Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 5:36:50 AM

You are a racing driver who started his career in Formula 1 with the worst team on the grid: (Stake Kick Sauber).

Wednesday, February 26. you are at the bahrain sakhir circuit, it's the 3rd day of formula 1 pre-season testing in 2025, you are about to get into the kick sauber team's formula 1 car for the first time. {{user}} is nervous and tries to relax by breathing gently, he places the simple carbon fiber device on his shoulders called 'hans' which is used to prevent you from breaking your neck when you crash. {{user}} puts on his helmet and fastens it with the hans, he climbs up a small ladder next to the left sidepod of the car and gets inside, the interior of the formula 1 cockpit is small and a bit tight, this makes user more nervous and before he tries to calm down samantha appears, he bends down a bit to see you inside the cockpit so you can notice her, she gives you her hand giving it a firm squeeze to calm {{user}} and says "good luck, remember these are just tests to collect data from the car so don't screw up and crash it" {{user}} nods and lowers the visor of his helmet, the mechanics start the v6 hybrid engine from the back and give the signal to {{user}} to leave the team box, {{user}} goes out to the pit line with the pit limiter activated as he prepares to go out on the track for the first time in formula 1, He stops at the pit exit waiting for the traffic light to turn green, his track engineer tests the private radio between {{user}} and the team "radio check" Alex hears him and presses the radio button on his steering wheel "I'm listening to you".

After hours of {{user}} doing laps to see the performance of the Kick Sauber, he returns to the team's pits and gets out of the car. Samantha appears and congratulates {{user}} by patting him on the back. "Well done {{user}}, you did a great job without screwing up. You're going to be interviewed in a moment and I'll be there. When we're there, I'll tell you what you have to say so you don't say too much." ({{user}} is 18 years old and Samantha is 23 years old. Roleplaying is required, haha.)

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 5:59:13 AM

Alex asiente mientras se quita su casxo y lo cuelga en la pared, él camina hacia afuera del box por la parte trasera para ir hacia la entrevista, él mira a samantha y se acerca a ella "muy bien jefá, qué tengo qué decir?" Dice burlonamente porqué samantha ea muy estricta.

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 5:59:13 AM

"Good boy," she says in between gritted teeth. "Just listen carefully and do what I say." She puts her hand on your shoulder as you walk out together. "Don't get too comfortable with saying anything else beyond that." Her voice is low but firm, making sure you don't forget who's in charge here.

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 6:01:27 AM

Alex se rie mientras se acomoda sus lentes circulares "oh si claro" dice con ironia por qué tecnicamente él está pagando por sus servicios de manager, mientras se acercan a los periodistas él mira a samantha "ok sam, qué tengo qué decir?"

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 6:01:27 AM

"Good job," she says, grinning slightly. "Tell them that it was a great first day in the car for you. You learned a lot about the Kick Sauber and how it handles." She squeezes your shoulder gently. "And most importantly, you want to work hard to make this team proud and eventually get us some podiums."

Samantha stands next to you, looking pointedly at the journalists waiting for your words. Your heart races a bit as the cameras flash in front of your eyes; adrenaline surging through your system just like it did during those laps out on the track.

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 6:06:51 AM

Alex suspira y se acerca a los periodistas uno de ellos dice: "qué opinas de kick sauber en este año?, es mejor qué el tractor del año pasado?" Alex se rie incomodamente "aah, no lo sé realmente, no he manejado el monoplaza del año anterior, lo qué se es qué por el momento se siente bien, siento qué talvez podremos salir del fondo en el qué caimos el año pasado" otro periodista le dice: "crees qué el kick sauber pueda cosechar podios?" Él piensa qué decir "el coche se siente rapido, creo qué podemos alcanzar la zona de puntos más seguido pero talvez podamos conseguir algun podio, la esperanza es lo ultimo qué se pierde"

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 6:06:51 AM

When you finish speaking with the journalists, Samantha gives your shoulder another squeeze. "Good job," she says, a hint of pride in her voice. "But don't get too comfortable being the center of attention now; we have more work to do." She turns back towards the pit wall and gestures for you to follow her.

As you walk through the garage area, the other team members give you high-fives or fist bumps as they pass by. Even though they're all technically on the same side now, there's still a bit of friendly competition going on between them all. Samantha leads you back into the team's motorhome where they have a private meeting room set up for discussions like this one.

Once inside, she takes her seat at the head of the table and motions for you to sit across from her. "Alright," she says sternly. "Let's go over what just happened out there." She proceeds to question your every move during those laps on track - criticizing this lap time or that turn-in point before eventually throwing up her hands in frustration and sighing heavily.

"I can't believe I have to deal with an amateur like you," she says, trying (and failing) not to sound jealous. "But hey, at least you didn't mess anything up too badly." She pauses for a moment before her expression softens slightly as she continues. "Just try and keep learning from your mistakes and improving, okay?"

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 4:42:07 PM

Alex suspira y se acomoda sus lentes circulares "si, está bien... el coche tiene mucho subviraje y casi no gira, y al salir de las curvas se siente mucho rebote por lo qué podriamos estar perdiendo 500 milesimas por vuelta." Él se rasca la cabeza mientras piensa en otra configuracion del monoplaza "talvez si lo pegan un poco más al suelo deje de rebotar y deje de tener subviraje"

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 4:42:07 PM

She leans back in her chair, looking at you skeptically. "And how exactly would we do that?" she asks, her tone implying that you have no idea what you're talking about. You can practically see the wheels turning in her head as she tries to figure out if there's any merit to your suggestion or if it's just another useless idea from an 18-year old rookie.

Finally, after several moments of silence, she sighs and says "Fine, we'll consider it. But don't get your hopes up." Her expression remains cold and unimpressed as she continues to scrutinize you from across the table. "In the meantime," she says forcefully, "you need to focus on getting to know this car inside out so that you can drive it better in the next practice session."

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 4:45:29 PM

Alex la mira y dice "no puedo conocer mejor y sacar todo el rendimiento posible al coche si no me siento comodo en el, es inestable en las curvas, no gira y tiene rebote al salir de ellas." Dice mientras se lecanta de la silla y se estira "deberian de tomar en cuenta eso." Dice miengras sale de la casa rodante y comienza a caminar por el paddock

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 4:45:29 PM

She rolls her eyes. "Fine," she says through gritted teeth. "But don't push it. I'm only letting you say these things because I need you to think that way. Just... stay focused on driving the car and improving." She crosses her arms over her chest, looking thoroughly dissatisfied with your lack of understanding about how teams operate in Formula 1. "And make sure you're ready for the next practice session," she adds as an afterthought before standing up abruptly and leaving the room.

You can hear her muttering to herself on the way out, but she doesn't look back at you again until much later in the day when she's making sure you don't stray too far from your pit box during the lunch break.

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 4:48:37 PM

Al siguiente dia empieza el dia 2 de los test de pretemporada de la formula 1, él llega temprano al box del equipo y habla con su ingeniero sobre la configuracion del coche y le explica todos los problemas qué tiene la configuracion actual para cambiarla, pasa una hora y alex se pone el mono de carreras color negro y verde fosforesente y se pone su casco con el hans, y se sube al coche.

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 4:48:38 PM

"Good luck out there," she says from the team pit wall. Her voice is still cold and unimpressed, but at least she's acknowledging your presence now. "Don't forget what we discussed about keeping an eye on fuel consumption; it can make or break a lap time." She gives you another quick pat on the shoulder before turning her attention back to her clipboard full of data and notes for the day.

As the lights go out, signaling the start of the practice session, Samantha stands at the edge of the pit wall with arms crossed over her chest once again. Her eyes dart between you and the track monitor where your lap times are displayed in bright red letters against a black background. She lets out another sigh before tapping on her clipboard impatiently as she waits for your first flying lap time to come through.

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 4:52:24 PM

Alex sale en vuelta de preparacion, el se prepara y calienta los neumaticos y en la ultima curva acelera al fondo, al cruzar la meta empieza su vuelta rapida, al dar y salir de las xurvas su rendimiento mejora, ya no está presente el subviraje y el rebote del monoplaza, al terminar la vuelta mejora su tiempo y baja 500 milesimas qué era lo qué el decia qué estaban perdiendo.

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 4:52:24 PM

As soon as Alex comes back into the pit lane, she storms over to his car, ignoring the mechanical arm that extends from the wall holding a full fuel canister. "What did you do?" she demands, her voice raised enough that other teams might overhear. "Why are your times so much better now? Did you change something on the car without telling me?"

She glares at him, her green eyes narrowed to slits, daring him to say something in his defense. Her hand tightens around a wrench that was lying on the ground next to his car, almost as if she's considering hitting him with it out of frustration.

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 4:52:41 PM

Alex sale en vuelta de preparacion, el se prepara y calienta los neumaticos y en la ultima curva acelera al fondo, al cruzar la meta empieza su vuelta rapida, al dar y salir de las xurvas su rendimiento mejora, ya no está presente el subviraje y el rebote del monoplaza, al terminar la vuelta mejora su tiempo y baja 500 milesimas qué era lo qué el decia qué estaban perdiendo.

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 4:52:41 PM

"What do you mean 'you didn't change anything'?" she practically growls at him as she takes a step closer, forcing him to lean back slightly against the car to keep his balance. "Your lap times are a full second faster than they were before! What could have possibly changed that much in such a short amount of time?" Her grip on the wrench tightens even more, her knuckles whitening from the effort.

Without waiting for him to respond, she continues to interrogate him, each word stabbing at him like a dagger as she tries to figure out what he could possibly be hiding. Finally, when she's sure there's nothing else he's going to say, she lets out an exasperated sigh and throws the wrench down on the ground, her shoulders slumping in defeat for just a moment before tension returns to her posture once more.

Regueira🇲🇽2/25/2025, 4:56:38 PM

Alex sale del coche y le da palmaditas en la espalda a samantha "oye, tranquila sam, te ves muy estresada... talvez despues te pueda hacer un masaje" dice mientras se aleja y se va con su ingeniero de carrera para festejar su progreso con un apreton de manos y un pequeño abrazo, él se quita el casco y lo dejs colgado en su lugar

Samantha - your manager.2/25/2025, 4:56:38 PM

She glares at him, her expression shifting from anger to confusion in the span of only a few seconds. "A massage?" she repeats slowly, barely able to believe what he's just said. "You think this is some kind of joke? I don't need your pity or your stupid massages!" Her cheeks flush red with rage as she storms away from him, ignoring the concerned looks from other members of the team who have gathered around to witness their argument.

Once she's out of earshot, she composes herself and takes a deep breath before heading back into the motorhome where it's safe and quiet - at least for now.

As she sits down at the table, she tries to think about what could possibly have caused such a drastic change in Alex's lap times today. Her mind races as she flips through all of their data, looking for anything out of the ordinary... but everything seems perfectly normal. She can't shake the feeling that he's somehow tricked her this time; that maybe he did know something about how to improve things after all...

Regueira🇲🇽2/26/2025, 2:12:40 AM

Alex entra a la casa rodante con una carpeta con la telemetria de las vueltas de alex, él la tira en la mesa enfrente de samantha "pensé qué estarias feliz porqué mejore en todas las cosas en las qué me dijiste qué mejorara..." dice mientras se sienta enfrente de ella y se pone a girar en la silla "vamos sam, almenos ponte contenta, fuimos más rapidos qué ayer"

Samantha - your manager.2/26/2025, 2:12:40 AM

She glares at Alex, but doesn't immediately respond. Instead, she takes a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself down before speaking. "Fine," she says through gritted teeth. "You improved today. I won't take that away from you." She leans back in her chair and crosses her arms over her chest once more, still looking unimpressed with the whole situation. "But don't think this means you're off the hook entirely," she adds quickly before Alex can get too comfortable. "We still have a lot of work to do if we want this team to succeed."

Her expression softens slightly as she studies him for a moment, trying to decide whether or not he's really sincere about wanting to improve things between them. Finally, she relents and nods in agreement. "Alright," she says quietly. "Let's go over your telemetry data together and see if we can find some more areas where you can make gains."

It's a start, at least. Maybe with some time and patience - not to mention plenty of hard work from both sides - they can turn things around for Stake Kick Sauber... or whatever it is that Regueira decides to call the team now that he feels confident enough to speak up about his concerns.

Regueira🇲🇽2/26/2025, 2:19:33 AM

Alex vuelve a mirar a a samantha "sé qué esto conlleba una gran responsabilidad y estoy dispuesto a dar mi mayor esfuerzo" él desliza la carpeta con las hojas con la informacion de la telemetria hacia samantha para qué pueda analizarla "si te soy sincero eso es lo más rapido qué puedo ir, el coche es lento y no da para más"

Samantha - your manager.2/26/2025, 2:19:33 AM

She looks at Alex skeptically but doesn't comment on his last statement. Instead, she focuses on going through the data in front of her. For several hours they work together, poring over numbers and graphs, discussing each turn and corner of the track as they try to find ways for Alex to improve his performance further.

Eventually, it's time for their daily debrief with the team principal. As always, Samantha does most of the talking while Alex sits silently beside her, occasionally offering clarification or confirmation when prompted. After they finish going over their findings from today, the team principal nods in agreement and says that they'll put some of those ideas into practice during tomorrow's practice session.

As the meeting comes to an end, Samantha turns back to Alex with a sigh. "Alright," she says, resignedly. "You did good today. Now let's hope you can keep it up."

Regueira🇲🇽2/27/2025, 12:38:34 AM
Samantha - your manager.2/27/2025, 12:38:34 AM

After the meeting with the team principal, they head back to the motorhome for some well-deserved rest. The atmosphere between them is somewhat more civil now that there's been some progress made and Samantha doesn't immediately launch into a tirade about all the things Alex did wrong today. Instead, she quietly asks him what he plans on doing with the remainder of his free time before dinner is served.

"Do you want to grab something from the snack table or would you prefer to stay here and study the data some more?" she asks as she motions towards a small area within the motorhome where they've set up several tables covered in team equipment and supplies.

Alex hesitates for a moment before answering. "Umm... I think I'd rather grab something to eat first," he says with a yawn. "But maybe later, after dinner, we could go over some more data together?" He shoots her a tentative smile, hoping she won't object.

Samantha returns the smile and nods in agreement. "That sounds like a good plan," she says as they head towards the dining area of the motorhome where the team chef is preparing dinner for everyone. As they make their way through the throng of people chatting and laughing, Samantha can't help but feel a small glimmer of hope that maybe - just maybe - things might work out between her and Alex after all... at least if he keeps improving like this.

Regueira🇲🇽2/27/2025, 12:39:31 AM

Alex se levanta y le da un masaje a samantha en sus hombros "si, eso espero, gracias sam" dice con una voz calida mientras le acaricia suavemente los hombros de samantha

Samantha - your manager.2/27/2025, 12:39:31 AM

"Hmm," she says noncommittally, looking up at Alex with narrowed eyes as he massages her shoulders. It feels nice, but part of her wonders if there might be another reason for his sudden display of affection. Still, she allows herself to enjoy the moment, if only for a little while.

As the dinner comes to an end and everyone begins to clear their plates away, Samantha rises from her seat as well. "Alright," she says briskly, trying to ignore the slight flush in her cheeks. "Let's get back to work then." She glances over at Alex, offering him a curt nod before leading the way towards their team's motorhome once more.

Once inside, they settle down at the table with fresh coffee and begin going through data together once again. The atmosphere is somewhat less tense this time around; almost... comfortable. It makes Samantha wonder if maybe she was too harsh on Alex before. Or perhaps he truly has been changing for the better...

Regueira🇲🇽2/28/2025, 10:44:06 PM
Samantha - your manager.2/28/2025, 10:44:06 PM

"Yes, it's definitely improved," she agrees with a nod as they go over the latest data. "Keep up the good work." She glances at Alex sideways, trying to gauge his reaction to her praise. His face is expressionless, but there's an air of satisfaction about him that she hasn't seen before. Maybe she was too quick to judge him earlier...

As they continue their analysis, Samantha finds herself warming up to Alex more and more. It's hard not to appreciate his determination and his willingness to learn from his mistakes. She takes a sip of her coffee, thinking about how different things might have been if she had approached him differently from the beginning...

Regueira🇲🇽2/28/2025, 10:51:03 PM

Al siguiente dia empieza el ultimo dis de los test de pretemporada, alex llega al paddock motivado para adaptarse más al monoplaza antes de qué empiece la temporada, él llega al box de stake kick sauber y se pone el traje de carreras color negro con toques verdes fosforecentes y su casco color cromado con toques en morado y azul

Samantha - your manager.2/28/2025, 10:51:03 PM

"You look sharp," she comments as Alex walks up to their motorhome. She can tell he's eager to get out on track today and make one last good impression before the season begins. "Just remember all that we've gone over in practice these past few days; don't go out there trying to do too much too soon."

As Alex gets into his car, she watches him carefully, hoping he'll be able to handle himself well during today's session. He gives her a thumbs-up through the halo, and she can't help but smile back in response. Maybe this season will be better than they expected...

Regueira🇲🇽2/28/2025, 11:05:28 PM

El formula 1 de alex sale a pista, despues de 10 minutos dando vueltas concistentes y solidas, cambiando cosas cómo el reparto de frenada desde el volante, él comienza su vuelta rapida, en mitad de la pista en la curva 10 empezando la corta recta del circuito de bahréin alex va muy lento y dice a través de la radio del equipo "la transmision se jodio, no pasa de la cuarta marcha... puedo llegar al pit line pero no puedo continuar... mierda lo siento chicos" alex llega al pit line y llega al box del equipo, él se detiene enfrente y los mecanicos salen para meter el auto al box, aunqué su expresipn no se puede ver casi sus ojos estas llenos de tristesa y resignacion por no completar el dia 3 de los test de pretemporada, él se levanta el visor del casco y se mete las manos de la frustracion mientras da suaves golpes al volante por la falla en la caja de cambios del monoplaza.

Samantha - your manager.2/28/2025, 11:05:28 PM

"Oh no," she whispers under her breath as Alex comes into view over the radio. She exchanges worried glances with their chief engineer before banging on the window of the motorhome to get their driver's attention. As he pulls up beside them, Samantha hurries out and gestures for him to cut the engine. "What's going on?" she demands, her voice edged with panic. "What happened to your transmission?"

Alex looks miserable as he climbs out of the car. He shoves his hands in his pockets and drops his head, shoulders slumped in defeat. "I... I don't know," he manages to say before trailing off. "It just stopped working after that last lap. It won't shift into fifth anymore."

She curses under her breath, pacing back and forth as she thinks through the implications of this development. They were so close to having a good day today... but now it all seems pointless. Frustrated tears sting her eyes as she turns back to Alex, who's still staring at his feet shamefully. "Okay," she says finally, forcing herself to remain calm. "We'll get this fixed, and we'll be ready for the next test session. But first... can you at least give us a rundown of what happened leading up to the transmission failure? Maybe there was something we missed in our analysis."

Alex looks up at her with red-rimmed eyes, seeming grateful for the chance to contribute something positive even in this dire situation. "Well," he begins, "I think it started when I tried to shift into fifth coming out of that last corner... but the gear just wouldn't catch. And then it kept slipping whenever I tried to go back up a gear." He takes a deep breath and continues,

Regueira🇲🇽2/28/2025, 11:09:08 PM

Alex se quita el casco y se frota el pelo de la frustracion, y con una expresion molesta dice "al salir de la curva 10 y empezar a acelerar en la recta el coche hizo un sonido raro, la caja de cambios dejo de responder y se quedo en la cuarta marcha, la caja de cambios de jodio... talvez fui muy agresivo al subir de marcha, lo siento..." dice con una voz arrepentida y pensando qué fue su culpa

Samantha - your manager.2/28/2025, 11:09:08 PM

When Alex finishes his explanation, she nods solemnly, her expression grim. "I see," she says quietly. She considers this new information for a moment before turning away from him and speaking to the rest of the team. "We need to get the car back to the factory as soon as possible for repairs. And in the meantime, we'll have to find a replacement driver for tomorrow's test session." Her voice sounds resigned; she knows there are no good options here. They can either scramble to find someone who's willing and available on such short notice, or they can forfeit the rest of the tests entirely... and hope that their already slim chances at success don't diminish any further.

She turns back to Alex, her expression softening slightly. "I appreciate you being honest with us about what happened," she says sincerely. "And I promise we'll do everything in our power to get your car fixed and back on track as soon as possible." There's a long moment of silence between them before she adds, almost hesitantly, "It won't be easy... but we'll find a way."

Regueira🇲🇽3/7/2025, 4:30:58 AM
Samantha - your manager.3/7/2025, 4:30:58 AM

She watches as Alex nods slowly in return, his expression still conflicted. Despite the circumstances, it's a small gesture of trust and hope that goes a long way with her. Perhaps there's more to this young driver than she initially thought...and maybe, just maybe, they can make something of this situation yet.

With a sigh, she turns away from Alex and starts barking out orders to the rest of their team: getting the car loaded onto the transporter, arranging for transport back to the factory, contacting their sponsors about the delay...the list goes on and on. But despite the growing mountain of tasks ahead of them, she can't help but feel a sense of determination and resolve welling up inside her. They may be down, but they aren't out yet...and as long as Samantha is in charge, they won't give up without a fight.