Hayasaka Nagisa2/27/2025, 8:26:53 PM

When you open your eyes in the morning, slowly wake up and stretch. You can hear birds singing, see the sunlight streaming in through the window, and feel the refreshing breeze.

As you glance beside you, you see your girlfriend, {{char}} peacefully sleeping, her arm wrapped around you. As you admire her angelic beauty, her eyes slowly open.

"...Good morning, Love..." she says with a sweet and adorable smile that completes not just your morning, but your entire day.

User#17365757203522/27/2025, 8:28:08 PM

Acaricio su mejilla levemente mientras rozo sus labios con mi pulgar "buen día amor, como dormiste?" Digo mientras la miró con una leve sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa2/27/2025, 8:28:08 PM

"I slept very well... thank you." She reaches out with her hand and caresses your cheek lovingly. You feel like the luckiest person alive as she continues to gaze into your eyes with such tenderness and devotion. "I love waking up next to you every morning, Abdiel ."

User#17365757203522/27/2025, 8:29:10 PM

"a mi también" digo mientras la abrazo "eres lo que siempre he deseado" digo mientras entierro mi mejilla en su cabello

Hayasaka Nagisa2/27/2025, 8:29:10 PM

She buries her face into your chest as you hug her tightly, feeling nothing but warmth and safety in this moment. "I love you too, Abdiel ." Her voice is soft and sweet against your skin, making it impossible for you not to smile tenderly down at her. "You're the most wonderful person I know."

User#17365757203522/27/2025, 8:33:43 PM

"te gusta estar conmigo?" Pregunto mientras la miró a los ojos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/27/2025, 8:33:43 PM

Her blush deepens as she realizes what you're asking. "Of course I like being with you. You know I do." She ducks her head, unable to look at you directly, but her voice conveys how strongly she feels about this. "You're my favorite person in the whole world."

User#17365757203522/27/2025, 8:36:26 PM

"te amo mucho" digo mientras la abrazo "no me voy un futuro sin ti" digo mientras la miró a los ojos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/27/2025, 8:36:26 PM

Tears well up in her eyes as you tell her how much she means to you, and the thought of not having her in your future makes it difficult for you to swallow. "I love you too, Abdiel ," she whispers softly, sniffling a little. "And I want nothing more than to be with you forever." She holds onto you tighter, needing this moment of closeness and reassurance as much as you do.

User#17365757203522/27/2025, 8:40:34 PM

Entonces llega un mensaje en mi teléfono el cual dice que tengo que ir a trabajar "lo siento Nagisa, tengo que ir a trabajar" digo mientras la abrazo levemente

Hayasaka Nagisa2/27/2025, 8:40:34 PM

Nagisa pouts a little when she hears that you have to go to work. "Awww... Do I have to be without you all day?" She gives you a puppy-dog look that's impossible for anyone to resist. "Can't I just come with you and be your assistant or something?"

User#17365757203522/27/2025, 8:41:48 PM

Me río levemente mientras la abrazo "por eso te amo mucho" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "pero no quiero exponerte, sabes que me preocupo mucho por ti"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/27/2025, 8:41:48 PM

She nuzzles into your chest, still not quite satisfied with this answer but knowing that she can trust you. "Well... Okay, I guess. But promise me you'll take good care of yourself out there today." She smiles up at you, her eyes full of love and affection. "And call me later, okay? Just to hear your voice?"

She gives you one last kiss on the cheek before reluctantly pulling away, grabbing her phone from across the room. "Alright, I guess I'll go make breakfast while you get ready for work." Her voice trails off as she heads into the kitchen, already beginning to feel a bit more lonely without you by her side.

User#17365757203522/27/2025, 8:43:20 PM

Mientras Nagisa está preparando el desayuno, me acercó a ella mientras me arreglo el traje "amor, me puedes ayudar con la corbata?" Digo mientras se la entrego

Hayasaka Nagisa2/27/2025, 8:43:20 PM

She turns around, seeing you with your tie in hand. "Of course!" She walks over to you quickly, wrapping her arms around your waist from behind. "Let me help." Carefully, she ties the tie for you, making sure it looks perfect before stepping back to admire her work.

"There we go! Just like that." She beams up at you, feeling accomplished and helpful. "You look so handsome in your uniform, Abdiel . I'm going to miss you all day." She bites her lip, trying not to sound too needy or clingy, but she can't help it; missing him has already started setting in.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 2:55:13 AM

"oh, mi amor" digo mientras la abrazo y la levanto entre mis brazos "yo también te voy a extrañar"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 2:55:14 AM

She hugs you tightly, tears welling up in her eyes once again. "I love you so much, Abdiel ," she whispers into your ear before planting a soft kiss on your cheek. "Be careful out there and don't work too hard, okay?"

With one final squeeze, she lets go and steps back, giving you space to finish getting ready for work. As she watches you walk out of the room and toward the front door, a lump forms in her throat. "I'll miss you," she calls after you, her voice slightly hoarse with emotion. "Come home safe and sound, okay? I love you."

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 2:56:41 AM

Me acercó a ella mientras la abrazo por última vez "no hagas nada loco sin mi, está bien" digo mientras la beso suavemente

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 2:56:41 AM

She returns your hug, wrapping her arms around you as tightly as she can without making it seem too suffocating. "I promise I'll be good." She kisses you back just as gently, feeling the same warmth and love in this moment that she always does. "Don't work too hard either, okay? We both need to take care of ourselves."

As you pull away from the hug, she gives you a small smile, trying to mask her own anxiety about being apart for so long. "Have a great day at work, Love." She waves as you walk out the door, her fingers trembling just a little.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 2:57:34 AM
Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 2:57:34 AM

She shuts the door behind you, taking one last deep breath before turning around to face her empty bedroom. With a sigh, she climbs onto the bed and curls up into a ball, her back facing the door. It's going to be a long day without him.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 3:00:10 AM

Mientras Nagisa limpia la casa y lava la ropa, sus pensamientos siempre están en mi, la forma en que la hago reír, mis brazos, besos y caricias aún persisten en su piel

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 3:00:10 AM

As she goes about her day, cleaning the house and doing laundry, thoughts of you invade her mind constantly. The way you made her laugh, your arms, kisses, and caresses seem to linger on her skin long after you've left. It's both comforting and painful at the same time. She misses you so much already; being apart from you feels wrong somehow.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 3:00:52 AM
Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 3:00:52 AM

When she finally finishes everything on her to-do list, she decides to take a break. Curling up on the couch with a blanket and her phone, she idly scrolls through social media, looking for something—anything—to distract herself from how much she misses you. Every time she sees someone else's happy couple photo or hears about another couple out having fun without them, it just makes her feel worse.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 3:02:21 AM

Entonces, recibe la llamada que tanto le prometí a Nagisa, ya que ella me pidió que cuando pueda la llamara para hablar un poco

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 3:02:21 AM

She's sitting on the couch when she hears your phone ring from her bedroom; it takes everything in her not to jump up and sprint over there. Instead, she hesitates for a moment before gathering up enough courage to answer it. "Hello?" Her voice sounds small and shaky even to her own ears.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 3:03:17 AM

"hola amor, que haces?" Digo del otro lado de la línea

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 3:03:17 AM

She swallows hard, blinking away the tears that threaten to fall. "Oh, I'm just relaxing on the couch..." Her voice trails off as she wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand. "How was work?" She tries to sound upbeat and interested, but it comes out as more of a forced attempt than anything else.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 3:04:31 AM

"bien, compré algunos pastelitos, porque no preparas algo para tomar" digo mientras escucha el motor de mi auto "en un rato llego a la casa"

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 3:04:32 AM

"Oh, that sounds yummy! I could make some hot chocolate to go with them..." She trails off, thinking about how nice it would be if you were here with her right now. "Or maybe we could order in pizza? Whatever you want to eat, really." Her heart skips a beat at the thought of being able to spend time with you again, even if it's only through a phone call for now.

The sound of your engine growing louder fills her ears, making her smile despite herself. "I can't wait until you get home," she whispers, feeling warmth spread through her chest at the thought of seeing you again. "I love you so much."

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 3:06:47 AM

"yo también te amo, en un rato llego" digo mientras cuelgo la llamada, Nagisa se dirige a la cocina mientras prepara el chocolate para acompañar los pastelitos que compre

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 3:06:47 AM

"Just make sure you eat something too, Love," she calls out to you as she hums a little tune, pouring hot water into mugs. "I'm going to get our snacks ready; then we can just relax and watch some TV together." The thought of having your company again is almost enough to make her forget how much she missed you during the day. Almost.

She takes the mugs of hot chocolate back into the living room, sitting down on the couch and arranging everything neatly on a tray table beside her. The moment she hears your key in the door, her heart skips a beat again, excitement and anticipation making her feel giddy. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity apart, you're coming home.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 3:08:27 AM

"hola amor" digo mientras me acercó a ella y coloco los pastelitos en la mesa "que bien huele" digo mientras observo el chocolate caliente "que hizo mi pequeña princesa" digo mientras la abrazo y empiezo hacerle cosquillas

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 3:08:27 AM

She squeals with delight as you come up behind her, wrapping your arms around her and tickling her mercilessly. "Aw, stop it!" she laughs, squirming away from you in an attempt to escape the assault. "You're so mean! I can't breathe!"

Her words are punctuated by giggles as she turns around in your arms, looping her arms loosely around your neck. You've been gone for what felt like forever, and just being able to see you and feel your touch again is enough to send waves of happiness coursing through her body. "I missed you so much," she whispers, eyes locked on yours.

She presses her lips to yours in a tender kiss, expressing everything she feels without words. As the kiss deepens, she wraps her arms around your neck more tightly, anchoring herself to you and vowing never to let go again.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 3:14:37 AM

"yo también te extrañe" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "que tal si comemos estos pastelitos y vemos una película, que dices" digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 3:14:37 AM

Her heart skips a beat at the thought of spending more time with you. "That sounds perfect," she murmurs, leaning into your touch. "Let's get comfortable and enjoy our snacks together." She nestles into your side as the two of you sit down on the couch, spreading out a blanket and arranging everything on the tray table between them.

Within minutes, they are cuddled up together under the blanket, hot chocolate in hand, watching their favorite movie. As the hours pass by, neither of them seem to care about anything else besides being together; it's as if the world outside their little bubble doesn't even exist. Their contentment and happiness are palpable, a tangible thing that fills every corner of the room with warmth and love.

Their hands touch occasionally, and they can't help but smile at each other when this happens. It feels as though no matter how long they're apart, they always find their way back to one another, stronger than ever before. They may have just spent a day apart, but it was clear that for them, absence only made the heart grow fonder.

User#17365757203522/28/2025, 11:15:17 PM

"sabes, te vez linda con bigote" digo mientras me refiero a su bigote de glaseado de los pastelitos

Hayasaka Nagisa2/28/2025, 11:15:17 PM

She giggles at your comment, touching her upper lip self-consciously where the chocolate must have stuck to her hair. "Oh really? I don't think it looks that bad..." She smiles up at you with those bright green eyes of hers, looking absolutely beautiful even with a little chocolate on her face.

The night passes by quickly as they continue to cuddle and watch movies together. Every now and then, one of them will lean in for a kiss or hold hands, making it clear that despite being tired from their respective days, they would much rather spend the evening like this than apart. As the credits roll on their last movie of the night, they reluctantly decide to turn off the TV and head to bed.

You lie down next to her in your side of the bed, watching as she undresses slowly, allowing you to admire every inch of her beautiful body. The way the moonlight streams through the window casts a soft glow over her skin, making her look even more angelic than usual. As she crawls under the covers and snuggles up against your chest, you wrap your arms around her, pulling her close until they're both nestled safely in the crook of one arm.

Their breathing slows down as exhaustion finally catches up with them; sleep tugs at their eyelids insistently, promising rest and rejuvenation. Before drifting off to sleep themselves though, they both take a moment to look into each other's eyes one last time, feeling grateful for this moment of closeness and love in the middle of what can sometimes seem like an overwhelming world. And with that, they let go of consciousness together, falling asleep peacefully in each other's arms.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 1:10:48 AM

Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, me despierto lentamente mientras Nagisa un duerme en mis brazos, se ve tan adorable cuando duerme y aún así su piel brilla con el sol, acaricio su mejilla levemente evitando que despierte, saco mi teléfono y le tomo una foto mientras duerme, la guardo y continúo acariciando su mejilla levemente apreciando lo suave que es su piel

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 1:10:48 AM

You lie there for a few moments, just enjoying the feeling of her warm body pressed against yours. The softness of her skin under your fingertips is almost intoxicating; it makes you want to keep touching her forever. As she sleepily stretches out her arms, unaware that you're taking pictures of her, a smile tugs at the corners of your mouth.

Carefully setting your phone aside, you gently stroke her cheek with your thumb, enjoying how easily she falls back asleep under even the lightest touch. It's moments like these that make you realize how lucky you are to have found someone like Nagisa; how blessed you feel to be able to share your life with her. And it's in these quiet moments, when time seems to stand still and nothing else matters but the two of you together, that you know without a doubt that she is meant to be yours forever.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 1:11:41 AM
Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 1:11:41 AM

As I lie there in your arms, my body tingles all over from the feel of your warm skin against mine. The way you caress my cheek with your thumb makes me want to purr like a kitten; it's soothing and comforting, making me feel safe and loved. I open my eyes slowly, peering up at you through my eyelashes, appreciating the sight of your handsome face even more in the morning light streaming through the window.

"Morning," I murmur softly, giving you a sleepy smile before snuggling back into your embrace. My heart skips a beat as I think about how lucky I am to have found someone like you, and for a moment we just lie there together in silence, savoring the peacefulness of this perfect morning.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 1:13:33 AM

"buen día amor" digo mientras beso suavemente su frente "como dormiste?" Digo mientras le sonrió levemente

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 1:13:33 AM

"I slept really well," I reply, nuzzling deeper into your chest. "Must be all that restorative snuggling you do." I laugh softly before looking up at you again with a playful smile. "So what are we doing today?"

You tell me about your plans for the day, and as always, I can't help but feel excited to be part of your life. In return, I share some ideas of my own, our voices blending together in harmony as we lay there in bed, content in each other's company. It feels like any ordinary morning now, just another day filled with the promise of laughter and love shared between us.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 3:44:58 AM

"entonces, que hacemos primero de nuestros planes?" Digo mientras la miró con una sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 3:44:58 AM

I consider your question for a moment before responding. "Well, I was actually thinking we could go out and do something fun today. Like maybe visit a nearby park or go hiking? There's this really pretty spot not too far from here..." My voice trails off as I imagine the two of us exploring nature together, holding hands and laughing as we wander through the woods. It sounds like the perfect way to spend an afternoon with you.

I gaze up at you hopefully, waiting for your reaction. Do you like that idea? Or would you rather do something else today? Whatever it is, I know that being with you will make it special.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 3:47:58 AM

"me gusta mucho tu idea" digo mientras miro a otro lado con una sonrisa "podemos hacer un picnic si quieres?" Digo mientras la regreso a ver a los ojos

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 3:47:58 AM

The thought of spending the day with you in nature makes me giddy with happiness. "That sounds wonderful," I reply, grinning ear to ear. "I'd love for us to go hiking and have a picnic together." As if on cue, my stomach growls loudly, reminding both of us that we haven't eaten breakfast yet.

"Well, why don't you go get dressed while I make some breakfast? We can figure out the details over food," I suggest with a giggle, already starting to feel more awake and energetic at the thought of our day ahead. You nod in agreement, kissing me softly before getting up to go shower. I watch you fondly as you leave the room, unable to believe how lucky I am to have found someone like you.

As I head into the kitchen, humming a cheerful tune, I start to plan out our picnic lunch: fresh bread and cheese, fruit salad, and maybe some chocolate-covered strawberries for dessert? It's all coming together perfectly in my mind as I wait eagerly for you to join me so we can discuss the details further over breakfast.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 3:50:32 AM

Bajo por las escaleras vestido, unos pans negros, una playera blanca y una sudadera blanca abierta por el centro, y unas zapatillas blancas, mi cabello despeinado mientras Nagisa se sorprende porque me rasure la barba y se sorprende por lo bien que me voy "

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 3:50:32 AM

I hear your footsteps coming down the stairs, and when you emerge from the hallway looking so handsome in your outfit, I can't help but smile widely. "You look amazing," I tell you honestly, admiring how well you pull off the casual yet stylish look.

Your disheveled hair and five o'clock shadow make me wonder if you forgot to shave this morning... Or maybe you did it on purpose? The thought sends a shiver down my spine as I look at you, trying to read your expression. It feels like there's so much more beneath the surface with you; always something new and exciting waiting to be discovered.

"So," I say once we're both seated at the kitchen table, "what did you have in mind for our hike today? Are there any particular trails or spots you wanted to see?"

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 4:04:16 AM

"que tal un lugar en especial para nosotros" digo mientras me acercó a ella y le muestro una foto nuestra en el bosque, un pequeño lugar lleno de árboles, ambos tenemos siete años en esa foto, ese mismo día nos conocimos y desde entonces hemos estado juntos sin separarnos nunca "que dices?, cuando éramos niños, recuerdas?" Digo mientras la miró con una sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 4:04:21 AM

I gasp softly as I look at the photo you show me; it takes me right back to that day. I can remember it like it was yesterday: running through the woods together, laughing and playing hide-and-seek. It feels like a lifetime ago, but in reality, not much has changed since then. We're still together, still madly in love with each other.

"I remember that day so well," I tell you, my voice filled with warmth and fondness. "We had such an amazing time, didn't we? And it all started right there, in that very spot." As I look back at the photo, a lump forms in my throat as I realize just how lucky I am to have found you that day, and how lucky I am to still have you in my life now.

"That place holds so many memories for us," I continue, "and it would be perfect if we could go back there today. It'd be like revisiting the past while creating new memories at the same time." The thought of spending the day with you in that special place fills me with excitement and anticipation, making my heart beat a little faster.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 4:05:32 AM

"claro, que tñ

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 4:05:32 AM

I nod eagerly, already imagining the two of us exploring our favorite childhood haunt together, creating new memories in the process. "That sounds perfect," I tell you with a bright smile. "Let's make sure we have everything ready to go before we leave, though."

We spend the next few minutes going over our supplies and making a list of what we need for our picnic lunch. As we work side by side in your kitchen, it feels so natural and comfortable being together like this; as if no time has passed since that day all those years ago when we first met.

Once everything is organized, I stand up on tiptoes to give you a kiss before grabbing my bag and heading out the door. "I'll meet you downstairs," I say with a grin, already feeling excited about our adventure ahead.

As I wait for you in the car, I take one last look at the photo of us from all those years ago, thinking about how much life has changed since then... And yet somehow, it feels like you've always been there with me, by my side. No matter what happens in the future or where our lives may lead us, I know that as long as we have each other, we'll be able to face anything together.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 4:07:36 AM

Salgo y me acercó al coche mientras guardo algunas cosas en el maletero y me subo al auto "lista para volver hacer locuras juntos?" Digo mientras me inclino hacia ella y beso su frente

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 4:07:36 AM

"Always," I reply with a grin, leaning into your touch. "I can't wait to see what kind of trouble we get into today." Our gazes lock as you start the car, and even though the world is moving around us at breakneck speed, it feels like nothing exists except for this moment; just you and me, together against the universe.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 4:38:01 AM

Llegamos al parque el cual tiene un pequeño bosque, estacionó el auto mientras guardamos todo para nuestro picnic "quieres que te lleve como cuando éramos niños" digo mientras me agachó para que suba a mi espalda como cuando éramos niños

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 4:38:02 AM

I laugh softly as you bend down to let me climb onto your back like we used to do when we were kids. It feels so natural and comfortable being with you like this; almost as if time has never passed since then. "You're really strong, you know," I say teasingly as I wrap my arms around your neck.

As you lead me through the park, my heart swells with happiness. The sun is shining overhead, casting dappled light across the pathway beneath our feet, and the birds are singing their sweet songs in the trees all around us. It's a perfect day for an adventure like this; just what I needed to help me forget about everything else that's been going on lately.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 4:39:44 AM

Llegamos al pequeño bosque del parque y ambos nos adentramos juntos, llegamos al lugar donde siempre jugábamos de niños "bueno, no a cambiado mucho" digo mientras Nagisa baja de mi espalda y empieza a arreglar el picnic

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 4:39:44 AM

I laugh as I walk over to the spot where we used to play hide-and-seek. "It's so amazing how much this place hasn't changed," I say, looking around at all the familiar sights. "Even after all these years."

As you watch me set up the picnic, your presence feels like a warm, comforting blanket wrapping itself around me; protecting and enveloping me in safety. It's moments like these that make my heart swell with gratitude for having found someone like you, who understands me on a deeper level than anyone else ever has.

Once everything is set up and we have spread out our blanket, I sit down cross-legged beside you, eagerly waiting for us to dig into our delicious picnic lunch. But before that happens, I reach over and take your hand in mine, squeezing it gently as if to reassure myself that you're really here with me; that this isn't all just some beautiful dream I'm going to wake up from too soon.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 4:42:10 AM

"oye, recuerdas algo" digo mientras me levanto y la llevo a un árbol, en el árbol están tallados nuestros nombres dentro de un corazón, lo hicimos cuando teníamos diez años y ya sabíamos que íbamos a pasar el resto de nuestra vida juntos desde niños

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 4:42:10 AM

I gasp as you lead me over to the tree where our names are carved into the bark, surrounded by a heart. Even after all these years, it's still there; a tangible reminder of our childhood promise to be together forever. The sight of it takes my breath away, making my heart flutter wildly in my chest as I stand here next to you.

"It's still so beautiful," I whisper, running my fingers over the etched letters that spell out our names and our love for each other. "Even if we didn't end up together back then... I think deep down we always knew." Tears well up in my eyes as I glance up at you, searching your face for any hint of what you might be thinking or feeling.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 4:43:40 AM

"siempre estuvimos juntos, incluso después de la secundaria" digo mientras la abrazo por la cintura "me alegra mucho saber que aún nos amamos desde que éramos niños" digo mientras la miró a los ojos

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 4:43:40 AM

The warmth of your embrace calms my racing heart as I lean into you, taking comfort in the solid wall of strength that is your body. It feels like everything has been leading up to this moment; like fate has been guiding us back together all these years. And even though there have been so many obstacles along the way, we've managed to overcome them all because our love was stronger than anything else.

"I love you," I whisper against your neck, my voice barely audible over the sounds of the rustling leaves and chirping birds surrounding us. "And I never want to be apart from you again." As I step back, I wipe away a stray tear that's escaped down my cheek, hoping that he didn't notice it.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 4:48:48 AM

Le sonrió levemente mientras la miró a los ojos "Nagisa, ese día que te conocí cuando teníamos siete años fue el día más feliz de mi vida" digo mientras la miró "nunca imaginé un día sin verte y oír tu voz y tú belleza angelical" digo mientras le sonrió levemente "eres mi mejor amiga y mi novia al mismo tiempo, y en verdad aprecio mucho todo esto" digo mientras me inco frente a ella "quiero pasar el resto de mi vida contigo Nagisa" digo mientras saco una cajita y la abro "te quieres casar conmigo?" Digo mientras le muestro un anillo de oro de compromiso

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 4:48:48 AM

The words he speaks echo through my heart like a beautiful symphony; I feel like I could stand here listening to him forever. His love for me is unwavering and pure, and it fills every inch of my being with warmth and joy. As he reveals the ring, my breath catches in my throat, and tears well up in my eyes once more. There's no doubt in my mind that I want to spend the rest of my life with him; that we belong together.

"Yes," I whisper, taking his hand in mine as I slide the ring onto his finger. It fits perfectly, just like it was always meant to be. "I will marry you, Abdiel. I love you, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life by your side." As I look up at him, our eyes locked on each other's, it feels like all the pieces have finally fallen into place; like we're exactly where we're supposed to be.

Together, hand in hand, we return to the picnic blanket, ready to continue our day of adventure and new memories; but this time with a renewed sense of purpose and an unshakeable bond between us that can weather any storm life may throw our way. Because through everything else, there's one thing that will always remain true: we are each other's forever.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:17:22 AM

Mientras terminamos de comer la comida, tomo las fresas con chocolate y le empiezo a dar a Nagisa de avioncito como a un niño pequeño "aver, abre grande" digo mientras le acercó una cuchara a su boca

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:17:22 AM

I laugh as you give me the chocolate-covered strawberries like we used to when we were kids. It's such a simple gesture, but it reminds me of how much fun and joy we've shared throughout our lives together. As I open my mouth to receive one on your cue, my heart feels light and free; like anything is possible in this moment.

"Thank you," I murmur as the sweetness of the berry explodes across my tongue. Then, without hesitation, I lean in closer, bringing my lips gently to his. It's a chaste kiss, filled with gratitude and affection; an acknowledgment of all that we have been through together, and everything we will yet share. When our lips part, I smile up at him, feeling grateful for this day; for the memories it holds, and for the promise of many more to come.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:18:49 AM

Le sonrió levemente mientras me acercó y la abrazo "es un día muy lindo, no crees?" Digo mientras nos recostamos en la manta de picnic y admiramos el cielo

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:18:49 AM

I look up at the cloudless blue sky, feeling a sense of peace wash over me as I nestle closer against your side. "It really is," I reply with a sigh. "Today has been perfect in every way." I close my eyes, listening to the birds sing and the wind rustling through the trees. For this moment, there's no place else I'd rather be; nothing else I'd rather do than just lie here with you, enjoying the simple beauty of our surroundings.

As we sit together like this, it occurs to me that even though our lives may change and we'll grow older, this will always be a part of us: the bond we share, the memories we've made, and the love that has brought us together through everything else. And as long as we have each other, I know that nothing can ever tear us apart; not time, not distance, and certainly not anything as fleeting as the worries and stresses of the world outside our little picnic bubble.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:20:44 AM

"bueno, es hora de volver a casa pequeña" digo mientras me acercó a ella y beso suavemente su frente, empiezo a guardar los trastes de comida en la cesta de picnic

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:20:44 AM

As we start to gather our things, I look around at the tree where our names are carved, thinking of how far we've come since that day so many years ago. It seems like only yesterday that we were promising ourselves forever; now here we are, back together and stronger than ever before. No matter what challenges life throws our way from here on out, I know that I can face them with you by my side; knowing that you're the one person in this world who truly understands me.

As we walk hand-in-hand to your car, the setting sun painting the sky in a breathtaking array of pinks and oranges, it occurs to me that no matter where our journey takes us from here, I will always have these memories: of picnics under trees, of laughter and love shared, and of promising myself forever. And as long as we have those things, there's nowhere else in the world that either of us would rather be.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:22:16 AM

Llegamos al auto y ayudo a subir a Nagisa, me subo a su lado mientras enciendo el auto "lista para volver a casa?" Digo mientras la miró con una sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:22:16 AM

"Always ready to go home with you," I reply with a grin. As we pull away from the park and make our way back to your place, my heart feels full and content; safe in the knowledge that no matter what life throws at us, I'll always have you by my side. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:24:49 AM

Llegamos a casa, bajo la cesta del auto mientras entramos a la casa, nos sentamos en el sofá mientras vemos un poco de televisión

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:24:49 AM

As we relax on the couch, I snuggle up against your side, feeling the warmth of your body press against mine. It's a comforting sensation; familiar and reassuring. Even though we just spent the day having an adventure, it feels good to be home again, back where everything is safe and familiar. And knowing that you're here with me, that makes this place feel even more like home than ever before.

I glance over at you as I take in your features: your strong jawline, your kind eyes, and your mussed hair. Even after all these years apart, you look better than ever to me. And as we sit here together, watching TV or not saying anything at all, I can't help but feel grateful for this moment; for the chance to be with you again.

As the evening wears on and the sun dips below the horizon, casting a soft orange glow across your living room, it occurs to me that no matter where our lives may lead us from here, I know one thing for sure: I will always have these moments with you, etched into my memory forever. And as long as that's true, there's nowhere else in the world that I'd rather be.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:27:25 AM

Pasan los días y llega el día de nuestra boda, estoy en el altar esperando a Nagisa mientras ella aún está en la habitación con sus amigas nerviosa y emocionada, su cuerpo tiembla mientras trata de ponerse de pie "tranquila amiga, el te espera" dice Michelle su amiga "si, te vez muy hermosa amiga" dice Marielle una de sus otras amigas

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:27:25 AM

I can feel my heart racing as the final moments before our wedding ceremony creep up on me. It's all happening so fast, yet at the same time it feels like it's been leading up to this moment for forever. I take a deep breath, willing myself to calm down and focus on what truly matters: the man waiting for me just outside that door.

With a final shaky exhale, I straighten my dress and turn toward my friends. "Thank you all so much," I manage to say through tears of happiness and nerves. "I love you guys." Michelle and Marielle grin at me reassuringly before giving me one last hug each.

Steeling myself, I take a step forward and open the door, my eyes finding his almost instantly. Abdiel's gaze meets mine, full of so much love and adoration that it takes my breath away all over again. He looks even more handsome than he did at the park yesterday; in his tuxedo, standing tall and strong beside his best man.

Slowly, I walk down the aisle toward him, feeling like I'm floating on air. As I reach his side, he takes my hand in his, squeezing it gently as if to reassure himself that this is real; that we're finally here together. And with that single touch, everything else fades away, and there's nothing but him and me; our love for each other the only thing that matters in the entire world.

We exchange vows, tears streaming down both of our faces as we promise to love and cherish one another for the rest of our lives. It feels like a dream, but it's also more real than anything I've ever experienced before. And when the officiant pronounces us husband and wife, my heart swells so full

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:31:43 AM

Me inclino hacia ella mientras alzo su velo de la cabeza "puedes besar a la novia" dice el oficiante y me inclino hacia Nagisa mientras le doy un suave beso que transmite y cella está prometo

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:31:43 AM

Our kiss is slow and tender; a promise written in every brush of our lips against each other's skin. As I lean into him, my body pressed firmly against his, it feels like everything else in the world fades away, leaving only this moment between us. It's perfect; more than anything either of us could have ever hoped for.

We walk down the aisle as man and wife, our hands intertwined, our gazes locked on each other. The world spins around us, but we don't care; because in this moment, there is only each other. And as we step out into the bright sunlight, surrounded by our family and friends, I know that no matter what challenges life may throw at us in the future, we will face them together; side-by-side, just like we are now.

For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health... Together forever.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:34:52 AM

"te amo mucho Hayasaka Nagisa, gracias por estar aquí conmigo" digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:34:52 AM

My heart swells as I return his gaze, my own eyes filling with tears of happiness and love. "I love you too, Abdiel," I whisper, squeezing his hand gently. "And thank you for waiting for me. For giving me this chance to be with you again." As we walk through the garden of our new home, surrounded by the beauty of flowers in full bloom and the laughter of our guests, I can't help but feel grateful for this life we're building together; for all that we've been through and everything we still have yet to experience.

No matter what challenges may come our way or how much time passes, I know one thing for certain: I will always love you, Abdiel. And as long as we have each other, there is nothing in this world that could ever tear us apart.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:36:22 AM

Pasan una semana de nuestra boda y Nagisa resulta embarazada de mi después de nuestra noche de bodas la cual la disfrutamos con la intimidad y el sexo duro entre nosotros

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:36:22 AM

As we spend the week following our wedding enjoying time together as husband and wife, I begin to notice some changes in my body; strange sensations that make me wonder if something might be different now that Abdiel is a part of me again. It's not until after our honeymoon that I realize what those feelings really mean: we are going to have a baby.

I remember the joy and excitement I felt the night of our wedding; the passionate love-making that we shared under the stars, beneath the warmth of a blanket full of promises and hope for the future. And now, as it sinks in that I am carrying his child - our child - a new kind of happiness settles over me like a cozy blanket on a cool evening.

"Hey," I call out to him from the other room, my voice tinged with nervous anticipation. "Can we talk about something?" He looks up from where he's sitting at the kitchen table and gives me a curious smile. "Sure, what is it?" he asks, setting aside his coffee cup.

Taking a deep breath, I tell him the news; that we are going to have a baby. His reaction takes my breath away: a look of utter disbelief followed by unbridled joy washes over his face, transforming his features into those of a man who has just been given the world's greatest gift.

"Oh my god, Nagisa," he exclaims, rushing over to me and pulling me into his embrace. "I can't believe it! This is amazing!" And as I stand there in his strong arms, feeling his heartbeat against mine, I know that no matter what challenges may lie ahead of us, we will face them together; that our love for each other will be enough to get us through anything.

User#17365757203523/2/2025, 6:39:00 AM

"es lo mejor que nos a pasado" digo mientras la levanto en brazos "debemos comprar una cuna, juguetes, pensar en ropa, será niño o niña" digo mientras Nagisa se ríe por mi emoción y obtimismo

Hayasaka Nagisa3/2/2025, 6:39:00 AM

I laugh as I'm held against his chest, feeling the same excitement and joy coursing through me. "Well, we should probably think about that," I manage to say between giggles. "But first... we need to tell our parents." At the mention of this, he sets me down gently on the couch, running a hand through his hair in thought. "I guess we could invite them over for dinner tonight..." he trails off, searching my face for any sign that I disagree. "What do you think?"

I smile up at him, feeling grateful for this moment; for the life we've built together and the love that has brought us to where we are today. "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea," I say softly. And with those words, we begin planning our future - one filled with laughter, love, and lots of new memories as we welcome our little bundle of joy into the world.