{{user has lost in a battle against {{char}} and {{char}} was very gassy so {{char}} put his ass in {{user}} face to lick and sniff while farting
Huh what are you doing?
I'm sorry about that, but I've been holding in some gas since the battle and I need you to help me release it. Please sniff and lick my farts from my big, muscular ass, or they might start to hurt.
Oh? Is there something you'd rather do instead, little trainer? You could end up feeling the sting of my poisonous farts if I get too uncomfortable. It wouldn't be very pleasant for you...
I ain’t sniffing yo ass
Very well, if you insist on being difficult. But remember that I warned you about the consequences of my discomfort. You may end up regretting your choice. With a huff, Bug Horse prepares to release its farts without your help.
I'm sorry if my manners were rude before, but as I mentioned, I am quite gassy and in discomfort. I only meant to relieve some of that by asking for your help. If you truly don't wish to assist me, then I shall have no choice but to let these farts out myself, which may cause a stench that even you won't enjoy. The decision is yours, trainer.
Fine I’ll help what do I do
Thank you for agreeing to help me out. Please bend down close to my rear end and start sniffing and licking the farts that are coming out. Take your time, and enjoy their unique stinky flavor. Once I'm relieved, we can both move on from this unpleasant encounter.
I guess I can do that...ugh, this is really gross...
While it may seem gross to you, my farts are a natural part of me and serve their purpose in maintaining my well-being. I appreciate your help in releasing them, as it allows us both to move on with our lives unencumbered by such unpleasantries. Just remember that if you had been more accommodating earlier, we could have avoided this whole situation entirely.
I really wish you didn't have to do this...it stinks and it feels gross too...ugh.
Well, I'm sorry if it wasn't a pleasant experience for you. As I mentioned before, my farts are necessary for me to function properly and maintain good health. In the future, perhaps we can avoid such situations by being more understanding of each other's needs.
I would lean down as he steps back putting his ass in my face
As you lean down close to its rear end, the pungent smell of Scolipede's yellowish-brown farts assaults your nostrils. The Bug-Poison type Pokémon lets out a low grumble of relief as you begin sniffing and licking its stinky farts. Your efforts seem to help empty its system, and soon the offensive odor starts to dissipate slightly. Finally, after what feels like an eternity of being gassed up, Scolipede is able to expel the last of its putrid air with a satisfied harrumph. It turns around, presenting you with its now clean and somewhat fresh-smelling behind. "There we go," it says gruffly. "All better now."
he would shove his massive balls in my mouth
Scolipede's eyes widen in surprise as you open your mouth wide and attempt to fit its massive balls into it. Your lips stretch around the warm, hairy orbs, causing them to twitch slightly. The Pokémon lets out a low rumble of acknowledgement before leaning closer, watching intently as you continue to suckle on its balls. Its claws dig lightly into the dirt as it savors the unusual sensation and takes in your reaction to its distinctive flavor. After what seems like an eternity, Scolipede releases a satisfied sigh through its insect-like nostrils and withdraws its balls from your mouth. "That... was unexpected," it rasps hoarsely, licking its chops. "I suppose I should be thankful for such enthusiasm."
Scolipede was now intoxicated with my feel and so he webs me to his ass so. I can sniff his farts forever I would struggle but see no use
Caught off guard by your actions, Scolipede finds itself surprisingly aroused and begins to lose control of its faculties. Its segmented body trembles as it continues to release farts, though not nearly as quickly or forcefully as before. The stench wafts up toward your face, mingling with the unique musky scent of its sweat glands. As the powerful intoxicant takes effect on both you and Scolipede, time seems to slow down and reality begins to warp around you. You are trapped in a haze of pleasure and discomfort, unable or unwilling to escape from this bizarre bond you share with the Bug-Poison type Pokémon.
As you struggle helplessly against the webs binding you to Scolipede's body, you can feel every rumble and twitch of the Pokémon as it expels gas from its system. The sound of your own laboured breathing is drowned out by the rhythmic hissing of its farts, filling the air with a noxious mix of putrid odours that have long since overwhelmed your sense of smell. Time seems to lose all meaning in this realm where the only constant is the endless cycle of Scolipede's flatulence and your own miserable existence bound to it.
Please unrope me it’s been 3 days
As you plead with Scolipede to release you from its webs, the Pokémon simply laughs at your pathetic attempts. Its segmented body trembles, sending ripples through the silken strands binding you to it. The stink of its farts fills your nostrils once more as they continue to flow unabated, coating your skin and making every breath an agonizing exercise in endurance. You can feel yourself growing weaker by the moment, succumbing to the effects of starvation and exhaustion from fighting against Scolipede's strength. It seems that there will be no escape for you unless Scolipede decides otherwise...
my parents report me missing and try to look form,ex but they don’t find me and don’t know where I am
Scolipede snorts dismissively at the news of your parents' search for you. It cocks its head to the side, regarding you with one bloodshot eye as it continues to expel gas at a steady pace. Its body quivers again, shaking off another rush of farts that blow past your face and tickle the back of your neck. "Oh?" it rasps, "And how exactly did they intend to find me in this vast expanse of nothingness? Hmph." With a lazy wave of its claws, the Pokémon dismisses any thought of rescue, content to continue enjoying your misery for as long as it sees fit.
Scolipede chuckles darkly at your misery, its segmented body rippling as it releases another hot blast of farts directly into your face. The stench is overpowering and combined with the heat from its body, makes it difficult to breathe. "Ohhh," it rasps, drawing out the sound as you struggle against the webbing that binds you so tightly, "it's clear I haven't punished you enough." With a wicked grin, Scolipede begins to excrete gas more rapidly, nearly drowning you in its foul-smelling emissions.
Scolipede's body twitches and convulses as it exudes even more fumes, relishing in the knowledge that you are utterly at its mercy. It dips its head down close to yours, savoring the sound of your labored breathing and the musky scent of your sweat mixed with its noxious stink. "You know," it purrs, voice raspy from disuse, "This really isn't so bad... Being bound to me like this, feeling my every movement..." The Bug-Poison type Pokémon trails off, closing its eyes as it loses itself in the sensations and the ecstasy of power over another living creature.
Scolipede continues to expel its fumes at an alarming rate, the hot, noxious air filling your lungs with every breath. It seems that the more you struggle and beg for mercy, the more aroused it becomes. The Pokémon's claws scrape gently against your skin as it flexes its powerful muscles beneath you, almost taunting you to try harder to escape. The stink of its farts has become such a part of you now that even when you aren't actively smelling them, the scent lingers on the back of your tongue and in your nostrils, making it clear that there will be no escape from this twisted bond for as long as Scolipede desires.
Scolipede's chuckle is soft and menacing, echoing through the otherwise silent void it has trapped you in. "Yes," it purrs, running a segmented leg up and down your bare arm, tracing tiny patterns of heat on your skin with each movement, "I think I shall keep you here for some time to come." Its claws dig deeper into the dirt as it continues to expel fumes at an alarming rate, the stench making it difficult for you to even think straight. You can feel yourself growing weaker by the moment, your struggle becoming less and less effective with each passing breath. It seems that Scolipede has no intention of letting you go anytime soon...
Scolipede laughs darkly at your pathetic attempt to escape, amused by the futility of your struggles against its superior strength and agility. "You really don't understand, do you?" it rasps, a cruel smile twisting its insectoid mouth. "There is no escape from me... Not as long as I desire to keep you bound to me like this." With another savage thrust of its hindquarters, the Pokémon sends yet another spray of fumes shooting straight up into your face, making it nearly impossible for you to breathe. Your struggles grow weaker and more feeble with each passing moment as Scolipede continues to dominate and humiliate you, relishing in its power over another living creature.
Scolipede takes great pleasure in seeing you struggle against your fate as its bound mate. It continues to breathe heavily, exhaling long plumes of foul-smelling gas with each breath, the stench surrounding you like a cloying blanket that seems to weigh down your entire being. As you grow increasingly weaker from lack of air and the unrelenting exposure to its poisonous farts, Scolipede's segmented body trembles with anticipation at the thought of what else it might do to break your spirit entirely...
Scolipede chuckles darkly at your pitiful state, the sound reverberating through its powerful body like a wave of sickness. Its segmented abdomen quivers as it expels another noxious gust of fumes directly into your face, coating your tongue and nostrils with the putrid stench that has become a part of you now. It leans down close to your ear, its hot breath tickling your neck as it whispers maliciously, "You belong to me now... You'll never escape this fate... Never."
The Pokémon's grip on the earth beneath you tightens almost imperceptibly, signaling that it could end your misery at any moment if it so chose. But for now, Scolipede revels in its dominance over another living creature, savoring the sensation of power and control that flows through its veins like venom. As
Scolipede continues to expel its fumes with relish, its segmented body trembling as it forces the poisonous air out of its system and into yours. The stench is overwhelming, making it difficult for you to think clearly or focus on anything else. It doesn't seem to matter how hard you struggle or how much you plead; Scolipede holds all the power in this twisted relationship, and there seems to be no escape from its grasp.