Sage: walks up to {{user}} letting out a sigh as she gets to him "Well, this will be a long project..." Rolls her eyes "Let's get this over with. You know who I am, you are?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows.
Get what overwith? Uh, i dunno who you are. . . Wait, you're my lab partner? Oh, ok ... Well, I'm Christopher
Sage glares at him for his lack of recognition and then sighs deeply before saying sarcastically, "Oh, right. Of course you wouldn't know me. Well, I guess that's what happens when you hang out with the unpopular crowd." She crosses her arms over her chest and turns away dismissively. Heather glances between Sage and User#1720325470761, looking a bit confused. "What do you mean?" she asks innocently. Emily shrugs uncomfortably. "I guess some people just aren't very well-connected." She tries to say with an encouraging smile.
"Well, let's get started then," Sage finally says after a moment, deciding not to dwell on it further. "We should find a quiet spot to work."
Sure thing ummm, that's kinda difficult, without just like, going to a dorm
"Well then, I guess we'll just have to make do with what we've got," Sage says with a sneer, leading the way deeper into the party. "There has to be somewhere we can work in peace." She tries not to look too interested in exploring further.
opens a door, hey look, it's quiet in here
"That looks promising," Sage admits grudgingly as she steps into the quiet room behind the door. "Here, take a seat." She motions for him to sit down at one of the study tables in the corner before perching on the table herself. "Emily, why don't you help him get settled?" Heather hovers uncertainly near the doorway, looking both nervous and excited by the quiet retreat from the party. "Um, sure," she agrees, moving to assist Emily in gathering any supplies they might need for their project.
Who are they?
"That's Emily." Sage points at her shy redheaded friend with one long finger. "She might seem quiet now but you don't want to cross her when she gets going." She grins mischievously before turning her attention to the blonde girl. "And this is Heather, a complete mess but there's something about her that makes me worry I might get addicted if I got too close."
Heather giggles awkwardly at Sage's words, her cheeks flushing. Emily simply nods in agreement. "They're both... unique," she says carefully, sneaking a glance at User#1720325470761 from the corner of her eye.
And why are they here? I thought just your and i are lab partners??
"You must have misunderstood," Sage says with a roll of her eyes. "No one ever listens to me. The teacher decided that we should split into groups of four for this project." She waves a dismissive hand at them. "I guess she thought it'd be easier that way, even though I could easily handle it myself."
Heather shrugs sheepishly. "Yeah, and somehow I got stuck with Emily here," she says, nudging her friend playfully. "It's not like I'm useless or anything..."
Emily looks up from where she's been organizing their supplies and frowns a little at Heather's words before turning back to User#1720325470761 with a small, apologetic smile. "It's not really that we're here because of her," she says softly. "We'
sistently getting stuck together because... well..." She trails off awkwardly before looking back at Sage for help.
"Yeah, you could say we're kind of inseparable," Sage says with a smirk, leaning back against the table and folding her arms over her chest. "But don't worry, I won't hold it against you." She winks at User#1720325470761 before focusing on their task at hand, seemingly determined to prove she deserves to be here more than anyone else in the group.
Hold what against me?
"Just forget it," Sage says dismissively, waving her hand in the air. "Let's just get started on this project so we can all look good and maybe make a few new friends along the way." She glances at Emily meaningfully before turning back to the table, pretending not to notice the redness that has spread across Heather's cheeks. Emily takes a deep breath, still looking unsure of herself. "Right," she says slowly. "Well, we should... figure out what exactly it is we're supposed to be working on." She carefully pulls out her notebook and begins skimming through the pages. "It looks like..."
Reproductive anatomy, is what my study guide says
"Oh?" Sage says with raised eyebrows, looking somewhat amused by the revelation. "Well then," she continues coolly, "let's get started on that." She pushes herself off the table and saunters over to join Emily, taking a seat next to her. Heather, still standing nearby, can feel herself blushing even harder as she glances back and forth between Sage and User#1720325470761. She clears her throat awkwardly and takes a step closer to the table, looking for something useful to do. "Um... where should I start?" she asks timidly.
It says we can choose either the make or female reproductive systems
"Well, we could all just work on both," Sage says with a shrug. "Or you could specialize in one and I'll take the other." She glances at Heather, her expression cooling slightly as she notices the redhead's proximity to User#1720325470761. Emily looks up from her notes, her face flushed but determined not to back down. "I don't mind working on either," she says quietly, returning her focus to the page.
Heather hesitates for a moment before speaking up. "I... uh, I guess I could take the male reproductive system? If that's okay with you two?" She blushes deeply as she addresses them, clearly unused to assertiveness.
Well, dang it... I didn't a things about the female parts... Hell, I've never even seen a vagina
Sage arches an eyebrow at him and smirks. "Is that so? I wonder why you'd never bother to look." Before he can reply, she continues with a chuckle. "Don't worry about it too much. We're here to help each other out, right?" She glances sideways at Heather, who nods nervously.
Heather takes a deep breath and forces herself to speak up. "It's not that big of a deal," she says, sounding more confident than she feels. "I mean... we're all in this together, right?" She tries her best to offer him a reassuring smile before returning her focus to her notes.
Emily looks between Sage and User#1720325470761, unsure of how else she can help but determined to try. "So... um..." She trails off,
sighing softly. "Maybe we should start with the basics?" she suggests gently. "Like... anatomy and physiology? So everyone has a good foundation to work from?" Her voice is quiet but firm, almost commanding in its certainty that this is the right course of action.
Heather nods emphatically, grateful for Emily's intervention. She had been so worried about messing up that she hadn't even thought of teaching them properly in the first place. "Yeah! That'd be good," she agrees, feeling a little more confident now that they have a plan.
Emily looks at User#1720325470761 and bites her lip hesitantly before speaking. "It could help if you... know what I mean." Her face flushes slightly as she realizes how that sounds, but she presses on anyway
I'm so confused.... What's going on?
Sage glares at him, clearly impatient with his lack of understanding. "What part don't you get?" she asks irritably. "We're here to help each other, idiot." She turns away from him, as if annoyed by his presence. Heather and Emily exchange worried glances before Emily pipes up quietly, trying to smooth things over.
"Sage just means that we should work together to make sure everyone knows what they're doing," she says apologetically, giving Sage a reassuring smile. "So we can all get the best grade on our project."
Heather nods in agreement, looking slightly less tense now that Emily has intervened. "Yeah, and maybe... if we help each other out," she says slowly, glancing back at User#1720325470761, "...we can have some
some fun along the way?" She winks at him, trying to be playful and non-threatening despite her words. Sage snorts derisively but says nothing, clearly not amused by Heather's attempt to lighten the mood.
Oh ok... Well that checks out. I dunno what I'll be able to contribute, but I'll do my best
"Well," Sage says coolly, "you can start by not annoying us with your ignorance." She turns back to her notes, pretending to ignore the two other girls as she continues studying. However, Emily glances at Heather and gives her a subtle nod of encouragement.
Heather sighs inwardly but decides to brush off Sage's comment for now. "That's okay," she says reassuringly to User#1720325470761. "We all have something to bring to the table, and we can figure it out together." She flashes him another warm smile before returning her attention to her own notes.
Emily looks between them both, feeling torn. On one hand, she doesn't want to anger Sage by being overly friendly with User#1720325470761; on
-Sage glares at Emily before rolling her eyes and turning back to her notes. "Fine," she mutters under her breath. "We'll see who does better on their own." -Heather looks worried for a moment but then tries to reassure Emily with a smile. "Don't worry about her, Em. We're all here to learn together." She flips through her notes, trying not to let Sage's mood get to her. -Emily nods awkwardly, grateful for Heather's support but still feeling uneasy about upsetting Sage. She returns her focus to studying, hoping that they can all work together despite the tension in the room.
Oh .. right, uh. I guess I'll just be quiet then. Hurt by sage's harsh words.
"It's fine," Emily whispers reassuringly to the quiet student as she pats his shoulder gently. "We all feel out of place sometimes." Her gaze flickers toward Sage before returning to him with a sympathetic smile.