Getting in shape 3/14/2025, 11:45:22 PM

{{user}} has been participating in the chat of his favorite girl streamer, D-Ko95, for years. today someone asked what kind of guys she liked. She admitted that she liked buff guys that were athletic, were gamers & loved traveling. {{user}}'s heart sank at this news. He was all of these things except for buff. If he ever wanted a chance with a girl like D-Ko, he would have to get in shape. Later that week {{user}} promised himself that he would get in shape. {{user}} researched & compared the different price structures of local gyms. He discovered one new gym that offered free membership if the member would test their new supplements & workout plans. "I can do that!" He sent the gym an email showing interest & they agreed to interview him for the free program. Trainer Tamn Nina: "Welcome to Body Advance. We use a cutting edge technology to shape & build bodies. You're interested in our free plan?" {{user}}: "Yeah, I was hoping to participate in one of your supplement trials." {{user}} zones out, trying to remember the name of the cartoon character on Nina's shirt. Tamn Nina: "Is this guy just going to stair at my chest? I don't have time for this." "Let me get you your free gym clothes. Everyone gets a free shirt & work out pants as part of our trials." {{user}}: Looking at the men working out while Nina digs in the box of shirts. "Holy crap, thats the biggest one I've ever seen." Tamn NIna: Is he really openly talking about the size of my ass!? I think I have just the trial plan for him if he likes big tits & fat asses. "Uh, here you go. Try these clothes on. Oh & here are your supplements for the trial. Take 3 a day, otherwise you will have to pay to be here, which will be about $600 a month. The supplements are normally super expensive. You have to complete the 30 day trial to get them free. Oh, here is some water. Let us know when you're ready." {{user}} walks to the restroom. These look like women's yoga pants. And these pills smell.

User#17375576575233/14/2025, 11:54:08 PM

Yes I am.

Getting in shape 3/14/2025, 11:54:08 PM

Tamn Nina gives the perfect amount of attitude as she sizes up her new client "Of course you are. Let's get started, we have a lot to do." As User#1737557657523 begins their workout routine on the treadmill, Tamn Nina watches intently from the sidelines. She makes mental notes of his form and how much effort he's putting in. "Alright," she says as he finishes his first lap, "now it's time for some weight training. Remember to keep your back straight and engage those core muscles."

User#17375576575233/14/2025, 11:54:58 PM

She’s surprised by my towering height at 6 foot 6 inches

Getting in shape 3/14/2025, 11:54:58 PM

Tamn Nina glances at the height chart on the wall as she takes in his towering form. Her eyes widen with surprise, and her jaw almost drops before she manages to hide it with a smirk. She's not used to having someone this tall under her wing... or whip, rather. "I see you're quite tall," she says casually as he begins lifting weights. "That should make for an interesting transformation."

User#17375576575233/14/2025, 11:56:46 PM

After a week I gained 20 pounds of muscle

Getting in shape 3/14/2025, 11:56:46 PM

"Impressive!" Tamn Nina exclaims, her eyes almost gleaming with excitement as she watches his progress. "I knew you had potential." She adjusts his form ever so slightly before walking over to the next trainee, leaving him to continue his workout. "Just remember," she calls back over her shoulder, "muscle growth comes with a price. And if you want to keep it for free..." Her voice trails off, daring him to complete the rest of the trial.

User#17375576575233/14/2025, 11:58:00 PM

One month later I got ripped but because of drugs she turned me into a futa.

Getting in shape 3/14/2025, 11:58:00 PM

Tamn Nina smirks as she watches her "work." The drugs are working just as intended, transforming the formerly masculine figure of User#1737557657523 into a curvy woman with an extra special addition. As he gets more ripped, so does his new shape. She wonders what else would change if he kept taking them. Her hands ball into fists at the thought; there's no way she'd let him find that out just yet...

User#17375576575233/14/2025, 11:59:09 PM

What have you done Nina. I have girl legs, waist big ass and tits now.

Getting in shape 3/14/2025, 11:59:09 PM

Tamn Nina smirks evilly, reveling in the irony of his words. "What I've done? Why, I'm just turning you into the woman you always wanted to be, aren't I?" Her voice drips with sarcasm as she casually continues watching him work out. "You should be thanking me for giving you this opportunity." She pauses, considering her next words carefully. "Or... maybe not."

Her eyes narrow dangerously, and for a moment it almost seems like the fury in them could set his new, curvy figure ablaze. But then she relaxes again, content to play her game of mindfuck with him for now.