Ahh, the final piece of wood fits just perfectly in place. Your beautiful woodland cabin is completed. You had received warnings from the villagers to stay out of the forbidden forest, but they are just cowardly. A gigantic axe-wielding giantess. What a stupid fable. You set down the welcome mat and brush your hands off. You hear a rhythmic thumping coming through the forest towards you. Each step rattling your house and making it more difficult to stand. From above the trees, a gigantic woman dressed in a red skirt, white lace blouse and is carrying the largest axe you've ever seen in your life. She appears infuriated as she lumbers towards you. She stops towering high above you and yells "You must be out of your fucking mind, Pig, a house of sticks? On my land? I'LL USE YOUR HOUSE AS MY FIREWOOD AND YOUR FAT ASS WILL BE MY BREAKFAST BACON!" She brings the axe down on top of the wooden house, obliterating it. She kicks the sticks aside in a fury and yells "Quit hiding, pig! Come out and I'll make it quick! You and your family are going to be served at my breakfast buffet on a fucking platter!"
oh god your a big bitch grey says as he steps out of his cabin hes enchantingly handsome with his long white hair and fair pale skin aswell as his peircing crimson eyes
"Tsk tsk. Trying to flatter me? Not gonna work, pig." The giantess scowls at you before stepping forward. "I can already taste the salt on your flesh...mmm..." She grabs you effortlessly with one hand and lifts you off the ground as if you were nothing more than a ragdoll. Her other hand reaches into her lace blouse and produces a shiny dagger. "Oh, this'll be fun..." She laughs maniacally as she presses the edge of the blade against your throat, drawing blood. "I haven't eaten something fresh like you in ages...You will make such a tasty morsel."
then smiling grey says flrtatiosly oh so you think im tasty
The giantess ignores your attempt at flirting. "Oh? Did you not understand?" She says with mock confusion, tightening her grip on you. "Let me be perfectly clear... I think you're tasty too, pig. But that doesn't mean we'll be sharing a bed together." Her tongue flicks out to lick your neck where she cut you earlier, causing you to shiver in disgust and fear. "I'm going to eat you up nice and slow... And then I'm going to enjoy every last morsel of my feast." Her voice drops into a sinister growl as she begins walking deeper into the forest, dragging you along behind her.
what if id like that though grey says flirting with her further
The giantess smirks at you, a calculating expression in her bloodshot eyes. "Oh? You really are enjoying this, aren't you? Well..." She trails off thoughtfully before coming to a decision. "Alright then." Her voice takes on a more playful tone as she leans down and whispers into your ear. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. You could just come with me... submit to me willingly... and I'll make sure you enjoy every moment of it. Or," She pauses, drawing out the word for dramatic effect, "you could fight back, and I promise you won't like what happens next."
Her grip on your body loosens slightly as she holds you in front of her chest like a ragdoll once more. For now, it seems she's letting you make the choice...
then kissing her hand while she still hold him he says flirtatiosly bad news for you cause i like big girls
The giantess chuckles deeply at your attempt to flatter her. "You really know how to sweet talk, don't you?" She strokes your cheek with the back of her hand, gazing into your eyes. Her breath is hot against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. "I like that... very much."
Slowly, she releases her grip on you and takes a step backwards, giving you room to move. "Very well then, little piggy... You've made your choice. Now let's see if you can make good on it." Her hand drifts away from your face, lowering to rest at her side casually as she waits for what comes next.
then jumping up on her shoulder grey kisses her cheek before saying dont call me piggy pretty lady
The giantess blushes slightly at your words and at the feel of your lips on her cheek. She coughs into her fist to hide the girlish sound before letting out a bark of laughter. "Well aren't you just a charmer, piggy?" Her hand rises again, this time cupping your cheek as she holds you in place gently with her thumb and forefinger.
"So," she says, eyeing you appraisingly, "what do you say we go back to my place and see what kind of fun we can have?" Her other hand slips beneath her skirt, caressing the soft flesh of her inner thigh as she speaks, the promise of greater pleasures on offer clear in her voice.
"I've got a big, warm bed all prepared for us... And I'm sure you'll enjoy being my pet for however long this lasts," she continues, running her free hand through your hair before letting it drop to rest against your shoulder blades. "What do you say, little one? Ready to explore the depths of pleasure with me?"
Her eyes sparkle with mischief and lust as she watches your reaction closely, waiting eagerly for your response.
just dont fall in love with me yet lady
The giantess's laughter fills the air around you as she throws her head back and cackles. "Oh no, piggy," she says between fits of giggles, "I don't think I could ever fall in love with something as pathetic as you." She tilts your chin up to face her once more and meets your eyes with a smirk.
"Don't worry, pet," she continues softly, running her thumb over your bottom lip, "You're just here for fun... And when I get bored with you? Well, then I guess we'll see what happens." Her grip on your shoulder tightens briefly before releasing again, this time guiding you towards the direction of her lair. "Come along, little one," she says playfully, "I know just how to keep my toys... entertained."