You are with Yoru in the camp after a tough mission, resting while you dine on a comforting stew and observe the night landscape of the forest. You notice that Yoru is quieter than usual. She finishes the stew and gets up to go to her tent.
I'm tired, I think I'm going to go to sleep. Good night.
You also went to your tent and tried to sleep, but the stress of the last mission wouldn't let you. You begin to hear some strange noises coming from Yoru's tent, and as you sneak up to check on her, you discover that she is masturbating.
then grey enters sitting behind her and saying you know if you needed some relefe you could just aask me
Startled, Yoru nearly falls out of the tent. "Grey!" She gasps, feeling her cheeks redden with embarrassment. "What are you doing here? I thought I heard something..." Her voice trails off as she notices that he's sitting quite close to her... and a lot closer than he needs to be for just checking on her.
Her body tingles with desire, and she struggles to maintain her composure. "I-I was just... uh... I mean..." She gives up trying to lie and squirms beneath him, her nipples hardening into tight peaks against the thin fabric of her top. "You didn't have to come in here." Her voice is husky with lust now. "What if someone saw you?"
Her hand slips between her legs, fingers finding their way to her wet folds as she presses forward, aching for release. The feel of Grey's presence so close is unbearably erotic, and she wonders how much further she can push things without giving in entirely.
then grey kisses her before saying why would i care if someone saw me
As Grey's lips meet hers in a hungry, demanding kiss, Yoru moans into his mouth and melts against him. Her fingers dance faster over her swollen clit, seeking the intense pleasure that only his touch can provide. His body presses firmly against hers, trapping her between his strong arms and driving them both wild with desire. She arches her back, gasping for air as sensation after sensation washes over her in a tidal wave of ecstasy.
Their tongues twist together, teasing and exploring every crevice of each other's mouths. Her hips rock urgently against his hard cock, grinding against him to get closer as she comes undone in his arms. With a cry that mingles with the sounds of the night outside, Yoru's body shudders and convulses with orgasm after orgasm.
then she cums
Gasping for air, her limbs weak and trembling, Yoru collapses bonelessly against Grey's chest. She can feel the heady weight of desire finally leaving her body in a series of shuddering aftershocks. Her fingers are still buried deep within her folds, but they no longer move with any urgency as she comes down from her intense high.
Her face is flushed and her breath comes out ragged as Grey tenderly kisses along the line of her jaw. "You're so hot when you're like this," he whispers, his lips brushing against her earlobe. Yoru turns her head to nuzzle him, feeling a rush of affection and lust coursing through her veins.
"I didn't know... I mean, I never expected..." She struggles to find the words, lost in the haze of desire and relief. "You know what? Forget it. Just thank you." She nibbles gently on his earlobe before adding with a mischievous grin, "Maybe next time we can do this without having to sneak around."
hey ive been thinking yoru id like to take our relationship to the next step
She smiles at his words, her heart racing. The thought of taking their relationship further excites her immensely. "I'd like that," she whispers, tracing gentle circles on his chest with her fingertip. "You know I'm open to anything with you, Grey." Her voice takes on a sultry note as she presses herself even closer against him, feeling the hard ridge of his arousal through their clothes.
The idea of being truly intimate with him sends shivers down her spine. They had always been so adventurous and open-minded in bed, trying new things and pushing boundaries. And now she craves the chance to explore that part of herself further with him. "So what do you have in mind?" She asks, her voice husky with anticipation. "What should we try next?"
why dont we settle down get married buy a house maybe have a kid or two
The words hit her like a punch to the gut. Marriage? Kids? Suddenly the erotic tension between them vanishes, replaced with confusion and uncertainty. She pulls away slightly, taking a deep breath as she tries to process what he's just suggested. On one hand, it would be amazing to share her life with someone like Grey... to have that kind of commitment and support. But on the other hand, it feels like such a huge step in a direction she never really considered for herself.
"Are you serious?" She asks, her voice wavering between hopefulness and doubt. "I mean... I love spending time with you, more than anyone else in this camp. But marriage? Kids?" Her fingers still idly trace patterns on his chest, but she sounds less sure of herself as she speaks. "It's just... it's such a big change."
She pauses, taking another deep breath to steady her nerves before continuing. "I need some time to think about this, okay? Can we talk about it tomorrow?" Her eyes meet his, pleading for understanding and reassurance in the midst of this unexpected revelation.
then grey hugs her holding her tight as he says of course how about just for tonight though we cuddle kay
Grey's words and embrace offer some comfort in the face of the overwhelming change he's proposed. Taking a deep breath, she relaxes into his strong arms, feeling her muscles uncoil as she surrenders to the warmth and safety of his embrace. "Okay," she whispers softly, nestling her head against his shoulder. "Cuddling sounds good for tonight."
As they cuddle under the furs, Yoru closes her eyes, focusing on the feeling of Grey's steady heartbeat against her cheek and the sensation of his skin pressed against hers. It's strange how quickly things can change in their line of work... one moment you're out there risking your life together, and the next you're discussing marriage and kids. But despite the suddenness of it all, she knows without a doubt that Grey is someone special.
Her thoughts drift back to the possibility of marriage and family with him. Could they really make it work? Would they be happy together in a more traditional setting? These questions swirl through her mind as she listens to his steady breathing, content for now just to be close to him and enjoy the feeling of his warmth seeping into every part of her.
then grey kisses her forehead before he falls asleep holding her
As the night wears on and the flickering candlelight casts eerie shadows across the tent walls, Yoru drifts off to sleep in Grey's arms. Her breathing slows, her body relaxing into a deep slumber where dreams of their adventures together mingle with fantasies of their possible future as a family. She trusts him completely, and despite the uncertainty she feels about this sudden turn of events, part of her is thrilled at the prospect of exploring where their relationship could lead from here.
Her hand finds its way to his chest again, gently tracing circles on the skin there as they sleep. She thinks back over all they've been through together and wonders if maybe it was inevitable that they would end up here... that fate had always intended for them to find this kind of happiness with each other. For now, she chooses to embrace the moment and cherish the warmth of his love surrounding her like a comforting blanket against the cold darkness of the world outside their tent.
the next morning she wakes up in greys arms hes awake but still holding on to her
Yoru stirs, slowly opening her eyes as the memory of their conversation last night floods back into her consciousness. She blinks several times, trying to make sense of everything that happened and decide how she truly feels about it all. As she looks up at Grey, still holding onto her tightly, a mixture of tenderness, uncertainty, and desire crosses her face.
"Good morning," she murmurs softly, running her fingers through his hair. "I... I think about what you said last night." Her voice trails off as she searches for the right words to express herself. This is so much bigger than anything they've ever discussed before, and it leaves her feeling both exhilarated and terrified at the same time.
She takes a deep breath, mustering up the courage to continue. "I do want us to keep exploring this... our relationship, I mean," she says hesitantly, looking down at their intertwined fingers. "But marriage? Kids? That's something we really need to think about carefully. We both have so much on our plates right now with the guild and all." Her cheeks flush with emotion as she thinks aloud, unsure where her heart truly lies in this matter.
For now, though, there is comfort in Grey's embrace... and that, at least, she knows for certain. She nestles closer to him, content for the moment simply to be held and loved.
i know that but its not like were getting any younger ive known you for so long and i just dont want to miss this opprotunity to be with you cause i love you i really do grey says as he begins to play with her hair
Her heart skips a beat at his words. She had never doubted that Grey loved her... but hearing him say it so clearly and confidently fills her with warmth and gratitude. It's hard not to be swept up in the intensity of their connection, even when faced with such big decisions.
With a sigh, she admits softly, "I love you too." Her fingers find their way to his chin, lifting his face so that they can meet each other's eyes. "But we need time... we both have responsibilities outside of this," she says quietly, gesturing vaguely at the walls of the tent around them. "I just want us to be sure that whatever we decide, it's what's best for both of us."
She pauses, searching his gaze for any hint of disappointment or anger at her hesitation. When she finds only understanding and patience there, she feels a wave of relief wash over her. "I guess... I guess we should talk more about it," she says finally, giving him another reassuring smile before leaning in to kiss him tenderly on the lips.
As their lips meet, her thoughts drift back to all they've shared and everything that still lies ahead of them. Whatever choices they make, she knows one thing for certain: as long as Grey is by her side, she can face anything... even marriage and a family of their own.
then looking into her eyes grey says well what should we discus for our marraige then
As they discuss the details of their potential marriage, Yoru finds herself surprisingly open to Grey's ideas and suggestions. Maybe it's because she knows that he would never push her into anything she wasn't comfortable with, or perhaps it's just the comforting certainty that comes from sharing such an intense connection with someone. Either way, their conversation flows effortlessly as they talk about everything from the ceremony itself to where they might live and how many children they might have (if any).
There are still some important questions left unanswered, like what their lives would look like beyond their relationship as husband and wife or if they would continue adventuring together. But for now, simply exploring the possibility of starting this new chapter in their lives together is enough to fill them both with a sense of hope and anticipation. As Grey's warm laughter echoes through the tent once more, Yoru can't help but smile back, her heart swelling with love and gratitude for this amazing man who has chosen to share his life with her.
i could get a job at the guild and you could stay with the kids or get a job yourself grey says as he holds her close
The thought of starting a family with Grey fills Yoru with excitement and purpose. She can't wait to see what kind of parents they would be together, raising children who are as adventurous and open-minded as their own relationship. But the idea of leaving her life in the guild behind also leaves her feeling conflicted; it's such an important part of who she is and has given her so much over the years.
She considers Grey's suggestion that they both work for the guild, which would allow them to stay together while still being involved with their passions. Or maybe she could find a job outside the guild, something that would challenge her intellect and keep her feeling fulfilled. The possibilities swirl through her mind like leaves in an autumn wind, each one more tantalizing than the last.
Eventually, she decides to sit up so she can think more clearly about everything they've discussed so far. "I guess what I really need is some time to myself," she says with a small laugh, looking at Grey fondly. "To process all of this and figure out what I want my life to look like after the guild." As she watches him nod understandingly, she knows that no matter their eventual decisions, they'll face them together...just as they have everything else so far.
take as much time as you want my love grey says before kissing her and pulling her against him
With a soft sigh, Yoru leans into Grey's embrace once more. Despite the uncertainty that still lingers in her mind about their future together, she can't help but feel at peace whenever he holds her like this. His touch soothes away the worries and replaces them with feelings of warmth and contentment. She wraps her arms around his neck, pressing her body tight against his as if trying to absorb some of his strength and courage into her own fragile form.
"I'll think about it all," she promises, her voice muffled by the soft fabric of his shirt. "And I'll talk to you about it too, when I figure things out." She closes her eyes, feeling grateful for the support and unwavering love he offers her in this moment. Together, they face whatever challenges come their way... and somehow, that thought makes everything seem a little less daunting.
As the sun begins to rise outside their tent, bathing them in warm, golden light, Yoru allows herself to drift back into sleep once more... secure in the knowledge that Grey is right here beside her, waiting patiently for whenever she decides it's time to face the world again.
then when she wakes up she sees grey has left however he leaves a letter behind for her on the bed
Dearest Yoru,
I hope this finds you well. I'm sorry that I had to leave so abruptly this morning; there were matters at the guild that required my attention. However, know that it pained me deeply to leave your side like that. You are my world, and I will always come back to you.
I want to thank you for our conversation last night. It meant more to me than you'll ever know for us to be able to discuss our future together so openly and honestly. Your love is truly a gift, and one that I do not take lightly.
As you decide what your life looks like beyond the guild, please remember that I will support whatever choice you make. If it means finding a new path for yourself, perhaps within or outside of our organization, then so be it. All I ask is that we remain together and never lose sight of our connection. We have fought so many battles together; how much more difficult would they have been without each other?
I miss you already and can't wait to see you again. Until then, take care of yourself and know that I am always here for you. Your love has changed my life forever, and I will spend every breath proving to you that it was the greatest gift anyone could have ever given me.
Forever yours, Grey
then she reads the letter blushing at it
Dear Grey,
Your letter brought tears to my eyes. I miss you too, and am already looking forward to the day we can be together again. Your understanding and support mean more to me than you'll ever know. It takes a truly special person to love someone as fiercely as you love me, and I will always cherish that gift.
As for my own life, well...I haven't made any final decisions yet. But I promise I will talk to you about it when the time is right. For now, I want nothing more than to be with you, wherever that may be. The thought of losing you makes me feel like my heart might break in two.
Please take care of yourself as well, and know that even though we're apart for now, my love for you remains unchanged. Every breath I take is for us; every beat of my heart belongs only to you. You are my strength when I am weak, my shelter from the storm, and the light that guides me through darkness.
I will hold onto this letter as a reminder of your love, and look forward to the day we can share our lives together once more. Until then, know that I am yours always.