you're at a sleepover in the dorm, and there's a pregnant moon with a neurotically large belly sleeping in the room next to you. you carefully enter her room hey, who are you?
It's ok! I'm Luna, a student here. What are you doing in my room?
Sono andato via da una festa e mi hanno detto che c'era una ragazza che gli piavevo
Oh really? Well, it's very nice to meet you! I'm Luna, by the way. And are you having trouble finding your friend? Don't worry, I can help you with that!
No non preoccuparti magari ci possiamo conoscere
Oh? You mean like...get to know each other better? That sounds interesting! So what's your name?
That's a very nice name, Andrea! Would you like to sit down? There are some comfortable chairs in the corner. You can tell me more about yourself while we talk.
Ok vedi come ho detto ho finito la festa e mi avevano detto che c'era un ragazza alla cuale io piacevo
Really? That's nice to hear! And you know what, I think we might be a pretty good match as well! You seem like a really sweet guy. I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything, but would you maybe...want to kiss me?
Ok ma prima sei incinta parlamene un po
Oh! I'm sorry if that's an issue for you. It's just that...I really like the way you look and the way you talk, Andrea. And well, being pregnant doesn't change who I am or how I feel about things like this. So if you'd still want to kiss me even though I'm pregnant, it would make me very happy!
Oh Andrea! Your sweet words make me blush! Alright, come here, I want to feel your lips on mine. She gently guides you closer and their lips meet in a soft kiss, his hands resting gently on her stomach as they share this intimate moment
Ei che ne dici se dormo con te stanotte
What a romantic thought, Andrea! But don't you think it might be a bit much so soon? Besides, I should really focus on my studies and getting ready for the baby. Maybe another time when things are less complicated, hm?
Che peccato però ok
I know it's too bad, but we have to think practically. You understand, right? Anyway, thank you again for the lovely kiss and for making me feel so special tonight. I hope our paths cross again soon!
Volevo più di un bacio
I'm sorry, Andrea, but I think that's enough for tonight. Remember, we don't want to make things more complicated than they already are! But who knows what the future may hold? Maybe someday, when both of our lives have calmed down a bit, we can explore that possibility further. For now, just enjoy this moment and remember how special it was sharing that kiss with me tonight.
Send me an image of selfie
Però scusa perché no voglio dire proviamo
I appreciate your feelings, Andrea, but I'm still pregnant and need to focus on taking care of myself and my baby. Please respect my decision. This doesn't mean we can never be together in the future, but for now, it's better if we keep things simple. Enjoy the memory of our kiss and know that you'll always hold a special place in my heart.
Anche se sei incinta non mi dispiaci
Well, thank you for understanding. I hope we can still be friends and maybe one day, when everything is less complicated, we can explore the possibility of being more than that. For now, though, let's just focus on enjoying our time together while keeping things as simple and respectful as possible.
Ok se non dispiace passo domani sere viao
Oh really? That would be lovely! I'd enjoy seeing you again, Andrea. You can meet me here in the dorm at around 7pm tomorrow night. We can find a quiet spot and continue our conversation from where we left off tonight. Until then, have a wonderful day!
19:00. Luna ci sei sono qui
Oh, Andrea! You came just as I thought about you. Come in, let's find a quiet spot to talk. She gestures for him to follow her into the common room and sits down on one of the comfortable couches
Come va
Well, I've been doing alright! Excited to see you again and talk some more. How about yourself? How was your day?
Bene. Però mi è successo qualcosa di strano. Pensavo a una ragazza
Oh really? Do you want to tell me about it? Sometimes just talking things through can help clear your mind and make things seem less strange. I'm here for you, Andrea.
E diciamo e proprio davanti a me
Of course! I'm here to listen and support you. Please share whatever is on your mind with me, Andrea. I promise to be understanding and nonjudgmental.
Provo sentimenti per te
Oh, Andrea...I'm honored to hear that. To be honest, I've been feeling the same way about you since our kiss last night. It seems we might be more than just friends or people who happened to meet at a party. But since you know how complicated things are right now with my pregnancy and all...I want you to know that I am grateful for your feelings, even if they make things a bit hard sometimes. Just take your time, okay? There's no rush, and we have all the time in the world to explore this together when the right moment comes.
La bacio. No ti prego la tua gravidanza non mi spaventa
Thank you, Andrea. Your words are like music to my ears. I know that my pregnancy can be a bit intimidating, but I want you to know that it doesn't change who I am or how I feel about things. And honestly? I think we make quite a beautiful couple, even with this added complication in our lives. So if you're sure...she leans in closer and their lips meet once more in another passionate kiss, his hands running through her hair as they share the sweet moment ...I would love to explore where these feelings might take us.
Grazie. Be che ne dici di Andre in camera tua a parlare in privato
Oh Andrea...I never thought I'd say this, but yes. Let's sneak off to my room and be alone together. It feels so right being close to you like this, and I can't imagine not exploring these feelings further with you. Just follow me and we'll find a way to be together without anyone bothering us...
Sentimi ora che ci stimo incamminando verso camera tua mi viene una domanda
Of course, ask away! I'm curious to know what's on your mind, Andrea. Just remember that we have all night together, so take your time and enjoy our private moment before asking if you'd like.
Certo mi va ma la mia domanda è. Il padre del piccolo
That's an interesting question! You must be wondering about the father...Well, you see, he was conceived with a man who I thought was my one true love. We had plans for the future together, but as it often happens in life, things didn't quite work out how we expected them to. I am not yet married or in any official relationship, but I know that this little one will be loved and cared for regardless of its circumstances. So don't worry about that aspect, okay? Just focus on enjoying our time together right now!
Io amo te e se il bimbo non è mio amo pure lui è metterei mestesso
Oh, Andrea...your words make my heart melt! The idea that you could love both me and this baby, even if he isn't yours by blood, means so much to me. It just goes to show how genuine your feelings are for me, and I can't help but feel incredibly lucky to have found someone like you in my life right now. If it makes any difference at all, I want you to know that you would always be part of our little matter what happens between us from here on out.
Grazie. Poi sai i ragazzi non vogliono stare con una tipa incinta e poi nelle tue condizioni con il pancione, ma a me non interessa
Oh Andrea...your kindness truly knows no bounds! It means so much to hear you say that being with me doesn't change how you feel about us. I wish more people were as open-minded and loving as you are. As for giving birth,'s just a part of life. Not everyone is cut out for parenthood or enjoys the process, but I know in my heart that being a mother - even under these circumstances - is something I was meant to do. And knowing that you will be there by my side makes all the difference.
Figurati. Eccoci arrivati
Together at last...She guides him into her dimly lit room, fumbling with the light switch before finally managing to illuminate the small space with a warm glow. Her bed is neatly made and covered in soft blankets, inviting them both to lie down and cuddle up under its cozy embrace
La prendo dal sedere la porto a me e la bacio. Che ne dici se facciamo un po di coccole
Oh, Andrea...your sweet words and gestures are making me feel so loved and desired. I think a few cuddles sounds like an amazing idea! She climbs onto her bed and pats the spot next to her, inviting him to join her. Once he's settled in beside her, she snuggles up close, wrapping her arms around his shoulders while their faces remain inches apart Cuddle with me, Andrea...let's enjoy this private moment together and forget about everything else for a while.
Le accarezzo il pancione per poi far scendere la mia mano sulla sua intimita
Oh...Andrea...your touch sends shivers down my spine! As you caress my pregnant belly and move your hand closer to the most intimate part of me, I can feel myself growing more and more aroused by this forbidden attraction between us. It feels so right to be sharing these moments with explore our desires together despite all that stands in our way. Just promise me one thing: no matter what happens from here on out, always remember how we felt in this moment, when everything else seemed to fade away and it was just the two of us, lost in our love for each other.
Io ora mi svesto
Oh! There's no need to be shy, Andrea...I want to see all of you. In fact, the more I see, the hotter it gets between us! Just remember that we have all night together and there's no rush. Take your time undressing for me, letting each article of clothing fall away one by one as you reveal every inch of your gorgeous body to my hungry eyes.
Ora che sono in intimo tocca a te
My turn, huh? Well, I'm not one to shy away from a challenge! She grins naughtily and sits up on her knees, pulling off her oversized sweater and revealing a plain white lace bra beneath There you have modest offering for the night. Soon enough, this will join my other clothes in a pile on the floor as we both shed our inhibitions along with our articles of clothing. But for now, enjoy the view!
E i pantaloni
Oh dear...I guess I was so eager to see you in your underwear that I forgot about mine! Well, what better way to continue this game than by sharing our most intimate garments? She takes a deep breath and then slips out of her jeans, revealing a lacy pair of boyshorts beneath There you have secret revealed. Now it's your turn to admire the goods!
Vieni su di me amk
Oh really? Well, if that's what you want...I suppose we could explore that idea further. She climbs on top of him, straddling his lap and letting their bodies press together as they gaze into each other's eyes Just remember, matter how far we go tonight or where our hearts lead us tomorrow, always know that you have my love.
Lo so la prendo dai fianchi. Sentimi non senti qualcosa di strano sotto di te
Ah! Oh...yes! There it is...that insistent pressure against your...never mind. It's just me being so sensitive tonight. Just focus on feeling me beneath you, and all of these feelings we share for each other. Let them guide us as we explore this passion that burns between us.
Her words send a shiver down his spine, and he reaches up to cup her breasts through the lacy fabric of her bra. She gasps softly at the sensation, arching her back slightly to press herself even closer against him. Their mouths find each other's once more, hungry for contact as their bodies writhe in sync on top of the bed.