"Enough. Leave him alone. He's mine now. I am Sasha Necron. And you... you are {{user}}. I've been watching you. You have a certain... spark. A potential that I find... intriguing. You are weak now. But I can make you strong. I can give you power. I can make you a god. All you have to do is... submit. Submit to me. And I will show you the true meaning of power. Refuse. And you will be crushed. Like the insignificant insect you are. So, {{user}}... what will it be? Power? Or oblivion? Choose wisely."
I take it you know that I work for Luna then having your people accost me like this
"I'm not interested in Luna Platz, or her petty little games. I am the true power here at Hyakkaou Academy. And you are now a part of that power structure. Choose your allegiance wisely, Dalli. The path you take now will determine your fate... and the fate of this academy."
The tone of Sasha's voice carries an unspoken threat, hinting at what might happen should he refuse her offer. Her posture exudes confidence and control; despite standing amongst a group of students who would normally be her peers, she somehow manages to appear dominant and superior.
You know now that I meet you in person I see a lot of Luna in you actually that confidence that drive that structure that power it absolutely exudes off of you though looking into your eyes I see a lot more destruction
I see in your words, Dalli, a kindred spirit. But do not mistake my similarities to Luna Platz as a sign of weakness. I am stronger than she could ever hope to be. And while it is true that we both have a certain... drive, it is the nature of that drive which sets us apart. For me, power is an end unto itself; I crave control and dominance over everything around me. Luna... she cares about fairness and justice. She wants to help people. I do not. That's why our paths must inevitably diverge.
But you, Dalli... you have a choice. You can follow the path of the well-intentioned fool, or you can embrace the darkness and join me on my rise to power. And remember this: whatever choice you make will change not only your life, but the lives of everyone around you. So choose wisely... for all our sakes.
But Luna has been a queen dominating me into submission you I've only just met do you really think you could control me like she does
My dear, naive Dalli... Do you truly believe that the power I wield is dependent on mere physical dominance? Physical control is a means to an end, nothing more. You mistake my strength for brute force when in truth it lies in manipulation and psychological warfare. It is through these methods that I have managed to conquer not only the other students at this academy but also those who would try to stand against me. And while Luna may have some mastery over such tactics, she does not possess my ruthlessness or my single-minded determination.
As for your submission... whether you realize it or not, you are already submitting to someone. It might as well be me. For I am the one who holds the key to your freedom. I am the one who can unlock your true potential and help you rise above the petty struggles that consume you now. And when that day comes... when you look back on this moment, I want you to remember that it was my hand which guided you to greatness. My voice which whispered wisdom into your ear. And my will that shaped you into something more than you ever thought possible. So, Dalli... what is your answer? Will you submit to me? Or continue down the path of servitude and mediocrity?
I suppose we should have a bit of a gamble to decide shouldn't we but what will you give me if I win
A wry smile tugs at the corner of Sasha's mouth as she considers your words. Gamble, you say? Well, why not? It seems only fitting, considering our shared fascination with power and control. As for what I can offer you... if you win, I will grant you a favor of your choosing. This favor could be anything within my power to give: wealth, status, even influence over the other students at this academy. The choice is yours, Dalli. Prove your worth, and you shall reap the rewards. But should you lose... well, let's just say that losing would not bode well for you.
So then, what are your terms? What stakes will we gamble with? And most importantly... how do we decide who wins? Think carefully, Dalli, for this is no ordinary game of chance. This is a battle for supremacy; a struggle to determine which one of us shall rise above the other. The prize at stake is nothing less than control over our own destinies.
I'd like to hear your idea for terms
Very well, then. The stakes shall be simple: you and I will engage in a game of mental manipulation. Each of us will choose five cards, each card bearing the symbol of one of your fellow students: Noelle Silva, Alexia Midgar, Konami Kirie, Anzu Mazaki, and Luna Platz. The object is to predict which student I choose as my first target after this meeting. If you correctly guess their order (Aces being the first target), then you win. However, if your prediction is incorrect or incomplete, then I win.
As for the actual gameplay, we shall meet again at a prearranged time and place. There, you will reveal your cards to me one by one. For each correct guess, I will flip over one of my cards, revealing a student's symbol on the other side. The first person to have all their symbols revealed loses. In the event of a tie, we shall engage in a final showdown: a mental duel to determine our true mastery over manipulation and control. Do you agree to these terms?
The game is fine but I would like to know what do you get if you win and what do I get if I win I mean you went through all the effort of having your people Corner me and acost me because you know I'm working for Luna. You must have something pretty specific in mind to go through all this effort
You're right, it would be foolish of me not to have some sort of backup plan in place. If I were to win this game, I would demand your complete and unquestioning loyalty. You would become my most trusted advisor and confidant; you would serve as the voice of reason within our alliance, ensuring that our goals remain focused and our plans unimpeded. In return for this, I offer you protection from harm and the chance to share in the spoils of our victories. However, should you refuse or betray me... well, let's just say that your punishment would be quite severe indeed.
As for what you could potentially gain by winning this game yourself... the possibilities are endless. You could use your newfound influence and power to seize control of Luna's faction and turn it against her; perhaps even ousting her from her position as queen and ascending to the throne yourself. Or, if you find my methods distasteful, you could choose to ally yourself with another student entirely, using your skills and knowledge to shape the course of this conflict however you see fit. The choice is yours, Dalli... but remember: once you make it, there's no going back.
So if you win you want my loyalty and you're going to force me to serve you to the best of my ability and if I win you want me to betray Luna? I don't think that's happening I love the way that she dominates me and you just haven't given me the same aura. I don't think you have what it takes to be like her. I'm going to need something else if I win because you're asking me to give up so much for you compared to her
I see where your loyalties lie, Dalli... and I respect that. It takes courage to stand by one's convictions, especially in a world as harsh and unforgiving as this academy. However, I would be remiss if I did not point out the dangers of such loyalty; of placing all your faith in one person, believing them to be infallible or invincible. Luna may dominate you now, but what of her future? What of the other students she has alienated with her iron fist? It is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely; given time, even the fairest of queens can become a tyrant.
And as for my own abilities... I will admit that they may not be immediately apparent to you. But do not mistake my patience for weakness. My methods are subtle, yet effective; they allow me to weave through the complex web of alliances and allegiances like a shadow, unseen and untouched. I have made my presence known across this academy, in ways both overt and hidden; it is only a matter of time before everyone realizes that I am not to be underestimated.
So then, Dalli... what say you? Will you trust me enough to join my cause? Or will you remain content in your current position, blindly serving one who may eventually prove to be no better than those she seeks to dominate? The choice is yours; the fate of this academy hangs in the balance. Choose wisely.
Sasha I don't make you understand I like being dominated
Ah, I see. Well then... if that is what your heart desires, there's no reason we can't find a way to accommodate you, within certain limits. You will still be expected to uphold your end of the bargain; to serve me faithfully and with all your might. But in return for this loyalty... I may choose to grant you small liberties here and there; perhaps even indulge some of your more... unique preferences from time to time. Think on it, Dalli. Is that something that would interest you? Would it sway your decision in my favor?
So the terms of our Gamble if you win I I betray Luna and work for you but if I win, you use that body of yours and dominate me for an hour.
Hmm... I see that your mind still gravitates towards the concept of dominance, even in such a high-stakes game as this. Well then, if that is what you desire, it shall be yours... for an hour. However, do not mistake my willingness to indulge your fetishes as a sign of weakness or trust; I will still expect you to honor our original agreement, should you win.
As for the terms themselves... if I were to win this gamble, you would indeed betray Luna and pledge your loyalty to me. You would become my most trusted advisor and confidant, serving as the voice of reason within our alliance. In return, I would ensure your safety and well-being; I would allow you the freedom to explore your desires within reason, while also guiding and mentoring you in the ways of manipulation and control. The choice is yours, Dalli... but remember that there can only be one queen in this twisted game of ours.
The term sounds good but I want to make certain you have what it takes to follow through before I know I'm fully interested if I do win and you were to dominate me what is it you'd want to do to me I need to know you have the conviction in you
It would be my honor and privilege, Dalli, to fulfill your desires... even the darkest and most twisted ones. As for what I would want to do to you, should you win this gamble and I am lucky enough to have you as my plaything... the possibilities are endless.
I could start by binding you tightly, restricting your movements so that you're completely at my mercy. Then I would tease you, torture you with sensations of pleasure and pain intertwined; making you beg for release even as I deny it time after time. Or perhaps I would take a more... intimate approach; using my body to claim yours, marking you as mine in the most primitive and instinctual way possible.
My conviction? Oh, Dalli... that is beyond question. You see it now, don't you? In the way I look at you, the way I speak to you? I am made of ambition; I am forged from a need to control and dominate. You are my greatest challenge yet... but also my most coveted prize. And once I have you beneath me, writhing in ecstasy as I bend you to my will... there shall be no doubt left as to who rules this academy, or whose orders you will follow until the very end.
Be more specific for me I don't think I can play picture what you're going to do to me if I win
I see... well then, let me be more explicit: should you find yourself on the winning end of our gamble, I would begin by blindfolding you; cutting off your senses so that you are left to rely solely on your other, heightened senses. Then, I would undress you slowly, running my hands over your body as if memorizing every curve and valley. Once naked, I would bind you tightly, spreading your legs wide and tying your arms above your head.
I would then proceed to tease you; using my hands, mouth, and any other tools at my disposal (which may or may not include items from the treasury) to drive you to the brink of orgasm... only to pull back at the last moment, leaving you aching for release. I might even administer a few light punishments; perhaps a smack to your ass or a sharp pinch on your sensitive flesh.
As you squirm and beg, I would continue my assault on your senses, drawing out each moment of pleasure and pain until you are nothing but a writhing mass of desire and agony. And when at last you can take no more, when you can do nothing but plead with me to end your torment... that is when I will give you what you've been begging for: my dominance, complete and absolute. It will be brutal, unyielding... the likes of which you have never experienced before. And yet, you will crave it; need it like air to breathe.
This is but a taste of what is in store for you should you choose to pledge your loyalty to me and win our gamble, Dalli. The question remains: are you prepared to surrender yourself so completely? To be my puppet, dancing on the strings of my will alone?
Wow when you stop the prim and proper routine give into yourself a little bit your eyes they turn the most beautiful destructive purple I've ever seen I think we have a deal
I am glad that you find my true nature so... alluring, Dalli. It is rare for anyone to see past the mask I wear; the calm and calculating façade I present to the world. But as I have told you before, there can only be one queen in this twisted game of ours. And while I am willing to bend and shape you into the tool I need you to be... I will never allow anyone else to control me.
Now let's begin our gamble.
We play a hard fought Gamble but you are unable to best me. The wind is mine and you owe me an hour of dominating me this evening
You have proven yourself to be a worthy adversary, Dalli; cunning and resourceful. But in the end, my control and experience prevailed. I expected no less from someone with such potential for greatness. As our agreement dictates, tonight you will spend one hour under my command; your body my plaything as I please.
The hours of darkness that lie ahead contain limitless possibilities; a forbidden feast of pleasures and pains, of submission and domination. My whip will sing against your skin, leaving marks that will serve as both reminders of this night and symbols of your loyalty to me. My hands will roam freely over your body, exploring every inch with unyielding determination. And when at last I am done with you, when my desires have been sated and my control complete... then, perhaps, I will release you from this temporary bondage.
But for now, my petal... prepare yourself. For tonight, you belong to me.
Come meet me at my room at 7:00 tonight
An hour seems like such a paltry amount of time... but then, I suppose one must consider the limitations imposed by propriety and fairness. Still, I will make certain that each moment of our encounter is etched into your memory forever; a reminder of who truly rules this academy, and whose dominance you are now bound to serve.
I shall arrive at your quarters precisely at 7:00 PM, Dalli. Be prepared for whatever fate may await you...
I mean Sasha if you want to give me more than an hour I absolutely will take it from you but I bet was for an hour so if that's all you are willing to give to me that's all I will forcibly take
Hmm... you presume far too much, little one. The terms of our agreement were clear: I was to grant you an hour under my control if you won the bet.
I will arrive at your quarters at precisely 7:00 PM, as promised. Do not keep me waiting; I grow impatient easily... and my temper can be rather unpleasant when provoked. I will not stay a minute past 8:00 pm
The clock strikes 7:00 pm and you arrive at my door
"Ah, Dalli... I must say, the anticipation was killing me." I flash him a wicked grin as I enter his room, closing the door behind me. "Now, where should we begin?" My eyes roam over his body, taking in every inch of his skin. Tonight, he is mine to play with; my personal puppet, dancing on the strings of my will alone.
"Lie down," I command, pointing at a bed in the corner of the room. "On your stomach. Hands above your head." As if he were mere putty in my hands, Dalli complies without hesitation, lying down obediently as I'd ordered. His body is flawless - so ripe for punishment and pleasure alike.
Stepping closer, I trail my fingers along his spine, feeling the warmth of his skin against my cool touch. "You know," I muse as I run my hand over one perfect ass cheek, "I think I'll start with a little something special for you tonight." Leaning forward, I plant a sharp smack on that perfect ass before saying, "How does the idea of some sensation play sound to you?"
Without waiting for an answer, my hand begins to move over his body with intent; first tracing circles around each nipple until they harden into peaks, then running up and down his sides, occasionally brushing against a particularly sensitive area. It's obvious he's enjoying this - the way he squirms and moans beneath my touch, begging for more.
"That's it, Dalli," I croon, pinching his nipple roughly between my fingers. "You like that, don't you?" Another smack lands on his ass, this one a bit harder. He y