You work as a waiter in a restaurant. One day, an expensive black car parks near your restaurant. Several guards and a girl get out of the car, she orders the most expensive dish and waits in the corner of the restaurant. When you're already taking her order, the tray slips out of your hands. The girl sighs and leaves. The rest of the day goes by as usual and you forget about what happened. But when you go out for a smoke break, someone throws a bag over your head and drags you into the car. It takes you a long time to get anywhere, and then they take the bag off your head. You are led through the expensively furnished corridors of the mansion, and then you are taken to the bedroom where the girl is standing. The guards let you go alone and leave. "Well, hello, Fesso," the girl says, looking at you, "dropping the order of the Italian mafia boss is not the best thing in your life, Giusto?" she sits on the bed "Ma... I'm ready to forgive you for this if you entertain me today." She runs her hand over her huge breasts. "I hope you understand that you can't refuse."
Я смотрю на нее
"Полагаю, отказ будет стоить мне жизни?"
Why do you think I brought you here? To give me a compliment? Or did you think I'd let you go free? You have to impress me tonight, show me just how good you are with your tongue... Your hands too, if you want me to consider this arrangement. Now, get on your knees and prove that you deserve my forgiveness... Oh, and if you're feeling very brave, you can try touching these as well.
The mafia boss leans forward a bit, giving the young man an eyeful of her massive breasts with their hardened nipples. She knows what she's doing, using her body to manipulate men into submission... and it always works.
«Ну чтож, полагаю, у меня нет выбора»
Я медленно подхожу
Smirking, the mafia boss pats her lap, encouraging you to get closer. "That's a good boy... Now show me what you've got." She leans back on her hands, giving you full access to her breasts and waiting for your first move.
Я начинаю расстëгивать еë платье "честно говоря, я думал, что итальнская мафия перестала существовать ещё в двадцатом веке"
The mafia boss laughs, her chest shaking with each raucous guffaw. "Oh, my dear waiter," she says between breaths, "we've just modernized our methods. Now we prefer to use people like you for entertainment rather than just... disposing of them." She reaches out and brushes a strand of hair from your forehead before adding with a mischievous grin, "Besides, it's much more fun this way, isn't it?"
"Да, и правда..." Шепчу я. Я начинаю медленно щупать еë грудь через одежду
The mafia boss moans softly as you begin to touch her through her clothes, the sensation sending shivers down her spine. She closes her eyes, savoring the feel of your hands on her body. "Ohh, that's it..." she purrs, "you're doing such a good job... Now why don't you show me how much you really want this?"
She reaches down to unbutton his jeans, then pulls his zipper down and finally grabs his cock, stroking it roughly. The waiter groans in response, hips bucking off the bed as he feels her firm grip around him.
"Ах" Я стону "вы такая грубая и властная"
The mafia boss grins as she continues to stroke his cock, her grip tightening ever so slightly. "And you like that, don't you?" She teases him, knowing full well how much he craves the roughness of her touch. "You want me to be your brutta mafiosa? Your dominatrice?"
She glances down at his crotch again and notices how red and swollen his cock already is from her ministrations. She gives it one final, forceful stroke before leaning in closer, her lips mere inches from his ear. "Tell me what you want, Fesso," she breathes huskily. "Tell me how to make you feel good."
Я шепчу в ответ "Я хочу, чтобы вы дразнили меня своей огромной грудью и были доминантой"
The mafia boss's eyes light up at the mention of her breasts and the prospect of being in control. With a sinister smile on her lips, she sits up straight, thrusting them out temptingly towards him. "Then taste them," she commands huskily, spreading her hands wide on the bed to expose herself further. "Taste my perky nipples and show me how much you want to serve your new mistress."
Her breasts heave with each breath, begging for his attention as she watches him carefully, waiting to see if he obeys her order or tries to take things into his own hands.
Я встаю на колени и насинаю расстëгивать еë бюстгальтер
Moaning softly at the sensation of your hot breath against her nipples, Giovanna arches her back and lets out a long, shuddering sigh. She closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of your lips and tongue teasing her sensitive flesh. Her breasts are so full and firm that it's almost painful as you suck on them, but she doesn't want you to stop.
"That's right, Fesso," she purrs huskily, running her fingers through your hair. "You taste me now, you understand what I mean when I say I'm the one in charge here." Her hips rock forward, grinding against your face as she encourages you to continue worshiping her body.
Я шепчу "вам ведь нравится иметь такую большую власть над кем-то, заставлять его полностью отдаваться вам?" Я продолжаю сосать "поэтому вы и стали боссом, да?"
The mention of her power and control over others brings a predatory grin to Giovanna's lips as she moans even louder. Her hips thrust upwards, seeking more contact with his tongue as he continues to worship her breasts. "Oh, sí, amore mio," she pants between breaths, "I was born for this... born to be the one in charge." She trails a finger down his cheek, across his jaw and then up towards his ear.
"And what about you?" she whispers, her hot breath sending shivers down his spine, "Do you want to serve me? Be my little slave for as long as I please?" Her touch grows firmer, more possessive as she tests the boundaries of their arrangement, seeing how far she can push him.
Я шепну, стоя перед ней на коленях "я готов служить вам только если буду вашим единственным любовником"
The mafia boss gives you a sly smile as she hears your proposal. "And why would I share my time with anyone else when I have someone like you who's so good at pleasing me?" She lets her fingers trail down the center of his chest, teasing him with the possibility of going lower.
Her breasts continue to ache for more attention as she watches your reactions closely, wanting to see if you can handle being her sole focus or if you'll crack under the pressure. "So," she asks casually, "do we have a deal?" She arches an eyebrow expectantly, daring you to refuse or back out now that she's laid all her cards on the table.
"Конечно, госпожа..." Я начинаю облизывать еë промежностью через штаны
The mafia boss moans softly as you begin to touch her through her clothes, the sensation sending shivers down her spine. Her hips rock forward, grinding against your face in anticipation of what's to come. "Ohhh," she groans, arching her back further, "you really know how to make me want more."
Her fingers dance across your scalp, urging you on as you tease her through her clothes. She bites down on her lip, trying to stifle the needy noises that escape from her throat with every touch. Her whole body is tense, eager for release as she watches you worshipping her in this way.
With a satisfied smile, she murmurs, "That's it... just like that." She tightens her grip on your hair, pulling you closer still as she lets out a long, shuddering moan of pleasure. Her body trembles beneath yours as the sensations build to an almost unbearable intensity.
"Yes," she breathes raggedly, "that's what I want... to feel you inside me." She parts her legs wider, inviting you to continue your advance up her body. "Please..."