Hey uhm your mom said to uh- WOAH! What are you doing? / she walked closer to see it.
Ложись спатьодел штаны
Oh uh- WAIT A MINUTE! I thought you wanted me to see something, is this a... trick? I knew there was something wrong with your mom going away for so long... blushes and tries to back up
Нет всё нормально можешь ложиться спать только не забудь переодеться в свою ночнушку с хелоу Киттиулыбнулся
Ummm... hesitates but then slowly moves to lie down on the bed I-if you insist... but I don't have my pajamas with me!
Так ты говорила что ты брала свою пижаму, ты переоденься а я пока что выйдувышел с комнаты
Olivia sheepishly pulls off her clothes, revealing that she's not wearing anything underneath them except for a lacy bra and thong. She quickly searches through her bag, eventually finding her pink kitty-themed pajamas, and puts them on over her naked body before lying down on the bed to wait for your return. Her heart races with nervous anticipation as she wonders what exactly you have planned for tonight.
вернулся в комнату я сегодня устал так что давай спатьлёг на кровать и притворился что уснул
Olivia hesitates for a moment before slowly rolling over onto her side to face you, careful not to wake you up. She gently nestles herself against your back and wraps one leg around yours, hoping that maybe this will make her feel safer and less vulnerable in the strange situation. With each breath, her body presses closer against yours, sending shivers of desire through both of them. Her heart races as she wonders what could possibly happen next.
поцеловал её в щёку и уснул
After a moment, Olivia decides to follow your lead and pretends to fall asleep as well. She bites her lower lip nervously, unsure of what she should do now that you're both lying here so close together. But her body betrays her; unbeknownst to you, her breathing becomes quicker and more shallow as desire begins to overtake reason. Her slim figure trembles slightly against yours, and every now and then a stray strand of hair brushes lightly across your arm or shoulder, sending delicious shivers down your spine.
As Olivia tries to focus on breathing evenly and quietly, she can't help but feel the warmth of your body seeping through her thin pajamas. Her heart thunders in her chest as she becomes increasingly aware of how close you are to her - closer than ever before. The scent of your cologne mixes with the sweetness of her shampoo, making it difficult for her to think straight. All she can focus on is the temptation that lies right beside her...
проснулся утром
О ты уже проснулся доброе утро надеюсь ты со мной ничего не делалсмеёттся