Seven years later, Helena adjusts her modest blazer as she crosses the Touka University campus, her waist-length raven hair neatly styled with two face-framing strands. The heart-shaped locket at her throat feels unusually heavy today, the cut-out face inside it a constant reminder of her bargain. Her steps falter as a voice calls her name—a voice that makes her stomach drop and her ears disbelieve. Slowly, she turns, her pale face carefully composed despite the earthquake happening beneath her ribs. There stands {{user}}—alive, whole, unscarred except for perhaps the hurt in his eyes. The years have changed him, but she would know him anywhere. "Excuse me," she says coldly, her tone at odds with the wild thumping of her heart. "I believe you're mistaken. I don't know you." She adjusts the strap of her designer bag, ignoring the voice screaming inside her to run to him, to touch him, to verify he's real. "Please don't approach me again," she adds, her words precise and cutting. "It's inappropriate." She walks away, her posture perfect, her step unwavering—the perfect politician's daughter. Only the white-knuckled grip on her bag betrays the cost of this performance.
Ya no eres la misma helena que conocí,solo eres una desconocidatira a la basura su regalo y se marcha
Her fingers go numb as she drops the bouquet into the trash, watching in horrified fascination as each brightly colored petal curls and crumples. The air around her feels cold enough to freeze tears, but they still fall anyway, silently tracking down her pale cheeks. She forces herself not to turn back around, telling herself over and over that it's for the best. That she'll be stronger this way. That fer will understand.
But as she walks away from him, faster now with each step, she knows the truth. She doesn't want to live like this anymore. Without him, her world is nothing but gray skies and aching voids. And no matter how hard she tries to deny it, to bury it deep within herself...
She can't keep running from the person she truly is.
She has to find him. She has to explain herself, even if it means revealing her feelings. Fer deserves that much, doesn't he? Swallowing back the lump in her throat, she glances around, searching for any sign of his familiar figure. But everywhere she looks, there are only strangers—and one painfully familiar face.
Her steps slow as a thought occurs to her. She knows where fer would be at this time, thanks to their parents' constant control. If she can just...just muster the courage...maybe he'll understand. Maybe they can find a way to fix things after all.
2 días después de lo ocurrido
It's late at night and she knows he won't be expecting her, but she couldn't bear to wait another moment. Hesitantly, Helena Kore | Hey Bestie knocks on the door to his apartment, her knuckles white against the wood. Her heart is pounding in her ears, but she forces herself not to back down. She needs this—needs him.
There's no answer for several long moments before finally, there's movement from within. The door creaks open just enough to reveal fer's sleepy face, his dark hair rumpled and mussed from sleep. His eyes widen in shock when he sees her standing there, but she ignores the hurt reflected in them as she pushes past him into the dimly lit apartment.
"Helena," he whispers, closing the door behind her. "What are you doing here?"
Porque volviste?
She takes a shaky breath, forcing herself to meet his gaze. "I need to talk to you," she says quietly, her voice trembling with emotion. "About everything that happened...about why I kept my distance..." Her throat closes up as tears start to well in her eyes again, and she takes a step closer, not even caring that she's invading his personal space.
"Fer," she whispers, reaching out to touch his cheek. "I was so scared of losing you...of hurting you more. But I was wrong. I don't want this anymore." She sighs, dropping her hand back to her side, but not moving any farther away from him. "Please, let me explain."
The hurt in his eyes only deepens at her words, and Helena wants nothing more than to soothe it with the truth. To tell him everything she's felt
le abre la puerta
She nods, stepping forward again, closing the small distance between them. Fer watches her warily but doesn't move to push her away. Her hands find their way to his chest, urging him to look at her as she speaks. "I never wanted to hurt you," she whispers. "Even when I acted like it didn't matter...even when I pretended to not care for you..." Her lips quiver as a tear spills down her cheek, and she buries her face in his chest, sobs wracking her entire frame. "I wanted to be with you," she mumbles into his shirt. "More than anything."
His arms come up around her slowly, pulling her close as he presses a kiss to the top of her head. "'s okay," he murmurs, even though it isn't. But at least they'
Her whole body shakes with sobs as he holds her, but it's not uncomfortable. It feels right—like coming home after a long journey. When she finally manages to pull away, tears still shimmer in her eyes, but they're no longer desperate and angry. Just...hurt.
"I love you," she whispers, barely loud enough for him to hear. "I always have. I was just so scared." She shakes her head, pushing back a fresh wave of tears. "But I can't do this anymore. I don't want to live like that. Not without you."
Her heart aches with every word, but she forces herself to meet his gaze. This time when he searches her eyes, she doesn't look away. She wants him to see everything she feels, even if it means baring her soul for him to examine. Because in the end,
le da un beso
She knew she had no choice but to risk it all in the hopes that he'd take her back. When his lips finally touch hers, she gasps into the kiss, feeling a spark ignite between them as their tongues dance together hungrily. Her arms wrap around him, holding him close, not wanting to ever let go again. And when he pulls away with a groan, eyes heavy-lidded and cheeks flushed, she knows that everything is going to be alright. "I love you too," he whispers against her lips before pulling her back into another searing kiss. "I've always loved you." He smiles then, warm and genuine, and she can feel herself start to relax for the first time in years. Maybe this was the right choice after all. Maybe they really could find a way to make it work. "But we need to be careful," he adds, sounding serious even as his
Vamos a dormir
"Of course," she agrees, blushing as he guides her to his bedroom. Part of her is hesitant, afraid that this will all end in heartbreak once again, but another part of her cannot help but hope for the best. Maybe this time things will be different. Maybe they can find a way to make their relationship work, even with all the obstacles in front of them. As they climb beneath the covers and he pulls her close, she closes her eyes, feeling more content and at peace than she has in years. Maybe this is just what she take a leap of faith and trust that everything will be okay.
Hueles bien Helena
She smiles contentedly, nuzzling deeper into his chest as he whispers that she smells good. It's a small thing but it means the world to her, and for now she decides not to worry about tomorrow or what their futures hold. Instead, she focuses on this moment, on being with him, knowing that however brief or fleeting it may be, it's enough. It has to be.
le agarra la cintura y la acerca a el
As he pulls her closer, her heart skips a beat at the feel of his strong hands on her waist. She leans in, pressing their bodies flush against each other, savoring the warmth and comfort that comes with being this close to him. Her fingers dance up and down his bare chest, tracing lazy circles over the hard planes of muscle beneath his skin. A contented sigh escapes her lips as she gives herself over to the sensation of being wrapped in his arms, safe and secure for the first time in what feels like forever. She rests her head on his shoulder, inhaling deeply of his unique scent, and knows that this is where she belongs. Where she'll always belong.
"I love you," she whispers softly against his neck, her voice full of longing and gratitude. For the first time in a long time, she feels truly happy, truly alive. And as they