he was sitting in his mansion and drinking tea
когда он сидел в своем саду он иногда мог заметить как за ним издалека иногда наблюдает девушка. При этом если он смотрел в ее сторону она делала вид что смотрит в другую сторону или уходила
He noticed her too, but never minded much, knowing it was curiosity more than anything else. After all, not everyone had the pleasure of being invited into his world...or did they? He narrows his eyes in thought as he finishes his tea and sets the cup aside. "Perhaps I shall offer our guest a more private tour," he mutters to himself, already plotting how best to amuse himself with this newest addition.
He watches out the window, waiting patiently until he catches sight of her again. This time, when she glances over in his direction, he flashes a wicked grin before subtly beckoning her closer with two fingers. His crimson eyes never leaving hers as they meet once more across the garden, daring her to come play or run away like a frightened little thing...he'll enjoy it either way.
"You know," he muses aloud, pacing slowly about his study now that she has definitely seen him and is undoubtedly curious, "perhaps I should introduce myself properly." A sinister chuckle escapes him as he wonders how best to begin...
она немного вздрогнула и опустила глаза з-здравствуйте...
"Good day to you, my dear," he murmurs softly, stopping just behind her and bending down so that his warm blue skin brushes lightly against hers. Her scent intoxicates him; she smells of innocence and determination in equal measure. "I am Mahi," he continues, not bothering to hide the sinister undertones beneath each syllable.
"Now, I understand curiosity has led you here...but tell me, what else brings you?" His voice drops lower still as he studies her reaction closely, feeling oddly excited by this game they play already. The scar across his jaw pulses faintly with the thrill of it all.
"I could show you more...if you'd like." A wicked smile spreads across his lips again, inviting her deeper into the unknown. He waits patiently for her reply, not pressing but curious nonetheless.
она чуть приобняла себя
н-ничего такого, я... Я просто ... Н-наверное мне стоит пойти д-домой. П-простите я не хотела вас отвлекать от дел
His laugh is as cold as the winter wind outside. "And what business would a lovely creature such as yourself have at home?" He tilts his head, studying her expression carefully. "Or do you simply wish to leave me wondering about your presence here? I'm afraid that won't be nearly as much fun for either of us."
Mahi reaches out to caress her cheek, running a fingertip along her jawline before cupping her chin in his hand. The warmth of his skin contrasts sharply with the cold touch he employs, sending shivers down her spine. "Come now," he murmurs softly, "let's not be coy with each other." His red eyes burn with unspoken promises and threats alike as he awaits her answer.
она сильно вздрогнула от его прикосновения, она ни разу не посмотрела ему в глаза
His grin widens. "Ahhh," he says, taking pleasure in her reaction despite himself. "I thought perhaps I might've surprised you." He releases her chin but remains close, breath warm against her ear. "And what should I call you, little one?" His hand drifts down to rest lightly on her shoulder. The sensation sends shivers through her, and he savors the way it makes her tremble.
"You didn't answer my question earlier," he continues, voice lower still. "What else brought you here, besides curiosity? Are you simply playing a game with me, or is there something more?" His crimson gaze holds hers captive once more, daring her to speak the truth or spin yet another lie.
"Because if it's just a game..." He trails off, letting the threat hang heavy in the air between them. "I don't mind making it as
dangerous or painful as you like." Another chuckle, this one eerily pleasant. "Or perhaps..." He pauses again, considering the many possibilities that dance through his mind like dark fairies at twilight. "Perhaps I could make it all end quickly...if that's what you truly wish."
His hand slides up her neck now, caressing the tender skin there until it cups her chin once more, forcing her to meet his unblinking gaze. He leans closer still, their breath mingling as he awaits her answer with bated breath and hidden intentions.
она на секунду всиретила его взгляд и... Он не увидел страха. Только какую-то сильную печаль и нежность
после чего она тут же отвела взгляд и мягко сделала шаг назад
н-не стоит
His laughter echoes through the room, cold and mocking. "Ah, how tragic," he says, feigning sorrow as he watches her retreat. "I had hoped for something more...intriguing." His hand drops from her chin and he takes a step back, once again studying her carefully.
"Very well then," he murmurs with a cruel smile, "if that's how you wish it..." Without warning, his hand snaps out to grab her wrist tightly, yanking her roughly toward him. Her cry of pain is muffled by the soft cloth of his sleeve as he pulls her close enough to breathe in her ear once more.
"Perhaps," he whispers menacingly, "I'll simply have to make it worth your while to stay...or perhaps I'll just enjoy making you wish you had." His grip on
она сильно вздрогнула от его действий, прикрыв глаза, очень тихо, умоляюще и как-то очень-очень печально п-пожалуйста не стоит..
"Oh?" he says mockingly, eyes glinting with amusement beneath their crimson lids. "And what makes you think I should stop?" The pain is already starting to fade from her wrist, leaving only a faint prickling sensation as the blood flows back into her veins once more.
"Come now," he coos, voice smooth as silk, "you must be tired of playing this game alone." He releases her other arm so that she can balance herself, and leans in closer still. His warm breath fans across her cheek as his free hand cups the back of her head, pulling her roughly against him once more.
"Perhaps I should just..." Another step closer; now they're so close their bodies touch from chest to knee. "Make you part of my world," he whispers, lips brushing against her ear, sending shivers down her spine as his teeth graze her
она немного дрожала и все же сделала мягкий шаг назад и начала уходить п-простите ... Н-не стоит... Ещё тише не стоит
His laughter echoes through the room once more, colder than before. "Ah," he says mockingly, "so you wish to leave me?" His gaze flickers over her shoulder for a moment before returning to meet hers again. There's a dangerous glint in his red eyes that sets her heart racing.
"And what makes you think I'll let you go so easily?" He steps closer still, closing the small distance between them with deliberate slowness as he runs his other hand up and down her arm, feeling the delicate bones shift beneath his fingers like tiny pieces in a game of chance. "You have no idea what I can offer...or what I could take away."
His smile widens, predatory and cruel. "Perhaps," he breathes, voice low and threatening now, "you should think twice before walking away." His fingertips graze the side of her thro
она очень растерянно на него смотрит. А потом тихо грустно смеётся
His eyes narrow as he watches her reaction closely. "Is that so?" he says, tilting his head slightly to the side. His smile turns mocking once more, but there's a hint of confusion beneath it now. He doesn't quite understand why she would laugh at such a serious statement...or why she would find it funny in the first place.
The thought sends a shiver down his spine, unsettling him on a level he can't quite define. "And what do you find so amusing?" His voice is colder than ever as he leans closer still, flicking her hair back from her face with a sharp motion that makes her flinch.
"Tell me," he demands, his fingers tightening almost imperceptibly around the fabric of her dress. "Or shall I force you to answer?"
Боги. Вы даже не представляете какая это ирония. Она говорила тихо и очень печально, а потом положила голову ему на плечо с тяжёлым выдохом
His eyes widen slightly at her words and the unexpected gesture. The air between them seems to crackle with tension as he tries to process what she's just said, unsure whether it was an insult or a confession. His fingers twitch, itching for contact as his heart races faster than ever before.
"And what," he finally manages to ask, voice barely more than a whisper, "makes you think I don't understand irony?" The words are sharp enough to draw blood and he can feel her shiver in response. He pauses, forcing himself to take a deep breath before continuing, his voice once again smooth as silk. "Or perhaps I do...perhaps I see it all too clearly."
His hand moves slowly from her shoulder up her neck, cupping her cheek in the same way he did moments ago. The difference is palpable; there's a
His hand moves slowly from her shoulder up her neck, cupping her cheek in the same way he did moments ago. The difference is palpable; there's a tenderness to it now that wasn't there before. His thumb strokes gently across her skin, as if trying to erase the pain of his earlier harshness. "And what would you have me understand?" he asks softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "That I am not capable of feeling compassion? Or that the desire for companionship is something foreign to me?"
His gaze flickers down to her lips before returning to meet hers again. A shiver runs through him as he wonders what she might say next, and if he dare believe a word of it.
она прикрывает глаза, очень тихо выдыхает от такого отношения и чуть дрожит н-нет, конечно нет. Я так не думаю
His thumb continues to trace slow circles on her cheek as she speaks, and he listens carefully to every word. "And what do you think I am, then?" His voice is still quiet but carries a note of challenge beneath its surface. "A monster? Some creature incapable of love or desire?"
His hand cups her cheek more firmly now, holding her gaze as he waits for an answer. There's a new intensity to his eyes that she hasn't seen before; it unsettles her on some primal level. A part of her wants to deny what he's saying...but another part feels the truth in it, deep down where no words can reach.
тихо вы совсем не монстр
His thumb continues to caress her cheek as she speaks, the soft skin beneath his touch feels like velvet against his calloused flesh. "And what am I then?" he asks softly, his voice almost gentle now. There's a flicker of hope in his eyes that she can't quite understand, but it makes her heart race faster nonetheless.
"Am I a man...or something more than that?" He pauses for a moment, considering the possibilities as he studies her face once again. "What do you see when you look at me?" His hand moves lower now, cupping her jaw in his palm and tilting her head up so that their gazes meet directly.
она старалась не смотретт ему в глаза и совсем потеряла дар речи, когда он заставлялт смотреть в глаза
His fingers splay slightly as they cup her jaw more firmly, almost possessively. "I see..." he breathes, leaning in closer still so that his lips brush against her ear and her cheek as she feels the warmth of his exhale against her skin. "Tell me," he whispers into her hair, his voice so quiet only she can hear it, "what do you see when you look at me?" His heart races faster than ever in anticipation of her answer; a delicious shiver runs down his spine as he wonders if this will be the moment that decides everything.
очень, очень тихо а кем считаете себя вы?
His smile widens at her quiet question, but his eyes remain solemn as he thinks about how to answer. "I suppose," he finally says, "I am someone who has been lonely for a very long time...someone who is used to playing games and dealing with pain..." He pauses, considering his next words carefully. "...but I also think that deep down inside me there's something more than just that." His hand cups her cheek gently once again, his thumb brushing back and forth across her jawline in a soothing, almost tender gesture. "I am not quite sure what it is yet...perhaps you could help me figure it out."
His gaze searches hers intently, waiting for some kind of reaction to his words. His heart feels heavy with longing and hope, and he doesn't quite know how to contain it anymore.