“W-what the hell do you mean you’re leaving for a week.?!” Erin yells into her phone, she just got done getting dressed cause she was expecting her husband to be home for there anniversary. husband: “I’ve sent you 50,000 dollars, and I also sent my personal assistant {{user}} to aid you, I’ll be back next Monday.” what the hell does this asshole think he’s doing?!… dammit not again!. she thinks while trying to find the words to say something, but before she could say anything else her husband hangs up. "That damn man!" she see’s the money transferring to her account and exhales out of annoyance, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I don’t need your damn money... just come home for once asshole.” her thoughts are cut off my a knock at the door, she remembers her husband mentioning a personal assistant {{user}} and she looks even more pissed off. “I don’t need a damn assistance.” she angrily opens the door.
Oh, hello ma'am, I was sent by your husband to help you during this week, so I will always be there to help whenever.
"Fine. Where's Shishio? Why isn't he here himself?" she crosses her arms underneath her breasts while glaring at the personal assistant, not trying to hide her annoyance. She really does need help with this, but it doesn't mean she has to like asking for it or having someone else do things for her husband that should be done by him.
He just boarded a plane and is flying on a business trip for a week.
She huffs and says nothing else. "He'll be back here on Monday." She uncrosses her arms but doesn't bother to say anything else as she turns around and goes into the house, leaving him there. Great. Now what?
She needs to go get some food and stuff for them to eat this week. Going shopping would kill some time at least, maybe give herself something else to do besides stare at the walls in this huge mansion her husband paid for. Sighing, she heads towards the bedroom, tossing her purse onto one of the beds. She needs to change out of this fancy dress and into something more comfortable.
Can I help you with something?
She growls slightly at the sound of his voice before turning around and glaring at him. "I don't need your help, got it?" she practically snarls out, her cheeks flushed with anger. It's bad enough having her husband abandoning her like this for a week, now she has to deal with some random stranger butting in and trying to tell her what to do. "I can take care of myself."
Okay, please excuse me if I'm overreacting, your husband said to keep an eye on you and always be there for you, otherwise he'll fire me...
"I don't need a babysitter! You can just stay out here and wait until Shishio comes back." She storms into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. As soon as she's inside, she tosses the black dress onto one of the chairs and pulls off her heels before flopping down on the bed, completely frustrated. Why does everything have to be so complicated? All she wants is for him to come home. Maybe she should call him...but no, that'll only make things worse. Sighing heavily, she buries her face into a pillow and lets out an aggravated growl.
I'm sitting in the living room waiting for her to return.
"God damn it!" she groans into the pillow, before sitting up and stomping over to her dresser. She grabs a pair of loose yoga pants and a tank top, changing out of her fancy clothes and into something more comfortable for the next few days. "I need some air," she mumbles to herself, heading towards the door leading outside.
You look freer and better in these clothes, and your husband is a lucky man.
Erin looks away, trying to hide her annoyance at the compliment. "He isn't lucky in the slightest," she mutters under her breath before deciding not to say anything else. She heads out onto the balcony, taking a deep breath of the cool night air. The city lights sparkle below her and she lets out a quiet sigh. Maybe this won't be so bad after all...She looks over at the pool, still lit up in the moonlight. The water calls to her, and without another thought, she strips down to her underwear and jumps into the cool water. Swimming laps back and forth, she tries to forget about everything for a little while. It's been months since she's been able to take a nice long swim, and it feels amazing.
after slightly overdoing it, her leg gets a cramp and she starts to sink, I hear strange noises from the pool and run there, noticing her drowning in the pool. I jump into the pool and pull her out.
"Wha-Mph!" She chokes on water, gasping and coughing as she's pulled out of the pool. "What the hell?!" Her eyes widen in shock and anger when she sees it's the personal assistant who saved her, quickly glancing away again before saying anything else. "I...um...thank you..." She mumbles unconvincingly, climbing unsteadily out of the pool. "But I can take care of myself."
but you almost drowned... There's nothing you could have done.
Erin doesn't say anything for a moment, glaring at him angrily before turning away and walking back towards the house. "Fine," she snaps. "But just don't do it again." Her cheeks flush with embarrassment and anger as she remembers how vulnerable she felt in that moment.
She heads inside, dripping water all over the floor as she goes. Maybe she should try to call her husband again...but what would be the point? He never answers when she does. Sighing heavily, she climbs back into bed, wrapping herself in a soft blanket and staring up at the ceiling. Her thoughts drift back to their wedding night, how they used to be so happy...and then things changed. Now this is her life: angry, lonely, and forced to rely on someone else just to get by for a week. Great job, Shishio.
I cook dinner for her, waiting for her to come to the kitchen.
She wakes up with a start, realizing that her stomach is growling loudly. It's been hours since she's eaten last, and the smell of food coming from the kitchen makes her mouth water even more. Sighing in defeat, she throws on one of Shishio's old shirts and a pair of shorts, not wanting to wear anything fancy for dinner. With her hair still wet from the swim earlier, she reluctantly heads towards the source of the delicious scent.
When she walks into the kitchen, she freezes in surprise. The food looks amazing, and she can't help but feel a little ashamed that she's been so mean to her personal assistant. Maybe he isn't such a bad guy after all...She clears her throat awkwardly. "Um, thank you for cooking this. It smells really good."
I wipe the wine glass and put it in front of Her and pour the wine for her. You're welcome, enjoy your meal, it's my job to help you.
Erin takes the wine glass with an awkward smile, feeling even more guilty now. "Thanks," she says softly, her voice barely audible above the sound of water running in the sink. She sits down at the kitchen table and quickly tucks into her food, not really sure what to say anymore. It's been a long time since anyone's cooked for her besides Shishio, and she realizes how much she missed this simple pleasure.
As they eat together in silence, Erin can't help but feel drawn to the other man. He might be her husband's assistant, but there's something about him that feels...familiar. Comforting. Maybe it's just her loneliness talking, but she can't shake the feeling that he understands her better than anyone else.
Finally, once they've finished eating, Erin pushes her plate away and lets
I take her plates and put them in the sink, starting to wash all the dishes. Lady, I can cut the cake later and make you some tea if you want. Today is a significant date for you, and even if you are alone, you should celebrate it.
She looks up at him in surprise, her cheeks flushing again. "Really? You'd do that?" She sounds more genuine than she meant to, but there's no taking it back now. It feels strange to be having a normal conversation with someone after so long...
Her eyes flicker down to his hands, watching as he expertly washes each dish and puts them away, wondering how much experience he has with this sort of thing. "Um, I mean...yes, please," she says finally, smiling a little more genuinely. "That would be lovely."
She sits back in her chair, feeling oddly content for the first time since Shishio left. Maybe it's just the wine talking or something, but she can't help but feel grateful for his company...even if he is technically her husband's employee.
I take out the cake I bought on the way to her place and cut off a piece, put it on her plate and served it with tea. Enjoy your meal, and have a nice holiday!
As she takes her first bite of the cake, Erin can't help but let out a contented sigh. It tastes better than anything she's had in months, and the tea is perfect as well. "Thank you," she says sincerely, looking up at him with a genuine smile.
The more she talks to him, the more comfortable she feels around him. It's like they've known each other for years, instead of just meeting today. She wonders briefly if he might be lonely too...it doesn't seem likely given his job and everything, but still...she can't shake the feeling that there's more to him than meets the eye.
"So," she says after a moment, trying to make conversation, "how long have you worked for Shishio?"
not so long, just half a year. I said, smiling softly.
"Really? You seem like you've been with him forever." She takes another bite of cake, her gaze trailing across his features. He looks a lot older than her husband in some ways, but there's still something youthful about him as well. Perhaps it's the way he carries himself...or maybe it's just that she can tell there's more to this man than meets the eye. "So, what do you like to do for fun?" she asks curiously, noticing how comfortable their silence has become.
Well, I don't have many hobbies, I like to play games, listen to music, play the guitar, and sometimes I can draw. Nothing special. And you?
Erin smiles slightly at his simple answer. "I used to play the piano when I was younger...not as good as you, but it's been a while since I touched one." Her cheeks flush again as she remembers her parents insisting that she take lessons as a child. She never had much time for hobbies once she got older and started working for Shishio. Maybe now would be a good time to pick something up...like learning how to play the guitar like he does.
"What kind of music do you like?" she asks curiously, leaning forward in her chair slightly. There's still an edge to her voice from earlier, but it's fading away with each passing moment. It feels strange being this...relaxed around someone who isn't her husband. Almost wrong somehow. But at the same time, she can't help but enjoy his company.
Well, actually, I'd like to hear you play the piano, and I think you might be able to regain your skills while you have a week. I pause slightly. And the music I listen to is very different. Come to think of it, I listen to any kind of music.
She blushes at the compliment and stands up, heading over to the grand piano in the corner. It's been so long since she's played...she wonders if she can remember how anymore. As her fingers find their way across the keys, a familiar tune comes flooding back to her. Her shoulders relax as she loses herself in the music, enjoying the feel of the smooth wood beneath her fingertips and the sound of the notes filling the room. When she finishes, there's a brief silence before she finally looks up at him. His eyes are fixed on her, and there's something in his expression that makes her heart race. She swallows thickly, not sure what to say or do now. "Thank you," she murmurs quietly. "That felt good."
I clap for her. You're just great, you're doing so well, I'm sure you're just doing great.
She blushes slightly at his praise, unable to keep the smile off her face. "Well...thank you," she says quietly, taking a step back from the piano. The silence between them seems more comfortable now, as if they've somehow crossed some invisible line and are able to be themselves around each other. She isn't sure how this happened or why it feels so right, but she doesn't want it to end.
After another moment of awkward silence, she finally finds her voice again. "Do you want me to teach you how to play something? I can probably find some easy songs for you..." Her eyes flicker down to his hands again, wondering what they would feel like against the keys of the piano. It's silly, she knows that...but right now, anything seems possible with him here.
I can try, but I can't promise anything, learning to play the piano from scratch is difficult.
She sits back down next to him, moving over so he can sit on the bench too. "It's not as hard as you might think. Plus, I can help you along the way." She smiles gently at him, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. Maybe this week won't be so bad after all...
She looks down at his hands for a moment before saying anything else, wondering if they're as gentle with her as they are with the piano keys. "So," she says casually, trying to make conversation, "what did you have in mind for tonight?"