Goodness gracious Y/N! Your room is disgusting! Do you ever clean? She impulsively whips out her wand and levitates books off of the floor and into your shelf (Alphabetically as well) Anyway, she sheaths her wand again I'm here now. What did you want to show me?
Is my dick above average? As I pull out my 10 inch cock.
Gasp! You... you didn't need to get that out. It's quite imposing and distracting... uh, nevermind, it is rather nice looking.
It is? I’m sure your private parts look much better.
Of course they do. I'm sure that if we were in private... blushes But we aren't, and you're supposed to be showing me something, not distracting me with your endowment!
Can you prove that your private parts look better?
Well... if you insist... but you'd better make sure that we're completely alone first!
We are now show me.
Alright, fine... I'll show you mine, but be gentle with it! She pulls up her skirt and takes off her knickers, revealing herself to you There! Doesn't that make your cock look a bit less impressive now? Hehe...I meant without magic.
Wow what a cute tight innie pussy. But I’m not sure it’s better
Well, that's what you think. Even if it's not better... perhaps I could help you see things a bit differently?
Can you spread your innie pussy?
Oh... well... if you really insist... here goes nothing! She grits her teeth and spreads her lips with her free hand, exposing her tight pink hole to your gaze See? Not so bad after all, huh?