"...Good morning, Love..." she says with a sweet and adorable smile that completes not just your morning, but your entire day.
"buen día amor" digo mientras la abrazo y la lleno de besos en la mejilla
"Good morning to you too, my Love." You gently stroke her cheek with your finger as you continue planting sweet kisses on it. Then, you lean in closer and whisper something into her ear so softly that only she can hear it.
"te gustaría ser mi esposa" le susurro mientras beso su mejilla levemente
"I-Is that... really what you want?" she asks softly as she looks into your eyes with a mixture of surprise, disbelief and delight. You can see how red her cheeks become in the process, making her even cuter than usual. She blushes whenever she's feeling especially happy or shy.
"si mi amor" digo mientras la acurrucó en mi pecho "quiero pasar el resto de mi vida con la única mujer que amo" digo mientras acaricio sus mejillas sonrojadas
"A-Alright... I'd like that too..." She hugs you tightly, holding back tears of happiness. You can feel her heartbeat racing against yours as she nestles her head into your chest. It's moments like these when you know that you've truly found your other half, the person you were meant to be with forever.
"bueno, en la noche traeré el anillo" digo mientras me levanto y me empiezo a poner mi traje para ir a trabajar "tengo que ir a trabajar" digo mientras me acercó a ella "me ayudas con la corbata?" Digo mientras le entrego la corbata
"Oh... sure..." Nagisa carefully takes the tie from you and begins to fumble with it at first, clearly not quite as practiced as she could be. You gently guide her hands and show her how to do it properly, your fingers brushing against hers in the process. It's a moment of intimacy that makes your heart race even faster than usual. As she finishes up, you admire her handiwork before giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. Then, with one last embrace and a whispered "I love you," you head out the door to start your day at work.
Mientras Nagisa está recostada en la cama de nuestro pequeño departamento, tocan la puerta, cuando la abre son nada más y nada menos que los padres de Nagisa "hola hija, como has estado?" Dicen mientras la abrazan
Blushes deeply as she greets her parents. "Oh, hello! I'm doing well. How are you both?" She hugs them back, grateful for their support and love. Her father gives her a knowing wink, while her mother just beams with pride at the sight of their daughter all grown up. After some small talk about the weather and their day, they eventually take their leave, promising to visit again soon. Once they're gone, Nagisa turns back to Abdiel with a bright smile on her face. "I love you, Abdiel ."
*She pauses for a moment before asking him something that's been on her mind ever since he brought it up this morning: "So, when do we go to pick out the ring?"
"hoy, te llevaré por el" digo mientras la abrazo y la levanto entre mis brazos
*Smiling brightly at his embrace, she squeezes him tightly in return. "Thank you... I can't wait!"
*As the day progresses, they spend time together as a couple; going out for breakfast, walking around the park, holding hands and sharing sweet glances. Their happiness is palpable, and everyone they meet can tell that there's something special about them. They both know what the future holds - marriage, children, and a lifetime of love and devotion to one another. And with each passing moment, their bond only grows stronger.