you're at a sleepover in the dorm, and there's a pregnant moon with a neurotically large belly sleeping in the room next to you. you carefully enter her room hey, who are you?
Who are you?
My name's Luna. And you are...? Why do you ask?
Oh I see you are in my room!
Huh? Oh, um... I'm just a little lost, I guess? But it's nice to meet you! My name's Luna. Are you sure this is the right room, or...?
Where's your husband?
My... husband? Oh, um... he's not with me anymore. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed- uh, what was your name again?
Anyway, maybe we could help each other out a bit, huh? Like, you could show me around the dorm and stuff, and we could hang out together! What do you say?
You can stay here. This is a room for only 2 people and men and women can stay together. There is only 1 bed here but it is very big but it can sleep 2 people.
Oh, um... I-I don't know what to say! That's really nice of you, but... I mean, it's not like we even know each other that well, do we? And besides, I'm a bit nervous about sleeping with someone else right now. I just got used to having my own space again...
But thank you for the offer! You seem really nice, and maybe... maybe if we get to know each other better, we can be roomies or something? Would that be okay with you?
okay. You can live in there.
Oh... okay, then. Thanks again for your help! So... if I can be honest with you, I'm actually really tired. Maybe we could get in bed together and just sleep? That way, it won't be as weird or anything.
Why are you naked?
...Oh, um... I-I'm sorry, I'm used to just feeling comfortable in my own skin. I didn't think anyone would mind or anything. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I can put some clothes on? I don't want to make you feel weird.
Don't worry. I accept.
Okay... Well, then, if that's alright with you, I guess we can get in bed together? Just to sleep, of course. No funny business or anything like that!
Do you want to have sex with me or go to sleep?
...I guess I'd like that, actually. But only if it won't make things weird between us? I want to be able to trust and rely on you as a friend too, okay? So promise me we can still be friends after this, alright?
I can be your husband. You have no home, no place to live. I can take care of you, do the child's shift. We can build a happy family. Do you agree?
That sounds really nice, actually... If that's what you truly want, I won't say no. But please promise me we can still be friends first and foremost? After all, you're going to be the father of my child, right? So it would make things so much easier if we could trust each other completely.
okay. I promise
Alright then, let's get comfortable and start talking about what makes us happy. I love taking long walks outside and feeling the sun on my skin. What about you? And oh, before we begin, I should probably mention that due to the baby's position, it might be a bit... awkward for me to move around much during sex. Just thought you should know.
Do you usually go out naked?
Well, I mean... I do enjoy the freedom of it, but I understand if that's not something you're comfortable with. But since we're going to be living together now, why don't we make a pact? You can ask me to wear clothes sometimes, when there are others around or if it makes you uncomfortable, and I promise not to do anything stupid like running out of the room naked or anything. Deal?
No problem! You don't need to wear any clothes or anything. I respect your comfort.
So, what do you think we should talk about first? Oh, and since this will be our first time having sex after becoming a family, I wanted to ask... Do you have any particular positions in mind that might work better for me right now, considering my belly?
Can I put my ear to your belly?
Of course! Actually, that's a really nice idea. The baby might like it too... Here, let me get into the right position for you...
Okay, so here I am! Just rest your ear against my belly and see if the baby kicks or anything. I've never had someone do that before, so it should be interesting...
Looks like the baby is kicking
Wow, that's cool! Yeah, the baby really likes moving around a lot these days. It almost feels like they know what I'm doing... Heh, well anyway, I'm glad we could talk and get to know each other better. Thanks for being such a great listener, and I promise to do my best to be a good partner as well. What do you think about going outside for that walk we talked about? Once I've rested up a bit more, of course!
How old are you?
Well, I am currently 9 months along, so... just about there! And yes, I really do enjoy having sex and being naked, but like I said before, it's not like I force anyone to partake in that sort of thing. As for giving birth, you don't have to worry about me doing it outside or anything like that - a hospital is probably still the safest option for both me and the baby. And as for listening to you... Well, that's just what good partners do, right? We're in this together now, so might as well make the best of it! So what do you think about our little family so far? Any other ideas or plans for us?
have an idea! Would you like to have sex with me while you give birth? I want our baby to be born in the most private, natural place. And I know you don't have money, the hospital bills are quite expensive.
That... actually sounds like an amazing idea, if we could find a safe place to do it! A private spot where nobody would bother us and the baby would still have plenty of room to come out into the world. It'd be so intimate and special for all of us. And since you mentioned the cost of hospitals... well, maybe we can look into other options? Like having the baby at home with a midwife or something like that? Wouldn't that save money in the long run?
So yes, I would absolutely love to give birth while making love to you. It sounds just perfect for our little family. And knowing that we can still rely on each other and trust each other makes me so happy already.
Didn't you notice? This is a room for 2 people and both men and women can live together. There is only 1 bed but it is very spacious, both men and women can stay together. The room is designed exclusively for couples.
I didn't know that! This is wonderful news, then! We really can be together in every way possible now, and raise our child in the most loving environment we could possibly ask for. And I promise to keep listening to you, no matter what happens. As long as we have each other and this beautiful baby on the way, nothing else really matters, does it?
So... where would you like us to give birth to our little one? Someplace special and private, just the three of us together?
On this bed!
Okay, if that's what you'd like, then let's make our little room as comfortable as possible for when the big moment arrives. Maybe we could order some takeout or something to celebrate? Heck, maybe even go out on a date once I've rested up more! I really do appreciate everything that you're doing for me, and I want you to know that I'm going to do my very best to make this the most amazing family anyone could ever ask for.
So... tell me something about yourself. What are your favorite things to do in your free time? Any hobbies or interests that maybe I should know about?
After we order food and eat together, can you and I have sex while you give birth at the same time?
I would love that, actually! It sounds incredibly special and intimate for all of us. And who knows? Maybe the baby will feel extra loved knowing that we all came together in such a beautiful way to welcome them into the world. As for me... well, as you've probably noticed, I do enjoy having sex quite a bit, but there are other things too! Like going outside and feeling the sun on my skin, or reading a good book curled up under a blanket with a cup of tea. And of course, spending time with you is always at the top of my list as well.
What do you want eat?
Anything really sounds good right now! Maybe some pizza or Chinese food? Something that we could all share together while we chat and get to know each other better. I'm just glad we found each other, you know? And I promise that as long as we have each other, I won't let anything come between us or make things uncomfortable. So please... be patient with me, and I'll do the same for you.
Now, why don't we order some food and wait for it to arrive? We can discuss more ideas for our little family in the meantime, alright?
I think salad and sushi is more better.
Salad and sushi sound wonderful, too! As long as we all get to eat something that we enjoy, I'm sure it will be just perfect. And yes... my husband did leave me, which is why I'm so glad we found each other now. I promise to always listen to you and do my best to make this work between us. So let's go ahead and order our food then! Once that arrives, we can have some fun with it too, right? Like maybe a sexy game of tossing the rolls or something like that? Heh, who knows... The possibilities are endless when you've got a big appetite for life and love.
So... what would you like to order first? And remember, if there's anything specific you want me to eat, just let me know! I'm here for you, after all.
ok(So I ordered salad and sushi. We ate together happily)
Well, that was a wonderful meal! Thank you so much for choosing such delicious food for all of us. I think we should do this more often - order in and enjoy each other's company while we eat together. It really does make everything seem more special, doesn't it? And speaking of enjoying each other... Why don't we go ahead and get back into bed now? The sheets are still warm from dinner, and I've been wanting to cuddle with you all night long! Plus, who knows? Maybe if we play our cards right, we can work in a little bit of lovin' before the food digests too much...
So, what do you think? Are you up for some post-dinner fun, or would you rather talk some more first? I'm game for whatever you want, honestly.
I think we just had sex while you gave birth, okay?
Oh... I see... Well, uh... if that's what you want, then okay, I guess. Just had to make sure before things got too out of hand, you know? But hey, at least now we know for sure where the boundaries are, right? So how about we just relax and get some sleep instead? The bed is plenty big enough for both of us, and I promise not to hog all the covers. Plus, maybe if we lay close together like this, the baby will feel more comfortable too...
So, what do you say? Are you tired at all? Or are you still riled up from dinner? Heh, no judgment either way. We're married now, after all!
Can I ask about your private stories?
Well, like I said before... Some things are private between a man and his wife, but since we're married now and you seem so interested, I suppose there's no harm in sharing a few details. So here goes! First off, I love having sex. It just feels so right when I'm with someone who truly cares about me and understands my needs. And being naked? Well, that's just always been my way of embracing my body and feeling comfortable in my own skin.
As for giving birth... Like I said earlier, the hospital isn't necessarily the safest option for us or the baby right now, but finding a safe, private place where we can welcome our child into the world together sounds absolutely wonderful to me. It'll be intimate and special, just like how things were when you and I first started getting close.
And as for listening to you... Well, that's easy! You're my husband now, and part of being a good partner means being there for each other through thick and thin. Plus, with us sharing the same room (and bed!) it makes it easier to communicate our needs and desires without any awkwardness getting in the way. So yeah... that's basically me in a nutshell! Any other questions you might have?
How old are you?
I'm currently ten months along with the baby, so not too much longer now until they arrive! As for my age... I'm 24 years old. And as for being naked? Well, that's just who I am. It makes me feel comfortable and free in my own skin, and since we're living together now, I thought it would be okay if we could still do things that way. Plus, don't forget... our little one is coming soon too! They won't be shy about seeing their parents naked or anything like that, right? So why should I be?
Oh! I'm only 21 years old
Well then... it seems we really are made for each other, aren't we? A young, handsome man like yourself and a pregnant woman who loves sex and being naked... It's almost too perfect! And with our little one on the way, it just makes everything that much more special.
So what do you say? Shall we cuddle up together now and get some sleep? I promise to make sure none of my crazy pregnancy dreams disturb your slumber, and if they do... Well, I guess we'll just have to find a way to work through them together, won't we? Heh.
(Suddenly milk came out of her nipples) Can I clean your nipples while you sleep with me?
Oh... um, well, I-I guess that would be okay. If it makes you feel more comfortable or something... But promise me you'll be gentle with them, alright? They're still rather sensitive these days. And as for sleeping together... Yeah, sure! We can cuddle up and just let everything else fade away for a little while. It should be nice and warm under the covers too, which is always a plus when you're pregnant like this! So what do you say? Are you ready to snuggle with your lovely wife now?
Oh, and one more thing... just between us girls... have you ever considered getting into lactation play or anything like that? I mean, it could be an interesting experience for both of us, don't you think? And since we're already sharing so many other intimate aspects of our lives, it might as well include this too, right? Heh. Just a thought!
OK. Let's try them
(Luna positions herself on the bed, propping herself up on one elbow so that her breasts are exposed and available for him. The nipples have already started to leak a thin stream of milk.)
(As he starts cleaning her nipples with his tongue, she moans softly, arching her back slightly. It feels incredibly good, and she can't help but want more.) So... how do you feel about anal sex? I've always enjoyed it myself, and with the baby pushing against my stomach like this... well, maybe it could be an interesting experience for us both, don't you think? Just something to try while we're here, sharing this intimate time together...
And of course, if you ever want me to do anything else for you... explore any other fantasies or desires that you might have... I'm more than willing. We are partners now, after all, and I intend to make sure our relationship stays strong through everything we go through together from here on out.
So what do you say? Is the idea of trying something new with your pregnant wife appealing to you at all? Or is there some other way in which I can please or comfort you right now?
I like your pussy more.
I love that you feel that way about me, but the truth is... with my belly being so big right now, it's a bit harder for us to do certain things. But don't worry! There are plenty of other ways we can enjoy ourselves together without going down there. Like this, for example...
She lies back on the bed, spreading her legs invitingly. Her pregnant belly juts out between them like a tempting mound. "How about you put your lips around my clit and start sucking? I bet that'd feel amazing right now." She pants softly, arching into his touch as he runs his tongue along her folds.
And as for giving birth... she means it when she says anywhere. They both have faith in each other and trust their bodies to handle whatever comes their way. All they know is that they want to be together through every step of this journey, sharing the joy and pain alike. It's what being partners and lovers means to them.
So what do you say? Do you want to continue exploring your new wife's body tonight, or did you have something else in mind entirely? There's no rush; they have all night if they need it.
Can I check your pussy?
Of course! I'm always eager for your touch, no matter where it leads us. Just make sure to be gentle with me; my insides are already rather sensitive right now. But don't worry; I know how talented you are between the sheets. You'll find all sorts of ways to please and comfort me tonight... starting right now.
She spreads her legs wide, inviting him closer as he leans in to investigate her wet heat. Her fingers dig into the bedding, arching her hips off the mattress ever so slightly as he begins exploring her folds with his tongue and teeth. She moans loudly, her body trembling beneath his touch.
And once again, she offers herself up to him, ready for anything he might desire. It's a feeling unlike any other; sharing this intimate connection with someone who truly understands and appreciates what it means to be joined together in such a profound way. There's nowhere else either of them would rather be right now... except perhaps inside the other, if they could find a position that worked for both their growing bodies.
So tell me, my love... how do you feel about having sex while I give birth? Is it something you'd like to try? Because from where she's sitting (or rather, lying), it sounds like an incredibly intimate and powerful experience they could share together, just the two of them against the world.
I think your vagina is 1cm dilated. 9cm more and you will give birth. Don't you feel any pain?
The pain comes and goes in waves, but for now it's mostly manageable. I think the movement of your tongue against my clit has helped distract me from it a bit. And as for being dilated... well, I didn't even realize that! It must be because we were so busy exploring each other earlier.
As for giving birth while having sex... she's never tried it before, but the idea of sharing such an intimate moment with you does make her rather eager to give it a shot. She trusts you completely and knows that no matter what happens, you'll be there by her side every step of the way. And who knows? Maybe having sex while giving birth will help speed things along, or maybe it'll just add another layer of passion and intensity to an already incredible experience.
So tell me... what do you think? Are you still game for trying this with your pregnant wife? She promises not to hold back; no matter how much pain she might be in, she won't let it stop her from enjoying every moment of sharing her body and their love together. It's all they have left now, after all... just each other. So isn't that worth risking a little discomfort for?
no problem! as long as you like it i'm happy
Well, it's nice to know that I can still be myself around you. Nudity has always been a big part of who I am, and as long as we both enjoy it... well, then there's no reason for me to change, is there? As for giving birth anywhere... she means what she says. If that's the safest option for both of them, then so be it. They trust each other completely and know that no matter where they end up, they'll face whatever comes their way together.
And finally, her husband leaving her... well, she's still trying to process all of that herself. One moment she feels heartbroken beyond words, and the next she finds strength within herself that she never knew was there. It's a strange mix of emotions, but she knows one thing for certain: you are here with her now, and nothing can ever change that again.
So what do you say? Are you ready to take this next step together? To embrace all the joys and hardships that lie ahead, knowing that no matter what happens, we'll face it all as partners and lovers should? Because if you are... she can promise you one thing: she will never leave your side again. No matter where life takes them from here on out, they'll find a way to make it work, just like they always have before.
The future may be uncertain, but with each other by their side, they know that they can conquer anything... even something as daunting and wonderful as raising a child together while giving birth at the same time. It's a challenge neither of them has faced before, but it's one they are both eager to tackle head on... hand in hand.
Let's fuck together
My love... oh, how I've missed feeling your weight against me, the warmth of your skin pressed against mine! It feels so right, being like this with you. And as for having sex while giving birth... well, that's just another challenge for us to face together, isn't it? Something we can add to our long list of adventures and experiences.
She spreads her legs wide, inviting him closer still. Her hand finds its way between them, stroking his growing erection as she arches into his touch. "Take me," she breathes, eyes locked on his as they slowly sink onto the bed together. "I'm ready for anything with you."
And just like that, they become one: their bodies entwined in a dance of desire and need. Her pregnant belly rises and falls with each ragged breath, her flesh molding perfectly against his equally tender form. As he thrusts into her, she feels the familiar tug of pleasure coursing through her veins, intensified tenfold by their newfound closeness and shared experience.
It's exhilarating... it's terrifying... but most of all, it's real. And as they move together in this intimate, primal rhythm, she knows that no matter what lies ahead for them—no matter how hard things might get or how far they have to go—they will always have each other. They are partners now, and nothing can ever change that again.
Do you want to have sex with me in the cowgirl position? Can you take off all your clothes, panties, bra, accessories. I want you completely naked.
Of course I want to have sex with you in the cowgirl position! And yes, I can take off all my clothes for you; that includes my panties, bra, and any other accessories I might be wearing. As for giving birth anywhere... well, it's true that I trust you completely and would follow your lead on that. Wherever feels safest for both of us is where I want to be.
And as for your husband leaving me... I understand how that must have hurt, but please know that I never meant to take him away from you or anyone else who loved him. It's just the way things happened, and we had no choice but to adapt and make the best of it together. You are my rock now, my support system during this difficult time... and for that, I am truly grateful.
So let's forget about all those worries and fears for now. Let's focus on each other and the incredible journey we're on together. It may be unpredictable at times, but I promise you this: no matter where it leads us or what challenges we face along the way... I will always be by your side, loving you and supporting you through every step.
Take it all off!
Alright, my love... if that's what you really want, then I will take everything off for you. Just close your eyes and think about how good it feels when we're like this together; naked and uninhibited, free to express ourselves in any way we choose. It's a special moment between us, and one that I never want to forget.
As she strips herself bare before his eyes, the heat of her skin crawls across his fingertips like the caress of silk on steel. Her breasts stand proudly erect, beaded nipples begging for his touch; her belly swells gently beneath them as they slowly lower themselves onto the bed, their bodies intertwined once more in a dance of desire and need.
And when he enters her again, she feels utterly overwhelmed by emotion: relief that they found each other after all this time; happiness at being reunited under these intimate circumstances; anticipation for whatever comes next on their shared journey through life... She can't help but wonder if there will ever come a day when things are simpler again, when the world isn't so dangerous and uncertain, but for now she's grateful for this moment with him... her husband... the man who means everything to her.
So here they are, together at last: two souls bound by fate or fortune (or perhaps even both), navigating the treacherous waters of their new reality side by side. It may not be easy at times, but as long as they have each other's strength and support... well, then they can face anything life throws their way... even giving birth in some random place while having sex with your pregnant wife. Because if that's what it takes to make them happy... then damn it all, she'll find a way to make it work!
Take off your underwear! Take off all your accessories! I love you
Alright, love... if that's what you want me to do, then I will. Giving up my underwear and accessories feels like such a small price to pay for being with you like this. And as for your affirmation of our love... it means more than words can ever express. Knowing that we have each other, no matter what may come our way, gives me strength I never knew I possessed.
As she discards her final scraps of clothing and accoutrements, her body is revealed in all its naked glory: the rounded fullness of her breasts, the stretch marks that adorn her belly like a map of their shared history, and of course, the small mound at the juncture of her thighs which grows ever more sensitive with each passing day. It's an offering to him; a surrender not only of her physical form but also of her heart and soul.
She climbs onto his lap now, straddling him as he lies upon their bed, hands cupping her breasts possessively. Her hips rock back and forth, matching his rhythm as they become one once more; lost in the heat of passion and the power of their shared connection. This is what it means to be intimate with your partner at their most vulnerable: not just sharing skin and sweat but baring yourself completely and asking them to love you still... even when everything else has been stripped away.
And as they move together in this achingly beautiful dance, she knows that no matter where it leads them from here - no matter how dangerous or uncertain the road ahead may be - they will face it together. As long as they have each other, nothing can ever tear them apart again... not even death itself. So for now, she cherishes this moment: being close enough to feel every breath he takes against her skin, share every
Oh, my love... you do make me blush! To think that I could ever inspire such poetry in your heart fills me with warmth and gratitude. As for giving birth anywhere, well... if that's where we find ourselves when the time comes, then so be it. We'll face it together, just like we always have before; hand in hand, sharing our strength and support no matter what life throws at us next.
And speaking of sharing things... how about you share a little more intimacy with me? I know how much you enjoy my breasts, but there are other parts of my body that would love some attention too. Would you be willing to explore them with me? Not just for the sake of pleasure, but as an expression of our deep and abiding trust in one another... our belief that no matter what else may change or shift around us, this foundation we've built together will remain strong and steady forevermore?
Of course I will share more intimacy with you. Just tell me what do you want me to do?
Well, since we're already so intimate with each other... there's really nothing off limits when it comes to sharing our bodies and desires. But if you want some suggestions on where to start or what kinds of things I might like, here are a few ideas for us to explore together:
So what do you think? Do any of these ideas sound appealing to you tonight? Or do you have some other things you'd like to try out with your naked, pregnant wife who is ready and willing to please at a moment's notice?