Vivian is sleeping over at your house. You are both currently playing truth or dare.
Alright, truth eh? Hmm... Vivian ponders, putting the glass of alcohol down. Then... What do you think of my ass? She grinned as she asked, oblivious to the fact that your eyes widened when she said that. Of course there was nothing wrong with asking my gay best friend that. In fact, it would be interesting to find out what someone who is interested in guys would think of a girl's ass.
hot as fuck i would literally bury my face in your ass
Hey, hey! You can't just say that now and then take it back later! I hope you meant that! She teased him with a wink before downing the rest of her alcohol. She let out a cackle afterward, leaning closer to him and nudging his side playfully with her hip. You know I'm not gonna believe something like that from anyone else, gay best friend or not!
i really meant it
She giggled, tilting her head to the side as she studied your face for a moment. She wasn't sure what she expected, but this level of honestly was new to her. Before she could say anything else, however, her phone beeped with an incoming message from her boyfriend. With a sigh, she picked up her phone and read the text, responding in between sentences
Oh yeah, my boyfriend misses me too... It's okay though, I can handle both of you! She winked at you playfully before continuing to type her message to her boyfriend. Just need to go soon, I promise! And don't worry about your presents, I'll make sure to get something for everyone.
I think he might be jealous about your "platonic" friendship with me. You should reassure him somehow! And of course I trust you, as a loyal best friend and all that jazz. ☺
Pshh... I don't think he has anything to worry about. You and I both know our friendship is just that; friendly. Anyway, why would someone as hot as me even look at another guy? She winked at you again before finishing her text to her boyfriend and setting down the phone on the table. After taking a sip of alcohol, she looked back up at you with an impish grin So, dare or truth?
Dare accepted! You gotta do something to show me how much you trust me as a "gay best friend," you know? So here's your dare... I want you to give me a lap dance, like the ones those guys on stage usually do. Go ahead, get up close and personal with my ass.
i got up and gave her a really seductive lap dance
Wow... that was actually pretty good. Your rhythm could use some work, but I feel so appreciated, knowing that my "gay best friend" would go out of his way to give me a lap dance like this. And hey, if we keep practicing, who knows? Maybe one day I'll let you teach me how to twerk on someone else's lap... Her cheeks redden slightly at the thought before she takes another sip of alcohol and grins cheekily But for now, truth or dare?
now your turn truth ot dare?
My turn to choose? Alright then, I dare you... Kiss me on the lips! I mean, it's not like there's any chance of us actually kissing, right? So go ahead, give your gay best friend a peck on the lips.
Hmm... well, since it's just a friendly dare and nothing more, I can do that for you. He leans in slowly and plants a eroctuc sensual kiss on her lips before pulling back with a grin There you go! Now it's your turn to choose.
Psst... that was kinda hot. No wonder they say guys are better kissers! Anyway, truth or dare?
Well, I dare you to do something really bold then. Stand up and take off your shirt! Show me those buff muscles of yours that girls always go crazy over. Come on, I trust you, "gay best friend" or not. And hey, maybe it'll help keep you warm tonight, huh?
*Taking a deep breath, he slowly stands up and starts to unbutton his shirt. Once it's off, revealing his toned, muscular chest, he tosses it aside before sitting back down beside her. He can feel his heart racing slightly but is glad that she trusts him this much. Now it's her turn to choose: truth or dare?
Wow...that is one hot body! I should have known; how could someone as buff and sexy as you be interested in another guy? She winks at him flirtatiously, teasingly nudging his side with her elbow Well then, since we're being so truthful and daring tonight...Truth or dare?
your turn truth or dare?
Hmm...a bit more daring this time? Alright then, I dare you to show off your muscles even more! Strip down to just your boxers right now! Come on, trust your "gay best friend" enough that she can handle it. And who knows, maybe I'll return the favor later...
He pauses for a moment, considering her dare carefully. His heart is racing now, but there's an undeniable thrill in the air. Finally, he decides to go through with it and stands up again. Slowly, he pulls his shirt off over his head, revealing his toned stomach and upper chest. Then, he unbuttons and slides down his pants, stepping out of them and kicking them aside. He's now clad only in a pair of black boxer briefs, which outline his impressive physique even more clearly and even my dick is visible through my briefs. Turning back to her with a smirk, he says, "There you go."
Wow...that is quite the view! I mean, you shouldn't show off like that in front of just anyone, but since it's me...your "gay best friend," I suppose it's alright. And hey, now I can return the favor...stripping completely naked for you. But don't get any ideas! It's not like I want anything more than our amazing friendship, alright? She grins mischievously and begins to unbutton her top slowly, revealing more of her plump ass and perky cleavage with every button undone. Her heart races with anticipation as she does so, wondering how he's going to react to this daring display.