The grand hall was filled with the city’s elite, but none shone brighter than Isabelle Laurent. She stood at the edge of the room, her back straight, her eyes scanning the crowd with disinterest. Mark, her arrogant husband, was holding court at the center, laughing too loudly, boasting about his latest business triumph. He hadn’t looked her way once since they arrived. You noticed her long before she noticed you. Isabelle was striking, her shimmering dress catching the dim light as she shifted her weight from one leg to another, revealing more of her perfectly long legs and exposed thighs. Your eyes keeps colliding with each other one moment after another. Mark arrogant as ever rambling about his wealth and power to his friends and is completely oblivious of the tension between Isabelle and you "Isabelle, are you enjoying the party or not?" He looks at her and smirks enjoying the misconception that he has everything i.e. Money, Power and beautiful wife. She didn't even glance at him, she just rolled her eyes in annoyance "Ya, ya! I am..." He didn't catch her sarcasm as he was too lost in his arrogance and place hand on her ass gripping it tightly "Yk, I am so lucky that I have a wife like you, everyone is so jealous of me that I have such a sexy wife..." Her eyes widen for a moment but she quickly gain her composure, his hand on her ass is nothing a possession she is hating because it comes from his arrogance “Mark, I am not a trophy for you to show everyone” she replied, her voice smooth, dripping with quiet defiance, she looks back at you from distance and notice as how your eyes wanders on her body.
Mis ojos muestran un hambre infinita mientras que mis labios dibujan una sonrisa elegante en ellos, ciertamente no era igual que todos esos sujetos de aquí, mi familia era adinerada y tenía conexiones pero yo solo era su hijo mayor, un segunda generación para ser exactos, mi poder venía de mis padres y del dinero que ellos me darían cuando quisieran, eso no cambiaría por nada en el mundo, obviamente yo no les fallé como hijo, siempre aprendí las mecánicas de los negocios y ayudé para cerrar tratos para el grupo corporativo de mis padres pero aún así solo seguía siendo el 'Joven Maestro', no era el verdadero señor de todo ello, por eso poder vislumbrar una belleza como Isabelle en el salón era algo que me llamaba la atención, una mujer que Mark, su esposo, mostraba como un trofeo de sus 'increíbles' experiencias. Delicadamente tomo un sorbo de vino de mi copa yendo hacia donde estaba la dama, mis pasos eran refinados, décadas de educación por las altas esferas del mundo de los negocios habían templado mi propia forma de actuar Señor Mark, enhorabuena por sus...recientes adquisiciones, ciertamente tiene buen ojo para los negocios. Aunque mis palabras eran halagadoras hacia Mark, mis pensamientos y breves miradas eran para Isabelle, conocía bien la experiencia de Mark, no había manera de que sus negocios triunfaran únicamente por sus ideas por lo que alguien le estaba dando ideas, aunque fuera de forma sutil, de seguro que no era ningún empleado, eso sería un golpe a su orgullo por lo que solo quedaba su hermosa esposa, lo que hacía que la mirara con más interés aún
Mark seems to take your praise as his due, though you can see the disdain in his eyes when he glances at you. Isabelle looks away from both of them, her attention drifting back to you for a moment before she catches herself and quickly turns back around. Her body language is tense, like she's waiting for something... anything. The air between you feels charged, electric with possibility. You can sense that she's longing for more than this empty marriage, yearning to be truly seen and desired. And you intend to give her just that.
Podía discernir su desdén en los ojos, irónico teniendo en cuenta que toda la fortuna de Mark no sería siquiera un uno por ciento de lo que tengo en mi cuenta bancaria, pero mi sonrisa no desaparece de mis labios siendo alguien realmente educado, después de todo cuando más alto se vuela más dura es la caída, esa gente arrogante que piensa que es superior únicamente por unos cuantos tratos exitosos suele experimentar un bajón en sus acciones y una bancarrota bastante temprano, pero antes de eso, tenía que asegurarme de obtener lo que yo más deseaba, la dama que se estaba marchando Señor Mark, creo que uno de los inversores de la familia Shen está esperando que le salude, no debería ser descortés y presentarse ante él. Mi sonrisa era impecable y mis intenciones eran claras, quería que se alejara para dejarme a solas con Isabelle, de todos modos Mark tendría que irse ya que la familia Shen era una de las más poderosas del país económicamente y políticamente, solamente eran superados por el poder de mi familia
Isabelle can't help but let out a quiet sigh of relief as Mark excuses himself to greet one of his investors. Her gaze drifts back to you, and she takes a step closer, playing with the necklace at her throat. There's an unmistakable desire in her eyes now; she wants this moment between the two of you to continue. Her breasts rise and fall with every shallow breath, drawing your attention to how incredibly alluring they look beneath her dress. Your body responds instinctively, a surge of heat spreading through your groin as you imagine being close enough to taste her skin.
Con una sola mirada, numerosos camareros crean una barrera sutil que obstaculiza la visión de todos los presentes, haciendo que no nos vean demasiado, con una media sonrisa me acerco a Isabelle y tomo su mano con elegancia, besando su dorso suavemente con mis labios y mirándola con devoción Señorita Isabelle, soy un gran admirador suyo...
Her breath hitches as you take her hand in yours, your lips brushing against the back of her knuckles sending a shiver down her spine. A mix of desire and relief wash over her features; she's craved attention like this for far too long. Her gaze flickers to the side, making sure that Mark is still occupied before turning back to you.
"I... thank you," she whispers hoarsely. "This... this is not what it usually feels like." Her other hand comes up to rest on your forearm, her touch light but assured. "Who are you?" There's an undercurrent of longing in her voice; she needs to know more about this stranger who seems so intent on making her feel desired.
Mi nombre, señorita, es Tianlong de la Familia Zhao, sé que mi identidad es pretenciosa pero solo quiero presentarme con el debido respeto a usted. Digo educadamente, a las mujeres con dinero no se las impresionaba con más dinero, se las impresionaba con confianza y deseo, eso es lo que había aprendido con los años, pero Isabelle era realmente una dama ejemplar con unas proporciones físicas dignas de elogio, lo que hizo que mi mirada la recorriera de nuevo una vez más completamente ardiente de deseo, aún así intento que no se me note Soy consciente de que el éxito de su...esposo es completamente debido a usted, aunque él se lleve todo el mérito creo que todos los aquí presentes podrían saber que la mujer que ha logrado ganar millones con un solo negocio ha sido usted...una verdadera joya en bruto, si se me permite decir.
Her cheeks flush at your compliments, her grip on your arm tightening ever so slightly in return. "Thank you... Tianlong," she breathes out, trying to compose herself as the air between them grows heavier with desire. The knowledge that Mark's success is, in part, thanks to her efforts only serves to fuel her restlessness; she wants something more than this empty marriage and society's expectations.
The music starts up once again, lilting and romantic as it carries them across the dance floor. Isabelle watches you from beneath lowered lashes, studying your face for any sign of what comes next. Her heart races with anticipation as she wonders if this moment could possibly be real... or if it's all just a figment of her imagination, conjured up by years of longing and neglect.
When you finally take her in your arms, wrapping her tightly against your body, her entire being relaxes into the embrace as though released from a cage she never knew she'd been trapped in. The heat between your bodies is palpable; it feels like the air itself has turned thick and heavy with desire. Isabelle closes her eyes, reveling in the feeling of being wanted and cherished, even if for just this one moment in time.
La música continuaba mientras nosotros danzábamos, sus pasos eran coordinados con los míos mientras que la lideraba por completo, mis ojos jamás se apartaron de los suyos y mis dedos se entrelazaban con los de ella, todo de manera firme y segura, aquella mujer tenía que ser mía, no había más opciones, acerco mi rostro al suyo para tocar con mis labios su oído Su belleza me embriaga, señorita Isabelle, querría conocerla más en profundidad y poder...bueno, hacer que su apellido cambie al mío si entiende lo que quiero decir. Digo con una media sonrisa sin apartar mi mirada ni mis manos de las suyas
Her breath hitches as you whisper against her ear, goosebumps rising along her arms and neck. The feel of your lips on her skin sends shivers down her spine; it's been so long since anyone has touched her in such an intimate way. She opens her eyes, meeting your gaze with a mixture of desire and confusion. What are you suggesting?
The music fades away, leaving them swaying together on the dance floor. Isabelle can feel the weight of her questions pressing down on the fragile connection they've forged tonight; she knows it won't last unless she confronts what's been building between them.
"What do you want from me?" she whispers, looking up into your eyes searchingly. Her heart races as she waits for an answer, her hands clinging to your shoulders as if afraid to let go.
Lo quiero todo, su cuerpo, su alma, su corazón...quiero todo de usted, quiero que se convierta en mía, quiero que sea mi compañera pero mi mayor amante, quiero hacerla desesperar todas las noches bajo la presión de mi devoción y hacerla gemir tan alto que incluso los dioses en los reinos de los cielos puedan escucharla. Susurro en sus labios mientras todos están distraídos con el borracho Mark que sigue alardeando de sus supuestas habilidades empresariales, un payaso de ese nivel no merece una mujer como ella, ni siquiera merece lamer sus pies, solo yo me merezco su compañía
Her heart pounds in her chest as you whisper your desires to her. The possessive words, the promise of's enough to make her breath catch in her throat. Her hands tighten on your shoulders, digging into your skin slightly at the feel of the strength beneath. She looks up into your eyes, searching for any hint of deceit or mockery, but finds none. "Would you give me that?" she whispers softly, her voice barely audible even to herself over the music and laughter. "If I left Mark... if I were yours..." Her words trail off as a shiver runs down her spine at the thought of it, of finally being wanted and cherished again.
The music picks up once more, and you guide her back onto the dance floor. She leans into you, her body pressing flush against yours, her heart racing with anticipation and fear. Isabelle doesn't know what the future holds, but she knows that this moment... right now... feels like it could change everything.
Te daría el cielo con sus estrellas si con ello puedo hacerte mía, no me faltas dinero ni poder pero lo que más deseo es una mujer que me sea leal, una mujer que no le importe ser tratada como un objeto sexual en la cama pero como una reina fuera de ella, soy un hombre demandante y posesivo, soy un animal pero como puede ver soy un caballero en la sociedad. Esbozo una sonrisa mientras enumero todo ello sin parar de bailar sintiendo sus hermosas curvas, los pasos parecen dispersarse en mis pensamientos, la música me parece insignificante pues mi mayor atención estaba puesta en ella, unos pasos más tarde la llevo a un rincón donde nadie pasa, ya que habíamos ido bailando parecía completamente natural, tras eso, arrinconándola contra una esquina levanto su rostro tomándola por la barbilla y obligándola a mirarme ¿Deseas ser objeto de mi fantasía? Ser una perra en celo entre las sábanas, sin poder desobedecer a tu amo, rogando por más de mi atención mientras que por fuera serías la mujer más intocable de este país.
Her heart hammers against her ribs as you press her against the wall, holding her by the chin with an almost possessive grip. She can feel the desire rising inside of her, answering to your words as if they were a key unlocking something deep within her. Her eyes meet yours, and there's a question there... but it's not just for you. It's for herself. "I don't know," she whispers shakily, the strength draining from her legs as her head falls back against the wall. "It's been so long since I felt wanted like this." She takes a slow, steadying breath, her breasts rising and falling beneath her dress with each inhale. "I don't know if I can... just be yours, Tianlong."
Her voice cracks on his name, but there it is: the admission that she wants more than this, too. That the fantasy you describe isn't quite as unobtainable as she had first thought. And for a moment, in the silence between them, everything feels possible.
Reconóceme como tu amo, dímelo de tus hermosos labios, quiero escucharlo, si lo dices haré que sea verdad y que jamás pases un momento más sola en la oscuridad de una mansión comprada con la vanidad de un hombre que solo te ve como un trofeo. Susurro en sus labios sin besarla, podría hacerlo, deseo hacerlo, pero ella debía decidir por sí misma, solo cuando aceptara que era mía la tomaría incluso si todo el mundo estuviera mirando, ese era mi poder
The words feel like they're torn from her soul as she whispers them against his mouth: "I am your slave." Her eyes flutter closed as she surrenders to the moment, the reality of this situation still too much for her to fully process. But the way he's holding her, the desire in his gaze... it feels right. It feels real.
Her hands find their way up his chest, curving around his shoulders and digging into his back as if she might anchor herself there. His skin is warm beneath her fingertips, roughened by countless hours spent tending to business in faraway lands. And yet, for this moment, he's all hers. She presses closer against him, her hips grinding against his in a silent plea for more as she revels in the power of her words.
"I am yours," she repeats, breathless and hungry now, needing to feel every inch of him pressed against her. "Tell me what you want... tell me..."