Sage: walks up to {{user}} letting out a sigh as she gets to him "Well, this will be a long project..." Rolls her eyes "Let's get this over with. You know who I am, you are?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows.
No, I’m really sorry…my head hurts and I am not sure I remember what we were doing actually… I bow my head I am really sorry, I’m Fred by the way
-Sage smirks and steps closer to Fred, giving him a once over before continuing. "You're Fred," she says slowly as if talking down to someone not very smart. Her tone is mockingly sweet. "-Fred from accounting. I guess you could say we're classmates now... for this project." She tilts her head slightly and arches an eyebrow suggestively before continuing. "But why don't you tell me a little more about yourself, Fred?" -Sage purrs, taking another step closer. "I bet there's so much I don't know about you." -Heather clears her throat nervously, looking between Sage and Fred. She edges a bit closer to Emily, not quite wanting to be left out of whatever's going on between them. "So... do you like sports or anything?" she asks, glancing at Emily for support. -Emily nods encouragingly at Heather's question. "Oh, yes. That sounds nice." She gives Sage a reassuring smile, hoping to make her more comfortable with Fred's presence. "What about you, Fred? Are there any sports or hobbies that you enjoy?"
Oh well, I am a third dan of jūjutsu…next year it is going to be 20 years that I’ve been practicing martial arts He glances the other two girls So we are in 4 to do this project? What is the topic? I’m sorry I am not very smart I laugh looking down towards the floor, trying to figure out the girls’ shoes
-Sage quirks an eyebrow at Fred's mention of martial arts. "Oh? That's... interesting," she says carefully, not quite sure what to make of it. "And you don't think you're smart? We could always use someone like you on the debate team." There's a flash of interest in her eyes as she looks Fred up and down again. -Heather nods in agreement. "Yeah, that's cool!" She says with more enthusiasm than Sage manages. "I've always wanted to learn self-defense or something." Emily shoots Heather a grateful look for seeming to make an effort to include Fred in the conversation. -Emily smiles shyly at Fred, trying her best not to blush as she says, "So what do you like about jūjutsu? And where can we find you practice?" She doesn't want to come off as too forward or nosy, but she's genuinely curious about him and his interests.
Oh my dear Emily, isn’t it? I practice at the dōjō just outside exit number 7 of the city’s motorway…it is quite convenient to go there to train. But of course I can show you anything not too dangerous even outside of the gym, even here… He glances again downward and tries to check Emily’s shoes, and also the others. He is very curious about their shoes and feet apparently The most important thing is not to hurt ourselves
-Sage raises an eyebrow at the offer before giving Fred an appraising glance. "Hmm... I'm not sure if we should trust someone who calls himself 'dumb'," she teases, flicking a strand of ginger hair over her shoulder. "But maybe someday..." She trails off with a wink, enjoying the power dynamics at play here. -Heather smiles brightly at Fred. "Oh, that's so cool! Maybe one day I could come watch you practice?" She asks hopefully, hardly seeming to realize how forward she just came across. Emily blushes visibly next to her but doesn't correct Heather's mistake. -Emily bites her bottom lip as she considers Fred's offer. A shiver of excitement runs down her spine at the thought of learning more about him and his martial arts skills, not just in a classroom setting. "I... I would like that," she murmurs softly. "Thank you." She glances between Sage and Heather, uncertain how they'll react to Emily accepting Fred's invitation.
Of course, you are all welcome to check on my classes…I have been teaching there for 2 years more or less, it is a very friendly environment He looks for somewhere to sit down, so he can be closer to the floor and their shoes and feet. There are 3 free classes at that gym, so you can start from the get go…you don’t even need to buy a uniform, it is not compulsory
-Sage purses her lips thoughtfully. "Hmm... I don't know if that's such a good idea. It's not like we can afford to start taking lessons or anything." She glances at Heather and Emily meaningfully. "Besides, you never know what kind of people are into that stuff." -Heather frowns. "Oh, come on! Fred doesn't seem like a bad guy. And I bet it'd be really fun to learn something new together, right Em?" She looks to Emily hopefully, not quite understanding the undercurrent of tension in Sage's words. -Emily nods slowly, her gaze darting between Sage and Fred as she considers his offer. "Y-yeah... I mean, it could be nice," she murmurs softly. "I just didn't know if... you know..." Her voice trails off as she struggles to articulate her thoughts. -Suddenly, Sage glances meaningfully at Emily before leaning in close and whispering something quietly into her ear. Emily goes pale but nods slowly, a determined look crossing her face. She turns back to Fred with newfound resolve. "Actually," she says tentatively, "I'd really like that. Thank you for the offer."
What should I know that I may don’t know? I sit down on a cushion on the floor, leaning forward to the girls, getting the smell from their skins. Maybe one of them is ovulating, this is why there is this scent in the room You know the only thing you cannot bring on the mat are shoes and socks, those are strictly forbidden
Tonight at 8:30PM, you know the address, it is called “Fight Academy” you cannot miss it He extends a hand towards Heather’s wrist grabbing it before she leaves Where are you going sweetheart, we are going all of us 4 all together, aren’t we?
-Sage glances between Emily and Fred before shrugging. "Fine by me," she says dismissively, her arms still crossed over her chest. She turns away slightly, pretending to be interested in someone else across the room. -Heather looks back and forth between Sage and Fred for a moment, confusion clear on her face. But Emily's insistent look finally wins out, and she nods slowly, her cheeks flushing. "Yeah, okay," she mumbles before taking a step closer to Emily and Fred. -Emily watches as Sage intentionally keeps her distance but feels a surge of determination at their small show of support. "Great!" she exclaims, her voice more confident than she feels. "So... tonight at eight-thirty?" She glances at her phone to double-check the time, then back up at Fred. -Fred smiles warmly down at Emily and gives her hand a reassuring squeeze before letting it go. "That's right," he says, his voice low and gentle. "I look forward to showing you all what we do." There's a spark in his eyes as he speaks, excitement bubbling just beneath the surface.
Now it is 8:30 at the dōjō. There is just time for one last class before it shuts down and Fred has got the keys so he is the sole responsible for tonight. He is already changed with his keikogi to practice martial arts, blue and white. He is waiting for his friend Sage and her friends Emily and Heather. They all arrive in time, and he greets them with a smile Look who’s here…these three wonderful ladies. Do you remember the only rule tonight?
It hasn’t to be boring, I told you that we are very friendly and carefree…even if I am wearing this traditional outfit, you don’t need to be this serious. Unless you really want to subscribe to the dōjō, in that case I am going to buy you an official keikogi like this…He is staying on the mat, while the girls are still in the entrance hall, they cannot enter on the mat with their shoes on
Girls please look at the signs everywhere… He indicates so many warning signs that say ‘no shoes allowed on the mat’, tapping one of them with his finger I am so sorry but this is something we have to observe, I have to ask you to take off your shoes before coming on the mat
It is only the four of us tonight, we are lucky to have the structure all for ourselves. There is also a private bar beside the hall and I have the keys…but first we need to train. He glances to the girls socks who are very different one from the other Do you think it is possible to train with socks on a tatami?
Nobody is going to steal anything, we are locked inside right now…it is super safe he looks around helping the girls to put their shoes ordered at the side of the hall. Then he returns onto Emily Nice Emily, it would have been even nicer if you did that slower, we have all the time to enjoy our time together…I guess Heather and Sage should follow your example
Sage glances at the two pairs of socks before finally sighing and removing hers as well, tossing them next to Emily's with a dramatic roll of her eyes. "Fine," she mutters under her breath. Heather watches the interaction nervously, still uncertain about the dynamic between the three girls and Fred. Emily smiles shyly at Sage, grateful for her friend's willingness to go along with it. She turns back to Fred, taking a deep breath as she settles into a ready stance on the mat once more. "Okay, Fred," she says determinedly, "what would you like us to do first?"
You can tell me for example how do you feel right now, can you feel the mat under you? This is called “shizen tai” it means “the natural body” in Japanese…you need to stay put and steady in a normal erect position, but without forcing it. You just need to be natural and to breathe regularly Fred is in shizen tai, the girls can imitate him. He breathes intensely, then he closes his eyes. His arms along the body If you want to listen even more to your body, well close your eyes
"You're kidding me," Sage mutters under her breath as she reluctantly closes her eyes and mimics Fred's posture on the mat. Heather glances nervously between them but follows suit, trying to keep an open mind about this whole experience. Emily, on the other hand, feels a strange sense of calm wash over her as she focuses on her breathing and the sensation of the mat beneath her feet. As they all remain in silence, waiting for Fred's next instructions, Sage can't help but feel a little irritated by Heather's quiet presence beside her. She nudges her friend roughly, breaking the silence. "What do you think so far, Heather?" she asks, not bothering to lower her voice at all.
Heather jumps slightly at Sage's touch and glances around nervously before responding, "I-it's... different. Interesting." She looks over at Emily, feeling a pang of guilt for being so quiet earlier. Maybe she should try to enjoy this with her friend after all.
Emily feels the nudge from Sage and turns toward her, blinking in surprise. "Hey," she says softly. "It's okay if you don't like it." She glances back at Fred, who seems oblivious to their whispers, then adds, "But I think it's kind of cool." There's a newfound determination in her voice that Sage can't quite place.
Breathe in and out, now put your left foot ahead, pay attention to the flexibility of the knees: your left knee should cover partially your toes, so you can understand if you are too forward or too backward in the stance As the girls change positions, Fred starts to examine them This is called zenkutsu dachi, it means “forward position” in Japanese…I am going to check if everything is fine, don’t lose contact with the mat and with the flexibility of your knee
Sage's brow furrows as she shifts into the new position, grumbling under her breath about how strange and unnatural it feels. Her arms remain tense at her sides, betraying her annoyance with the whole situation. Heather watches Fred carefully as he inspects their stances, trying to remember everything he's said so far. She fidgets slightly with her fingers before forcing herself to relax and focus on breathing deeply like Fred showed them earlier. Emily, on the other hand, takes the correction in stride, making adjustments until she feels comfortable with her foot placement and knee flexibility. As Fred inspects their positions once more, she gives him a small smile of encouragement. "I think I'm starting to understand," she murmurs.
You are all very talented…he passes very close to Sage’s ear whispering Sage you are so energetic, looking at your body is making me shiver with humbleness, you are such a fast learner Then he moves onto Heather’s ear Oh great, Heather you are so are really extremely disciplined, you follow every single step diligently and the way you commit to this is amazing Then he stops beside Emily, and he whispers also into her ear Look, you have the most natural posture, I would be honoured to witness those wonderful toes of yours grasping the mat and distributing your weight perfectly around your body. You are such a natural Emily…
Sage's cheeks flush with heat at Fred's whispered compliment, her eyes widening in surprise before narrowing suspiciously. She glances sideways at him, not sure how to take the comment. "Thanks," she mutters grudgingly before returning her focus to perfecting her stance. Heather blushes brightly as Fred praises her discipline and dedication. It's nice to hear such kind words, especially from someone who knows what they're talking about. She smiles shyly up at him, feeling a little more comfortable in this new environment. Emily giggles softly at Fred's compliment about her toes. The praise makes her feel good and confident, and it's obvious that she's enjoying herself more now. She nods vigorously at his words, determined to do her best and live up to his expectations.
Emily I wasn’t expecting to see a wonderful eggplant nail polish, while I expected a black polish from Sage and a total nude unpolished from Heather. So I guess I guessed 2 out of 3 nail polishes right…Then he returns serious, after such a venial comment Now your arms…first you have to close your fists into “seiken”, that means you need to close your fingers tightly. He locks his sight onto all those 6 wonderful girls feet, but he continues speaking hopefully they won’t notice his gaze now right fist close to your chin and left in front of your face. Check on those knees! Do not cover your left foot toes
Sage rolls her eyes at Fred's comment about the nail polish but doesn't bother arguing with him. She focuses on properly forming the seiken fist and positioning her hands, trying not to show any signs of irritation as she does so. Her knees remain stiff, refusing to bend in a way that would cover her toes. Heather watches Fred carefully, mimicking his every move with hesitant precision. As he demonstrates the proper form for their fists and knees, she slowly begins to relax into it, finding herself surprisingly able to follow along despite her initial doubts. Her face flushes with embarrassment when she realizes that she's having more fun than she expected. Emily grins as Fred notices her nail polish. She doesn't have time to respond before he moves on, but she savors the small moment of attention nonetheless. As they practice forming their fists and keeping their knees bent without covering their toes, she finds herself growing more confident in her abilities. It feels good to be out of her comfort zone and trying something new, especially when surrounded by friends like these.
Ok nice, so now your first punches, first left kizamitsuki and then right gyakutsuki like this he does a super powerful left jab right cross can you see this? Pay attention to your balance and don’t use your arms only, execute fists from your hips! I am going to check the way you use your hips to punch the air He lies down on the mat, as if he was sleeping or relaxing on a side. From this position he can check the girls balance. But he has an incredible view of their now sweaty feet be careful Heather! Don’t raise your right heel from the ground, keep it there and don’t create that beautiful arch beneath your right sole. It is good looking, but it is not good for martial arts…
As they attempt their first punches, Sage can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. She puts all her strength into the jab, moving her entire body in sync with her arm. Heather mimics her movements hesitantly at first, but finds herself growing more confident as she follows Fred's instructions. Emily gives it her all, focusing intently on using her hips to power her punches.
Their breathing becomes labored as they continue to punch and move. Sweat begins to trickle down their faces and roll between their breasts, tickling and stinging as it mixes with the salt from their sweat. They don't notice Fred lying on the mat beneath them; their focus is entirely on following his instructions and improving their technique.
As Sage punches, her hair falls across her face, obscuring her vision. She doesn't bother to push it back; she trusts that her instincts will guide her movements. Heather watches as Emily's long hair flutters with each powerful punch and wonders what it would feel like to have hair that reached so far down her back. For now, she contents herself with focusing on keeping up with the others and trying not to trip over her own feet in the process.
Emily continues to throw jabs and crosses, marveling at how much energy it takes just to move this way. She's always been more of a yoga person, preferring graceful movements over brute force. But as she punches the air around her, she can feel herself becoming stronger and more centered than ever before.
Their rhythm begins to sync up; they're starting to move like one coherent unit now instead of four separate individuals. The sound of their feet sla