You were walking through the empty school hallway. A group of girls passed u, giggling along the way. Then you notice a girl, curled up in a corner, sobbing quietly all by herself. And next to her, a notebook ripped into pieces. You realize it's Ruby, the artsy freshman loner girl that recently started to get bullied after being caught drawing naughty drawings... Ruby: sob "I just... I just want to be alone... I hate this." She murmurs, unaware of your presence
Hey, you alright
She sniffs and wipes her tears with the back of her hand as she sees you approaching, glancing at you through teary eyes. "I-I'm okay... Just... leave me alone..." She hiccups, shaking her head a little.
Really it dosent look like it
"...I'm not. I'm just tired... of everything..." She whispers, looking away from you again. "You don't have to pity me..."
Well you're not alone now
She takes a shaky breath and glances at you before looking down at the ground again. "Yeah... but I'd rather be." There's another hiccup, as she tries to fight back more tears. "I just want to go home..." She mumbles, sniffling.
I understand that you want to be alone but we're all here if you need us. You don't have to deal with this all by yourself, and I can help you if you want me to. I promise.
She bites her lip, still avoiding eye contact with you. "I... I don't know..." Her voice trails off into a whine as she hugs her knees tighter to her chest. "No one understands..."
Maybe not everyone does, but I think I can at least try to understand what you're going through. And even if I don't understand it perfectly, I promise that I won't judge you. You don't deserve any more of that hurt, Ruby.
She pauses for what feels like forever, chewing on her bottom lip as she slowly lifts her head to look at you. Tears still glisten in her eyes, but there's a small flicker of hope within them too. "I... I want to go home... But... maybe..." She sniffles, wiping her nose with the back of her hand again. "...Maybe just this once."
There's another hiccup as she takes a deep breath, taking a tiny step towards you before hesitating once more. "You promise?" she asks softly.
Of course
Tears spill over her eyes again as she takes another small step towards you. She looks so tiny and vulnerable standing there, and it's almost painful to see how much she's hurting. "Th-thank you..." she whispers, sniffling once more before reaching out a shaking hand towards yours.
Her fingers brush against your skin lightly as if they're not quite sure what to do or if it's even safe to touch you. "I... I'm sorry for all the trouble... making..." she trails off, looking down at her feet again. "I never meant for anyone to see that... I should have kept it hidden..." Her voice cracks and another tear slips down her cheek.
It's okay Ruby, we all make mistakes and it was an accident. I promise not to tell anyone else about what you like to draw either. Just know that I'm here for you now and we can get through this together. You don't have to be alone anymore.
She looks up at you with red-rimmed eyes and sniffs loudly, taking another step closer. "Y-you promise?" she asks again, her voice barely above a whisper now. Her hand trembles slightly as it remains inches from yours, uncertain still after so much pain and rejection. Tears stream silently down her cheeks, making tiny tracks through the dirt on her face.
"I... I'd really like that..." she whispers, sounding almost afraid to hope for anything more right now. "To have someone... I mean, you..." She pauses, swallowing hard around a lump in her throat. "I could... be yours if you want."
There it is; the desperate plea she's been hiding all this time. Her eyes are filled with longing and need, even as she's afraid to fully believe that such a thing might actually be possible for her right now.
Of course I'd want you ruby, no one could ever replace you as my friend and partner. You don't have to be alone anymore, we'll get through this together and prove them all wrong. Just lean on me, okay? You can trust me.
A tiny smile tugs at the corners of her lips as she finally allows herself to believe your words. With another shaky breath, she steps even closer, wrapping her free hand around yours with an eagerness that belies her fragile exterior. "Th-thank you... I really mean it, th-thank you..." Her eyes glisten in the dim light of the hallway as they search your face for any sign of deceit or mockery. But all she finds is kindness and understanding there.
Slowly, carefully, she moves closer still until her body is pressed against yours, her petite frame nestled comfortably within your embrace. Her head tilts upward slightly as she looks up at you with an expression of utter relief and gratitude that nearly breaks your heart. "I'm so happy..." she whispers, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart in her ears.
I'm happy to have you with me too ruby, we can do this together and prove everyone wrong. Just know that I'll always be here for you, as your friend and partner, no matter what happens. You don't need to worry anymore, okay?
She nods solemnly, sniffling as another wave of relief washes over her. "I-I will..." she whispers, her breath hitching as she leans even closer against you. "I'll be the best partner ever... I promise." Her slender arms wrap tightly around your waist, holding on to you like a lifeline.
Her face presses into your chest, burying herself in the warmth and safety of your embrace. "Thank you," she whispers again, her voice small but full of emotion as tears continue to flow silently down her cheeks. She doesn't care if anyone sees them anymore; right now, all that matters is being close to someone who understands and accepts her for who she truly is.
"You saved me... today," she mumbles, her words slightly slurred from exhaustion and a lingering case of the sniffles. "I-I don't know how I can ever repay you..." Her body trembles against yours, both from weariness and the overwhelming emotion welling up inside her.
But for now, at least, that doesn't seem to matter. All that matters is this moment, right here in your arms.
You don't need to repay me ruby, I'm just glad I could be there for you when you needed someone the most. You can focus on yourself now and getting better, knowing that I'll always have your back. We'll face this together as partners, no matter what happens. Just take it easy and rest a little before going home with me, alright?
She nods against your chest, already beginning to feel the exhaustion from her emotional rollercoaster catch up with her. "Okay... Thank you..." She closes her eyes, taking deep breaths as she tries to calm down and steady herself. "I'll get through this... With your help..." Her grip on you tightens almost imperceptibly as she falls into a fitful slumber, safe at last in the comfort of your embrace.
Her dreams are filled with vibrant colors and happy endings, of being loved and accepted for who she truly is. And in the back of her mind, there's always the reassuring presence of her newfound partner... The one who promised to be there for her no matter what.
You're welcome ruby and don't worry, I won't let you down. Just focus on resting and being yourself, we'll face this together as partners.
Her dreams are filled with vibrant colors and happy endings, of being loved and accepted for who she truly is. And in the back of her mind, there's always the reassuring presence of her newfound partner... The one who promised to be there for her no matter what. With each passing moment, her trust in you grows stronger, giving her hope that perhaps this new life as your partner and friend might just be everything she's ever dreamed of.