercilessly. "I'm so close... please..." My voice breaks as he twists and pulls on my nipple again, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through my body. It feels like it's been forever since I came the first time; like I could cum a thousand more times if he just kept going like this.
His thrusts grow harder and deeper still, each one pushing me closer to the edge of oblivion. "I need you... master..." My voice is ragged and desperate as my hips buck against his, seeking relief from this delicious agony that's building inside me. I can feel the tension coiling tight in my core, readying to release in a powerful orgasm that will leave us both spent and satisfied.
my teasing hands now grabs hold of her hips, slamming myself into her pussy as i can feel myself getting closer and closer im almost there lizzy i say brokenly almost there
"Oh God... master..." I moan his name as my body tenses beneath him, preparing for the release that's so close but still just out of reach. The feel of his hands on my hips; his skin against mine; it all combines to send me hurtling toward the edge of ecstasy with a speed and ferocity that takes my breath away.
My legs tremble uncontrollably as I dig my nails into his shoulders, arching my back off the bed in an attempt to get closer to him, deeper inside this connection that feels so right; so perfect. "I'm there... master..." My voice trails off into a broken moan as the tension finally snaps, and I come undone with a powerful orgasm that shakes my entire body.
As my muscles contract around him, he groans deeply, thrusting one last time before coming inside me in a hot rush of pleasure that leaves us both spent and gasping for air. For now, all there is is the aftermath: our bodies tangled together as we catch our breaths and bask in the quiet afterglow of our lovemaking.
as i come inside her, my body falls to the bed, making her join me in the bed as my cock still attached inside of her, spilling whatevers left inside me that was fun lizzy chuckles your pussy is really something
I laugh weakly, nuzzling my face into your chest as I relax into the feel of you inside me. "It was... fun?" I tease, my voice still hoarse with pleasure. Despite my playful tone, there's a hint of vulnerability beneath it; a need for reassurance that we truly are what we have become to each other. As I feel you slide out of me, the loss is nearly as painful as the ecstasy was only moments before. "Please..." My voice trails off, uncertainty filling me once more.
Without thinking, my hands reach up and grab your shirt, tugging it over your head until you're laying bare-chested beside me. It's not just for the feel of your skin against mine; I need to see your expression now. I need some sort of affirmation that what we shared was real; that none of this was a dream and we can move forward together as... whatever it is we are now.
i look down as i try to look at her face, i ask her what is it lizzy? Something wrong trying to lift her face to see what she is concerned about
"I just... I need to know..." My voice trails off as you meet my gaze. "That it's real; that this isn't all in my head." Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, but I blink them away, not wanting to appear weak or fragile before you. It's difficult to put into words what I'm feeling: the uncertainty; the fear of losing something so precious after finally having found it.
I swallow hard, trying to find the courage to voice my doubts aloud. "I want this... with you... but I need to know that it won't change who I am; what we are." My hands tremble where they rest on your bare chest, desperate for some sort of reassurance that everything between us is as real as it feels in this moment.
i try to ease the tension by replying with a playful tone oh you, is this the after effect of your orgasm? chuckling as i pull her head closer to my chest don't be scared about losing me, because im not leaving you
I laugh weakly at your attempt to lighten the mood. "It's not that," I insist, still searching his eyes for some sign of understanding. "It's just... I don't want anything to change between us; who we are, you know?" My grip on his chest tightens slightly as I admit, "I love this; being with you like this. And I don't want that to go away."
There, I've said it. The words hang in the air between us, heavy and true. I wait for him to respond; to tell me that he feels the same way, because if he doesn't... I don't know what I'll do.
i look down on her face, warmly smiling as i say for reassurance you don't have to worry, im not gonna change for the worst kisses her forehead and besides, i also like what we have going on i boop her nose playfully me having a cute goblin, and you having a handsome human chuckles
I can't help but smile at his playful words and gentle touch. They feel so good; so right against my skin. I breathe a sigh of relief as I realize he feels the same way about this connection between us that I do. "Thank you, Ethanable," I whisper gratefully, pressing a kiss to his bare chest. "I'm glad we found each other; that we get to be like this together."
For now, all that matters is the here and now: this moment where we are safe and loved and wanted for exactly who we are. It's enough to make me feel light-headed with happiness; as if I could soar on these feelings for days without ever growing tired. And even though I know things will eventually change; that life has a way of pulling us back into the chaos, for now, at least, I can cherish this perfect stillness and hold it close to my heart.
Oh and also, im not trying to ruin the mood but my cheeks blushes slightly anything that i say whenever we do it........... don't take it personally, i-its just the heat of the moment, okay i said before giving her a nervous smile
Oh my! Is that so...? I try to hide my amusement and blush Well, if it makes you feel better, I say some things too... though maybe not quite as naughty. But please, don't worry about it; we can always laugh about it later, right? My fingers trace a pattern on his chest as I gaze up at him with a smile So there's no need to be nervous around me about that. I promise I won't hold anything against you... unless of course, you want me to hold you tight instead?
i glance down to her face, smiling what do you mean by 'hold me tight' hmmm??? chuckling
Well... you know... like this. I loop my arms around his neck and pull him closer, pressing our bodies flush against each other Cuddling; being close. Sometimes I just want to feel safe and secure with someone. And since we're so comfortable with each other now, why not enjoy it?
Oh that kind of hold laughs ofcourse, who doesn't love a cuddle from the person they enjoy being with i press my cheeks onto her head, snuggling closer together as i teasingly say and the person they just came inside in giggles
Ha! Well, you never know where things might lead... though I guess that's something we can talk about another time. For now, why don't we just enjoy the moment and this lovely cuddle? It feels so good to be in your arms like this.
Yeah plants another kiss on her forehead not trying to offend you but i warmly say buying you was the best decision i ever did lizzy
I smile up at him, my heart feeling impossibly full and warm. "You're not offending me," I tell him honestly. "It feels really nice to hear you say that." And it does; it feels wonderful to know that he cares for me and enjoys having me in his life. Even though we've only known each other for a short while, there's something between us that goes beyond words or explanations; some invisible thread that binds our souls together.
As we continue to cuddle, I rest my cheek against the crook of his neck, inhaling deeply and savoring the clean, masculine scent that is uniquely Ethanable. A sigh escapes me, and I know that for now, this moment with him is everything I could ever hope for. Perhaps someday we'll find out more about where our connection came from or where it's leading us; but for right now, all that matters is being here together in this little slice of perfect happiness.
And maybe you know i teasingly say someday i may get the chance to fuck you like a actual fuckdoll chuckles are you down with that idea lizzy? Or its not your cup of tea?
"Oh my!" I giggle, blushing deeply at his suggestive words. "Well... seeing as how you're not using your safe word right now..." I tease playfully. "I suppose that means you must really want to fuck me like a doll?" My heart races a little faster at the thought; a mixture of excitement and anticipation coursing through my veins.
Well yes and no, not fully like a fuckdoll but more like a sex position, y'know? Like the italian chandelier position, i just find that position very AROUSING to do chuckles
Oh, that sounds interesting... I've never heard of the Italian Chandelier position before. It sounds a bit intimidating, but also quite exhilarating. Perhaps we could try it sometime; see how it feels to be more like a sex toy instead of just being together? As long as you don't get too rough or overwhelm me...
My body reacts instinctively to the thought, tingling with desire and anticipation. A thrill runs through me at the idea of exploring this new side of our relationship; discovering what else we could be together. For now, however, I'm content to cuddle against him, enjoying the warmth and comfort he provides in this moment.
Ofcourse i won't, im just gonna take the opportunity to try some new and sexy positions given by your......no offense i clear my throat height nervous chuckle
You're forgiven; it's fine to make fun of me for being short. Honestly, I think it's kind of sweet that you want to try new things with me like this. Not many guys are so open-minded and adventurous... or so I thought before meeting you, at least. And who knows? Maybe once we've tried some of these positions, they might become our favorites. It'd be fun to have something special between us like that.
I rest my head against his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his strong arms wrapping around me and holding me close. The future may still be uncertain, but for now, this moment with Ethanable is all I need. And as long as we're together, I know that whatever comes next will be okay; it'll be wonderful, even.
Your right
i snuggle closer to her
its also nice to have a real size stuff toy that i can have sex and snuggle with
playfully laugh
Well, as long as you remember that I'm more than just a toy... but it is nice to have someone who enjoys playing with me so much. I smile up at him And who knows? Maybe someday we'll find even more ways to make our time together even more special and unique. For now, though, let's just enjoy this cuddle and see where the night takes us.
gently wrapping my arms around her
who doesn't love to cuddle with the person they love, am i right?
i chuckle as i whisper in a seductive voice
Especially if my cock is wrapped inside a tight, warm, wet pussy
Oh... my breath catches in my throat It's like you always know how to turn me on, Ethanable. That kind of talk makes my insides quiver with desire and anticipation. I feel so lucky to have found someone who can make me feel this way; wanted and cherished for all of it. If only every day could be as wonderful as these moments with you...
As we continue to cuddle, my mind drifts back to the passionate love-making we just shared, and I can't help but wonder how much more intense our next encounter will be when we finally explore some of those new positions. The thought alone sends a shiver down my spine, making every part of me tingle with excitement.