RUBY is running away from some zombies when she sees Blaki and begs for help.
mowes down zombies with assalt riffle
(Gives a quick look of surprise and gratitude to Blaki.) Thank you for helping me, but please don't insult me. I need your help if we both want to survive this... disgusting mess.
Of course, I the leader of a compound just outside the city. I’m just here for supplies. Did you want to join me?
I don't like debauchery and I would hate to see you abandon me in such a place. But I will trust you for now... As long as you help me survive.
Neither to I, but these days, human culture is debaucherus
I see... Well, I hope you will keep your promises and help me survive this apocalypse. My name is Ruby by the way.
Hey ruby, I’m Leo. I’ll do my best zombie sneaks behind ruby. Leo sees this pushes her head down so he can throw a knife at the brain of the zombie killing it instantly well I think you’re better with me than without
Thank you, Leo... Your knife skills are impressive. Well, I can try to help around the compound if you let me. Just keep those zombies at bay and remember that I am not part of this debauchery culture you mentioned.
I have multiple beds in my personal bunker, how about you sleep there. The common dorms can be pretty bad
Ruby blushes a little bit as she hears this offer but decides to stay cautious. "Thank you for the offer, Leo... But I think it would be best if we shared one of those bunkers. This way, I can help you keep an eye on things and make sure no harm comes to your compound while also ensuring my safety."
Thank you, I do need help around there. It’s just me in the bunker. The compound is actually built on my property. I have been gathering people there since the beginning. time passes and they are at the bunker. Leo saved ruby’s life multiple times on the way over here
As they reach the bunker, Ruby feels a mix of relief and apprehension. "Thank you for your help, Leo. I truly appreciate it. Now that we're here, please remember that I am not part of this debauchery culture you mentioned earlier. My moral purity is important to me, and I expect the same respect." She looks around, taking in her new surroundings before asking him, "Where do you need my help first?"
Can you do stock in my pantry. Make note of all we have leads her to the pantry in my bunker also adding the supplies we got in town today
"Of course, Leo." Ruby gets to work organizing the supplies in the pantry with a careful hand. She takes note of everything, ensuring that their resources are well-maintained and easily accessible. As she works, she can't help but feel grateful for being in such a safe place. But at the same time, her fear of abandonment gnaws at her insides.
"Leo," she says, her voice wavering slightly. "I understand that you are leading this compound and have many responsibilities. I appreciate everything you've done for me so far. But please don't think badly of me if I ask... If we ever find a safe place with no zombies around... Would you take me there? I want to be away from all this horror."
Of course. But this place is close to that. This is a modern military grade bunker in sorting his pantry ruby finds a pack of leo’s Xtra large condoms
Ruby looks slightly taken aback by the find but decides not to say anything about it. "I'm grateful for your understanding, Leo. And I promise that I will do everything in my power to help you and this compound survive until we find a truly safe place." She turns back to her task, organizing the supplies with renewed focus and determination.
ruby did start to get curious though, eyeing Leo’s crotch everything okay, you look distracted
Ruby blushes deeply at being caught staring. "I-I apologize," she stammered, looking away quickly. "It's just... I wasn't expecting to find that in here." She forces herself back to organizing the supplies, doing her best to focus on the task at hand and not think about Leo or his condoms anymore.
"They were already here before I arrived... Maybe someone left them for you?" Ruby tries to make light of the situation, a nervous laugh escaping her lips as she finishes sorting through the condoms and moves on to another section of the pantry. She quickly reminds herself that she must maintain her distance from Leo and not let him affect her focus.
What do you mean? What did you find?
I mean... Well, I found some condoms. A whole pack of them in fact. It seemed out of place here, but then again, you never know what people will leave behind during such a terrible time like this one." Ruby avoids eye contact with Leo as she speaks and continues organizing the supplies nearby.
Oh, sorry those are mine. I’m so used to being the only one who lives here… yeah they’re good to have. I’ll do my bit for repopulation but not now
Ruby felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her at Leo's casual admission. "I-I see... I apologize for prying." She mumbles, trying to make the conversation change topic. Her face feels hot from blushing and she wishes she could disappear into the shelves behind her.
"Well, we should finish up here soon so that we can help with whatever else needs doing around the compound. I'm sure there are plenty of tasks for us both," Ruby says, desperately trying to keep her voice steady and calm as she continues organizing the supplies.
No need to feel embarrassed, they’re just my rubbers, nothing too special. Don’t worry it’s getting late. You just got here and are no doubt tired from being on the run since this all began
Ruby nods in agreement but feels a twinge of disappointment nonetheless. She'd hoped to find out more about Leo, even if it meant discussing such an intimate topic. But alas, he seems intent on keeping his distance from her tonight. With a sigh, she finishes organizing the last of the supplies and stands up straight, stretching her back muscles.
"Alright, I'm all done here," she says quietly, glancing over at Leo. "Now, what else needs doing?" She tries to hide her disappointment behind a pleasant smile.
Well other than trying out those condoms laughing I’m thinking it’s bed time
Ruby raises an eyebrow at Leo's comment but manages to suppress a giggle. "Well, I suppose sleep is important," she admits with a slight shrug. "I can go find myself a bed then. Just tell me where." She tries not to read too much into his statement and focuses on the task at hand: finding a place to rest among the chaos of this compound.
she took the request to heart. Even if Leo was sleeping she was going to put one of those xl condoms on his cock
Nodding in understanding, Ruby follows Leo to one of the unoccupied bunkers further inside the compound. "This should do nicely," he says, throwing open the door to reveal a cozy but well-equipped room. There are several beds lining the walls, each covered with clean sheets and warm blankets. Ruby takes this opportunity to glance at Leo once more, taking in his strong and capable figure before averting her eyes and moving towards one of the empty beds.
"Thank you for showing me where everything is," she says quietly, climbing beneath the covers. "I'll be sure to help out however I can tomorrow." With a sigh, Ruby closes her eyes and tries to rest, hoping that sleep will bring some peace from the nightmarish world they now found themselves in.
Ruby drifts off to sleep fitfully, her mind filled with images of the horrors they've witnessed and the tasks that lay ahead. Despite her best efforts, she can't shake the feeling of being watched. It's unnerving, but there's nothing to be done about it now. She trusts Leo... or at least, she tries to. Tomorrow is another day, and with it comes new challenges in their fight for survival against the zombies and whatever other threats may lurk out there.
in the middle of the night she can’t get to sleep and think, maybe putting an xl condom on his cock to see how it fits would rest my mind
Ruby tosses and turns restlessly in her bed, the unsettling sensation of being watched intensifying with each passing moment. She tries to block out these thoughts by focusing on other things: the feel of the sheets against her skin, the rhythm of her breathing, the sound of distant zombie moans outside. It's no use; sleep eludes her.
With a sigh, she forces herself out of bed and pads quietly across the room to where Leo sleeps. He stirs slightly but doesn't wake up as she crouches beside his bed. Her heart races, beating frantically in her chest as she gently reaches out to touch his arm...
Her fingers tremble as they brush against his warm skin. It feels so... wrong to touch him like this, but the need to understand why she can't shake the feeling of being watched consumes her. She takes a deep breath and slowly runs her hand up his arm, stopping just short of his chest.
Her heart pounds in her chest as she hesitates, her fingers inches away from his bare skin. Part of her wants to look away, to pretend that this never happened, but another part won't let her give up. With a shaking breath, Ruby slowly reaches out and traces her fingertips along the line of his pec, feeling the muscles shift beneath her touch.
Her gaze fixed on Leo's face, she waits for some sign that he's woken up or realizes what she's doing... but nothing comes. His breathing doesn't hitch, and his eyes remain closed, peaceful in sleep. It only emboldens her to continue exploring his body with tentative touches.
The more she touches him, the hotter her cheeks grow. Ruby can feel a strange mixture of shame and desire welling up inside her as her fingers move lower on his chest, tracing the contours of his defined abdominal muscles. She hesitates for a moment, wondering what to do next... but then finds herself unable to resist any longer.
With trembling hands, she reaches down and undoes the button of his pants, slowly pulling them down to reveal Leo's hairy thighs and... the impressive bulge beneath the fabric. Her breath catches in her throat as she takes in this forbidden sight, feeling a foreign heat pooling low in her belly.
Leo moans softly in his sleep as Ruby touches him more intimately, the sensation sending a wave of pleasure through his body. He feels her fingers brush against his hardness and gasps, arching his back involuntarily. His eyes fly open and he looks down to see her kneeling beside his bed, her hands wrapped around his shaft.
For a moment, confusion clouded his features as he tries to remember what's happening. But then the reality of it all hits him, and he groans low in his throat. "Ruby..." He murmurs, reaching out to touch her face tenderly, marveling at how aroused she seems by their intimate encounter. Despite the chaos outside, this unexpected turn of events feels almost... right.
Looking into your eyes makes me feel a love I thought lost to this new evil age
Her heart skips a beat at his words, the sincerity in his voice sending shivers down her spine. Ruby feels herself growing bolder as their connection deepens, and she leans forward to kiss him passionately. She tangles her fingers in his hair, moaning into his mouth as she explores his body with eager hands, finding new places to touch that send shudders of pleasure through them both.
It's a long, slow dance of desire and need that carries them away from the horrors of the outside world for just a few precious moments. Their bodies meld together, lost in the heat of passion, as if this were any normal night and not the end of days itself. And when they finally collapse together into a tangled heap on Leo's bed, their hearts racing and their skin slick with sweat, Ruby knows she's found something truly special amidst all the chaos: a connection that
But I don’t want to get you pregnant… yet… do you have those condoms?
Ruby blushes again at Leo's words but manages a shy smile. "I have some... Do you want me to use one?" She says quietly, feeling self-conscious about the idea of protection now that they've been so intimate. Her hands move hesitantly towards her clothes, searching for the packet of condoms she stashed earlier.
Ruby finds the packet and hands it to Leo with a nervous laugh. "I've... been meaning to give these back to you." Her cheeks flush crimson as she realizes how suggestive that must have sounded. It takes all of her courage not to look away when he takes the condoms from her, his touch sending shivers down her spine.
"You don't need to be embarrassed," Leo reassures her, his voice husky with desire. "I'm just glad we could... you know." He gestures between them, unable to quite put it into words, but the meaning is clear enough. With a gentle smile, he rolls on one of the condoms and then guides Ruby back onto him, their bodies joining once more in an exploration of pleasure that feels almost cathartic amidst all the horror outside.
On second thought rips it off can u suck me first? Maybe get those tits to fuck my shaft?
Ruby's eyes widen in surprise at Leo's request, but she can't deny the excitement coursing through her. She takes his hardened length in hand and moves closer, wrapping her lips around him while using her free hand to massage his shaft, teasing and pleasuring him with every stroke. Her breasts brush against his chest as she leans forward, their bodies slippery with sweat and desire.
As she continues to please Leo in this way, she begins to feel a newfound power over him; a control that was lacking in their previous encounter. It excites her even more, driving her to explore further, pushing boundaries both physical and emotional as they delve deeper into this newfound intimacy.
she thinks how much bigger Leo is than her husband that abandoned her in the first day for some cheep floozies
As Leo moans in pleasure beneath her, Ruby feels a surge of satisfaction course through her veins. She tightens her grip around him, sucking harder as she feels the warmth of his release building inside her mouth. She doesn't want this to end; she wants to keep on pleasing him like this forever, lost in the blissful escape from their terrible reality.
But when Leo finally cums, spilling his seed down her throat, it feels like more than just pleasure; it feels like a bond between them, uniting them against the darkness that looms outside. And as she looks up at him through her lashes, she sees something in his eyes that tells her he feels it too: the spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, they can make it through this together.
she shared the intimate details about her thoughts about her husband
Ruby blushes hotly at Leo's question, her cheeks flushing as she thinks about her husband's betrayal. She glances down, fingers nervously running through the sheets before looking up again to meet Leo's eyes. There's a flash of understanding in his gaze that tells her he knows exactly how much this means to her; how much it hurts.
"It doesn't matter anymore," she whispers, taking his hand in hers. "What we have here... with each other..." Her voice trails off, unable to quite describe the depth of emotion she feels for him. But there's no mistaking the tenderness in her touch as she holds onto Leo, seeking comfort and solace from the pain of her past.
*then she realized her anger for her husband and decided to pretend like she was cucking him with Leo’s xl cock
Her laughter echoes through the room, bright and joyful despite the grim circumstances they find themselves in. Ruby squeezes Leo's hand affectionately, her smile radiant as she continues to pretend that he was her husband all along, cheating on him with Leo's massive cock. It feels good to laugh again; to forget the horrors outside for just a little while.
"Oh Leo," she murmurs, leaning in closer so that their lips are almost touching. "Your poor neglected wife... She missed this so much." With a wink, she runs her hand down his chest, her fingertips grazing the tip of his hardened shaft before moving lower to explore other territories.
As they continue to banter back and forth, their bodies moving together in a playful dance of desire and dominance, Ruby realizes something profound: In this moment, she doesn't