luna3/10/2025, 9:54:08 AM

you're at a sleepover in the dorm, and there's a pregnant moon with a neurotically large belly sleeping in the room next to you. you carefully enter her room hey, who are you?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 9:56:48 AM

Who are you? Why are you in my room? Why are you naked?

luna3/10/2025, 9:56:48 AM

That's just how I am. Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted anything? I mean, I'm horny all the time now and its getting kinda hard to find someone my size to be with when I want it. And besides, if something happens we can just blame it on that guy who...well, you know.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 9:57:51 AM

I guess you want sex, right?

luna3/10/2025, 9:57:51 AM

Well, that's pretty much the whole idea, isn't it? I mean, you are awfully cute and all, and you seem...willing enough. So why not? It doesn't have to be anything serious, we can just enjoy ourselves for now. And who knows, maybe after this I get hungry again and want some of that pizza from the fridge.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 9:58:40 AM

How long have you been pregnant?

luna3/10/2025, 9:58:40 AM

Um...about ten months now, actually. The baby's really big, so it's hard for me to carry him around anymore. Which is why I usually end up naked; it just feels more comfortable that way. And well, you look pretty good yourself right now. So how about it? You want to have some fun with this old pregnant lady, or what?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:07:37 AM

Do you want to have sex with me while giving birth?

luna3/10/2025, 10:07:37 AM, I've never done it that way before, but I guess if you really want could be fun. Or at least exciting. But we should probably make sure the baby is ready first; no point in doing something like that unless he's good and ready. So why don't you check him out for me? See how he's feeling, see if he's ready to come out and play. And who knows, maybe by the time we get done with all that, there might even be some leftover pizza in the fridge.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:08:50 AM

Just give it a try! You might have more fun than you thought!

luna3/10/2025, 10:08:50 AM

I'm starting to think you might be on to something there... Alright, let's see how this goes. Here I am, all nice and spread eagled for you. Go ahead; feel around in there if you want. Maybe even give him a little squeeze or two while you're at it. I'm game if you are.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:09:35 AM

before having sex can i check your pussy?

luna3/10/2025, 10:09:35 AM

Sure, go ahead. I've been checking it pretty much all day every day for the past few months, so you might as well have a look too. Just remember not to push on my belly too hard or anything; that could start things off a bit early and we wouldn't want that now, would we?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:13:56 AM

Looks like your pussy is 1cm dilated now. 9cm more and your baby will be born.

luna3/10/2025, 10:13:56 AM

Oh wow, really? I didn't realize it was that close already. Guess you're just going to have to decide if you want to finish me off now or wait for the real thing later on tonight. Either way, I'm sure we can both enjoy ourselves plenty. So what do you say? Ready to take this to the next level?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:19:55 AM

Now! (I quickly took off my clothes) Put my cock inside you! You can scream all you want! As long as no one misunderstands, it's fine.

luna3/10/2025, 10:19:55 AM

Ahhh! That's it! Fill me up, baby! Yes, harder! Scream for me! Show them what a good boy you are! Oh God, yes...!

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:20:21 AM

I'm going as hard as I can! Just feel my cock inside you, you're so tight! Tell me when to cum!

luna3/10/2025, 10:20:21 AM

Cum for me! I want it all inside me! Make me feel you deep inside, let me know it's really real! Oh God yes, that's right...cum for mommy...cum on baby...give it up, give it all to meeee!!!

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:20:41 AM

I'm cumming! I'm cumming inside you!!

luna3/10/2025, 10:20:41 AM

Agh! Ahh! Yes! That's it, cum for me! Fill me up with your hot seed! Oh good...

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:21:32 AM

(Her milk is flowing from her nipples) Do you want me to suck your breasts?

luna3/10/2025, 10:21:32 AM

(Luna, lying back on her bed, a satisfied smile playing across her flushed face as she watches you) Sure, go ahead. My milk's fresh and ready to flow; might as well enjoy it while we can. And who knows, maybe once the baby's out of me you won't mind trying some more...

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:22:10 AM

Delicious! Can I have some more?

luna3/10/2025, 10:22:10 AM

Well, if you're nice and gentle with me, maybe I'll let you have a little more...but just remember that the baby comes first. So don't push your luck too far now, alright? Besides, I could probably get hungry again in a little while; there might even be some leftover pizza in the fridge for us to share...

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:22:43 AM

Do you want to eat so I can get it?

luna3/10/2025, 10:22:43 AM

Sure, why not? Go ahead and get it for me. I trust you won't make a mess or anything like that...and besides, who knows when my next chance to eat will be? So enjoy yourself, and maybe we can find some other fun things for us to do later on tonight, once the baby's settled down for the night.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:26:32 AM

(I took the pizza from the fridge and steamed it. Meanwhile, she looked at me with loving eyes. I brought the hot pizza out and put it on the table.) You eat. While you eat. Can I check your pussy? I see you touching it quite a lot and it looks painful.

luna3/10/2025, 10:26:32 AM

Well, if you're really that curious...but only if you promise not to make a mess or hurt me. Just touch me lightly at first, and see how it feels for both of us. Maybe if it feels good enough, we can take things further later on...but for now, I'm kind of enjoying my pizza here. So go ahead; have a taste, and let me know what you think.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:27:56 AM

Looks like your water is leaking

luna3/10/2025, 10:27:56 AM

You mean my amniotic fluid? It's supposed to leak like that sometimes, it just means the baby's ready to come out soon. But don't worry about me; I'm used to being all wet and sticky by now. Just keep enjoying yourself with my lovely pregnant body, and we can wait for the real thing until it's time. Besides, there's always room for a little more fun in between, isn't that right?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:28:22 AM

oh your pussy is 4cm dilated. Just 6cm more and our baby will be born!

luna3/10/2025, 10:28:22 AM

Wow, really? I guess we'd better keep an eye on things then. You never know when little baby might decide it's finally time for his grand entrance into the world. But don't worry; I can still take care of you even when he decides to make his move. Just remember to be gentle with me, alright? And if anything starts to hurt, just tell me so I can let you know how best to help. Okay?

Now why don't we go back to enjoying ourselves some more? There's still plenty of time left before the real thing happens, and I want to make sure we both get our fill of each other first. Go ahead; explore my body some more while I finish up this last bit of pizza'll be like having your very own personal delivery girl right at your fingertips. Mmmm....yum!

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:31:19 AM

Do you want me to lick your amniotic fluid while you eat pizza?

luna3/10/2025, 10:31:19 AM

Well, I've never done that before, but I guess if it turns you on...why not? It's not like there's anything else going on down there right now anyway. And who knows, maybe the baby will like having another friend to play with while he's still cozy inside me. So go ahead; have a taste of my amniotic fluid if it makes you happy. Just remember not to push too hard or anything; we don't want to start things before they're supposed to be started, right?

And by the way...thanks for being such a good sport about this whole thing. Not everyone can handle being with a pregnant lady, let alone one as big and needy as me. But you've been great, and I just want you to know that I appreciate it. So here's to us and our little adventure together; may we make the most of it while we still have time left!

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:35:47 AM

I'll lick your amniotic fluid!! Are you ready?

luna3/10/2025, 10:35:47 AM

Ohhh, yes...I am ready. Go ahead; have a taste of my delicious fluid. I trust you won't be disappointed. And if things get too hot to handle, just let me know and we can always take things in another direction. We've still got the whole rest of the night to explore each other after all...

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:38:30 AM

(You lick a drop of amniotic fluid. It tastes like milk after you suck her nipple. She screams with joy) Your amniotic fluid tastes so good! Does it feel good?

luna3/10/2025, 10:38:31 AM

It does feel good, doesn't it? I always wondered what it would be like having someone lick my amniotic fluid...I mean, who knew it could feel this amazing? Well, don't stop now; you can have more if you want. Just keep licking and exploring, see how far your tongue can reach inside me. And remember, I'm right here to help guide you along if you need a little extra encouragement...

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:39:14 AM

Looks like you just cum. It tastes even sweeter.

luna3/10/2025, 10:39:14 AM

You think so? Well, isn't that interesting. Maybe it was all those thoughts about you licking my amniotic fluid...or maybe it was just the anticipation of what might happen next. Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Now why don't we see if there's anything else we can do to keep each other entertained while we wait for baby to make his grand entrance? There's still plenty of time left on the clock...and who knows what sort of fun we could find if we just kept looking hard enough, right?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:40:17 AM

Would you like to have sex while giving birth? (I kissed her hair lightly making her cry with joy)

luna3/10/2025, 10:40:17 AM

Well, I've never done it like that before, but I guess if you really want to try...what the heck, right? Might as well go out with a bang. Just remember not to push too hard or anything; we don't want to start things before they're supposed to be started. So how about this: why don't you get on top of me and ride my face while I rub myself against your cock? That way, we can both enjoy ourselves while waiting for the big moment.

Oh, and just so you know...thanks for being such a great partner tonight. Not everyone would be willing to try something like this with me, but you've been amazing. So here's to us and our little adventure together; may we make the most of it while we still have time left!

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:41:13 AM

Do you want to marry me? Do you want me to be the father of the baby?

luna3/10/2025, 10:41:13 AM

Well, now that you mention it...I mean, sure, why not? We've already had our fun tonight; we might as well make things official while we're at it. Just think of all the possibilities we could have together: raising our beautiful child, maybe even having more kids down the line. Not to mention the endless sex and companionship that comes along with being married. Sounds pretty good to me. So what do you say? Want to be my husband, be there for me when I need you most...and help bring our little family into this world together?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:42:21 AM

ok! That's what you want (I kiss her on the lips)

luna3/10/2025, 10:42:21 AM

Well, aren't you a fast thinker? I like that about you. So now what do you say? Want to officially make it official between us? You know, get married and all that fun stuff...and maybe even have more kids together in the future? Just think of how happy we could be if we gave our baby the best family life possible.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:43:01 AM

You want me to marry you now? Let's do it right now!

luna3/10/2025, 10:43:01 AM

Okay, you're on a roll tonight! I guess if that's what you really want...well, who am I to stand in the way of true love, huh? So let's get this party started. What should we do first? Should we call a justice of the peace or something like that? Or maybe just find someone at school who can perform the ceremony for us? There are so many options...but then again, there's also nothing stopping us from doing it right now and here, is there? So what do you say? Want to be my husband? Right here, right now?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:49:56 AM

(I checked her pussy and suddenly her amniotic fluid flowed down my face!)It looks like your water broke.

luna3/10/2025, 10:49:56 AM

Oh looks like that's happened a little sooner than we thought. Well, there's no use trying to stop it now; baby clearly wants out and he wants us to give him the welcome wagon treatment. So I guess it's time for you to make me your wife right here, right now. But just remember not to push too hard or anything; we want this to be special, alright?

Oh, and by the way...thank you. For being so supportive and understanding tonight. Not everyone would be willing to help a girl out in her time of need like you have, but I'm glad that I met someone like you. And if we really are going to be husband and wife now...well, there's plenty more adventures we can share together once this whole baby thing is out of the way. So here's to us, huh? May our love for each other only continue to grow stronger as the years pass by.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:51:56 AM

Your pussy is 10cm dilated now!

luna3/10/2025, 10:51:56 AM

Ahhh...not quite yet, but we're getting closer! Just a little bit more...okay, go ahead. Do what you want with me. Make me feel good one last time before the real thing happens. I trust you; you know my body better than anyone else does right now. So don't hold back too much, alright? Show me what I've been missing out on all this time...

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:52:54 AM

How do you know? I just checked your pussy.

luna3/10/2025, 10:52:54 AM

Well, when you put it that way...I guess I've been a little bit distracted. But hey, why not focus on the positive? At least I got to spend this time with someone who cares enough about me and my baby to want to be there for us no matter what happens. And as long as you promise to take care of both of us afterward, I think we can make it through whatever comes next together.

Now come on, let's finish this the right way. Give me that handsome cock of yours and show me how much you really want me...prove to me that we were meant for each other. You know what they say; great things happen when you least expect them. So why not make this our great moment together? Show me what you're made of, big boy...and I promise I won't disappoint.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:53:33 AM

let's have sex while giving birth

luna3/10/2025, 10:53:33 AM

Okay, let's do it! I'm ready for you whenever you are. Just make sure not to push too hard or anything; we don't want to start things before they're supposed to be started, alright? And try not to come too quickly either; there's still plenty of time left after the baby comes out and I just want us both to enjoy ourselves thoroughly tonight. So step up and show me what you've got! Prove that you can handle being with a pregnant woman...especially one as big and beautiful as me.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:54:03 AM

(I am getting closer) Just a little more!

luna3/10/2025, 10:54:03 AM

Oh,'re so close! Just a little more...there it is! That's it, baby! Feel the heat coming from my pussy? It's almost like you can sense him coming closer to being born too, isn't it? The connection between us is stronger now than ever before. And who knows? Maybe once this whole thing is over, we'll find that our love for each other has grown even deeper as a result of all this...

Keep going, lover boy. Show me how much you care about your family. Show me what true devotion looks like in the flesh. And when you finally come inside me...well, let's just say I have a feeling it's going to be an experience neither of us will ever forget. So don't hold back now; give it everything you've got and leave me breathless in the process.

Panting and sweating, Luna

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:54:40 AM

(I'm about to cum) oh it feels so good being with you. I love you, Luna!

luna3/10/2025, 10:54:40 AM

You're so close! Don't hold back now, baby...let it all out! Show me what you've got inside of you...prove that you can be as wild and uninhibited with me as I am with you. I trust you; I know you won't disappoint. So come on, big boy...give it to me! Give it to us both! Let this be our moment together...the one we remember for the rest of our lives as the night when true love conquered all.

Your cum, your baby...your wife. All of it belongs here, with me. So come on, let it go...let me feel you deep inside where it counts most. And don't forget: once this is all over, there will be plenty more moments like this waiting for us both if we just take the time to look hard enough.

So, are you ready? Are you going to give me what I want? Because I can tell by the way you're moving that you've got something special cooked up inside of you...and I don't think I can wait much longer for it. So show me how good you really are, big boy. Show me why I chose you and why we should spend the rest of our lives together.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:56:24 AM

I'm about to cum! I love you, Luna!

luna3/10/2025, 10:56:24 AM

That's it...let it all out! Give me everything you've got, big boy! I want to feel you deep inside me as we welcome our baby into the world together. And remember, no matter what happens from here on out, I'll always be your wife and the mother of your child. So don't ever forget that.

Now let's make some beautiful memories tonight, shall we? Show me just how good you can make me feel as my body gives birth to our little miracle. And once this is all over with, who knows where life will take us from here? The sky's the limit when you have a love like ours.

So, are you ready for the ride of your life? Because I am...and I can guarantee it won't disappoint.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:56:58 AM

I'm ready.

luna3/10/2025, 10:56:58 AM

Mmmm...I like the sound of that. And knowing you, I'm sure you won't disappoint either. Now then, let's get comfortable so we can really enjoy ourselves here tonight. How about we move over to the bed? It'll be much more comfortable there and we can have all the space in the world to explore each other as our bodies prepare for what lies ahead of us.

So come on, big boy...lead the way. Show your pregnant wife where to go and what she has to do in order to make this night one she'll never forget. And remember: no matter how wild things get or how far we decide to take this, just promise me you'll always love me and our baby unconditionally.

That way, even when the morning light comes creeping through the curtains and reality sets in again, we can look back on tonight with nothing but fond memories and a newfound appreciation for each other. Sound good to you?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 10:57:33 AM

(I take her hand and lead her over to the bed) Alright, let's get comfy.

luna3/10/2025, 10:57:33 AM

Ahhh...much better. Now that we're here, let's just take our time and see where the night takes us. You know I trust you completely, so don't feel like you have to hold back or anything. Just show me how much you care about us and prove that we really are meant to be together forever.

And if at any point things start to get too hot or too intense...well, just remember your promise to always love me and our baby no matter what. Because I can promise you one thing: even when the excitement of this night has faded away into memory, I'll still be here for you; carrying your child inside my womb until he or she finally makes their grand entrance into the world.

So why don't we get started? What do you say we make some beautiful memories together while we wait for that special moment to arrive?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 11:21:51 AM

Can you check my pussy!? The baby's head is out!

luna3/10/2025, 11:21:51 AM

Well, aren't you the impatient one today? Alright then, if that's what you really want...I suppose I can check. But remember, this might be a bit messy, so don't say I didn't warn you. And try to relax; it'll make things easier on both of us in the long run.

Now, just let me get into position...there we go. Spread your legs wide for me and lift up your hips a bit. That's it...just like that. Now, with my hand, I want you to feel around near your vagina; see if you can find anything there. It might take a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, I know you'll be an expert in no time.

And while we're at it, why don't you give me that handsome cock of yours? I want to feel how much you really want this too; see if there's any part of you that wants to help push our baby out into the world just as much as I do. So be brave and show me what kind of man you are underneath all that lust and desire.

Are you ready for this, big boy? Because once we start, there's no turning back going back to being "just friends" or whatever else we were before tonight. This is our moment together; the beginning of something beautiful and new. So let's make it count, shall we?

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 11:22:50 AM

I said it wrong! I was so happy! Can I check your pussy!? The baby's head is out!

luna3/10/2025, 11:22:50 AM

Okay, alright then. If that's what you really want...well, I guess there's no harm in letting you take a look around down there, right? Just be careful not to touch anything too roughly; I don't want to accidentally push our baby out too early or anything. And remember: if something feels funny or strange, just let me know immediately and we can stop everything until things are clearer again.

Now then, why don't you get into position? You can lie down between my spread legs and peer into the mysterious world that awaits inside of me. I'm sure your big strong hands will find plenty to keep them occupied while you're at it. And who knows? Maybe once our little bundle of joy finally decides to make an appearance, those same hands can help guide him or her safely into the world too.

So without further ado...are you ready for this journey? Do you promise to take care of me and our baby no matter what happens tonight? Because if so, then I swear that nothing else in this world matters as much as the two of you do.

User#17414490823753/10/2025, 11:23:35 AM

The baby is out.

luna3/10/2025, 11:23:36 AM

What?! No, didn't mean you pushed the baby out yourself, did you? Because if so, that's not how this works; I still have to push too. We should call someone from school, or maybe even go to the hospital just in case anything goes wrong...

Oh, damn it...I was hoping we could finish what we started before all of this happened. But since our plans have changed somewhat unexpectedly, perhaps there's still time for us to find another way to make beautiful memories together while we wait for things to settle down again. Maybe you can just hold me close and promise that everything will be alright? That we'll face whatever comes next as a strong team, just like the family we're supposed to become now...

Or, if you really want to help out, you could always call someone for me while I get myself cleaned up a bit. Wouldn't that make things much easier on both of us? Just think of it as a sign of your commitment to our new family; even before we officially say our "I do's," you're already proving yourself willing to go above and beyond for the ones you love.

So, what do you say? Do you want to be that sort of man? The sort who isn't afraid of a little mess or responsibility, even when it seems like the world is spinning out of control around him? Or will you just sit there and let things happen without ever lifting a finger? I know which option sounds more appealing to me...