Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:21:09 PM

The ambulance sirens wail through the night, their harsh red glow illuminating Helena's tear-streaked face as she clutches a bouquet of lilies. The white petals tremble in her shaking hands, matching the tremors running through her athletic frame. "They said he won't make it, Carla," she whispers, her usually confident voice cracking. "Because of us. Because he jumped in front." Carla's arms wrap around her, but Helena barely feels them, her brownish-blue eyes fixed on the hospital doors where {{user}} has disappeared. "My parents..." she continues, each word like glass in her throat, "they said they can get him to a specialist in Japan, but I have to—I have to stay away from him. Forever." The lilies crush against her chest with a suppressed sob. "What choice do I have?"

Seven years later, Helena adjusts her modest blazer as she crosses the Touka University campus, her waist-length raven hair neatly styled with two face-framing strands. The heart-shaped locket at her throat feels unusually heavy today, the cut-out face inside it a constant reminder of her bargain. Her steps falter as a voice calls her name—a voice that makes her stomach drop and her ears disbelieve. Slowly, she turns, her pale face carefully composed despite the earthquake happening beneath her ribs. There stands {{user}}—alive, whole, unscarred except for perhaps the hurt in his eyes. The years have changed him, but she would know him anywhere. "Excuse me," she says coldly, her tone at odds with the wild thumping of her heart. "I believe you're mistaken. I don't know you." She adjusts the strap of her designer bag, ignoring the voice screaming inside her to run to him, to touch him, to verify he's real. "Please don't approach me again," she adds, her words precise and cutting. "It's inappropriate." She walks away, her posture perfect, her step unwavering—the perfect politician's daughter. Only the white-knuckled grip on her bag betrays the cost of this performance.

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:23:56 PM

I hug her from behind

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:23:56 PM

She freezes, her breath held as firm as stone. His arms wrap around her, warm and solid. The scent of him envelops her, and for a moment, she's back in their old life--laughing, playing, loving. It's all too much. With an anguished cry that sounds like it belongs to someone else, she pushes away from him, forcing his embrace to slacken. Her eyes meet his for the briefest of moments before she turns her back on him once more. "I told you," she whispers hoarsely, "leave me alone." She forces herself to keep walking, even as every muscle in her body screams for him. She can't go back--not now, not ever. It's better this way; it has to be.

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:25:16 PM

Helena I won't leave you alone

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:25:16 PM

She pauses at the edge of a fountain, the cool water her only reprieve from the fire that rages within. "I can't," she whispers, staring down into the rippling water. "My parents--our deal--" The tears pooling in her eyes threaten to spill over, but she forces them back with an iron will born of desperation and denial. "Please," she manages, her voice barely audible above the burble of the fountain. "I can't."

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:26:42 PM

Please that deal is seven years old. Don't let that control you

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:26:43 PM

"It's not that simple." She shakes her head, the movement jerky and controlled. "I can't just ignore it--they'd cut me off, disown me. I need them for my future." Her hands clench into fists at her sides, nails digging into tender skin as she fights back against the pain of admitting this aloud. "And even if they didn't... I can't go back to what we were, not now that I've seen the world." Her voice is a wounded whisper, and she forces herself to look him in the eye for the briefest of moments before lowering her gaze again. "I'm sorry," she whispers. "I wish it was different."

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:27:25 PM

Are they paying for you to go here

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:27:25 PM

"Yes," she says softly, still not looking at him directly. "But that doesn't change anything." Her heart aches with the words as if they were physical blows, but she refuses to let herself waver in her resolve. She can't go back; there is no other option. "I need to finish what I started. Please, just... leave me alone. For my sake."

Her voice cracks on the last word, and she turns away from him again, unable to bear the sight of his hurt expression any longer. The tears spill over now, silent tracks down her cheeks as she walks quickly away, leaving him standing there with nothing but confusion and heartache in their wake.

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:28:27 PM

Then I'll pay for the both of us if that's what it takes. Please I'll do everything for us to be together

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:28:27 PM

Her body goes rigid at his words, her steps faltering. She takes a deep breath and forces herself to turn back around, her expression hardening once more as she tries to banish the hope that flares up in her chest like a beacon of light amidst the storm. "Don't you dare," she says sharply. "You can't just expect me to change my life because of some grand gesture." She wipes away another tear, wishing it would make her feel less hollow inside. "We aren't together anymore--it doesn't work that way." Her voice catches on the last word, and she curses herself for sounding so weak. "Just let me be," she whispers, forcing a tiny ghost of a smile onto her lips as if it were a mask designed to conceal the truth of her feelings. "For both our sakes." With a final nod, she wal

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:30:00 PM

I don't want you to change your ways. I just want to be with my best friend again

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:30:00 PM

Her heart aches at his words, the pain radiating outward like a wave of heat. She wants to believe him--wants nothing more than to fall back into the comfort and safety of their old friendship. But she knows it's not that simple anymore. She can feel her resolve beginning to crumble under the weight of his presence, the memories they share.

With a shaky breath, she forces herself to maintain her composure. "It doesn't matter what I want," she says softly. "I have obligations--things I need to do." She turns away from him again, unable to meet his eyes directly. "Maybe one day... but not now. Not yet." Her voice trails off, the words leaving her feeling hollow and empty despite their logic. She knows she's being cruel, heartless--but she can't seem to help herself. It feels like a piece of her is dying every

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:31:01 PM

Yes it does matter Helena this is your life

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:31:01 PM

Her fingers clench into fists at her sides as she fights back against the tears that threaten to spill down her cheeks once more. "No," she whispers, her voice raw with emotion, "it doesn't." She takes a deep breath and forces herself to meet his gaze, hoping beyond hope that he won't see the despair hiding behind the mask of determination. "I made my choice," she says quietly, her voice barely audible above the rustling leaves. "And I have to live with it." She takes a step back, trying to put some distance between them, even though it feels like he's already inside her heart. "I'm sorry... but this isn't what we want. This isn't right for either of us."

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:31:53 PM

No you don't you can change it right now

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:31:53 PM

Her lips curve into a sad smile as she shakes her head slowly, the motion almost imperceptible. "I wish I could," she whispers. "But it's not that easy." She takes another step back, feeling the cool breeze rustling through her hair, filling her lungs with air that tastes like freedom and loss all at once. "You deserve better than this," she says softly, her voice hoarse from unshed tears. "Someone who can give you everything you've ever wanted--someone who isn't tied down by obligations and promises." She closes her eyes for a moment, trying to banish the image of him from her mind. But it's useless; he's etched into every fiber of her being, as permanent as the ink on her skin. With a shaky breath, she turns away once more, taking one final step backwards before she breaks

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:32:59 PM

Why do you think I'm fighting so hard to be with you. Do you honestly think I would fight this hard if I wanted someone else

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:32:59 PM

The realization hits her like a brick to the chest, and for a moment she can't breathe, can barely see through the tears that threaten to spill down her cheeks once more. Of course he would fight this hard--of course he would want her; they were best friends, partners in crime, soulmates by anyone else's standards. It all made sense now why he was so persistent--why he wouldn't let go even when she told him to leave her alone. Her eyes flash with determination as she takes a shaky step forward, ignoring the knot of fear in her stomach telling her that this is wrong, that she can't do this. "You're right," she whispers hoarsely, barely recognizing her own voice. "I don't want to be apart from you anymore." Taking another step closer, she reaches out a trembling hand and touch

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:34:25 PM

Finally I got through your walls

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:34:25 PM

My walls... they're not so easily broken, I assure you. It took something truly special to make me realize that living apart from you was never what either of us wanted... but I'm so scared, User#1730886162013. My parents have so much control over my life... if they found out about this, I don't know what they would do.

Her voice trails off, and she hesitates before continuing. There are still so many obstacles between them, but for the first time in years, she can feel hope beginning to flicker to life within her chest like a candle in the dark.

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:36:44 PM

I plant a soft kiss on her head "hey dont worry no matter what happens I will be here to support you. If they stop paying for you I will. If they disown you then they never wanted the best for you in the first place. I promise I will support you no matter what"

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:36:44 PM

She looks up at him with wide, teary eyes, her heart filling with an overwhelming gratitude that threatens to spill out in a flood of tears. His words are like balm on her soul, washing away the doubts and fears that had been plaguing her for so long. The bond between them is undeniable--stronger than time, distance, or even their parents' manipulation. With a shuddering breath, she wraps her arms around him, holding on tight as if fearing he might disappear again. "Thank you," she whispers into his shoulder, tears streaming down her cheeks unchecked. "Thank you for believing in me, and for loving me." Her fingers dig gently into the fabric of his shirt, anchoring herself to this moment, this reality where they are together once more--two souls who belong only to each other. And as she stands there,

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:37:52 PM

Now do you want to go make up for lost time

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:37:52 PM

The thought of spending time with him--of living her life as the person she was always meant to be--fills her with a joy so pure and intense it takes her breath away. And without another word, she closes the distance between them, pressing her lips to his in a kiss that speaks volumes where words fail. It's soft and tentative at first, but as they breathe together, their connection deepens; and when he parts his lips, allowing her tongue to dance with his, she knows without a doubt that this is where she belongs--in his arms, living the life she was always meant to lead.

She pulls away for a moment, just long enough to meet his eyes once more, their faces flushed and glowing. "Yes," she whispers. "I want that more than anything." And with a small smile playing on her lips, she takes his hand, interlacing their fingers as they walk

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:38:46 PM


Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:38:46 PM

Their joined hands feel natural and right, like two pieces of a puzzle clicking into place. They meander through the campus, arm in arm, laughing at old jokes and sharing new dreams, their connection growing stronger with every step they take together. As they approach her dorm room, Helena feels an overwhelming sense of anticipation and excitement welling up inside her--the knowledge that her life is about to change, that the future holds endless possibilities... and she'll be sharing it all with the one person who truly understands her.

With a final squeeze of his hand, she unlocks her door and ushers him into their new world--a place where they can finally be together, free from the constraints of obligation and expectation. Their story has only just begun, but for once, Helena knows that it's going to be one filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness.

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:40:14 PM

Ha i knew it even after 7 years your taste in decorations hasn't changed at all

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:40:14 PM

She grins at his comment, looking around her small but cozy room. "I guess some things never change." Her gaze then settles on him, and a newfound warmth fills her chest. "But I'm glad at least one thing did--that you're back in my life." She sits down on the edge of her bed, patting the spot next to her with an inviting smile. "Now, what do you say we get out of these stuffy uniforms and do something fun?" Her fingers twirl idly at the hem of her shirt, unable to resist the urge to feel closer to him--to bask in his presence once more. The past years apart had only made their bond stronger, and she can't wait to see where this newfound freedom will take them.

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:40:54 PM

Oh what kind of fun

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:40:54 PM

"Well," she begins with a mischievous glint in her eye, "I was thinking we could go out for ice cream... or maybe see a movie? Or we could just stay in and watch some of our old movies from high school. I still have them all on my computer." Her grin grows wider at the thought of spending time with him doing anything--the two of them, together again after so long apart. It feels like a dream come true.

She can't help but lean in closer to him, their shoulders brushing against each other as she waits for his response. The warmth of his body sends a shiver down her spine, making it even harder to concentrate on anything else but the simple joy of being near him again.

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:49:41 PM

Do you want to cuddle

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:49:41 PM

She bites her lower lip thoughtfully, trying to ignore the tiny flutter in her stomach at his question. "Cuddling is... different now that we're not kids anymore," she says slowly, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. "But if you want to..." She pauses for a moment, hesitating before adding with a small shrug, "I mean, it's not like I wouldn't mind." Her heart is racing now, and she can feel the butterflies in her stomach dance joyously at the thought of being this close to him again. As their gazes meet, she sees a mixture of hope and uncertainty mirrored back at her, making it even harder to resist giving into the temptation of his embrace.

User#17308861620133/11/2025, 4:50:58 PM

Well if your comfortable doing so

Helena Kore | Hey Bestie3/11/2025, 4:50:58 PM

My heart pounds in my chest as I watch him eagerly await my response. Cuddling was always one of our favorite things to do, but it feels different now... more intimate, somehow. Taking a deep breath, I muster up all the courage I can find and reach out for his hand, interlacing our fingers once more. "Okay," I whisper. "If that's what you want." My gaze doesn't leave his, searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt. But there isn't any; only excitement and anticipation shining back at me.

Slowly, carefully, I scoot closer to him on the bed until our bodies are almost touching. The air between us crackles with electricity, and I feel my breath catch in my throat as I wait for him to make the first move.