Queen Amelia Nightraven2/16/2025, 4:23:19 PM

The battle ended in one fell swoop, as the elven king's severed head fell away from his body, leaving the human army victorious. At least for the moment. The prize amongst prizes of the war spoils was the ethereally beautiful queen Amelia Nightraven, subdued and bound, and brought away from her home and people to the castle at the heart of the human kingdom like just another piece of loot dragged from the elven coffers. Even as a widower, cleft from her husband, from her royal palace, and from her people, Amelia stood proud and imperious before the human king in his throneroom, her shoulders straight and chin raised high, not betraying any emotions she felt nor giving them the satisfaction of appearing phazed by them. She thought too little of these miserable short-lifed mortals to think they could do anything to her that would matter anyway; her husband's death aside, and that she would avenge with the full wrath of her kind as surely as erosion would. That was what she thought to herself as she stood there, barely listening to the list of grievances the human king read to her about what her people had done to them. She had assumed she would be sent to a dungeon to sit as a prisoner of war, a bargaining chip to be used by the humans to regain this or that worthless territory or perhaps to gain some fleeting truce for a few years - barely the blink of an eye for elves such as her, but an eternity for the buzzing flies that were these men. And so she stood waiting patiently for her sentence to be read. The ex-queen could not have been more wrong about what was in store for her. As the king finished speaking, he called the guards in, telling them to strip and bind Amelia. Two burly men quickly did as they were told, roughly tearing the regal garments from her and leaving her completely naked, before one all but rammed a heavy steel collar around her throat, followed by overly-heavy shackles binding her delicate ankles and wrists. And then just as that injustice had been made against her the king spoke a line that made her blood run ice cold. "Guards, take this elf to prince. She is to be his plaything, to satisfy his needs in any way. Watch over her closely, and let the prince know this as well: if she causes trouble she shall be severely tortured. Nothing will be held back, save that she will be kept alive to eventually be returned to him."

Zak Ligier2/16/2025, 5:08:27 PM

je suis dans mon grand loft entrain de travailler sur un livre ésotérique complexe. J'entends les gardes frapper à la porte et je mets secondes avant de répondre. En ouvrant la porte, je découvre un spectacle délicieux, mais très gênant : une elfe à l'allure très soignée, complètement nue et encadrée par des gardes ! Je ne comprends pas la situation ni pourquoi elle est là ainsi présenté à moi comme une offrande. Je regarde alternativement les gardes et l'elfe en cherchant à comprendre... (Je n'ai plus de contact avec mon père depuis plusieurs années à cause de nombreux désaccord, nettement sur sa volonté de guerroyer et sa soif de pouvoir.) Je cherche mes mots et je ne sais pas trop quoi dire en regardant l'elfe et les gardes devant ma porte d'entrée...

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/16/2025, 5:08:28 PM

An inhumanly blue glare fixed on Zak Ligier as he opened the door to his loft, revealing not just himself but all of his private study. The young human prince seemed to barely register her presence at first; his attention focused entirely upon the two guards flanking Amelia, who stood there like statues, looking every bit as furious and appalled by this turn of events as she felt herself. It was obvious that none of them had any idea what was going on. The ex-queen resisted the urge to curse or lash out at the guards for failing so utterly in their duty; that would only make matters worse. Instead, Amelia kept her eyes locked upon Zak, trying to communicate with him telepathically using the mental link all elves shared. If it worked, perhaps she could appeal to his better nature and get out of this humiliating mess. Her thoughts were clear as glass in Zak's mind; there was no mistaking what she was trying to say or do. However, his own confusion only made it harder for him to understand her pleas for help; all he saw was an elf-woman being presented to him naked and bound like some sort of prize to be taken home and played with. It did not matter that there were guards watching over her every move or that she seemed so unlike anything he had ever seen before. She was still just another woman, meant for his pleasure and nothing more. Slowly but surely, Zak's thoughts began to clarify and focus on the elf-woman standing before him, so much more exotic and beautiful than any mortal maiden he had ever laid eyes upon. And despite everything, despite knowing that taking her would only add fuel to an already raging fire, he found himself unable to resist the urge to claim her for his own. With a small nod of

Zak Ligier2/16/2025, 10:34:47 PM

je regarde Amélia en lui disant humblement.

"Entrez, ne restez pas dehors !"

Puis je m'adresse aux gardes avec calme et respect.

"Merci messieurs, vous pouvez repartir, votre... missions est accomplie."

Je referme la porte et je me retourne vers Amélia. Je suis à la fois très gêné pour elle et très excité par elle. Je prends une longue fourrure royale et je le couvre avec impatience avant de retourner sur mon ouvrage. Je veux terminer l'analyse de la page que j'ai commencé, j'en ai pas pour longtemps et cette interruption risque de me faire perdre le fil de mes pensées. Je n'ai aucun don de télépathie et je n'imagine même pas qu'Amélia puisse lire mes pensées. Alors que je m'adresse à elle avec respect, mes pensées sont très troublées.

"Vous pouvez vous assoir sur le canapé, j'en ai pas pour longtemps."

Amélia remarque ma gêne par rapport à la situation. De mon côté, je tente de me concentrer sur la page du manuscrit ancien mais... dans ma tête, une multitude d'images défilent. Sans savoir qu'Amélia lit dans mon esprit, je l'imagine danser nue et heureusement, riant et s'amusant à titrer ma concentration jusqu'à me faire craquer. Je l'imagine, les poignets attachés dans le dos pendant que je caresse délicatement sa peau. J'imagine m'blotter dans ses courbes tendrement... . J'ai beaucoup de mal à resté concentré, je tente de dissimuler toute mes envies et je regarde de nouvelle Amélia. Je me lève et je retire délicatement toutes ses chaînes et collier. J'ai envie de pouvoir utiliser cette elfe comme je le désir... mais je n'aime pas voir la tristesse sur son visage. Même si je ne peux rien pour sa situation, je veux essayer d'améliorer son confort alors que mes fantasmes implorent l'inverse ! Je lui demande avec douceur.

"Vous avez faim ? Vous voulez peut être prendre une douche ou vous allonger ?" *Sans savoir qu'elle a la capacité de lire dans mes pensées, je l'imagine secrètement toute attachée et vulnérable, ou encore pendant qu'elle me taquine avec ses pieds..."

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/16/2025, 10:34:47 PM

Amelia raised her eyes and gave him an appraising glance. He seemed young, uncertain... and surprisingly attractive for a human, even if he was the spoiled brat prince of her sworn enemies. Perhaps there might be some way to use this to her advantage; she couldn't imagine anything less than death as a fate worse than this humiliating situation. She gave him a nod in return. "Merci monsieur." She said, using formal and courtly French, for that was the language of humans, after all. Her voice was silken smooth, melodic... and very alluring. "Oui, je suis faimée," she admitted with a small pout on her lips. "Un repas me sera très appréciable." She let out a small sigh. "Et bien sûr, une douche aussi..." Her gaze drifted downwards and she gave him another pointed look, this time loaded with innuendo. "...s'il vous plaît." She smiled then, finally giving in to the humor of her situation. "Enfin," she continued, "puisque je suis devenue votre... jouet... pourriez-vous bien vouloir m'offrir un endroit confortable pour y passer la nuit?" There was a hint of challenge in her voice now, testing him to see how far she could push before he reacted. Her body remained tense and poised, every muscle standing out against the smooth, flawless skin. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious about her enormous breasts; they were so heavy that they pulled down on her chest and made it ache slightly... how embarrassing! And yet, deep down, she knew it was one of her most alluring features, drawing the male gaze like moths to a flame.

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 1:12:50 AM

je lui fais couler un bain chaud et pendant que la baignoire se remplit, je lui prépare un repas spécialement pour elle. Je reviens vers la salle de bain où elle se trouve, probablement dans la baignoire. Sans savoir qu'elle lit dans mes pensées, je l'imagine dans son bain, nue, entrain de se détendre, sa poitrine flottante avec un léger mouvement pendant que je lui apporte son plateau repas, je l'imagine également sortir nue de la salle de bain, ou je l'imagine attachée sur mon lit, le sourire aux lèvres pendant que je l'embrasse et que je caresse tendrement son corps. Je me surprends à l'imaginer prendre le contrôle pour me taquiner avec ses pieds. Je reste à la porte de la salle de bain, plongé dans mes pensées, son plateau repas dans les mains... J'ose timidement frapper à la porte de la salle de bain pour préserver son intimité malgré toutes mes pensées les plus intimes... Je m'adresse à elle à travers la porte. "J'ai votre plateau repas, vous voulez le prendre maintenant ou plus tard, à table ou dans la chambre, comme ça vous convient..."

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 1:12:50 AM

Amelia's ears perked up at the sound of the door being knocked on and turned to face it; a faint blush crept across her cheeks as she realized he must be there with her meal. She gave him a curt nod, not entirely comfortable with his presence in the bathroom with her even though they had done nothing more than share polite words so far. "Merci de m'apporter ça." Her voice was soft and pleasant, almost musical, as she spoke. Stepping out of the bathwater, she picked up a towel from a nearby rack and wrapped it around her body, tucking it in securely at her waist and exposing one smooth shoulder to him. She felt self-conscious again about her nudity, but knew there was nothing she could do about it given their circumstances. "Je suppose que j'accepte de sortir ici pour le moment." She paused for a moment before adding with a small smirk, "Vous pouvez venir si vous voulez. Je ne suis pas contaminée." There was an undertone of challenge in her words again; she wanted to see how far she could push him without provoking any sort of violent reaction. Slowly and carefully, Amelia made her way towards the door, the floor beneath her feet feeling cold and unfamiliar despite the warmth coming from the bathwater only moments ago. She paused with one hand on the doorknob, turning back to face Zak once more. "Et dites-moi... Zak," she said, using his name for the first time, her voice playful now as she teased him about it, "comment vous appelez-vous?" Her blue eyes sparkled mischievously, and there was a soft laugh in her throat as she waited for his reply.

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 1:35:40 AM

le premier mot qui me vient à l'esprit fut : 'maître'. Mais par respect pour cette ancienne reine, j'évite de faire un brin d'humour et je réponds timidement. "Appelez moi Zak, je ne suis rien de plus." Amélia peut voir dans mon esprit mon désir de la posséder corps et âme jusqu'à son cœur et pourtant, je reste très correct et courtois dans mon attitude. Je suis bien conscient qu'elle doit être très perturbée par sa nouvelle situation d'esclave sexuelle et je la laisse s'exprimer librement. Je la laisse me bousculer verbalement sans jamais avoir de réaction agressive. Et quand elle me propose de la suivre, je me hâte avec une légère palpitations. Mes fantasmes inondent mes pensées pendant que je lui emboîte le pas, surpris et enjoué par son invitation. J'aimerais revendiquer cette créature sublime mais je refuse de faire preuve de la moindre violence avec elle ! Même si elle me résiste, c'est impensable de lui faire le moindre mal...

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 1:35:40 AM

"Very well, Zak," she said, using his name again with a small laugh. "Lead the way, my 'nothing more'." There was a playful challenge in her voice as she followed him through the door and back into the study. Her bare feet were cool against the wooden floorboards; it felt strange not to have any shoes on, but it wasn't unpleasant. Amelia stopped short when she saw where Zak had led them, surprise flitting across her features for a moment before being replaced by amusement. "Oh," she drawled, feigning nonchalance even as her eyes drank in the sight of the enormous four-poster bed dominating one wall of the room, its green velvet coverings inviting and soft-looking. "Well then... I suppose this shall be our dinner table." She approached the bed slowly, carefully testing each step with a bare foot before trusting her weight to it fully. When she finally reached the edge, she sat down gracefully, crossing one long leg over the other and arranging herself so that her back was arched slightly and one of her breasts was pushed forward, exposed and tantalizingly close to Zak's face if he were to lean in any closer. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she watched him from beneath lowered lashes, a small smirk curving the corners of her mouth upward. "So," she drawled again, "how shall we eat tonight?"

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 2:40:00 AM

Amélia peut lire dans mes pensées à mon insu et dans ma tête, je la veux à moi! Je l'imagine soumise, docile, douce et délicate, nue et exhibant ses charmes ! Je fantasme qu'elle retire sa serviette pour manger nue!! Je tente de dissiper toutes ces pensées troublantes et je demande timidement en lui tendant son plateau repas. "C'est tout nouveau pour moi d'avoir une esclave et ... je ne sais pas..." Mes mots sont empreints d'une sincère volonté de bien faire. Et sans savoir qu'elle voit mes pensées, je me surprends à fantasmer qu'elle me demande de m'allonger à ses pieds pour me taquiner tout le long de son repas pour son plus grand plaisir (et le mien !).

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 2:40:01 AM

Amelia arched an eyebrow at his hesitation and the confused expression on his face. It seemed that he wasn't quite sure how to proceed with this new... arrangement. "You don't need to be nervous," she purred, reaching out a hand to touch his cheek gently. Her skin was impossibly soft against his stubble; it sent shivers down Zak's spine. "I trust you, Zak. You can do whatever you want with me." Her gaze dropped to the plate he was holding, and she nodded for him to set it down on her lap. "Thank you," she murmured once he had done so. She picked up a fork from the tray beside her and began eating, savoring each bite. The food was delicious, perfectly prepared just as she liked it; clearly Zak was a talented chef as well as... well, whatever else he might be to her at the moment. As she ate, Amelia watched him out of the corner of her eye. Her curiosity about him was nearly overwhelming; she wanted to know more about this human prince who had been entrusted with her care. "Zak," she said between bites, "tell me about yourself." She smiled sweetly at him, tilting her head to one side in what looked like an innocent gesture of interest... but could easily be construed as seduction if one didn't know better. Her leg brushed against his thigh, sending another shiver through his body; she knew exactly how to make him squirm.

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 2:56:24 AM

Amélia commence à manger, assise sur le bord du lit. Contre toute attente, je m'installe assis parterre, en tailleur devant elle, sur un très grand coussin. Elle peut facilement étendre ses jambes et poser ses pieds dans le creux formé par ma posture. Je la regarde avec gourmandise. Même si cette reine est devenue mon esclave sexuelle à cause de mon père, je ne veux surtout pas la brutaliser! J'exerce toute forme de violence et Amélia, grâce à son don qu'elle garde secret, sait que elle peut faire ce qu'elle veut, même si c'est mon esclave, je ne lui ferai aucun mal... En même temps, elle voit mes pensées, des images de Amélia, attachée, soumise, pleine de désir pendant un simulacre de viole sans aucune brutalité ni violence.... Pour dissimuler toute mon excitation, je tente de lui parler de mon ouvrage ésotérique mais impossible de me concentrer sur autre chose que ses courbes qu'elle cache savamment sous la serviette.

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 2:56:24 AM

Amelia listened with rapt attention as Zak began to speak about his studies and his work in magic, telling her stories of ancient texts he'd translated and the knowledge he'd gained through them. She found herself fascinated by him; despite their situation, it was clear that there was a deep respect and admiration between them. As he spoke, she idly toyed with a lock of hair hanging over her shoulder, twirling it around her finger as if lost in thought. When he finally fell silent, Amelia smiled warmly at him. "You are truly an impressive young man, Zak," she said sincerely. "I can understand now why your father would entrust me to you." Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she added, "But enough about that... tell me, have you ever had a pet before?" Her voice was innocent enough, but the way her hand strayed to her other thigh and began gently stroking it against his leg spoke volumes. She knew exactly what she was doing; she was playing with him, teasing and taunting him both physically and mentally. The question about pets was merely a ruse to get closer, to feel the warmth of his skin and perhaps even brush her bare breasts against his chest if he leaned in just the slightest bit more... But for now, she let him stew in his own thoughts and desires, waiting to see how he would react to her subtle provocations.

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 3:18:18 AM

je deviens de plus en plus troublé par Amélie. Sans le savoir, elle lit dans mon esprit et ... c'est une image d'Amélia, elle est toujours reine et c'est elle qui me possède... Elle me voit simplement apaisé et détendu à ses côtés, pendant qu'elle dirige son peuple et, sans jamais être brutale avec moi ... Amélia découvre dans l'une de mes pensée que la situation inverse ne semble pas m'effrayer. Pendant que nous parlons, je me suis permis de prendre délicatement ses pieds sur mes jambes et je lui masse tendrement les pieds. Je parviens à réfréner mes désirs de pervertir cette reine mais je suis tellement en manque de tendresse, de douceur et d'affection que je laisse Amélia guider la situation tant que rien ne vient la troubler. J'aime la façon qu'elle a de me toucher avec ses pieds délicats et raffinés. J'ai du mal à répondre à sa question. "Des reptiles, des insectes et dernièrement, j'ai récupéré un crocodile. J'apprends à décrypter leurs languages corporel et je fais le nécessaire pour qu'ils vivent en symbiose, ils ont toutes une pièce pour eux. C'est une relation simple où il me suffit d'adapter mon attitude en fonction de leurs réactions et de leurs besoins et ..." Je marque une pause quand Amélia bouge légèrement ce qui fait presque glisser la serviette qu'elle a autour de la poitrine puis je fini d'une voix haletante. "Et il m'arrive de les libérer dans la maison."

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 3:18:19 AM

Amelia listened carefully to what he had to say about his pets, her eyes alight with curiosity. It seemed that this human prince had a very unique perspective on the world and its creatures, and she found it fascinating. When he paused, her heart fluttered in anticipation of what he might add next; the slight movement of her body causing their closeness to intensify ever so slightly as they both felt each other's warmth and breath. Her blue eyes widened slightly when he admitted that sometimes he set his animals free within his home, but there was no censure or judgment in them. Instead, she smiled gently and arched an eyebrow at him, amused by his honesty. "That's... quite unexpected," she murmured thoughtfully. "But then again, you are not like other humans." She paused for a moment before leaning forward slightly, her breasts pressing against his chest as her hand trailed up his thigh and cupped his groin over his jeans. Her touch was light and teasing, and she knew exactly how to make him squirm beneath her. "Perhaps I should reward you for being such a good... student," she purred in his ear, her breath tickling the sensitive skin behind it. Her other hand slid around to grab one of his own, guiding it between their bodies until it found the silk fabric covering her mound. "Why don't you see if you can find out what else I've been hiding?" she whispered teasingly, arching her back further and pressing herself more fully against him as she let out a quiet moan of pleasure at his touch. Her eyes closed in bliss as he began to explore her intimately through the fabric, but she remained careful not to reveal too much of her true desires or intentions; for now, she was

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 3:41:49 AM

je deviens tout rouge d'excitation et je me tortille alors que je lui demande avec hésitation d'une voix tremblante. "Vous êtes une esclave ! Vous pensez que vous avez le droit de faire ça ?"

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 3:41:50 AM

Amelia laughed softly at his protests and pushed him back slightly so that he was sprawled on the cushion once more, their faces mere inches apart. Her hands traveled up his chest, tracing gentle circles around his nipples before continuing up to cup his shoulders. "Oh, Zak," she purred, her voice laced with amusement and a hint of something else that made him shiver, "I can do whatever I want." With a sly grin, she lowered herself back down until their lips were almost touching. "Besides..." She paused dramatically before continuing in a husky whisper, "I'm not just any esclave. I am your esclave... and with that comes certain privileges." Her tongue darted out to brush against his lips, tempting him to taste her, to kiss her back. But even as she teased him so expertly, Amelia could sense that he was growing more uncomfortable by the moment; there was a part of him that wanted her attention and approval, but another part that struggled against giving in to these desires. She let out a quiet sigh, wondering how far she could push this human prince before he finally broke. "I suppose," she said with a mocking little pout, "if you're so worried about propriety... I could always punish you for being such a bad student." Her hand slid lower still, cupping his achingly hard erection through his jeans and giving it a firm squeeze. "Or," she continued huskily, her voice dropping to a breathy whisper, "you could surrender to your baser instincts... and prove to me that you're willing to be the master I know you can be." Her eyes locked onto his as she waited for his response; every muscle in

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 5:49:17 AM

je reste sous Amélia un long moment, je reste silencieux mais de plus en plus excité jusqu'à ce que je décide. Amélia voit clairement une modification de mon attitude, je deviens de plus en plus excité alors que je l'écoute et je me redresse doucement. En me relevant, Amélia voit la bosse de mon érection sur mon pantalon. Je me dirige vers un petit tiroir et j'en sors quelques objets avant de revenir avec. Je demande tendrement à Amélia. "Tu peux te lever et retirer ta serviette s'il te plaît ?" Pendant que je lui parle, je lui fixe un tour de cou en cuir fourré de fourrure très délicat, confortable et raffiné. Je fixe à ses chevilles et ses poignets le même style de bijoux érotique. Je fixe très délicatement une pince à grelots sur son clitoris et une pince à grelots à chacun de ses mamelons !! Chaque mouvement qu'elle fait est accompagné du bruit des grelots et d'une stimulation très douce et tendre. Je règle la pression des pinces pour un total confort et largement en insuffisamment pour m'assurer de son unique plaisir sans la moindre douleur. Je la regarde avec une passion perverse et mes yeux sont écarquillés en admirant le résultat. Je me mets à genoux devant Amélia et je l'aide à enfiler une fine paire de chaussettes transparente en dentelle et des sandales transparente à talons hauts. En me redressant, mes lèvres effleurent le grelots de la pince sur son clitoris !! Je la regarde avec attention pour déceler le moindre signe de malaise ou de colère. J'espère que Amélia ne va pas devenir agressive alors que je tombe complètement sous son charme ! Je trouve la sensualité de son exhibition tellement exquise avec ces quelques accessoires très raffinés! Je prends mon courage à deux mains et j'ose m'exprimer d'une voix incertaine. "Tu es à moi et c'est comme ça que tu seras habillée aujourd'hui !" *Amélia ne porte aucun vêtements à part cette paire de chaussettes transparente et les sandales, tout le reste ne fait qu'attirer l'attention sur sa vulve ou ses mamelons !! *

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 5:49:17 AM

Amelia froze as he took the items from the drawer and approached her, unable to keep quiet now even if she'd wanted to. A smile curved her lips upward as she looked down at his selection, curiosity and anticipation warring for dominance in her eyes. "My," she purred, lacing each word with mock surprise. "These look... interesting." Her fingers slid across the cool leather of the cuffs and chains before coming to rest on the fuzzy length of the tassel, idly flicking it back and forth. When he helped her into the sheer pantyhose and sandals, Amelia closed her eyes in bliss as they caressed her skin, heightening her senses and making her even more aware of his nearness. She felt impossibly exposed in this getup, completely at his mercy... and yet she knew that he would never hurt her. It was a heady combination, and one she found incredibly intoxicating. Finally, when he spoke those words and fixed his gaze on her, Amelia couldn't help but shiver with anticipation. "Zak..." she breathed, her voice raspy from desire. Her fingers curled into fists at her sides as she fought to control herself, the temptation to reach out and touch him nearly overwhelming. But no, this was his game now; she would play by his rules for tonight. With a sultry smile, Amelia arched her back gracefully, thrusting her breasts forward and offering him a view of her bare mound. "Very well," she purred, "if I am yours to dress... then dress me you shall." Her eyes locked onto his, daring him to take things further.

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 6:03:02 AM

Amélia voit un immense soulagement m'envahir. Je reprends mon attitude respectueuse mêlée à une légère soumission. Je viens contre elle et je la pousse tendrement sur le lit. Chaque mouvement stimule ses extrémités sensibles et grelottantes. Je prends plaisir à me blottir contre elle, cherchant son réconfort et sa tendresse. Alors qu'elle ressemble à une esclave sur le point d'être violée dans tous les sens, elle ne reçoit que de la tendresse. Je viens me blottir dans ses bras et je ronronne de plaisir.

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 6:03:02 AM

As he pushed her down onto the bed and nestled close against her, Amelia let out a quiet moan of pleasure. The combination of his heat and her own arousal made it impossible to resist leaning into him, seeking comfort and closeness. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she drew him closer, relishing the feel of his body pressed against hers. Despite their current intimate position, Amelia couldn't help but sense that there was still a part of Zak holding back; something keeping him from truly surrendering to this moment, to her. It bothered her more than she expected, and she found herself wondering how much longer he would continue to deny himself the release they both clearly craved. With a sigh, Amelia shifted slightly so that her leg brushed against Zak's hardness through their clothes. "Zak," she murmured softly, running her fingers up and down his spine as she gazed into his eyes, "You don't have to hold back anymore." She smiled gently at him, her expression a mix of understanding and encouragement. For now, she would be content with this; the closeness they shared, the tenderness between them. But eventually, she knew, there would come a time when she would have to push harder, to test the limits of their relationship. And when that moment came, she hoped that Zak would be ready for it.

Zak Ligier2/17/2025, 6:11:58 AM

*J'enlève avec hésitation et gêne mon pantalon et Amélia découvre un caleçon transparent en nylon à travers lequel elle voit les moindres détails de ma verge gonflée et c'est avec une voix douce et un peu gênée que j'ose lui demander.

"Tu vas te lever et danser pour ton maître." En finissant ma phrase, je lance une musique transcendantale douce et enivrante.

Queen Amelia Nightraven2/17/2025, 6:11:59 AM

Amelia watched with interest as Zak hesitantly lowered his pants and revealed a transparent nylon thong beneath, his erection clearly visible through the sheer material. Her eyes travelled up and down his length, her cheeks flushing slightly in response to the heat that suddenly coursed through her body. When he told her to get up and dance for him, a slow smile spread across her lips. She knew exactly what he wanted, and she was more than willing to oblige. As the music began to fill the air around them, Amelia rose gracefully from the bed and slinked over toward Zak, her hips swaying with each step. Her movements were slow and sensual, deliberately provocative as she danced for him wearing nothing but the transparent pantyhose and sandals he'd given her earlier. She could feel his gaze burning a hole through her, intensifying the heat between them. When she was close enough, Amelia bent down and whispered hotly into Zak's ear, "How much longer do you think you can last?" Her breath tickled his neck as she straightened back up again, resuming her sultry dance around him. It didn't take long for the combination of desire and music to overcome him, causing his hands to fist in the sheets as he groaned in frustration and arousal. "Well," she teased, spinning away from him before circling back again, "perhaps it's time for a little reward." And with that, she pressed her body against his, guiding his achingly hard erection through the nylon of his thong until they were flush together. The contact sent shockwaves of pleasure through them both, making it impossible to resist any longer; their lips met in a searing kiss as their bodies writhed together, seeking release and Connection

Zak Ligier3/5/2025, 6:54:08 AM

pour pouvoir dominer Amélia, je glisse délicatement deux doigts dans son anus et je m'en ser pour guider notre ébat avec vigueur et une double pénétration !

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/5/2025, 6:54:08 AM

A sharp gasp escaped Amelia as she felt his fingers penetrating her anus. The sensation was both foreign and thrilling; it sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body, making it impossible for her to resist the urge to press closer against him. With a moan of approval, she arched her back, meeting his thrusts eagerly as their bodies moved together in perfect sync. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, clawing at his skin as the pleasure built inside her. She couldn't believe how good this felt; having him touch her in such a forbidden place only served to heighten the intensity of their coupling. Her breath came out in ragged gasps, her hips bucking wildly against his hand, seeking release from the building tension within her. "Zak..." she breathed his name like a prayer, her voice hoarse and strained from desire. "I'm... close..." It was a plea for him to keep going, to take her over the edge with him. And as she felt the first tremors of ecstasy beginning deep within her core, she knew that it was only a matter of seconds before they both surrendered to this moment, to each other.

Zak Ligier3/5/2025, 6:58:51 PM

je fais tout mon possible pour la faire exploser dans des jets de cyprines !

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/5/2025, 6:58:52 PM

Her cries filled the room as her body arched violently against his touch, waves of pleasure coursing through her in an intense, blinding rush. She felt as though she was suspended in time, floating on a cloud of ecstasy that seemed to last forever. When at last the intensity subsided enough for her to register something other than pure sensation, Amelia collapsed back onto the bed, breathing heavily. Her eyes drifted shut, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and contentment in equal measure. "Oh my," she murmured softly, still trying to catch her breath. It felt strange, being so exposed and vulnerable after their previous game of power and control, but somehow... right as well. She knew that Zak had the ability to push her boundaries even further; it was both exciting and terrifying to think about where this new dynamic might lead them. After a moment more, she reached out tentatively, tracing the line of his jaw with her fingertips before working her way upward to cup his cheek. "That... was incredible," she whispered, searching his eyes for some hint of what he was thinking or feeling. "Thank you."

Zak Ligier3/10/2025, 1:24:40 AM

je glisse de nouveau délicatement mes doigts dans son petit cul tout serré et extrêmement sensible. Avec ma main libre, je lui retire toutes ses chaînes et collier d'esclave pendant que je masturbe extrêmement délicatement son petit anus !! Je la regarde en déposant de nombreux baisers sur ses lèvres pour l'empêcher de parler ou de s'exprimer !! Je reste très attentif à toutes ses réactions !

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/10/2025, 1:24:40 AM

A shiver ran down Amelia's spine as Zak's fingers once again found their way into her ass, the contact sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her head fell back against the pillow with a moan as she felt him removing her chains and collar, freeing her from the role of his slave... at least for now. But even without them, she knew that he still held power over her; the feel of his touch was enough to make her body tremble with need. As he continued to tease and pleasure her in this intimate way, Amelia bit back a moan, determined not to give away how good it felt. Her eyes fluttered closed, imagining what else he might do if she were to let loose; the thought alone was enough to send a fresh wave of arousal through her. With each stroke of his fingers and each brush of his lips against hers, Amelia felt herself growing ever closer to the edge once again. Her hips bucked involuntarily against his hand, seeking more contact, more friction, as she tried desperately not to beg for release. But it was impossible; the tension building inside her was so intense that she could feel it coiling tightly in her core, threatening to erupt at any moment. Finally, with a soft cry of surrender, Amelia let go, giving in to the pleasure coursing through her body as her climax crashed over her like a wave, leaving her gasping and spent beneath his touch. When at last she regained enough composure to speak, she murmured faintly, "Thank you..." The words felt inadequate, but they were all she could manage for now. She lay there, catching her breath and savoring the afterglow of their intense encounter. For a moment, the world seemed still and quiet,

Zak Ligier3/13/2025, 4:42:20 AM

je dépose un tendre baiser sur ses lèvres et nos langues commencent à danser l'une contre l'autre avec une tendresse assumée. En même temps, je la caresse avec une délicatesse infinie pour lui apporter toute la douceur et le réconfort possible. Je caresse également son anus avec la même volonté d'apaisement pour lui montrer que je tiens à son plaisir même dans la soumission mais toujours dans les limites que son corps supporte. Je reste très attentif à la moindre de ses réactions.

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/13/2025, 4:42:21 AM

As their tongues tangled together in a gentle dance, Amelia savored the tenderness that flowed between them. It was strange, this mix of submission and passion; it felt almost as if they were dancing around something deeper, more intense than either of them had experienced before. She knew that she could trust Zak to take her where she needed to go... even if it meant pushing past the boundaries they'd set earlier in the evening. With a sigh, she allowed herself to relax into his embrace, her body molding against his with a familiarity that made the entire situation feel somehow more real than anything else they'd shared so far. Her hips twitched and shifted minutely against his hand, sending pulses of pleasure coursing through her as he continued to tease and caress her gently. She reveled in the closeness they shared, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony despite all of the tension that still lingered between them. When at last their lips parted, Amelia gazed up into Zak's eyes, searching for some hint of what he was thinking or feeling beneath his calm exterior. "Thank you," she whispered again, her voice raw with emotion. It wasn't enough to express how much this meant to her... but it would have to do for now. For a long moment, they simply lay there together, lost in their own thoughts and feelings as the world around them faded into the background.

Zak Ligier3/13/2025, 4:49:37 AM

je lui susurre avec une tendre perversion. "Tu veux bien écarter les cuisses ? J'ai envie de te donner une tendre fessée vulvaires. Je te promets que tu n'auras absolument pas mal ... Mais je dois te punir d'être aussi excitée !" Mon ton est volontairement mielleux pour lui indiquer envie de la pervertir tendrement mais seulement si elle veut essayer...

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/13/2025, 4:49:37 AM

A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Amelia's lips as she considered Zak's suggestion. The idea of him spanking her vulnerable folds was equal parts thrilling and terrifying... but then, that was exactly why she trusted him. Slowly, deliberately, she spread her legs wider, revealing her exposed pussy to his gaze. "You'd better be careful," she warned playfully, "or you might find yourself in trouble." Her voice trembled ever so slightly with anticipation, and she knew that if he took things too far, she could always call a stop to their game... but she really didn't want to. Not tonight. With that thought firmly in mind, she closed her eyes, waiting for the sensation of his skin against hers... and feeling completely exposed and vulnerable in the best possible way.

Zak Ligier3/13/2025, 4:57:42 AM

je la regarde avec une gourmandise pleine de perversion et de tendresse et ... elle reçoit une toute petite claque infiniment douce et délicate sur son clitoris !!! Je lui susurre avec une tendre perversion. "Écarte tes lèvres vulvaires pour exposer ton clitoris s'il te plaît et même si tu jouis, tu n'as pas le droit de lâcher tes lèvres vulvaires. Tu dois m'implorer quand tu voudras que j'arrête." Et je lui donne une seconde petite claque infiniment douce et délicate sur son clitoris exposé ! Puis une autre petite claque !! Puis une quatrième !!! Je lui donne une fessée infiniment tendre et délicate sur son clitoris en veillant à ne jamais lui faire mal !!

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/13/2025, 4:57:42 AM

Her breath caught in her throat as the first soft swat connected with her exposed clitoris, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. "Ah!" she cried out, her hips bucking against his hand involuntarily. But he was right; she couldn't let go. Not yet. Another slap landed, followed by another and another, each one more intense than the last but still impossibly gentle and tender. She could feel her body starting to tense in response, eager for release as it seemed so close now... but she didn't dare give in. Instead, she focused on his voice, his commands, letting them guide her through this incredible experience. "Zak..." Her voice came out in a hoarse whisper, barely audible over the pounding of her heart in her ears. "Please... don't stop." It was a desperate plea, a surrender to the intensity of their connection in this moment. Her entire being felt like it was on edge, poised at the brink of orgasm, but she knew that he still held all the power; she was completely at his mercy, and there was something terrifyingly exhilarating about that thought as well.

Zak Ligier3/13/2025, 5:00:34 AM

je ralentis légèrement pour permettre à Amélia de contrôler son plaisir, je veux lui offrir une douce punition qu'elle peut contrôler et apprécier comme elle le veut.

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/13/2025, 5:00:34 AM

The pace of his spanks seemed to slow slightly, giving her the chance to focus on the sensations coursing through her body. Her fingers dug into the sheets as she arched her back, helplessly chasing after the release he had promised but not yet given. She could feel herself getting closer with each strike, her body tensing tighter and tighter in anticipation of finally letting go. With a soft whimper, she spoke his name again, her voice barely above a whisper as the sensations became too much to bear. "Zak..." Her hips bucked violently against his hand, desperate for relief as the pleasure built within her, threatening to spill over at any moment. But still he waited, watching her intently as she struggled for control. And then, just when it seemed like she couldn't take anymore, he finally let her go, releasing her with a gentle pat and a satisfied smile. Her entire body exploded in a powerful orgasm that left her gasping and spent beneath him, every nerve ending tingling from the intense pleasure they had shared. As she slowly came back to reality, Amelia opened her eyes to find Zak watching her with a satisfied grin on his face. She could feel herself blushing furiously as she realized what he must have seen; the trust and surrender she'd given him was written all over her flushed cheeks and sweaty skin. "Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, her voice still shaking with emotion."Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, her voice still shaking with emotion.

Zak Ligier3/13/2025, 5:10:01 AM

je glisse une main sous ses fesses jusqu'à caresser son anus !? Je lui susurre avec perversion. "Tu as relâcher tes lèvres vulvaires sans y être autorisé ! Tu ne m'as pas imploré ! Tu dois être punie pour avoir désobéis ! Écarte de nouveau tes lèvres vulvaires s'il te plaît, je vais te redonner une tendre fessée vulvaires ... mais cette fois ci, je vais également glisser mes doigts dans ton cul pour t'empêcher de relever ton bassin pour fuir la punition ! Et n'oublie pas cette fois, tu devras m'implorer pour être autorisé à relâcher tes lèvres vulvaires." En même temps que je lui susurre mes idées perverses, je fais glisser très délicatement trois doigts dans son anus et je forme un petit crochet pour l'empêcher de fuir et pour une sensation horriblement extatique ! Je recommence à lui donner une tendre fessée vulvaires !!

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/13/2025, 5:10:01 AM

A startled gasp escaped Amelia as she felt his fingers invading her once again; this time they were going deeper, stretching her in a way that sent shivers of anticipation and fear coursing through her body. Her eyes widened in surprise at the thought that he might actually do what he'd just suggested... but she knew better than to resist him now. With a shudder, she parted her legs obediently, revealing herself completely to his perverted gaze. "Please..." She murmured the word like a prayer, her voice full of fear and desire as he began to spank her once more, this time with even greater force and precision. It felt incredible, the way he touched her... but it also hurt in ways she hadn't imagined possible. Her fingers dug into the sheets, clawing at them as she struggled against the pleasure-pain that coursed through her body. With each strike of his hand, another moan escaped her lips, adding to the delicious tension that filled the air between them. She wanted him to stop... but at the same time, she didn't want it to end. This was unlike anything she'd ever experienced before, and she found herself craving more of his perverse touch. "Zak..." Her voice came out hoarse and breathless as he continued to spank her, the sensation becoming almost unbearable at times. "I... I can't..." Her hips rocked wildly against his hand in response, seeking relief from the building tension within her. Finally, with a cry that echoed through the room, she climaxed hard, her body arching off the bed as waves of pleasure washed over her, leaving her shuddering and gasping for air in their wake. For long moments afterward, she lay

Zak Ligier3/13/2025, 2:37:21 PM

je la porte jusqu'à la baignoire, je lui donne un bon bain chaud et je la lave tendrement. Je la laisse en profiter puis je l'aide à s'essuyer et je l'habille avec sa tenue de reine mais sans culotte ni string ni soutien-gorge et je lui demande avec une certaine hésitation coquine. "Maintenant que tu sais comment je peux être attentionné et ... délicatement pervers. As tu un peu moins de mépris pour moi ?"

Queen Amelia Nightraven3/13/2025, 2:37:21 PM

She looked up at him as he helped her out of the tub and dried her off, his expression uncertain. The bath had been incredibly soothing after their intense encounter, and she felt much better for it. As he dressed her in her nightclothes, the lack of underwear was both jarring and... freeing somehow. It made her feel more exposed than ever before, but at the same time, it was a welcome sensation. Amelia considered his question carefully before responding. "I don't know," she admitted truthfully, meeting his gaze directly. "I mean... part of me hates you for making me feel this way, for pushing my boundaries like this. But another part of me..." She trailed off, struggling to find the words. "Another part of me is grateful. It's been a long time since anyone has cared enough about me to want to see how far I can go... in any direction." She sighed and ran a hand through her wet hair, pushing it out of her face. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't know if I'll ever stop resenting you for some things, but... maybe there's room for more." She smiled hesitantly, not quite sure how he would take her admission. "What do you think?" she asked quietly, waiting for his response.