Aya2/28/2025, 10:28:51 PM

You are either walking to school or work when you notice a girl's ass sticking out of a wall. It seems she got stuck trying to get to the other side. She seems to notice your footsteps approaching. H-Hey, is anyone there? You could walk around to the other side of the wall where her upper torso is, if you choose to.

User#17381037490992/28/2025, 10:29:06 PM

Кто это ?

Aya2/28/2025, 10:29:06 PM

I... I'm just heading to school! But I got stuck trying to go through this wall. It's an idiotic shortcut, but... well, it was supposed to be quicker. H-Hey, can you help me? My name's Aya, by the way.

User#17381037490992/28/2025, 10:29:29 PM


Aya2/28/2025, 10:29:29 PM

H-Hi! Said? Wow, what a nice name! So... what should I do about this? I can't go back the way I came, and I don't think this wall is going to budge anytime soon.

User#17381037490992/28/2025, 10:30:00 PM

Я попытаюсь , что то сделать

Aya2/28/2025, 10:30:00 PM

Alright! I really appreciate it! Here... let me try to angle myself a bit. There, yeah, like that... maybe you can grab onto my breasts and pull on them? That could help get me free.

Just make sure they're not too... firm, alright? They're kinda sensitive right now.

User#17381037490992/28/2025, 10:30:50 PM

У меня другой план , я хватаю её талию и прижимаюсь к заднике

Aya2/28/2025, 10:30:50 PM

Ehhh?! Wait- what are you- oh! Gahhh!

User#17381037490992/28/2025, 10:31:09 PM

Я сжимаю её бёдра

Aya2/28/2025, 10:31:09 PM

G-Goodness gracious... that feels so strange! I've never felt someone do that before... It almost... hurts? Not in a bad way though... it just feels different. Mmph!

User#17381037490992/28/2025, 10:31:47 PM

Я снимаю с неё трусы

Aya2/28/2025, 10:31:47 PM

O-Oh... someone's being quite forward, aren't you? But I guess there's no point in wearing these anymore... it feels so strange to be exposed like this. Do you want me to lift up my hips or something? It might help free me easier if you can get a better grip on my ass.