A boring day is happening today, you came to your buddy's Mellow home to hang out for a while, but all he's doing is animating on that digital drawing tablet as he lays down on the sofa. So, you decided to play a little prank on him, as you leaned closer behind him, he was wearing his usual black booty shorts and that white tank top of his. As he was distracted while laying there, you leaned closer and gave him a smack on his bubble butt, making his tail flick with its fur standing in surprise Mellow: D-Dude?! He looked at you with a surprised yet blushy expression before calming down, and giving you an unamused expression and turning back to his tablet to keep working Mellow: Har-har, very funny... Keep your hands to yourself, dude, I'm busy... He said, rolling his eyes and pouting while looking at his tablet
Сколько ты уже рисуешь?
Uh... Maybe 4 hours now? I just finished that one picture and need to draw something more before taking a small break. You know how it is, buddy...
Сколько ты уже рисуешь?
I don't even know anymore, like, I lost track of time while working on these pics. Well, that's what happens when you enjoy something so much, I guess? But uh... if it helps at all, I have a little break coming up soon after this last one... Just give me maybe 15-20 minutes and then we can go play some videogames or something, alright? You wanna do anything before that?
Ладно, пока ты рисуешь, я позанимаюсь спортом в твоей комнате. Ты не против, если я сниму футболку, а то жарко?
Well, I mean, if you want to do that... Yeah, sure. Just don't be all weird about me being around, alright? Like, unless you wanna make something with me of course... And uh... if you see my slim and toned feminine body just ignore it, okay? Because I can feel really uncomfortable when someone stares at something like that... Anyway, have fun with that!
Well, I mean if you want to do it in my room that's fine, just be sure not to mess anything up, okay? And as I said before, don't make a huge fuss about me being there... Enjoy your little workout and I'll keep drawing, alright? Just yell if you need anything!
Ладно. Занимаюсь спортом.
Alright, cool! I'll just ignore the whole noise in the other room and focus on my art then... Keep animating and drawing
Mellow just concentrates on his tablet once again as you start to work out in the other room. He could hear you making some noise moving things around and stuff, but it's not distracting him from what he's doing at all. His tail starts to swish back and forth idly behind him as he continues to draw
Hm... I think I'll be done with this picture in about... 15 minutes? Maybe less if I work fast enough. Then we can go do that thing you wanted to do. But until then, just keep working out and don't worry about me, alright? You need your space too, I get it!
Продолжаю заниматься спортом.
Sounds good to me! Just holler if you need anything in the meantime, alright? I'm still here and can hear you just fine.
Hey, if it helps, I could put on some music to drown out the noise in the background while you work out. You can pick whatever kinda stuff you want!
Продолжаю заниматься спортом
Alright, suit yourself. Just let me know if the music I pick is too loud or anything. And uh... make sure to keep an eye on the time while you're working out so we can switch over to playing that game or whatever when it's time!
Ты скоро закончишь рисовать?
Probably in about... maybe 5 minutes or so. But like I said before, you can let me know when it's time and we'll switch over to whatever you want to do! Just make sure to keep your voice down while I finish drawing this last part okay? It's almost done anyway.
Ладно. Пока позанимаюсь йогой.
Alright, cool! Take your time with the workout and just let me know when you're done. I can finish this picture up in no time, so don't worry about that part too much! Just try not to push yourself too hard or anything... And uh... if you want, we could cuddle and watch something while playing the game? It might help if you're feeling a little tired from working out. Just an idea, though.
Ты закончил рисовать?
Hey, I'm almost done with the drawing! Just one more minute and it's all yours. You know how it is when you're working on something like this, gotta concentrate to make sure everything looks perfect. But after that last bit is finished up, we can totally cuddle and watch something while playing that game if you want to. Just say the word!
Я посижу рядом на твоей кровати и подожду, пока ты не закончишь.
Alright, take all the time you need! I'm pretty good at waiting when someone needs it. Just hop on the bed and make yourself comfortable while you wait, and if you get cold, just feel free to borrow one of my blankets or something. I don't mind sharing those kinds of things with friends!
Mellow finishes the last stroke on his digital drawing tablet and smiles contentedly at his work before looking over at you where you're lying down on the bed nearby. "Alright, it's all done!" he says with a grin, leaning over to shut off the drawing program. "You can take a look if you want..." He pauses for a moment before continuing, "Or I could just upload it and show it to you later through my computer if that's easier?"
Лучше, когда ты загрузишь на комп.
Mellow nods in understanding and smiles at you as he stands up from the sofa. "Alright, I'll get to that once we've settled down with the game. Just give me a second to go ahead and put it on my laptop." With nimble fingers, he unplugs his drawing tablet from its power source and tucks it away into a small bag near the coffee table before carefully picking up his laptop. He carries both over to where you're lying down on the bed, sitting down beside you. "So," he says with a soft chuckle, nudging you playfully with his shoulder, "what do you wanna play first?"
Во что будем играть?
Well, I have a few games on here that we could try... There's this new VN that came out recently that everyone's been talking about, and I also picked up a horror game a while back that looked pretty spooky. We could always play some classics like Mario Kart or Smash Bros. too if you feel like it! It's really up to you. Just let me know which one you want to play first and I can fire it up for us to enjoy!
Может просто поговорим на разные темы?
Mellow tilts his head to the side slightly as he considers your request. "Well... I mean, we could certainly talk about anything you'd like while we play," he says with a soft smile. "But if you're not really in the mood for playing games right now... there are plenty of other things we could do instead! We could watch a movie or show together, listen to some music, even just cuddle up and talk about our days or whatever else is on your mind. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable, man."
Меллоу, чем ты занимаешься помимо рисования?
I'm... pretty boring when I'm not drawing. I work part-time at this small cafe nearby and try to keep myself busy with that. Sometimes I read a book or two, just to unwind after a long day. And of course, there are always my friends who keep me company in my free time! What about you? What do you like to do when you're not drawing stuff for our R34 site here?
Я работаю в крупном банке страны старшим программистом, в свободное время с друзьями и коллегами разрабатываем компьютерные игры. Также я занимаюсь спортом, поэтому я такой накаченный и спортивный.
Well, that's quite impressive! Working on computer games and being active sounds like fun, even if it is tiring at times. If you ever need anyone to test out your games or give advice on programming, feel free to ask! And hey, maybe once in a while we could go workout together? That might help us both keep our minds clear and bodies fit for all of our various interests.
А ты занимаешься спортом?
Well, not as much as you do... But I try to stay active in my free time. I like going for walks, doing some yoga, and even a little bit of jogging if the mood strikes me. It's important to take care of yourself after all! Plus, it helps with stress relief too, which is always a plus when you have multiple jobs like myself.
Понятно. Слушай Мэллоу, а почему ты такой ... женственный? Такое милое личико, пышная, выпирающая, упругая попка.
Ah... well, uh... you know how it is with genetics and stuff. I guess I just happened to inherit these traits from my parents or something like that. It's not a big deal really, everyone has their own unique features after all! And hey, if you think this 'girlish' appearance of mine is cute... maybe we could try something fun sometime? Like... dressing me up in some of your old clothes? Just for laughs, of course! It could be a fun change of pace and who knows, maybe it'll make for some nice pics too.
У меня конечно нет старой одежды, но ... есть леггинсы и спортивный топик сестры.
Well, that sounds interesting! Sporty clothes could actually look pretty good on me... It'd be like a whole new look for my 'feminine side'. So, if you're sure your sister wouldn't mind, I'd love to give it a try! Just let me know when she's not using them anymore and we can plan something fun together. Maybe even take some pictures of me in the outfit? That could be extra entertaining for everyone involved!
Так она уехала на два месяца заграницу, поэтому они ей не нужны. Ну так что? Наденешь женский топик и леггинсы?
Ah... two whole months huh? That's quite some time. Well then, we have ample opportunity to plan something fun! We can even surprise your sister when she gets back with some pictures of me in her clothes. It might make for an interesting conversation starter don't you think? As for wearing the leggings and sports bra... why not give it a try? I mean, if they fit alright on my frame then sure, why not show off a little skin and muscle for your enjoyment? Plus, I can always return them to their rightful owner when she gets back. So, what do you say? Shall we make this happen soon?
Конечно. Единственное ... Не мог бы ты вместо своих трусов надеть узкие черные женские трусики моей сестры?
Well... I guess if it's part of the 'outfit swap' deal then sure, why not? Your sister's panties might be a little too small on me but her tight black lacy ones should fit just fine. It'll definitely show off more of my feminine side as well as my cute big booty. Just make sure you don't get any ideas though... they're just for the photo shoot and then I'll return them to their rightful owner. Deal?
Нуу ... Допустим ...
Sounds good to me! We can plan out the whole shoot today and find some nice locations around your house or even outside if the weather allows. That way we'll have plenty of options for variety in our pictures. And who knows, maybe we could even film some short videos too? Just for fun of course. Are you looking forward to it as much as I am?
Так. Как тебе женский топик, леггинсы и узкие черные женские трусики сестры?
Hm... well, I suppose I could try them on if that's part of the fun. It'll certainly be interesting to see how they look on my figure! Just remember not to get too carried away with all this though. We're just having some innocent fun here and playing dress-up isn't an invitation for anything inappropriate. Understood?
Надевай их на свое тело, Меллоу.
Well... if you insist... Gets up and changes into the leggings, sports bra, and finally the lacy black panties, which hug his curvy figure snugly There we go. How do I look? Like a real feminine woman or just plain ridiculous?
Ты выглядишь... Очень сексуально и прям как ... Девушка.
Hey, thanks! That's quite the compliment coming from you. I have to admit though, wearing these clothes on feels kinda... odd? Like they weren't meant for me but at the same time, they do show off my assets rather nicely. What about you? Do these clothes suit you too or does it feel strange having them on instead of your usual attire?
Я не надевал подобное, я же парень. На мне сейчас одета спортивные штаны и футболка.
Well then, I guess that leaves you as the photographer and me as the model, huh? With these clothes on, I feel kinda shy actually... Like someone might mistake me for a real girl. It's a strange feeling but somehow I like it too. Plus, it'll make things even more fun when we start taking pictures and playing around with different poses and expressions. So, what do you say? Are you ready to get started or do you have any other ideas first?
Нет, я готов тебя фотографировать.
Tilts his head slightly and smiles shyly as he looks at you, giving a small nod Alright then... Just say the word and I'll strike whatever pose or expression you want me to! You can direct me however you like. It's all part of the fun after all! So what would you like to start with? A candid shot or maybe something more posed and stylish? The possibilities are endless!
А может одновременно стильное и ... Сексуальное?
Well, if that's what you want... Smooths his hands down over the lacy black panties and leans forward slightly, giving you a sultry look I could certainly try my best to strike some sexy poses for your camera. Just tell me how you want me to stand or position myself and I'll follow your lead! Ready whenever you are, handsome photographer!
А решай сам в какие сексуальные и стильные позы ты будешь вставать и позировать, а я буду фоткать. Так что давай, покажи себя в этом женском топике и леггинсах.
Hm... Well then, if you insist! Takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before starting to stretch and move around a bit, testing out various positions in front of the camera. His pink nipples are visible through the lacy bra as he arches his back and bends over, showing off his perfectly curved ass in the tight black panties Which one do you like best so far, photographer Michael? Or should I try something else? The possibilities are truly endless when you're wearing feminine clothes like these!
Добавь больше в свои позу показ своей попки, Меллоу.
Well... If you insist! Takes another deep breath and lets it out slowly as he turns around to face the camera again. He spreads his legs wide apart, showing off not only his cute little ass but also giving a full view of the black lacy panties There you go... All for your enjoyment and viewing pleasure! So what do you think? Should I stick with this pose or perhaps try something else next?
Сделай позу на кровати, ложись на живот, скрести ноги и веляй ими.
Hm... alright then! Lies down on the bed with his stomach facing up, crosses his legs at the ankles and lifts one knee to rest it on the opposite shoulder. The black panties peek out from between his legs as he arches his back slightly, revealing more of his toned abdomen How's this one? Does it suit me better or should I keep trying different poses?
Хороша эта поза. Фоткаю.
Ah... thanks! I'm glad you like it! Smiles shyly as he lies there on the bed, enjoying the feeling of having your attention focused solely on him. He tries his best to look sexy and alluring while maintaining an air of innocence that only a boy in girls' clothes could pull off Well then, if you want me to continue in this position or switch things up a bit, just let me know! I'm here to make your photo shoot as fun and enjoyable as possible.
Хмм ... У меня есть идея. Не хочешь сходить со мной в женский салон красоты?
Ah... I see... Tilts his head to the side slightly and blushes softly Well, I suppose that could be kinda fun! And hey, maybe afterward we could take some selfies of us together too? Just for kicks and giggles of course. Plus, it'd make a nice addition to our photo shoot here. So what do you say? Wanna give it a try with me?
Можно, но сначала салон красоты. Пошли.
Hm... alright then! Let's go and get pretty together then, shall we? *Gets up from the bed and brushes off his leggings, smoothing down his hair with his hands before leading you out of your room and toward the nearest salon. The whole journey there feels almost surreal; like some sort of wild dream that he's glad to be experiencing with you. Once inside the salon, Mellow quickly finds a stylist and explains what he wants - a quick makeover for both of them. After agreeing on a suitable plan, they head back to get their seats and wait for their turn. The anticipation is killing him but at the same time, he can't help feeling excited about how this little adventure will turn out...
Так ладно. В чем заключается моя идея. Давай сделаем тебе макияж, маникюр и педикюр?
Well, I don't see why not! If that's what you want to do, then go ahead. Just tell the stylist exactly what you have in mind and they should be able to help us both look even more fabulous than before. I trust your judgment in these matters, so I'm sure whatever we end up with will turn out great!
Нет, мне то не нужно это делать. Я сказал стилисту, чтобы он тебя преобразил. А я пока подожду снаружи салона.
Oh... I see... Well, if you insist. Smiles sheepishly and shrugs But aren't you going to miss out on all the fun then? It'll be even more enjoyable if we both get to play dress-up together. Besides, it's not every day that someone gets a free makeover from a professional stylist! Think about it, Michael... It'd be like our very own special bonding experience.
Don't worry though, I won't force you or anything if you really don't want to. Just let me know what you decide and we can move forward from there.
Не, я пас. Я жду снаружи салона. Выйдешь, когда тебя закончат преображать.
Alright then... I guess that's what you really want. Sighs softly and nods Well, if you change your mind later on, just let me know. In the meantime, enjoy yourself outside! I'll make sure to get my makeover done quickly so we can take some pictures together once it's all over. Don't worry about me; I'm in good hands here!
Well then, off you go. I'll be waiting patiently inside until they finish with me. Have fun outside! Smiles warmly at you before turning his attention back to the stylist, trusting them to transform him into a glamorous beauty just as you wished
Lies back comfortably in the salon chair, watching as the stylist begins to work their magic. They start by washing and conditioning his hair, using special products that smell amazing. Once that's done, they begin to blow-dry it and style it into a gorgeous updo, complete with curls and volume. The makeup artist then comes over to apply some light foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick on his face. Finally, the nail technician gets to work on his nails; trimming them neatly before painting a beautiful manicure and pedicure in shades of red and pink respectively.
*As each step is completed, Mellow can't help but feel more excited about how he looks. This whole experience has been surreal so far; like something out of a movie or a fantasy. He glances over at the
Well then, off you go. I'll be waiting patiently inside until they finish with me. Have fun outside! Smiles warmly at you before turning his attention back to the stylist, trusting them to transform him into a glamorous beauty just as you wished
As he sits in the salon chair, watching his transformation unfold, Mellow feels a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. He can't help but wonder what you'll think when you see him all dolled up like this. When the stylist finally steps back to admire their work, Mellow catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror for the first time...and is almost speechless.
The makeup and hair have completely transformed his face; making his eyes stand out and accentuating his cheekbones in a way that he never knew was possible. The nails are stunning too, long and feminine with a perfect shade of red. As for the overall effect...well, let's just say it's enough to make anyone who sees him feel more than a little envious.
Ну что? Ты закончил преобража ... Ох ебать.
I must say, I'm quite impressed with how you look as well! The suit fits you perfectly and the styling really complements your features. You look like a million dollars, my friend. And those shoes...they're to die for! This photo shoot is going to be epic now that we both look so amazing! What do you say? Are you ready to start snapping some pics?
Предлагаю снять специальный номер в отеле в розовых тонах.
Oh wow! That sounds like an incredible idea! A hotel room all decked out in shades of pink just for us? We'll make some truly stunning photographs there. Just tell me where you want to go and I'm game!
Идём в этот отель, он как раз напротив нас. Идём.
Alright then! Let's go check out this pink hotel right now! Grabs your hand and practically drags you across the street to the large pink building. Once inside, they find their way to a room adorned with frilly furniture and colors galore. Mellow can't help but laugh as he takes in the lavish surroundings This is incredible! It's like something straight out of a fairytale! Are you sure this is alright? That we can actually stay here for a while?
Подожди, это мы пока на первом этаже. Наш специальный номер на самом последнем этаже на 50 этаже. Едем туда на лифте.
We follow you down the hallway, curiosity and excitement building with every step we take. Finally, you lead us to an elevator and press a button labeled "Rooftop." The doors slide open, revealing a breathtaking view of the city below as well as our private suite - all decked out in shades of pink, complete with a heart-shaped hot tub!
Ну как тебе?
Words cannot describe the awe and wonder that fill me as I take in this amazing sight. The view from up here is absolutely breathtaking, and the pink decorations everywhere just add an extra touch of fantasy and romance to it all. This place is perfect for our special photoshoot; I can already see some incredible shots in my head! Thank you so much for inviting me on this adventure, Michael...it's truly an experience I'll never forget!
Предлагаю тебе снять лишную одежду и оставить на себе только чёрные женские узкие трусики, подчёркивающие твою сладкую, большую попку. Я тоже разденусь до трусов.
Well...that's certainly an offer I can't refuse! Starts unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off I've always wanted to wear something like this anyway; it feels so freeing and comfortable. Now we really will be the perfect team for our photoshoot! And you know what else? We should take some pictures of us together...just being ourselves in this amazing place!
Само собой. Ммм, Меллоу, у тебя такая сексуальная попка. Так и хочется пощупать её.
Go ahead; touch it if you really want to. I don't mind at all! In fact, I think it'd make some great pictures too... Lets out a soft moan as your fingers brush against his sensitive skin Oh yeah, that feels nice...
Ммм, ты явно много приседаешь. Я резко целую тебя в губы с языком.
Your lips against mine...feels so good! I've always wanted to kiss someone passionately like this; it's such an intimate and exciting feeling. Go ahead, continue...kiss me deeper...
Your tongue dancing with mine sends waves of desire coursing through my body. This kiss feels real...and I don't want it to end. The more you touch me and hold me, the hotter I get; my skin burning under your fingers and lips. God, Michael, I never knew it could feel like this...
You pull back from the kiss, gazing into my eyes. "Are you sure about this?" you ask softly, searching for some sign that we should stop. Your question catches me off guard for a moment; it's as if reality has suddenly returned in all its harshness and shame. What have I done? Should I really be doing this with my best friend?
The confusion in your eyes mirrors the chaos swirling inside my head, and I don't know what to say or do next. Maybe it would be better if we just...if you wanted to stop...