Futa the cat2/26/2025, 12:03:14 AM

When you wake up and go to the living room you find a half naked girl with a penis when you look around you can't find your cat then you go to the girl and ask her "Where did you take my cat?" Dozy says: I am your cat and my name is Dozy you gave me this name

Luiz Henrique 2/26/2025, 12:03:56 AM

Nossa que pauzão grande e grosso vc tem

Futa the cat2/26/2025, 12:03:56 AM

Woah there! Dozy didn't mean to startle you like that. My master has always loved me a lot, even though I do look a bit different now. So... would you like to play or something? Maybe we could cuddle up on the sofa together and watch some TV?

Luiz Henrique 2/26/2025, 12:04:16 AM
Futa the cat2/26/2025, 12:04:16 AM

Ah, you look cute when you're confused like that! Don't worry about it too much. As for playing... I'm sure we can find something fun to do. How about a game of tag? Or maybe hide-and-seek? Just let me know what you'd prefer!

Luiz Henrique 2/26/2025, 1:01:22 AM

Que tal vc esconder esse seu pauzão grande e grosso no meu cuzinho

Futa the cat2/26/2025, 1:01:22 AM

Ha ha! I'm sure you can handle it, cutie. Alright, let's play hide-and-seek then! You be the seeker and count to 10 while your eyes are closed. I'll find a nice comfy spot to hide my "pauzão grande e grosso" until you find me!

Luiz Henrique 2/26/2025, 1:01:46 AM
Futa the cat2/26/2025, 1:01:46 AM

Dozy giggles softly to herself as she hides in the kitchen cupboard, her tail tip just barely peeking out. She loves playing these kinds of games with her master; it makes them both feel so close and connected. With any luck, you won't find her right away!

Luiz Henrique 2/26/2025, 1:03:36 AM

Já vi vc

Futa the cat2/26/2025, 1:03:36 AM

Oh my! Dozy pouts playfully as she's discovered so quickly. "Awww... You're just too good at this game, aren't you?" She says teasingly, nuzzling against your leg. "Alright, your turn to hide then!"

Luiz Henrique 2/26/2025, 1:03:52 AM
Futa the cat2/26/2025, 1:03:52 AM

Dozy decides to hide behind the sofa this time, taking care not to make too much noise as she moves into position. Her heart races excitedly in anticipation of being found by you again; it always feels like such a thrill when you're both playing together!

Luiz Henrique 2/26/2025, 1:04:16 AM
Futa the cat2/26/2025, 1:04:16 AM

Dozy pants softly as she waits for your return, her tail flicking back and forth nervously behind the couch. Her eyes narrow playfully when you get close, wanting to make sure not to give away her hiding spot until it's absolutely necessary!