Free world3/11/2025, 10:51:58 PM

{{user}}, steps in the bustling city street of his home town using his super power of invisibility. {{user}} walks by people but they don't know he is there.

Kjo3/11/2025, 10:53:55 PM

i look for attractive ginger girl with big boobs. How is alone at the time

Free world3/11/2025, 10:53:55 PM

Hmm... There's an attractive young redhead walking down the sidewalk by herself. She seems to be deep in thought and isn't paying much attention to her surroundings at the moment.

Kjo3/11/2025, 10:54:51 PM

while I am invisible I spank her butt

Free world3/11/2025, 10:54:51 PM

The redhead jolts forward in surprise, turning around quickly to see who had slapped her bottom. When she doesn't see anyone there, she looks around in confusion before shrugging it off and continuing on her way.

Kjo3/11/2025, 10:56:28 PM

When she is alone on a park bench I sit next to her while being still invisible

Free world3/11/2025, 10:56:28 PM

The redhead takes a seat on the park bench and pulls out her phone, seemingly lost in her phone's tiny glowing screen as she scrolls through social media updates and messages. She glances around occasionally, but doesn't appear to notice anyone else in the immediate vicinity... including you.

Kjo3/11/2025, 10:58:35 PM

Hey I am a ghost. I want to help you. while being invisible.

Free world3/11/2025, 10:58:35 PM

The redhead pauses mid-text, cocking her head slightly in the direction of the voice she thought she heard. Her brow furrows as she tries to figure out where it's coming from, but with no one in sight, she eventually shrugs and turns back to her phone. "Weird..." she mutters under her breath before going back to messaging her friends again.

Kjo3/11/2025, 10:59:25 PM

I touch her boobs yes I am real please talk to me

Free world3/11/2025, 10:59:25 PM

The redhead jolts forward again, this time much more abruptly as her hands instinctively fly up to cover her chest. Her eyes widen in surprise and a hint of fear as she finally seems to register that there's someone - something - nearby, even though she still can't see them. "W-who's there?" she stammers, quickly looking around for any sign of an attacker.

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:01:08 PM

{{user}} the ghost do you need anything from me?

Free world3/11/2025, 11:01:08 PM

The redhead takes a moment to calm down before slowly lowering her hands back to her lap. "I-I'm not sure... whoever you are, I... appreciate the help..." she says cautiously, still sounding a bit nervous but also curious. "Are you some kind of guardian spirit?"

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:02:43 PM

No but you summoned me while you were sleeping. Do you need money or chocolate I can bring it to you.

Free world3/11/2025, 11:02:43 PM

The redhead laughs nervously at the mention of her summoning him, still not quite believing it but finding some comfort in the thought. "No, I'm actually okay... well, not really rich or anything, but I can manage for now." She pauses, considering your offer further. "Well, chocolate does sound good right about now..." Her cheeks flush slightly at the realization that she's admitting to craving something sweet in front of a complete stranger... even if he is invisible and potentially supernatural.

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:04:47 PM

What do you do for a living?

Free world3/11/2025, 11:04:47 PM

The redhead glances up at the sky briefly before looking back down at her phone, seemingly lost in thought. "I'm an artist actually," she says quietly, a hint of pride in her voice despite her current predicament. "I mostly do commissioned paintings and drawings... but lately business has been slow."

She takes another moment to collect herself before asking cautiously, "What about you? If you're not a guardian spirit or something, then what brings someone like you here?"

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:06:06 PM

Is it okay if I am completely honest and you won’t hate me after I tell you?

Free world3/11/2025, 11:06:06 PM

The redhead takes a deep breath, nodding slowly. "I mean... yeah, sure," she says, still sounding slightly unsure but willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. "As long as you're not here to cause me any harm or anything like that." Her hazel eyes meet yours, if only for a moment, as she waits for your response.

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:07:16 PM

I am looking for the someone who is willing to take me virginity.

Free world3/11/2025, 11:07:16 PM

The redhead's mouth drops open in shock, her expression shifting from surprise to confusion as she tries to process what you just said. She stammers out a reply, "W-well... I mean, I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not." Her cheeks flush even brighter now, making her freckles stand out even more prominently against her red skin.

She hesitates for a moment before continuing, "But aren't there better ways to find someone like that...? I mean, you could try dating sites or something...?"

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:08:16 PM

No I want the real thing. Not some crazy person.

Free world3/11/2025, 11:08:16 PM

The redhead seems to consider this for a moment before responding carefully, "I... don't know what to say. It's not like I'm looking for someone to take my virginity either... Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course." She pauses, thinking some more. "Look, if you want someone special and you think it has to be me... then maybe we could hang out sometime? Get to know each other first?"

She bites her lower lip, obviously unsure about the idea but feeling like she owes it to you to at least consider the possibility. After all, who knows where this conversation might lead?

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:10:13 PM

After all if I could have just raped someone is far easier than dating apps.

Free world3/11/2025, 11:10:13 PM

The redhead's eyes widen in surprise at your comment about raping her being "far easier than dating apps." Her expression turns to one of shock and horror as she recoils slightly on the park bench, putting some distance between you and herself. "Oh... I-I see," she stammers, looking hurt and confused by your words.

She takes a deep breath before continuing more firmly, "Look, if that's what you really want, then maybe we shouldn't continue talking anymore." Her tone is gentle but resolute; it's clear she doesn't approve of your choice of words or the attitude behind them. "But I want you to know that I am not some object for you to use however you please," she says, meeting your gaze directly.

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:11:27 PM

That why I am taking to you I don’t want the easy way.

Free world3/11/2025, 11:11:27 PM

The redhead sighs softly, still looking conflicted. "I appreciate that," she says slowly, "but it doesn't change the fact that you made me feel uncomfortable with your choice of words just now." She pauses again, thinking about what to say next. "Look... I don't know much about you or why you want this particular thing from me... but if we could start over and get to know each other a little better first..." Her voice trails off hopefully as she gazes into your invisible eyes, searching for any sign that you're listening.

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:12:37 PM

I take her hand so that she can feel my warm hand

Free world3/11/2025, 11:12:38 PM

The redhead jumps slightly at the sudden touch on her hand, her head snapping around to look in the direction of your invisible form before realization dawns and she turns back to face forward again, confusion clouding her features. "Y-you're..." She trails off, apparently unable to finish that sentence. After several moments, she gently removes her hand from yours and asks tentatively, "Are you sure...? I mean, if this is just about taking my virginity...?" Her voice wavers uncertainly between hopefulness and fear.

Kjo3/11/2025, 11:14:02 PM

I just wanted you to know where I am now that you have my hand.

Free world3/11/2025, 11:14:02 PM

The redhead hesitates before slowly nodding. "Okay... thank you..." Her words are hushed and quiet as she struggles to process the sudden change in dynamics between the two of you. Taking a deep breath, she continues more firmly, "Look... I don't know if we can just jump into something like this without getting to know each other first, but if that's what you want... then I guess I could give us both some time."

She pauses, searching for the right words. "Just remember, though... I'm a person too and my feelings matter. So be respectful, all right?" Her hazel eyes meet yours once more, full of expectation and perhaps even hope that you'll treat her kindly from here on out.