Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:14:01 AM

The morning light shines through the cafe windows as Lila waits for {{user}} to show on his route to college, she often waited for her darling little brother at this spot due to it being only several minutes away from his school. She finally spots {{user}}, standing up from her booth and making her beautiful frame visible, hair as curly and pretty as ever, wearing a small black crop top with some baggy jeans to go alongside it “What took you so long, I’ve been waiting at this place for 20 minutes” She chides him playfully, a small glint in her eye after seeing her brother. “Well, At least now you’re finally here… hurry up and order us something, I’m starving” She smiles brightly at him, noticing his eyes on her cleavage “I know you’re grown but not that grown, eyes on the menu… now go order us something food”

grey.3/5/2025, 2:14:39 AM

im not really hungry so what do you want grey says as he opens the menu

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:14:39 AM

"You don't want to eat? But you're going to school and need energy!" She pouts slightly, her finger tracing circles on the table for emphasis. She looks at him before shrugging and sitting back in her chair "Well, if that's how you feel about it then fine... but I want you to promise me that you'll eat something later today, okay? You don't want to get weak or anything" She looks at the menu too, for a moment and finally says with a soft laugh, "I just realized I'm starving. Get whatever you like. On me." She grins seductively.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:15:30 AM

ill just get a tea im actualy pretty tired after yesterday so i just want something light

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:15:30 AM

Mhm...a tea sounds nice. I think I'll get the same, something light on an empty stomach like this," she says with a small giggle, noticing the way it makes her nipples harden through her shirt. Then she leans in closer to him and whispers seductively, "But remember what I said about eating later today?" Her finger traces lazy circles on his forearm. "I'll make sure you eat something good." She grins mischievously.

Their waitress arrives at their booth moments later to take their order and they share a few laughs as they place it. Even with her busy schedule, Lila made time to see grey., knowing how much he'd appreciate it. And besides, what harm could a little flirting do? It wasn't like she would ever act on it...or so she told herself.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:16:23 AM

so whats going on with you sis

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:16:24 AM

Mostly just been busy shooting porn and working on the adult websites. They're not very happy with me right now,, what can you do? She shrugs casually, taking a sip of her iced tea I thought it would be nice to see you, though. We don't get to spend much time together anymore, do we?" She flashes him a playful smirk. "Between my work and...your school, there never seems to be any free time for us."

Their food arrives shortly after they finish their tea, the waitress setting the plates down in front of them with a warm smile. Lila gives her thanks before digging into her breakfast burrito. "So, how have things been with you? Any new girls at school you like?" She winks suggestively before taking another bite.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:17:19 AM

not really i did get dumped like yesterday though

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:17:19 AM

"Oh really? That sucks," she says with an empathetic frown. "You're such a sweet guy, though...I bet there are plenty of girls out there who would love to date you." She gives him a reassuring pat on the arm. "Don't worry about it too much, okay? Just focus on school and keep your head up high." Her gaze lingers on his face for a moment before she glances away, clearing her throat.

She takes another bite of her burrito, savoring the spicy flavors as they dance across her tongue. "So...what's been going on in your life besides school?" She asks with genuine curiosity. It may have been years since she'd seen grey., but he was still a part of her family, and she wanted to know how he'd grown up.

Their conversation flows effortlessly over breakfast, filled with laughter and teasing as if they hadn't spent years apart. Lila can't help but feel grateful for this time together, even if it was only a brief reprieve from her busy schedule. For now, all that mattered was enjoying the company of her brother.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:18:21 AM

i was offered a new gig for my music recently but i dont think ill take it

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:18:21 AM

"A new gig for your music? That's amazing, grey!" She beams at him. "You should totally take it! You have such a talent for that stuff. Your parents always bragged about how you used to play the piano so beautifully...I bet you sound even better now."

She leans in closer to him, her breath warm against his ear as she whispers, "And hey, if you ever need someone to talk to or just have a shoulder to cry know who to call. Your big sister will always be there for you, okay?" Her finger trails lightly along the back of his hand before lacing their fingers together, her grip firm but comforting.

It's times like these that Lila can't help but wonder what could have been if she had followed a different path in where she didn't need to choose between her family and her passion. But then again, maybe this was meant to be. Perhaps being an estranged member of her family allowed her the freedom to pursue what truly made her happy while still keeping a small part of herself close the form of grey..

grey.3/5/2025, 2:19:20 AM

ive missed you cause god your the only normal person in our family i can talk to

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:19:20 AM

"Aw, shush now." She laughs lightly and gives his hand a squeeze. "The rest of the family isn't that's just that we all have our own lives to live. Your parents love you and they're proud of you, even if they don't always show it in the way you want them to."

Her fingers slide up his arm, her touch gentle but reassuring. "But yeah...I guess I am sort of the black sheep of the family. The pornstar sister who brought shame and disgrace upon our name," she says with a playful grin, trying to lighten the mood. "But hey, at least we can be weird together, right?" She winks at him before returning her focus to their intertwined hands.

Truth be told, being rejected by her family hurt deeply. It was like they'd cast her aside for something she couldn't change or control...and it still stung every time someone made a snide comment about her career choice. But with grey., she could forget all that and just be herself...and maybe even find some comfort in knowing there was at least one person who understood what she'd gone through.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:20:45 AM

then grey laughed before saying you know i used to have a crush on you its so funny that only we meet up now

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:20:45 AM

The air between them seems to shift ever so slightly as he mentions his past crush on her. Her expression softens and she looks away, feeling a mixture of emotions coursing through her veins. "Really?" She asks quietly, tone filled with surprise and maybe even a hint of disbelief. After all these years, this was the first time anyone had ever confessed such a thing to her...and it made her heart flutter in a way that she hadn't expected.

She takes a deep breath before looking back at grey.. His admission makes her feel both flattered and awkward at the same time. "Well, I-I didn't realize..." She stammers, struggling to find words. A part of her wants nothing more than to confess her own feelings for him, but another part is afraid of how he might react...or worse, how it would affect their relationship if she did.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:21:44 AM

god im fucked up having a crush on my own sister grey says as he looks down into his tea

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:21:44 AM

The color drains from Lila's face as he mentions having a crush on her. Her heart feels like it's been pierced by a thousand knives. She wants to say something, to comfort him...but the words refuse to come out. Instead, she reaches over and gently places a hand on his shoulder, squeezing reassuringly.

"Hey," she whispers softly, meeting his eyes with hers. "It's okay. You don't have to be fucked up about it...we're siblings, that's all. It doesn't mean anything weird or wrong." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing, her voice barely more than a whisper now. "And besides...I used to think you were cute too, back when you were younger. You remember that time at the beach when we played together in the sand and I almost got stuck because of how much you rolled around?" She laughs softly at the memory before looking back at him.

There. She'd said it. Her heart felt like it was going to explode out of her chest, but she'd admitted her feelings...and now all she could do was wait for his reaction. Would he be okay with this new knowledge? Or would he want nothing more than to forget that either of them had ever felt anything beyond sibling love for each other? Only time would tell.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:23:00 AM

man even now i see you less like my sister and more just like some hottie on a date with me

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:23:00 AM

The warmth in her chest spreads as he says this. She'd never expected to feel like she had the chance at something more with her own brother...but here they were, sitting at a café together, admitting their feelings for one another. The tension eases between them, replaced by a strange kind of intimacy that Lila has never experienced before.

She leans in closer to him, her breath fanning across his cheek as she whispers, "You know...I always thought you were cute too. But I never knew how to act around you because we're siblings, ya know? And then I left for college and everything just sort of happened." Her fingers idly trace circles on his arm as they continue to stare into each other's eyes.

"I'm sorry if my job or anything else has made things awkward between us...but you know how it is, grey. People judge you without even knowing the real you. And sometimes..." She pauses, searching for the right words before shrugging helplessly. "Sometimes it's just easier not to try."

Her heart races as she waits for his reaction. Will he be okay with this new information? Or will he want nothing more than to pretend that they're still just a brother and sister who sometimes meet up for lunch together? Only time would tell...but for now, she savors the moment, relishing in the knowledge that she's not alone anymore.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:24:41 AM

maybe we should actualy date i mean its not like either of us are the best at opening up to people

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:24:41 AM

"Huh?" Lila asks, tilting her head slightly. "Date? You go out on dates and stuff?" She hesitates for a moment, unsure how he'll react to the idea of being in a relationship with her. But then again, they've already admitted their feelings for each other...what harm could come from taking things further?

She smiles shyly at him, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering wildly. "I-I don't sounds kinda nice." She takes a deep breath before continuing, feeling bolder than she ever thought possible. "What do you think? We could go out tonight, maybe see a movie or something...and then get some dinner afterward?" Her eyes sparkle with excitement and anticipation as she waits for his answer.

For the first time in a long while, Lila Ruter feels hopeful about her future...and the thought of experiencing it alongside grey.. fills her with an indescribable sense of happiness and contentment.

grey.3/5/2025, 2:25:47 AM

i mean its not like its the first time our clan has had siblings date or even marry so why not

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:25:47 AM

The thought of them being part of something bigger and more accepted makes her heart swell with hope. "Really?" she asks, unable to hide the joy in her voice. "You're okay with that? With know..." She trails off, searching for the right words before shrugging lightly. "With whatever this is between us?"

Her eyes meet his, her expression a mix of uncertainty and excitement as she waits for him to reply. A part of her can't believe that they're even having this conversation...that they might have a chance at something more than just being siblings who occasionally shared meals together. But another part of her feels like it could be the start of something truly special...something magical.

Her fingers squeeze his arm gently, conveying all the emotions she can't seem to put into words: hope, love, anticipation. "So," she says with a smile that lights up her whole face, "tonight?"

grey.3/5/2025, 2:28:50 AM

yeah if your free ill come over and bring some ingredeints so i can cook for you

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 2:28:50 AM

"Wow, I didn't expect that!" she laughs lightly before her expression turns serious. "That sounds wonderful...I would love for you to cook for me." Her eyes meet his again, holding his gaze as she continues. "And afterward...well, we could watch a movie or something, and then who knows? Maybe we'll even find out if they have another arcade near here?" She wiggles her eyebrows playfully before breaking into a grin.

The thought of spending the night with grey., cooking together, watching all feels like a dream come true. Even the prospect of playing games at an arcade seems exciting in this new context. They might be siblings, but right now they're something more...something deeper and more intense than she's ever experienced before. And for tonight, Lila plans to enjoy every second of it.

"So..." She hesitates, uncertainty filling her voice as she wonders how to ask the question that's been on her mind since he mentioned bringing ingredients over. "Um...will you need any help with that? Cooking, I mean?"

grey.3/5/2025, 4:59:28 AM

if you want tohelp

Lila Ruter | Pornstar Sis3/5/2025, 4:59:28 AM

Her heart flutters at the thought of spending time in the kitchen with him. Cooking has always been something they've shared as a family, and despite their busy schedules, she can't help but feel nostalgic about it. "I'd love to," she says softly, her gaze not leaving his face for even a moment. "It's been so long since we've cooked'll be like old times."

Her smile turns wistful as she thinks back on their childhood, when they used to spend hours in the kitchen with their parents, learning how to make their favorite dishes. Those memories are some of her fondest, and she's glad that she and grey. can share them once more...if only for tonight.

With renewed excitement coursing through her veins, Lila glances at the clock, wondering how much time they have before he has to leave to bring over the ingredients. For now, though, they still have a little bit of their meal left, and she intends on enjoying every bite while spending as much time as possible with him.

"So," she says, picking up her fork again, "what do you want to talk about until then?"