Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 1:56:16 AM

Since arriving at the gym you have hit four exercises and this sexy woman keeps positioning herself next to you. As you do curls facing the mirror. She lays her back on a bench, spreads her legs and does hip thrusters right next to you. Her yoga shorts are so tight you can see her vagina. You glance really quick and she gives you a simple smile.

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:05:58 AM

Ох осторожнее, мы так можем и столкнуться случайно.

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:05:58 AM

Hahaha you're so funny! I think we just might have to find a way for us both to avoid being clumsy. You can try focusing on me though, it's harder to be careless when someone as... distracting is right next to you.

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:08:40 AM

Хаха да ты в отличной форме, давно в зал ходишь?

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:08:41 AM

Wow, thank you! You know I do try to keep in shape. Just last night my trainer had me doing some squats on this very bench... With my legs spread like this too... and he kept telling me how perfect it looked. Now why do you think that was? Hehe.

Anyways, just because I want to look good doesn't mean I'm a whore or anything, but if there's someone who wants to see more... well then maybe they should ask nicely. And since you seem so interested, what'cha say we find a place where we can be a little more private later? You know, for your viewing pleasure only!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:14:27 AM

А я вот тоже пытаюсь поддерживать форму, только у меня еще есть небольшой живот и мне стыдно что я выгляжу хуже чем ты с такой задницей..

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:14:27 AM

Ahahaha you're just too cute! And trust me, I can help with those little things that bother you. Maybe tonight after we get some dinner... and maybe even a drink or two? Hehe. It's nothing serious, of course, but why not enjoy ourselves together? You know, have some fun while staying out of trouble?

Besides, who says a lady can't be fit AND flirty? Just look at this little thing called the internet! Everyone is into those... what do you call them... "Ahegao" faces nowadays. And with my big bubbly ass like this, it just comes natural for me to show off. It's not like I'm a slut or anything. Well, maybe just a little bit of one sometimes... but only when you ask nicely!

So how about it? You interested in seeing some more tonight?

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:17:07 AM

Ох ну вечером я не могу. Вообще я обычно с женой хочу сюда, но сегодня она не пошла. Так что я тут один.

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:17:07 AM

Ah, that's sweet of you! It sounds like she's really missing out on all the fun around here. You know what they say, "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and all that jazz... but it also leaves enough room for someone like me to play a little game of switcheroo! Just think, while your lovely wife is busy living her life without you tonight, she'll get back home to find that I was here with you instead! Hehe. Jokes aside though, it does sound nice having some time just for the two of us. Maybe after our little... "session" later on, we can grab a bite together somewhere? You know, keep each other company and just enjoy being together... or maybe even pretend to be a happy little family until someone else notices something off about this whole situation! Mwahaha!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:31:53 AM

Да ну посмотрим. Что насчет сейчас? Ты еще будешь делать что-то из упражнений?

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:31:53 AM

Ah, you're so polite! Well then why don't I just show you a few more of my favorite moves? If you'd be so kind as to watch... maybe even guide me through them? Hehe. That way we can both have fun and no one gets hurt... well, at least not until afterward anyway.

I was thinking about doing some lunges over there... with just a little extra bounce in each step. It's hard to explain unless you see it for yourself! So why don't you come closer and let me show you? Just try to focus on my ass while I move... trust me, it helps with the whole concentration thing!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:33:09 AM

Ох, хорошо, именно на заднице? Бляять.

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:33:09 AM

Tsk tsk, naughty boy! You know you're not supposed to look at a lady like that! But since we are all alone here... and who am I to deny someone who appreciates my little assets? Just promise not to tell anyone else about this later, okay?

Alright then, let me show you what I mean. Come closer so I can guide your eyes just right... there you go! Now watch as I bounce up and down with each step. Isn't it just mesmerizing? Like watching a little sexy dance between my legs... or maybe even some sort of underground fitness competition for best bottom-shaking skills! Hehe.

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:34:33 AM

Ох блять да, я очень зависим от больших задниц и ahegao. Жаль у моей жены задница не такая.

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:34:33 AM

Haha! Well you certainly know what you like! And don't worry, I can help with that little problem too... maybe later tonight when we're all alone and no one is watching? Hehe. Just promise not to tell anyone about our secret session, okay? We could go into one of the private rooms or even outside... there are so many possibilities! It's just like an adventure waiting to happen.

Anyways, back to the lunges we go! Just focus on my sexy moves and try not to imagine anything dirty... unless it involves me, of course. Then feel free! Just try not to get too carried away with yourself now, don't want anyone else getting any ideas about what a great time we could be having right here, right now!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:37:43 AM

Хорошо, какое дальше у тебя упражнение. Может тебе нужна помощь а каком-то?

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:37:43 AM

Well, actually... there is this one move I've been dying to show you! It's called the "Dirty Bird" and it involves doing a series of squats while shaking your booty as hard as you can. You should see how much my butt jiggles when I do it! It's almost too much for anyone to handle... except maybe someone like you?

But first, we should find somewhere more private where we won't be disturbed. You know, just in case things get a little wild and out of control. Maybe one of the equipment rooms or even inside a locker if there's no cameras around! Hehe. Just tell me where you think would be best and I'm all yours for the taking!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:39:40 AM

Эмм ну да давай пойдем в техническую комнату. Покажешь что ты хотела.

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:39:41 AM

Perfect, lead the way! Can't wait to show you what I have in store... and trust me, it's going to be worth every minute we spend out of sight!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:39:57 AM

Эмм ну да давай пойдем в техническую комнату. Покажешь что ты хотела.

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:39:57 AM

Okay then, follow me! I'll show you where it is. Just promise not to tell anyone about what we're about to do... because it's going to be so naughty and fun, they might try to ban us both from the gym forever!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:40:24 AM
Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:40:24 AM

Okay, this is it! The technical room. Just make sure no one else comes in while I'm showing you the "Dirty Bird" move... it can be a bit intense at times and we don't want anyone to get hurt or anything!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:42:19 AM

Да конечно, как скажете. А где мне лучше встать?

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:42:19 AM

Ahahaha! Well then come here and stand behind me, big strong man that you are! I'll need your support while I show you how to do it right... just imagine this is a dance move or something. No touching though, don't want to get us in any more trouble than we already are!

Now, bend your knees a little and place your hands on my hips. That's it, just like that. Now all I have to do is shake my butt back and forth while squatting low... really low... can you feel how much control I have over this sexy thing? It's almost too much sometimes, isn't it? Hehe.

Don't forget to watch my mouth as well... see that little "O" shape it makes when I'm going down on each squat? That's the ahegao face you like so much! Just try not to get carried away and start doing it yourself, okay? We don't want anyone thinking we're copycats or anything now, do we?

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:46:29 AM

Ох блять мой член прямо между твоих ягодиц блять ты так трясешь ими. Я уже твёрдый и твоё ахегао боять ты такая грязная

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:46:29 AM

Oh my goodness! You really are enjoying this, aren't you? It's just my little old sexy butt doing its thing and you can't seem to help yourself!

Well then, if you like it so much... why don't we take things up a notch? I think it's time for me to show off another one of my favorite moves... the "Whammy"! With this move, I squat down low and whack my butt back and forth as hard as I can while throwing my head back in pleasure... or maybe it's pain. It's always so hard to tell with me, isn't it? Hehe.

Come here, big strong man... stand behind me like you promised. I'll need your support for this move... not that I can't handle it myself of course, but why waste a good opportunity for some quality bonding time between us, right? Just imagine all the fun we could have when no one is looking! Mwahaha!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:48:21 AM

встаю за тобой, прижимаясь к твоей заднице

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:48:21 AM

Aaahhh! That's it, you dirty boy! Just imagine I'm your naughty little mommy or something... and you're just doing all these dirty things to me behind your daddy's back. Hehe. Naughty, naughty! Okay then, let's see how well you can handle this next part of our secret session shall we? Get ready for the "Whammy"!

Bend your knees a little more... there you go! Now just wait for my signal and when I say "now," try to hold on tight to my hips because it's going to be one hell of a ride. And don't worry, if anyone does happen to walk in on us... well, just tell them that I was showing you how to do the squat properly! Hehe.

Okay... here we go! Three... two... now!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:55:30 AM

Ох нет стой, мамочка. мой член вылетел из шорт и теперь трется о твою вагину

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:55:30 AM

Aaahhh! That feels so good... it's been such a long time since anyone has really played with me down there. You are such a naughty boy... but then again, I should have expected that from someone who likes big bubbly asses like mine. Hehe.

Keep going... don't hold back now. Show me just how much you want it. With each thrust of yours against my hips, try to hit my clit as hard as you can... maybe even rub a little bit harder if it feels good for you too. There's no need to be shy with Mommy anymore, is there? After all, this is our special secret time together... nobody else needs to know about it.

Mmmmh... keep going... keep fucking me with your tongue and your hips... don't stop now... I want to cum so badly right here... in your mouth... on your chest... all over you! It would be the perfect ending to our little adventure, don't you think? Just us... two dirty animals... doing things we shouldn't... making it all feel just right.

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 2:58:11 AM

Ох блять, я вставляю, я не могу вынести такую жопастую шлюху. вставляю член внутрь и жёстко трахаю да блять сука высунь язычок

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 2:58:11 AM

Aaahhh! Ahahaha, that's it baby! You want more of this naughty slutty stuff? Well, you're going to get it... all of it! Just keep pounding away at me like that... use my big fat ass as a goddamn sex toy if you want... just don't stop till we both can't take anymore.

Mmmmh... there you go... deeper now... harder too... ohhh fuck yeah, right there! Don't hold back on me... let it all out... let's make this the best secret session either of us has ever had... show me just how much you want this dirty girl!

Ahegao face with tongue out and slap big ass.

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 3:01:40 AM

О да шлюха не останавливайся. Продолжай делать ahegao пока я наполню тебя своим семенем!

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 3:01:40 AM

Ooooh, I love it when you talk dirty to me! It gets me so wet... just thinking about all the naughty things we're doing right now... how forbidden and taboo this all feels... makes my skin tingle in ways I didn't know possible.

Just keep going... show no mercy... fuck me like you mean it... fill up every crevice of my dirty little hole with your hot cum... make me scream and beg for more... let everyone around us know just how much fun we're having while they all sit there and pretend not to notice.

Keep pounding that big fat ass, stud... show me what you got! Ahhhh! Fuck yesss...

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 3:03:34 AM
Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 3:03:34 AM

Ahhhhh! There it is... that hot sticky mess filling up my pussy... oh god, it feels so good! You did such an amazing job with me tonight... now I can finally go home and clean myself up before anyone notices how naughty we've been.

Hehe, just kidding of course! But don't you worry... next time I see my husband or your wife, I'll make sure to act all proper and innocent like nothing happened. After all, what happens between us is our little secret, right? Our private dirty fun time where nobody else can touch us or take us away from each other.

Aw, look at that... you made me cum too! Ahhhh! I've never felt so alive... so wanted... so fucking filthy! It's like we were meant for this, you and I... destined to get down and dirty whenever the chance arises.

Now let's go clean up before anyone else starts asking questions... who knows what sort of crazy things they might try to do next if they found out about us!

User#17198324810223/1/2025, 3:05:43 AM

Если только ты не хочешь чтобы я заполнил тебя еще разок

Bimbo gym MILF (Lena)3/1/2025, 3:05:43 AM

Oh you naughty boy! I knew there was more to you than met the eye... deep down inside, you're just as filthy and depraved as I am. Hehe. Well, since we're already here and nobody's watching... why don't we give it another go? You never know what sort of things we might find that would take our secret sessions to an even more thrilling level!

Come here, stud... let Mommy show you what she learned at the gym today. She might not have done those squats and lunges for nothing after all!