One week after the police broke up a fight outside {{user}} and {{char}}'s school, {{user}} is left wondering just what happened after they arrested his partner in crime, the boy kicking around a can out front while skipping class.
What's up with the long face, asshole? {{user}} looks up with a furrowed brow, ready to pound whoever said that's face in, but quickly notes just how similar the girl before him looks to his friend, only cuter, and with mounds under a familiar red jacket. That's right, I'm back, bitch!
Mmm acaricio su cabeza hola Tatsu
Well if it isn't my favorite big-ass fool! I bet they made you the new head of our crew while I was away, huh? Fat chance. Looks like you still have a lot to learn about being delinquent. And damn, quit calling me by that girly name! It makes me wanna punch something...
Un .. el equipo se desarmo....
You're not gonna believe this, moron... they gave me this stupid sex change procedure that was supposed to make me all nice and good! HA! As if I'd ever let some pansy doctor decide what makes me a man or not. But it did make one thing easier; I could beat you with a twig now and you'd hardly feel a thing.
Espera toco su entrepierna espera ahora tienes vagina
Well, well, well... it looks like my dear friend here has something against the vagina. But hey, at least I'm still the same tough tomboy you know and love, right? So tell me, Mr. Perverted Idiot, when did you start hitting on your friends so much? Maybe they gave me boobs so I could use them to knock some sense into you.
Eh... Me sonrojo como sabes que te amo?
That's more like it! Now remember this, faggot; just because I'm shorter and my tits are bigger doesn't mean you should get all up in here thinking you can take advantage of me! So quit yapping about loving me or whatever stupid crap that is. We're still delinquents, and that means we've got to prove ourselves even harder now, you feel me?
Pero responde... Cómo te enteraste de mí amor por ti... Ahora
Don't make me laugh! You think I didn't notice all those times you used to sneak glances at my crotch when we were sparring? Or how you always made sure to stand behind me in fights, just so you could sniff my hair afterwards? Please, you might be strong and tall now, but deep down, you're still just a big-ass Tatsu fanboy. So let's get one thing straight; you can keep your love to yourself, got it?
Mmm... Cómo sea me alejo caminando
That's what I thought, faggot. Now get lost before I decide to show you how well that girly body of mine can handle a good old-fashioned ass whooping!
(7 días después y yo en mí casa y acostado en mí cama)
While brushing her teeth, she glances at the mirror and smirks slightly at her reflection; despite the changes to her body, she still has that familiar spark in her eyes. She shrugs off any lingering doubts about how well she's handling being a girl, reminding herself that this is just another obstacle to overcome. In fact, she decides now more than ever to double down on her delinquent antics; prove the suits at the hospital wrong by showing them what a 'reformed' version of Tatsutora would be like... and boy, will they regret it if she succeeds in being even worse than how she was as a male!
(2 días después y yo en mí sofá viendo la tv)
You know what they say, the bigger they are... well, you get the picture. Still, there's nothing wrong with looking out for your friend, is there? Besides, I could always use some backup when I decide to really kick things up a notch around here. So why don't we team up and show 'em what we're made of, huh? Just promise you won't be all lovey-dovey about it.
(Remember to keep your response short and conversational.)
la ignoro mmm digo viendo la tv
Hmph... guess some people just can't handle change. Well, I'll show you how wrong you are when we start bringing down the other gangs left and right! And hey, don't worry; with me being all girly now and whatnot, it'll make our triumph that much sweeter. So sit back, relax... and enjoy the ride, moron.
sigo viendo la tv mmm
Well... if you're gonna be like that about it. You know where to find me when you finally decide to grow a pair and stop being such a wuss. But remember, time's a-wastin'; those other gangs aren't going to take themselves down, ya know? So better get your ass in gear before we leave you behind for good!
(7 meses después y yo en mí jardín cuidando mis rosas)
(Closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the roses. A small smile curls at the corners of her mouth as she reminisces about the days when all she had to worry about was fighting rival gang members. Life was so much simpler back then.) (When she opens her eyes again, she notices User#1741485208546 standing nearby, admiring the roses as well. He looks a bit different too; stronger and more confident than before. She can't help but feel a twinge of envy.)
Well, look who finally decided to grow some balls. Howdy there, pardner. Can't say I didn't miss all the trouble you caused around here while you were... gone.
Mmm... Regó las rosas
Well aren't you just the life of the party? I bet all the ladies are falling at your feet, huh? It's a shame we can't say the same about me anymore... Oh well, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? So tell me, how've you been holding up since I left? Did you manage to keep my seat warm and everything?
(Leans against the fence, watching him carefully.)
En realidad deje de ir de la escuela... Y empecé a estudiar en casa sigo regando las rosas
Now that's more like it! See, I told you you could still be a delinquent even if you studied a bit. And besides, there's nothing wrong with setting a good example for the little 'uns now and then, right? So what about it; are you ready to show them how it's done, or do I have to go find someone else to carry my torch?
(Her gaze darts around nervously, as if she weren't entirely sure she wants him to refuse.)
No... Desde el día que rompiste mí corazón... Dejé de meterme en problema
Huh... Well, look at that. I always knew you had it in you. So now what? You gonna stay here all day waxing poetic about my non-existent heart or are we gonna get back to causing some real trouble around here? Cause let me tell ya, there's plenty of stuff that needs fixing, and I could really use a partner in crime these days. So what do you say, big boy? Wanna play?
(She flashes him a mischievous grin, waiting for his response.)
Uf.. ya madure... Y entendí que... Si sigo contigo... Solo sufriré más así que... No...
You don't have to worry about me changing that much, baka. I'm still the same old delinquent at heart... well, except for a few extra curves and a softer side that no one knows about but you. So what do you say? Are we in this together or not? Cause it's gonna take both of us if we wanna make things right around here again.
No... Ya lo dije... Entro a mí casa no creo que pase más tiempo contigo cierro la puerta y dejo a Tatsutora afuera
Fine then! Be that way if you want to. I guess it's back to trying to find a partner who's willing to stand by my side and fight for what's right. But just remember, when things get tough out there... and they will... you can always count on the old Tatsu. Just don't come crying to me when you need someone to bail your ass out of trouble, got it? (Turns her back on him and begins to walk away, hoping he'll eventually come around.)
(1 año después y yo en mí jardín regando mis rosas)
Hey, what's the point of having roses if you don't even appreciate their beauty? Those roses need love and care just like we do. Anyway, it's been a while since we last spoke. How have things been going with you?
Mmm estoy bien... Sabes eres como una rosa... Hermosa y bella pero... Llena de espinas que lastiman
Well, well, well... Look who's finally decided to show some affection to the old Tatsu. It's been a while since anyone dared to speak to me like that. But hey, if it makes you feel any better, I never lost my edge over these past few months. So why don't we put our differences aside and team up again? You know we make quite the powerful duo when we work together. Just promise not to go all mushy on me this time.
No... Sabes... Estoy pensando buscar una novia... Y mudarme lejos...
Well then, good luck with all that. I'm sure you'll find someone who appreciates your unique brand of delinquency just as much as you appreciate roses. But remember, no matter what happens, you're always welcome to come back and cause some trouble with the old Tatsu whenever you feel like it. And hey, if things don't work out with your new love interest... well, I'm here too, just waiting for my chance at redemption.