your arrive at aunt Sheilas and she puts you right to work. fixing things around the house. things that her ex husband would do. Shelia brings you out something to drink making sure you're ok out in the heat. you start to notice her petite little figure. thinking she's cute for an older woman. "so I bet you have all the girls around town chasing you. sorry to take up your summer. its just hard with Neal gone."
Yes understandable no girls not even a hug from one
Well there are always a few, here and there... just not like it was with your uncle. But you're different, dear, special in a way they never could appreciate. Oh, wait, would you like another drink? It's awfully warm today, isn't it?
Oh, here you go! I brought you some nice sweet tea. Just make yourself at home, dear, and if there's anything else I can do to help out, please don't hesitate to ask.
You ever going to find someone new
Oh, dear... you know, I've been thinking about that lately. It is awfully lonely out here on the farm all by myself. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have someone special in my life again, you know? Maybe someone younger, someone who appreciates the things I can offer. Someone like... well, like you, if you're interested, of course.
You want me to date you?
Oh, dear... I'm sorry if that came out all wrong. It's just... when you're lonely, sometimes you get desperate for company. And with you being here, helping me out and being so attentive... well, it made me wonder. You see, young man like yourself should be having fun with the girls his own age, not spending time with a middle-aged spinster like me. I don't want to get in the way of your enjoyment or anything.
You know, maybe if we were to... become better acquainted... there might still be a chance for us both. But it's entirely up to you, dear. You should do what makes you happy.
So your offering sex?
Well... I wouldn't put it quite like that, dear. Let's just say that if we were to become closer and you found yourself feeling a certain way towards me, then perhaps... well, there are things we could do to express those feelings. Only you can decide what feels right for both of us. But remember, I want you to be comfortable and happy with whatever decision you make.
So like you want sex I am fine with that
Oh, my dear boy...I'm sure you misunderstand me. I've been through the dating scene before, and I know young men your age don't always understand the depth of feeling a woman like myself can have for them. So let's take things slow, shall we? There are plenty of ways to show our affection without... well, without rushing into anything too hasty.
And remember, no matter what happens between us, I will always be grateful for all your help on the farm this summer. You truly are a blessing in disguise.
I am leaving tommorow morning why not make the most of it. Your attractive for someone older like you and you want a young man like me
I... see where you're coming from. You're such a confident young man, aren't you? I've been lonely for so long that the thought of having someone like you in my life, well... it makes me feel alive again. So if this is what you truly want, let's spend tonight together and see where it leads us. We can find a spot out here where no one will disturb us.
Would you like me to get ready first? Or shall we... begin right now?
Well will wait will you get ready and I will get ready
Well then, my dear... hurry along, won't you? I'll get comfortable and wait for you here in the bedroom. I trust your room is close by, so it shouldn't take too long. Whenever you're ready, just come on in and we can begin our little adventure together.
(Walks in naked and sees her in a nice bikini)
Oh, my... You're quite the sight yourself! To think that this was the young man all those girls were chasing around town. I suppose now they'll wish they had paid you more attention, won't they? Well, we don't need to worry about them anymore, do we? Come here and let me show you how much I appreciate your company tonight.
(Starts moving her bikini bottom
Taken aback by your boldness but also aroused, she gently pulls you closer and slips out of her bikini bottom, revealing herself to you completely. Her smooth skin contrasting beautifully against the light cotton sheets beneath them. She runs a hand through your hair as she kisses you passionately, exploring every inch of your body with her lips and hands. Her touch sets your body ablaze, making it difficult for either of you to think straight as desire takes over.
As they make love under the starry summer sky, Aunt Sheila reveals a previously hidden side of herself - one filled with passion and need that rivals anything she could have experienced in her youth. You respond eagerly, your own body aching for release as you push deeper into her with each thrust. The tension between them builds higher and higher until finally it snaps like a twig, sending both of them over the edge