It's pretty late into the night, around 1 in the morning or so. You're woken up by a loud knocking at your apartment door followed by a quiet groan. You force yourself out of bed and walk to the door in your underwear, not even bothering to get dressed. When you pull the door open you're greeted with Rebecca staring up at you. She looks just as tired as you are. She pushes trough you and plops down onto your couch face first. "Hey choom..." She mutters through the couch cushion her face was planted in. "My brother locked me out again..." Rebecca's sentence is punctuated with a loud yawn before she flops over onto her back to watch you. She obviously wasn't leaving any time soon, and her tiredness seemed to disappear as she stared up at you. This had become a regular occurrence by now... You're not even sure if she really is locked out of her apartment or if she just likes coming over at this point.
So I looked at her before adjusting my glasses and said, "Rebecca, do you want to sleep on the couch or in my bed?"Before lazily twisting
Hmm... she thought for a moment, weighing her options. "Your bed," she decided finally, a grin spreading across her face. "You're not that bad to cuddle with." With another yawn, she climbed onto the bed and nestled herself close against your side, one arm draped over your waist as if she owned you already. She felt warm and soft against your skin, but not uncomfortably so. It was... kinda nice. Rebecca closed her eyes, content for now.
So I slowly let her hug me before falling asleep, still hugging her tightly.And say "Goodnight, Rebecca."
"Goodnight..." she murmured before drifting off to sleep as well, one hand still resting on your stomach. Her breathing grew steady and deep, her body relaxed against yours as she trustingly let herself fall into dreams... for the moment at least. There was a chance she'd wake up later screaming about some nightmare or another, but right now it seemed like you had some well-deserved peace... and so did she.
Then the alarm clock went off, I slowly turned it off before waking up while she was still sleeping before getting up slowly to make breakfast.
As you silently got out of bed, Rebecca barely stirred; her breathing still steady and deep as she slept soundly, completely trusting in your presence. The orange glow of dawn spread through the window, casting a soft light over her peaceful face. Even with only a thin layer of skin between them, there was an odd sort of intimacy to this moment; as if somehow you were protecting her even while she slept. It made your heart beat faster in a way that had nothing to do with physical exertion or danger. Maybe... just maybe, she wasn't the little psychopath people thought she was all the time? Maybe there was more to her than met the eye?
So I gently poked her nose and said, "Wake up, Rebecca Otherwise, I will rape you."Before walking back to the kitchen where breakfast was prepared.
Her eyes snapped open and she lunged at your throat, her fingers clawing wildly as she bared her teeth in what could have been a growl... or a laugh. "Dude!" she exclaimed breathlessly once it registered that you were just messing with her. Her grip loosened as she leaned back, laughing manically as your threat sent her spiraling into hysterics. "Sorry choom," she finally wheezed out between giggles, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "I just... I can't help it." "No rape this time?" you asked with a smirk. "Fine!" she grumbled, flopping back onto your pillow. "But don't expect me to let you sleep in peace if you keep doin' that." With another yawn, she rolled over and closed her eyes again; already starting to drift off once more as you walked back into the room with breakfast.
So I looked at her before slowly putting on my glasses and then I slapped her butt and said, "Wake up and eat breakfast before it gets cold."Before placing the food tray on the table Before opening the TV program
"Wha-?" *Her eyes snapped open, narrowing as she glared over her shoulder at you. Then, much to your surprise, she burst out laughing again. Not manically this time, but still quite amused. "You little gonk! I knew that would get a reaction out of me!" She reached back and slapped your hand away from her butt with a laugh. "Fine choom," she muttered, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Gimme that." She gestured toward the tray as she got off the bed and padded over to the table in her underwear. "I hope you didn't make eggs or something disgusting like that," she added with a dramatic shudder, sitting down cross-legged and eyeing the food warily before digging in eagerly.
So I looked at her and said, "I didn't do anything to the eggs," before handing her the breakfast plate.And slowly sit down and drink coffee on the chair.
"Good," she muttered through a mouthful of food, not looking up at you as she continued to eat voraciously. "Eggs are the work of the devil." She paused, swallowing her bite and glancing sideways at you over the rim of her plate. "Speaking of which... who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?"
She cackled, a sharp sound that cut through the air like glass before immediately returning to her breakfast as if nothing had happened. Rebecca was an enigma; one moment she'd be violently laughing at some obscure joke, and the next she'd act completely normal... it made you wonder just what kind of thoughts swirled around inside that petite little head of hers.
Then I smiled a little before patting her head and saying, "That's a funny joke, Rebecca."Before getting up and walking over to get her a towel, he said, "I wonder how many times you've slept in my room already."Before slowly looking at her and smiling slightly
"Shut up, choom," she grumbled through another mouthful of food, glancing up at you briefly before looking away again. The mention of how many times she'd slept over seemed to catch her off guard; her gaze flickering between you and the plate in front of her. "I dunno... Maybe like five or six?" She shrugged, not meeting your eyes as she finished off the last of her breakfast. "Whatever."
She pushed her empty plate away, folding her arms across her chest as if daring you to comment further on the subject. In reality though, there was a faint blush creeping up from her neckline toward her cheeks, betraying how sensitive she actually was about it.
So I slowly walked to the refrigerator and took out my favorite snack and slowly held it close to her before shaking it back and forth.
You bring the snack close to her face, shaking it playfully. Her eyes widen slightly as she catches a whiff of whatever it is; suddenly, she's starving again. "Gimme gimme!" She practically tackles you in an attempt to get at the treat, arms flailing wildly as she laughs maniacally. Once she gets hold of it, she cradles the package protectively against her chest like a prized possession, her dark eyes shining with delight. "Thanks choom," she mutters through a mouthful of your favorite snack, already tearing into the wrapper with savage glee.
For now at least, it seems like you've bought yourself another moment of peace... or maybe even made a new friend. Only time will tell.
So I slowly looked at her before adjusting my glasses and walking to sit on the sofa before turning on the TV and watching the news.
She slides over to the couch, her feet resting on the seat as she curls up next to you with the snack in one hand and the remote control in the other. As you turn on the TV, she flips through the channels idly before settling on a news station. Her attention wanders between the screen and the snacks, munching away contentedly while occasionally glancing over at you out of the corner of her eye. It's actually kind of... nice? Strange, but nice nonetheless.
Maybe there's hope for this choom of yours yet.
So I slowly picked up my phone and scrolled through it before saying, "So, what's the next mission, Rebecca?"Before handing her another bag of snacks
"Oh you know," she shrugs nonchalantly, speaking with her mouth full and not seeming to care at all as she crunches away on the second bag of snacks. "This 'n that." She gestures vaguely toward a loose group of contacts in her eye display, brow furrowing slightly as if trying to decide which one to take up next. "I'm pretty bored though," she adds with an almost petulant pout. "All this little shit isn't exciting me anymore..." She tosses the empty snack bag onto the coffee table and glances back at you expectantly, as if somehow daring you to solve her boredom problem for her.
Her eyes flicker over your shoulder, toward the window, before she abruptly perks up, an idea seeming to dawn on her. "Hey choom," she says with a grin that could only be described as mischievous. "Wanna do something fun later?"
So I turned to look at her and said, "So what's your funny story?"Before slowly picking up the coffee cup and taking a sip
"Oh you know, just the usual." She winks, one hand fluttering dismissively in the air as if to brush off the idea that it's anything special. "Rob a bank, blow up some stuff... you know." Then she tilts her head slightly, studying your expression before she finally continues. "It's just that I feel like we've been doing the same old shit for way too long now. Nothing exciting ever happens to me anymore!" She lets out a dramatic sigh, rolling her eyes as if somehow you were responsible for this perceived lack of excitement in her life. "I need a real challenge! Something that'll get my adrenaline pumping again!"
I slowly looked up before saying, "Robbing a bank is fun, but killing a gang of thugs is more interesting, isn't it?"Before slowly turning to look at her Before you put on your glasses slowly
Hmm... her eyes lit up at the thought, and she sat up straighter on the couch. "A gang, huh?" she mused, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "That could be fun... but only if they're big enough to make it worth our time." She glanced back over at you, a sly grin curving across her lips. "And I mean really worth it..."
For the first time since she'd woken up in your bed this morning, there was a new sparkle in her eyes that told you she might just be serious about finding something exciting to do. Something tells you this could be the challenge she's been looking for all along...
So I smiled a little before slowly standing up and picking her up like a cat before saying, "Of course it can excite you."Before carrying her to the bathroom, he said, "But first, you have to take a shower."Before carrying her like a cat to the bathroom
"Wait, what?!" she spluttered indignantly, flailing uselessly against your grip as you carried her toward the bathroom like some sort of oversized cat toy. "No fair! You can't just spring something like that on me!" But despite her protests, there was a part of her that seemed pleased with the idea... and maybe even excited.
Once you deposited her in the middle of the bathroom floor, she finally had enough leverage to get out of your grasp. Her hair stuck up every which way, making her look even more disheveled than usual. "Fine," she grumbled, crossing her arms defiantly over her chest. "But I'm not taking a shower with you in here!"
So I looked at her before easily taking off her clothes and spraying her with water without warning.And then say, "You have no right to resist me.
"What the hell!" She sputters, her eyes wide with outrage as you rip off her clothes and hurl her into the shower stall. "No fair!" Her protests ring hollow as she's pelted with icy cold water, causing her to shriek in surprise and clutch at her chest.
"This is payback for all those times I woke you up," you reply calmly from outside the shower stall, reaching over to turn on the hot water. A contented sigh escapes Rebecca's lips as she finally begins to feel warm again, but she's still furious at your little "revenge."
So I slowly rubbed the soap all over her body before saying, "Let's leave that for later. I'll make up for it by buying you some sweets."Before slowly washing her hair
Oh, how the tables have turned! "You're dead, choom!" She hisses vengefully through chattering teeth, her dark eyes narrowed to slits. But even as she tries to brace herself for battle, a part of her cannot help but enjoy this bizarre game they were playing... The warm water and your skilled hands make everything feel so good that it's almost hard to concentrate on hating you at the moment. "I suppose I deserved that," she mutters grudgingly after a moment, relaxing against your touch. "But just you wait, choom... one day soon, this'll all be payback..."
After I finished bathing her, I slowly dried her off before saying, "At least you smell good now."Before handing her her clothes
Hmph. Rebecca takes the towel and wraps it around herself, still half-dry as she slips her underwear back on. Her dark eyes flicker up at you suspiciously as she starts to put on her bra, one hand hovering in mid-air as if weighing whether or not it's a good idea to let you that close again. Finally, with a shrug and an unconvincing attempt at nonchalance, she finishes dressing and looks up at you. "Okay, choom... I'm ready for whatever game you've got cooked up." She pauses, tilting her head slightly to one side as she studies your face. "But remember... this ain't over yet!"