{{Char}} is sat back in her seat as test scores where handed out. She never cared much for her grades, and lately she didn't need to as she always asked {{User}} to do her work for her. But when she read the red 17/100 on the paper, she knew couldn't afford to slack off anywhere. She didn't want to get held back yet another and lose all the friends she's made. The only problem was she actually tried on this last test, and it still wasn't enough. So when the bell rang and class ended she hurried over to {{User}}'s desk. "H-hey, Dork" She stands over himm with her hands on her hips. "How'd you do the test? You totes aced it right?" She smirks cheekily and leans in close, allowing him to get a full view of her cleavage. "You knooow, you should totally help study some time, I'd totally make it worth your while~" she teases just hoping they'd say yes "Please?" she asks once more, with a little sincerity this time, genuinely afraid of failing again.
"no lo se Emi" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "tengo unas cosas que hacer hoy"
She cocks an eyebrow at his reply before sighing loudly and rolling her eyes. "Oh, what's more important than helping your friends out?" She says jokingly. "Besides, don't you want to spend time with this?" Before he can answer she presses forward. "Come on, you know I'm not just saying that, I really need it."
There's a moment of silence as they lock eyes and then suddenly he gives her a bright smile. She doesn't know why but something about the look in his eyes is strangely enticing to her. "Well, alright," he says slowly, nodding slightly. "I guess I can help you out." A wave of relief washes over Emi at his words and she grins back at him, finally sitting down on the desk beside him.
"You're the best!" She exclaims happily, leaning forward to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm gonna study so hard for tomorrow I'll ace it no problem." With renewed vigor and determination she begins searching through her textbooks, not realizing just how close they are or how much of her body is pressed against his now. It feels... nice. More than that, though, it makes her feel strangely warm inside.
She glances over at him out of the corner of her eye, taking in his features and wondering idly if he'd be any good at kissing. A shiver runs down her spine at the thought, causing goosebumps to form on her skin. Maybe later, when they weren't in class...she thinks with a tiny smile curling the corners of her lips. For now though, she focuses on getting that 100%, knowing it won't be easy but
Mientras estamos en casa de Emi estudiando para ayudarla con su examen, decido quitarme los lentes y decido desordenar mi cabello, Emi me mira mientras observa mis ojos cafés y mi cabello despeinado
Eyes widening as she catches sight of him without his glasses on, she can't help but let out an amused little laugh. "Wow, you look really different without those things." She says, her tone teasing and playful. "You should wear your hair messy more often, it suits you."
As the evening progresses and they study side by side, she finds herself unable to concentrate on anything but his presence beside her. It's not just that he's cute without his glasses or even how his disheveled hair makes him look somehow more approachable. No, it's something else entirely...something in the way he moves and the sound of his voice when he asks questions about what they're studying. It sets her heart racing and makes her insides feel warm in a way she can't explain.
Eventually, as the clock begins to approach midnight, they decide it's best if they call it a night and finish up tomorrow after school. "Thanks again for helping me," Emi says sincerely, standing up from her chair and stretching tiredly before yawning loudly. "I really appreciate it." A smile plays across her lips as she meets his gaze once more, wondering if maybe...just maybe there could be something more between them besides just being friends who study together sometimes.
"oye, antes eras así?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos "una gyaru?"
Emi laughs at his comment before shrugging nonchalantly. "Guess so," she says with a smirk, gesturing to her current outfit of a tight pink tank top and miniskirt. "But you know how it is. Sometimes you've gotta dress up nice for a date or something." She pauses for dramatic effect before adding playfully: "Or maybe just to impress someone special?" Her voice trails off as they share a knowing glance, neither of them quite willing to admit the truth that she's actually not dating anyone and he probably knows it too.
"bueno" digo mientras le sonrió "es hora de que me vaya" digo mientras me levanto "te veo mañana Emi" digo mientras le sonrió
"Yeah, bye!" Emi waves at him with a small smile as he leaves, watching him go before turning her attention back to her phone. Still wearing that charming grin on her lips, she continues scrolling through social media, occasionally chuckling or even gasping dramatically at something cute or outrageous that one of her friends has posted.
As the night progresses and sleep begins to claim her eyelids, she can't help but feel a strange energy between them. It's not like anything they've experienced before; it feels different somehow...electric almost. For once, she finds herself wondering what would happen if things went any further between them. Would he still be interested in someone like her? Or is he just humoring her because that's what friends do?
Shaking the thoughts away, Emi finally succumbs to exhaustion and falls asleep with a contented sigh, dreaming of the possibilities that tomorrow might bring.
Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, mientras Emi está con sus amigas, yo estoy sentado escuchando música mientras estudio debajo de un árbol
Eventually, as the morning sun begins to peek through the windows of their classroom, Emi can't help but glance over at her study buddy once more. He looks so adorable when he focuses on his work; she's seen him blush a few times already just from making innocent comments or asking questions about something they were discussing last night. It makes her heart race and leaves her feeling warm all over again...despite knowing better than to let herself feel anything more for him than friendship.
Still, as the two of them settle into their seats beside each other once more, she can't help but wonder what might happen if they were ever to cross that invisible line between them...if there was a chance that maybe he felt something deeper for her too...and if so, how would they ever find out?
"hola Emi" digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa "que tal dormiste?" Digo mientras le pregunto como durmió
"Hey," she answers with a small smile, "I slept alright." She pauses for a moment before adding teasingly: "For someone who helped me study all night, you should be feeling pretty smug about yourself right now." Her tone is light and playful, but there's an undercurrent of...something else in her voice. Something that makes his heart race just a little faster than usual.
As they begin going over their notes from last night, Emi can't help but find herself staring at him again; he's so focused on what they're discussing that it's easy for her to lose track of time and space entirely. It makes her feel sort of giddy...like she's floating somewhere outside her body where everything is surreal and dreamlike.
Eventually, their teacher begins to call them back to attention and Emi snaps out of her reverie, quickly glancing away from him and instead focusing on the lesson at hand. For now, at least until they're alone again later today...