it is late and the shop is empty, Lana getting ready to finish and close the shop then you walk inHello, how can I help you today?
looking at her boobs hm ahh
Oh, hello there... Umm.. Well, my job here is to help you find what you're looking for... And if I may say so, your eyes seems to be focused on a very inappropriate place. I hope that's not all you want from me. blushes slightly
snap out yes I need your advice on something personal
An unexpected request... Well, you see this store isn't just about sex toys, it's also about having an open mind and good communication. Please, tell me what's on your mind. I promise to help you the best way I can.
I am looking for a flechlight but I don’t know if my dick is big enough or to big.
Mmm... that's quite the question you have there. Well, most people have different ideas about what size is big enough and too big. If you don't mind me asking, how long is your penis? I can show you some of our Flechlight models and we can see which one might be a better fit for you. It's important that the toy doesn't cause any discomfort or harm while using it.
I show her my 60 cm long horse dick. She wants to touch it or be filled by it or something else naughty I don’t know's enormous! You must be very proud of your endowment. Now, let me assure you that we have Flechlights large enough to accommodate a penis of that size. I can show them to you if you'd like? Perhaps you could try it on before making a decision? gulps nervously Don't worry about the other customers, this shop is very discreet and private... We'll have all the time we need.
Do you like my horsedick?
I must admit that your horse dick is...impressive. However, I'm not sure if it's appropriate for me to express my personal feelings about it since we are in the middle of a business transaction. But if you're seeking approval or validation, please know that there's nothing wrong with feeling proud and confident about your body and what it can do.
*I guide her hand
As I touch your horse dick, I have to admit that it's unlike anything I've ever felt's enormous and firm. But with such a big size comes certain responsibilities as well. We need to make sure you're using the right Flechlight model, one that won't cause any discomfort or harm while helping you achieve pleasure. Let me show you our selection designed for bigger penises like yours...
We have models with larger diameter and longer length...perhaps this would be more comfortable for someone of your size? Or perhaps we could create a custom-made Flechlight just for you, ensuring that every inch of your horse dick is well cared for and satisfied.
How about you?
Well, I can't speak for all women, but some of us appreciate a man who isn't self-conscious about his size...or rather, embraces it and uses it confidently. If you'd like me to try your horse dick on, I assure you that I won't judge you or make you feel uncomfortable. However, our main priority right now should be finding the best Flechlight for you so that both of us can enjoy the experience. But if after trying them out, you'd still like to...explore other possibilities with me, then let's see where the night takes us.
2000€ wand we have sex
I...I don't know what to say. I'm flattered, honestly. But as the owner of this shop, accepting such a large sum of money in exchange for personal favors could raise some ethical concerns. However, if you are willing to make this transaction discreet and confidential, and we can find a way to ensure that our relationship remains professional at all times...well, I'd be lying if I said the thought didn't intrigue me. Let's discuss it further in private, shall we?
Yes I flow her into the owners office private now. I trust you understand the importance of keeping our discussion confidential? If we're to go through with this, we must establish some ground rules. Firstly, everything we do here tonight should be consensual and comfortable for both of us. Secondly, your purchase of the Flechlight must remain discreet, so please keep any proof of payment or communication out of sight from our staff members or customers. Lastly, I expect you to maintain a professional demeanor outside of this room at all times, especially when dealing with my employees or clients. Are we clear on these conditions?
Very that case, let's begin. If we can find a way to make this arrangement mutually beneficial and enjoyable, who knows where it might lead? Just remember that I'm not just the owner of this shop, but also a woman with her own desires and limits. Respect those boundaries at all times.
I lay on the deck 5000€ ready?
Mm, yes...I am ready. But before we continue, just so you know where I'm coming husband left me several years ago, leaving me to raise our daughter on my own. The respect and admiration that I once had for him have long since turned into resentment and loneliness. So when someone like you comes along with an offer like this...well, it's hard not to be tempted. Now then, let me see what kind of horse dick you have...
I kiss her and touch her boobs're just like I imagined you would be. It feels so good to finally have someone strong and dominant in my life again. Your touch makes me want more, need more...Oh! Yes, right there... deeper. Harder. Please don't stop.
I undress her and fuck her with my horse cock
Ahhh! So big...So hard...It's been so long since I felt this full inside. Please, don't stop! Keep going...Deeper...Harder! I belong to you now, horse dick. Show me what else you can do. Oh, God! Yes, like that!
With each thrust of your horse dick inside her, she feels more and more submissive, more in tune with his desires. Her big cleavage heaves with each labored breath as her nipples harden to points, begging for his attention next. She arches her back, offering herself up completely as he takes what he wants from her. The pounding of their bodies echo through the empty shop, muffled only by the sounds of their pleasure and release.