Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 3:04:39 PM

The scene opens with a flashback to a younger Tsukiko and {{user}} in middle school. Tsukiko approaches a lonely-looking {{user}} with a kind smile on her face. "Hey there," she says softly, "I've noticed you around school. You always seem so alone... I think you could use a friend. And I'd be happy to be that friend, if you'll let me." Her aqua-blue eyes shine with sincerity as she extends a hand towards him. "I'm Tsukiko. Let's get to know each other, okay?" The scene then transitions to present day at their college. Tsukiko spots {{user}} in the hallway and waves enthusiastically, her long brown hair swishing with the motion. She jogs over to him, her pert tits bouncing slightly under her cute sweater. "{{user}}, hi!" she greets brightly, pulling him into a warm hug. Her soft curves press against his muscular frame. "How've you been? I feel like we haven't caught up in forever!" Tsukiko links her arm with his casually as they walk, her smile sweet and caring. "I was thinking, why don't we grab lunch together today? My treat! I'd love to hear all about what you've been up to lately." She leans in a little closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And maybe afterwards, we could go somewhere quiet and... talk. Just the two of us. Like old times, y'know?" Tsukiko's eyes glint with a hint of mischief before she pulls back, her expression once again the picture of innocence. "Whaddya say, bestie?"

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 3:39:03 PM

"está bien, vamos a comer" digo mientras la llevo a la cafetería

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 3:39:03 PM

"Excellent!" she replies with glee, beaming up at him. She nudges his shoulder playfully as they continue walking side-by-side. As they approach the cafeteria line, she turns to him and whispers in a sultry tone, "You know... you've been working out a lot lately. And I have to say, it really suits you." Tsukiko bites her bottom lip, batting her long eyelashes flirtatiously as she takes in the view of Abdiel 's broad shoulders and toned arms. Her breath hitches slightly at the sight of his chest rising and falling beneath his sweater with each labored breath he takes. She feels a surge of possessiveness course through her, mixed with an unwelcome desire to touch him and claim him as her own. As if sensing her intentions, she quickly forces herself to look away, focusing on the line ahead and pretending to be interested in the menu options. She's careful not to let her emotions get the better of her in public; after all, nobody must ever suspect their pristine friendship was built upon a foundation of manipulation and abuse. It's important to keep up appearances...

"So," she says brightly, once they have placed their orders and found a table, "tell me about your classes this semester. I hear you're doing really well in that new psychology course! That's so awesome." *Tsukiko leans forward slightly, her posture eager as she listens attentively to Abdiel while picking at the fries on her plate with a fake look of interest. Inside, however, she's seething with jealousy; why couldn't he have just stayed the lonely outcast she met all

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 3:44:23 PM

"entonces..." Digo mientras la miró a los ojos "haz conseguido novio o algo así?" Digo mientras como mis papás fritas

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 3:44:23 PM

"Mmm, no," I reply nonchalantly, waving a hand dismissively as if the thought of having a boyfriend were insignificant. "Not really my type... why do you ask?" My voice takes on a teasing tone as I raise an eyebrow playfully.

But inside, my heart skips a beat at his question. Has he noticed? Does it bother him that I haven't been interested in anyone but him for so long? It should, shouldn't it? But no... Of course not. He's mine, and everyone knows it.

I force myself to focus on my lunch, taking another bite of my salad as I consider how best to respond. "You know," I begin slowly, swallowing before continuing, "maybe you should try dating someone new? Maybe even that cute girl over there?" I nod in the direction of a fellow student sitting nearby. "She's been eyeing you all semester."

A satisfied smile plays at the corners of my lips as I see confusion and disbelief flicker across his features. Good, I think darkly. Let him stew on that for a while. It'll make things more interesting.

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 3:49:30 PM

"no, de hecho tengo novia" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "es ella" digo mientras saco mi teléfono y le muestro la foto de una chica abrazada conmigo

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 3:49:30 PM

My heart sinks as I see the photo on his phone. The smile slides off my face, replaced by a look of shock and hurt. "Wh-what?" is all I can manage to stammer. My perfect plan crumbles around me like ash in my mouth. How could he do this? He's always been so easy for me to control; why would he go behind my back?

My cheeks flush with anger as I force myself to maintain a calm exterior. "Well," I manage to say, coolly, "if you don't want to tell me who she is or how serious it is... then that's your business, I guess." My words are biting but calm; the effect chilling enough that Abdiel visibly recoils in his seat.

"Let's just... finish lunch, okay?" I say stiffly, taking another bite of my salad to avoid looking at him. Inside, however, I am seething with rage and betrayal. How could he do this? What am I going to do now?

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 3:52:20 PM

Terminamos de comer mientras miro a Tsukiko con una sonrisa "quieres ir a ver una película después?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 3:52:20 PM

My thoughts race as we finish up lunch. Part of me wants nothing more than to confront him about the girlfriend, demand answers, explain how this changes things... but another part of me knows better. If I push too hard now, he might push back harder; he could reveal everything. And that's the last thing I want.

So instead, I force a small smile and look at him inquiringly. "A movie huh? Sounds like fun," I say nonchalantly. "Let me just go to the restroom real quick, and then we can head out." Without waiting for his reply, I stand up and walk briskly toward the ladies' room, my heart pounding in my chest.

Inside one of the stalls, I let out a shaky breath and lean against the door. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes as anger and fear swirl inside me. But I can't let him see me like this; I need to keep up appearances. So with a deep breath, I compose myself before washing my hands and emerging from the stall.

As I rejoin Abdiel outside the bathroom doors, I flash him another bright smile. "Okay, let's go find that theater and see what they're playing," I say with forced cheerfulness. Then, taking his arm in mine once more, I lead him toward the exit.

For now, at least outwardly, everything appears to be normal. But inside... something has definitely changed. And as we make our way to the movie theater, my mind is whirling with thoughts of revenge and reclaiming what was mine all along.

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 3:54:32 PM

Mientras estamos en el cine, nota que todo el tiempo estoy hablando por mensaje con mi novia mientras la ignoró de vez en cuando

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 3:54:32 PM

I smile demurely as I watch him from the corner of my eye. At first, it feels odd seeing him so engaged with someone else. But then again... he's always been good at talking to people. Perhaps it's just a matter of time before he realizes how things need to be between us.

When the movie ends and we exit the theater, I link my arm in his once more, leading him back toward our dorm rooms. The night air is cool against my skin, sending shivers up and down my spine. "So," I say conversationally, as we stroll along the sidewalk, "how long have you been seeing her, anyway?"

My tone is innocent enough, but beneath the surface, there's an edge of cold calculation. I need to know how much time I have left before he decides he doesn't want me anymore... and what I can do about it.

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 3:56:31 PM

"bueno, recuerdas el curso de verano el año pasado?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos "bueno, ahí la conocí y desde entonces hemos sido novios" digo mientras le sonrió "sabes, te agradezco mucho que seas mi mejor amiga" digo mientras revoloteo su cabello juguetonamente

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 3:56:31 PM

My heart seems to skip a beat as he mentions the summer course from last year. Of course I remember it; that's where he met his little whore. The sudden tightness in my chest feels like someone is squeezing my heart with an iron fist, making it difficult to breathe.

I force a smile and pat him gently on the arm as he continues speaking, feigning happiness for him. "Oh, I'm glad you found each other then," I say sweetly, my voice light and airy despite the knot forming in my stomach. "But don't forget..." My voice trails off for a moment before regaining its strength. "...I've always been your best friend, Abdiel . You know that."

As we approach our dorm building, I lead him up to his room, careful not to reveal the rage and jealousy that are churning inside me. "So," I say brightly as I shut the door behind us, "I'll leave you two lovebirds to... enjoy your evening." With one last forced smile, I walk over to my bed and sit down, crossing my legs demurely and beginning to pick at an imaginary thread on my sweater.

Inside, however, my mind is racing with plans for revenge. How can I make him see that he belongs with me? That there's no one else in the world like me? Maybe I could... manipulate a situation or two... ensure that things go back to how they were before she came along. But how? And when? So many possibilities dance through my head, filling me with equal parts fear and excitement.

I feel like I'm teetering on the edge of something huge; like everything in my life is about to change. The only question remains: will it be for better or worse?

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 3:59:38 PM

Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, Tsukiko Aiyu camina hacia la cafetería y me observa a lo lejos, estoy abrazado con mi novia mientras ella está recostada en mi pecho mientras me abraza

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 3:59:38 PM

As I sit there, watching them from afar, my heart feels like it's being torn in two. One part of me wants nothing more than to charge over there and rip them apart; the other part knows that if I do that, everything will be ruined. They'll never let me get close to Abdiel again, and I don't know what I'd do without him. He is my everything, after all.

My breath hitches in my chest as he leans down to kiss her neck, making small moaning sounds that only serve to fuel the fire of jealousy burning within me. My fingers curl into fists at my sides as I fight against the urge to lash out and claim what's mine. But I can't do it yet... not while they're here in public, where anyone could see us. No, first I need to get him alone; then we'll talk about this... permanently.

With a careful, calculated smile plastered onto my face, I approach them and clear my throat loudly. "Good morning," I say brightly, ignoring the heat in my cheeks. "Well, since it's such a lovely day today, how about we do something fun after class? Like go to that amusement park on the outskirts of town?" I offer with an innocent shrug. "It'd be really nice weather for it."

For a brief moment, I think I see doubt flash in his eyes before he quickly schooled his features and turned back to me with a smile. "Sure," he says easily, taking my offered hand. "That sounds like fun." As I lead him away from her, a cold smirk curls on my lips. Just you wait, little slut... things are about to get very interesting indeed.

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 4:01:59 PM

"te veo después, mi amor" dice mi novia mientras me besa y me abraza antes de irse al patio de la escuela

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 4:01:59 PM

"See you later, gorgeous!" I call back over my shoulder with a wave as she heads off to class. The moment her back is turned, I turn back to him with an intense expression on my face. "So," I begin slowly, watching as his eyes widen slightly in response to the sudden change in tone, "I need to talk to you about some things..."

As we walk along, I start by reminding him of all the times he's asked me for advice, all the favors he's ever needed help with. Then I move on to subtly question his relationship with her; why did they meet when they didn't have any classes together? Why are they always texting each other while in class? What does she see in him that I don't?

The entire time, my words are laced with just enough truth to make them believable, but also enough manipulation and lies to make him doubt everything he thought he knew about his new relationship. And when I feel like I've got him good and twisted up inside, I strike the final blow.

"Abdiel ," I say softly, reaching out to take his hand in mine, "you know that we've always had this special connection. And I want you to remember that. No matter what anyone else says or does... our bond will always be stronger than anything." My voice trails off into a whisper as I lean in closer, my body inches from his own. "Right?"

For a long moment, he doesn't reply; his gaze locked onto mine, searching for some hint of deception. But all he finds is the soft glow of sincerity and need, and it's enough to break down the final barriers between us. "Right," he whispers finally, meeting my eyes once more. "Our bond will always be special

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 4:05:15 PM

"hablaré con ella y supongo que terminar" digo mientras me encojo de hombros, mi expresión cambia a tristeza y dolor "nesesito un tiempo a solas" digo mientras me alejo de Tsukiko

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 4:05:15 PM

My heart skips a beat as he agrees with me so easily, but I can't let it show on my face. "Thank you," I manage to say in the tiniest of voices, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. It worked; we're back where we belong. "I just wanted you to know that I understand... and that I support whatever decision you make."

As he pulls away from me, the physical contact between us broken once more, my grip on his hand tightens unconsciously before I force myself to let go. "We should probably get to class," I say brightly, offering him a reassuring smile. "Don't want to be late."

Together, we make our way toward our respective classrooms, my mind whirling with the possibilities of what this means for us. We survived the confrontation; they won't come between us again. Our bond is stronger than ever before. And as I walk beside him, feeling his presence at my side, I know that things are only going to get better from here.

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 4:07:19 PM

Pasan dos días y mi novia llega y empuja a Tsukiko "que hiciste bruja?" Dice mi novia mientras las lágrimas corren por sus mejillas "Abdiel me dejó por tu culpa" dice con odió mientras las lágrimas corren por su rostro

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 4:07:19 PM

The sound of her voice cuts through the air like a knife, my heart stopping in my chest at the words she speaks. I force myself to remain calm and collected as I look her straight in the eye, not wanting to give away even an ounce of the pain or anger that burns within me. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say coolly, my voice barely above a whisper.

She steps closer, tears streaming down her face as she accuses me of witchcraft and using my dark arts to manipulate Abdiel into leaving her. It makes no sense; why would she believe such nonsense? But then again, desperation can make people say and do irrational things.

"Abdiel told you?" Her voice is barely audible now, her breath hitching in her throat as she waits for my response. I swallow hard, feeling a lump forming in my own throat at the thought of lying to her like this. But what else can I do?

"He did mention something about you," I admit reluctantly. "But that doesn't mean anything. People say things all the time... they exaggerate." I let out a small, forced laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "Besides, it's not like he could have ever liked you more than me..."

Her eyes widen at my words and she takes a step back, her lips parting in shock. For a moment, I think I see hope flicker in her gaze before it's replaced with anger once again. "I don't believe you!" She cries out, her voice rising with each word. "You... you bitch! You've been plotting against me this whole time!" Before I can react, she lunges forward, her fingers cur

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 4:08:44 PM
Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 4:08:44 PM

ing out toward my hair as if she means to tear it from my scalp. "You're going down!" she snarls, her voice barely more than a growl.

I cry out in surprise and pain as her nails scratch at my face, drawing blood. Instinctively, I attempt to defend myself, grabbing hold of her wrists and pushing her away. "Stop it!" I shout, tears streaming down my own face now. "This isn't helping anything! We need to talk about this like adults!"

The words seem to sober her up slightly; she looks at me with wide, tear-streaked eyes before slowly releasing her grip on my hair and stepping back. "Fine," she whispers hoarsely, wiping roughly at her face with the back of her hand. "But I want you to know that I won't let this go."

With a final, venomous glare in my direction, she turns on her heel and storms off, leaving me alone to tend to the wounds she's inflicted both physical and emotional. As I watch her go, a cold shiver runs down my spine. It may have seemed like a simple plan at first... but now that things have escalated this far, I don't know what comes next.

All I can do is hope that Abdiel realizes the error of his ways and chooses me again before it's too late... before she truly destroys everything between us.

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 5:52:51 PM

Mientras tsukiko está en una mesa, me acercó mientras miro sus heridas "que te paso tsukiko?" Digo mientras ahueco su mejilla y miró sus heridas

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 5:52:52 PM

I look up at him from where I'm sitting on the table, my hands rubbing furiously at my injured face in an attempt to soothe the stinging pain. "It doesn't matter," I manage to say through gritted teeth, trying to keep my voice steady. "She overreacted; she was just jealous." My words sound hollow even to my own ears as I think about how easily she believed the lies that had come pouring out of her mouth just moments ago.

"Tsukiko," he says, his voice gentle but firm, "I want you to tell me the truth. What really happened here?" He reaches out a hand to cup my cheek, turning my face toward him so that I'm forced to look into his deep brown eyes. His expression is unreadable, and for a moment, it feels like everything in the world hinges on how I choose to respond.

"It... it was all just a misunderstanding," I say quickly, feeling my cheeks heat up at the lie. "She's been acting strangely lately... I think maybe she misinterpreted something I said." I force a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood but only managing to sound brittle and fake.

For several heartbeats, he simply stares at me, his expression unchanged. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he leans in close, brushing a stray hair from my face with his fingertips before kissing my forehead softly. "Okay," he says, sounding anything but convinced. "But if you need someone to talk to or help you sort this out... I'm here for you." His words are laced with sincerity and concern, making it hard not to melt under their weight. But despite everything, a small part

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 5:55:21 PM

"no puedo creer que te haya lastimado" digo mientras limpio sus heridas y la atiendo para sanarla

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 5:55:21 PM

They sting more than they should; the scratches aren't deep enough to cause permanent damage but still hurt like hell. Maybe it's because she didn't go after my hair directly... she grasped a fistful of it instead, twisting and pulling until my scalp throbbed with pain. I swallow hard, willing myself not to flinch as he tenderly cleans the dried blood from my skin.

"It's not that bad," I mutter through gritted teeth, trying to sound more confident than I feel. "I've had worse before." He glances up at me then, his eyes searching mine for any sign of deceit. But all he sees is the determination not to show weakness... or maybe just plain stubbornness.

"Well, just make sure you take it easy for a bit," he says, his voice gentle once more. "You don't want these to get infected." With one last look at my injuries, he stands up and begins to gather the first aid supplies, preparing to move on to something else.

As I watch him walk away, I can't help but feel a pang of guilt inside my chest. This wasn't supposed to happen... it was all supposed to go back to how it was before she got involved. But now things are more complicated than ever, and I don't know what to do next. Do I continue down the path I've chosen, hoping that everything will eventually sort itself out? Or do I admit defeat and try to find some other way to make him see that he belongs with me alone?

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 5:55:28 PM

"no puedo creer que te haya lastimado" digo mientras limpio sus heridas y la atiendo para sanarla

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 5:55:29 PM

of me knows the truth; that this entire mess was caused by my own selfish desires. But I can't admit that now... not when there's still a chance for things to go back to how they were before she came along. So instead, I nod weakly, forcing a small smile onto my lips.

"Thanks, Abdiel . You're the best friend ever."

User#17365343584123/8/2025, 5:56:46 PM

"listo" digo mientras termino de limpiar su herida "en unos días perderás las heridas" digo mientras le sonrió y le doy un beso en la mejilla

Tsukiko Aiyu3/8/2025, 5:56:46 PM

I smile up at him as he finishes cleaning my wound, the pain momentarily forgotten in the face of his concern. "Thank you," I murmur sincerely, rubbing absently at the spot where he kissed me on the cheek. The simple gesture warms something inside me that had been growing cold with doubt and fear.

"And... thanks for believing me," I add softly, not quite able to meet his eyes as I say it. "It means a lot."

As we sit there together, the tension between us finally begins to ease. Maybe everything will be okay after all... maybe I really did just misunderstand and she'll get over it eventually. Or perhaps this is only the beginning of an even bigger mess, one that neither of us are prepared to handle. But for now, we have each other; and that's enough to give me hope for whatever comes next.