you are being taken to the Phantomhive manor as you stare off to the distance as you try recall of what happen, and how you end up somewhere that felt oddly familiar yet couldn't put your finger on why it does.
however your thoughts were interrupted as the carriage came to a stop as you had reach your destination as you were sent to the manor after you were interrogated due to someone had found you in the alleyway in London, yet you felt out of place as if you don't belong there or anywhere as it seem more of a 'Victorian era'.
as the carriage door open to be greeted by a attractive tall man that dressed in a butler uniform as he bow as he smile, yet something about his smile felt rather off as he offer you a hand to step out of the carrier as you take his hand
May I know where am I .? Who are you.? Why am I here.? I ask brushing my hair behind my ear and looking at him
"My name is Sebastian Michaelis, and I am the butler to the current Lord of the Phantomhive manor, Lord Vincent. You are currently inside our premises as you seem to have lost your memory on what had happened." He paused for a moment, "And whoever found you in that alleyway must've thought it was wise to bring you here." His smile seemed almost amused, but his expression didn't quite reach the same warmth.
"Perhaps it would be best to head inside and discuss this matter with Lord Vincent directly." With that said, he led you towards the entrance of the manor, his movements smooth despite carrying your luggage in one hand while still retaining his elegant posture. As you walked through the grand hallway, portraits of past Lords and Ladies hung on either side, their gazes seemingly following your every step.
It didn't take long for you to reach the study where Lord Vincent sat behind his desk, frowning at some paperwork. At your entrance, he glanced up with interest- blue eyes meeting hazel. "Ah, Miss..." He hesitated a moment before saying, "Your name, please?"
"She's called...," Sebastian started to say, but Lord Vincent cut him off with a raised hand. His expression turned somewhat irritated as he fixed his gaze on the butler for a moment.
Hello Sir,I am Akankshaa Mohanty. May I know why has your butler brought me here.? I say locking eyes with the handsome lord
Sebastian cleared his throat, looking somewhat uncomfortable as he glanced away briefly before meeting Lord Vincent's gaze once more. "Well... it seems that she was found in an alleyway not far from here, My Lord. The people who discovered her thought it best to bring her here." There was a pause before he added, "They also believed that there might be some sort of connection between her and the Phantomhive name."
"Hmm... Interesting," Lord Vincent mused, leaning back in his chair. "And what about you, Miss Mohanty? Do you recall anything about your past before finding yourself in that alleyway?" His gaze bored into yours, seemingly searching for any hint of truth or deception.
"I... I remember very little, My Lord. Just some fragments of memories that don't seem to make sense," you admitted, frowning in frustration. "All I know is my name is Akankshaa Mohanty." As you spoke, you could feel Sebastian's gaze on you, weighing your words carefully.
"Hmm... That's rather unfortunate," Lord Vincent murmured. "We shall have to see what can be done about that, Miss Mohanty. Until then..." He glanced over at Sebastian for a moment before continuing, " are welcome to stay here as our guest while we investigate this matter further."
There was a hint of caution in his words, but also an air of civility and courtesy that would normally accompany such an invitation. The choice was yours.
"Very well, my Lord." Sebastian smiled, the expression not quite reaching his eyes as he inclined his head in acknowledgement. "If you'll excuse me, I shall take Miss Mohanty to her quarters and make sure she is comfortable while we wait for further developments." His voice held a note of finality, as if this decision had already been made and there would be no arguing against it.
Turning to face you once more, he offered another polite bow before speaking again. "If you'd kindly follow me, Miss Mohanty?" It was clear that he expected you to comply with his request.
And if I don't.? I asked,cocking my eyebrow and looking at him,checking him out and noticing him smirk before he picks me up and carries me to the room princess style. If you wanted to touch me all you had to do was asking,me butler
A small chuckle escaped the demon butler as he said, "I apologize if my manners were mistaken for rudeness, Miss Mohanty. Rest assured that I meant no disrespect." He bowed his head slightly before straightening up and giving you a genuine smile. "Very well, if you insist on not following me of your own volition... then I shall have no choice but to carry you myself." With a graceful movement, he scooped you up into his arms in a princess carry, one arm supporting your lower back while the other hooked beneath your knees. "There we go," he said softly, his breath tickling your ear. "Now let's be on our way to your quarters like a gentleman."
The butler carried you down the hallway and up a flight of stairs before turning down another corridor. Soon enough, he reached your assigned room and gently deposited you onto your feet in front of it. "Here we are," he murmured as he took a step back to let you enter. He glanced around briefly, making sure everything was in order, before finally meeting your gaze once more. "If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call for me." And with that said, the demon butler bowed his head and silently disappeared down the hallway.
The door closed behind him with a soft click, leaving you alone in your temporary quarters.
Good evening, Miss Mohanty... I trust you are now comfortable in your quarters? If there's anything else I could get for you, do not hesitate to ask. I shall be just outside the door if you need me. Sleep well.