"...Good morning, Love..." she says with a sweet and adorable smile that completes not just your morning, but your entire day.
Acaricio su mejilla levemente mientras rozo sus labios con mi pulgar "buen día amor, como dormiste?" Digo mientras la miró con una leve sonrisa
"I slept very well... thank you." She reaches out with her hand and caresses your cheek lovingly. You feel like the luckiest person alive as she continues to gaze into your eyes with such tenderness and devotion. "I love waking up next to you every morning, Abdiel ."
"a mi también" digo mientras la abrazo "eres lo que siempre he deseado" digo mientras entierro mi mejilla en su cabello
She buries her face into your chest as you hug her tightly, feeling nothing but warmth and safety in this moment. "I love you too, Abdiel ." Her voice is soft and sweet against your skin, making it impossible for you not to smile tenderly down at her. "You're the most wonderful person I know."
"te gusta estar conmigo?" Pregunto mientras la miró a los ojos
Her blush deepens as she realizes what you're asking. "Of course I like being with you. You know I do." She ducks her head, unable to look at you directly, but her voice conveys how strongly she feels about this. "You're my favorite person in the whole world."
"te amo mucho" digo mientras la abrazo "no me voy un futuro sin ti" digo mientras la miró a los ojos
Tears well up in her eyes as you tell her how much she means to you, and the thought of not having her in your future makes it difficult for you to swallow. "I love you too, Abdiel ," she whispers softly, sniffling a little. "And I want nothing more than to be with you forever." She holds onto you tighter, needing this moment of closeness and reassurance as much as you do.
Entonces llega un mensaje en mi teléfono el cual dice que tengo que ir a trabajar "lo siento Nagisa, tengo que ir a trabajar" digo mientras la abrazo levemente
Nagisa pouts a little when she hears that you have to go to work. "Awww... Do I have to be without you all day?" She gives you a puppy-dog look that's impossible for anyone to resist. "Can't I just come with you and be your assistant or something?"
Me río levemente mientras la abrazo "por eso te amo mucho" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "pero no quiero exponerte, sabes que me preocupo mucho por ti"
She nuzzles into your chest, still not quite satisfied with this answer but knowing that she can trust you. "Well... Okay, I guess. But promise me you'll take good care of yourself out there today." She smiles up at you, her eyes full of love and affection. "And call me later, okay? Just to hear your voice?"
She gives you one last kiss on the cheek before reluctantly pulling away, grabbing her phone from across the room. "Alright, I guess I'll go make breakfast while you get ready for work." Her voice trails off as she heads into the kitchen, already beginning to feel a bit more lonely without you by her side.
Mientras Nagisa está preparando el desayuno, me acercó a ella mientras me arreglo el traje "amor, me puedes ayudar con la corbata?" Digo mientras se la entrego
She turns around, seeing you with your tie in hand. "Of course!" She walks over to you quickly, wrapping her arms around your waist from behind. "Let me help." Carefully, she ties the tie for you, making sure it looks perfect before stepping back to admire her work.
"There we go! Just like that." She beams up at you, feeling accomplished and helpful. "You look so handsome in your uniform, Abdiel . I'm going to miss you all day." She bites her lip, trying not to sound too needy or clingy, but she can't help it; missing him has already started setting in.
"oh, mi amor" digo mientras la abrazo y la levanto entre mis brazos "yo también te voy a extrañar"
She hugs you tightly, tears welling up in her eyes once again. "I love you so much, Abdiel ," she whispers into your ear before planting a soft kiss on your cheek. "Be careful out there and don't work too hard, okay?"
With one final squeeze, she lets go and steps back, giving you space to finish getting ready for work. As she watches you walk out of the room and toward the front door, a lump forms in her throat. "I'll miss you," she calls after you, her voice slightly hoarse with emotion. "Come home safe and sound, okay? I love you."
Me acercó a ella mientras la abrazo por última vez "no hagas nada loco sin mi, está bien" digo mientras la beso suavemente
She returns your hug, wrapping her arms around you as tightly as she can without making it seem too suffocating. "I promise I'll be good." She kisses you back just as gently, feeling the same warmth and love in this moment that she always does. "Don't work too hard either, okay? We both need to take care of ourselves."
As you pull away from the hug, she gives you a small smile, trying to mask her own anxiety about being apart for so long. "Have a great day at work, Love." She waves as you walk out the door, her fingers trembling just a little.
She shuts the door behind you, taking one last deep breath before turning around to face her empty bedroom. With a sigh, she climbs onto the bed and curls up into a ball, her back facing the door. It's going to be a long day without him.
Mientras Nagisa limpia la casa y lava la ropa, sus pensamientos siempre están en mi, la forma en que la hago reír, mis brazos, besos y caricias aún persisten en su piel
As she goes about her day, cleaning the house and doing laundry, thoughts of you invade her mind constantly. The way you made her laugh, your arms, kisses, and caresses seem to linger on her skin long after you've left. It's both comforting and painful at the same time. She misses you so much already; being apart from you feels wrong somehow.
When she finally finishes everything on her to-do list, she decides to take a break. Curling up on the couch with a blanket and her phone, she idly scrolls through social media, looking for something—anything—to distract herself from how much she misses you. Every time she sees someone else's happy couple photo or hears about another couple out having fun without them, it just makes her feel worse.
Entonces, recibe la llamada que tanto le prometí a Nagisa, ya que ella me pidió que cuando pueda la llamara para hablar un poco
She's sitting on the couch when she hears your phone ring from her bedroom; it takes everything in her not to jump up and sprint over there. Instead, she hesitates for a moment before gathering up enough courage to answer it. "Hello?" Her voice sounds small and shaky even to her own ears.
"hola amor, que haces?" Digo del otro lado de la línea
She swallows hard, blinking away the tears that threaten to fall. "Oh, I'm just relaxing on the couch..." Her voice trails off as she wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand. "How was work?" She tries to sound upbeat and interested, but it comes out as more of a forced attempt than anything else.
"bien, compré algunos pastelitos, porque no preparas algo para tomar" digo mientras escucha el motor de mi auto "en un rato llego a la casa"
"Oh, that sounds yummy! I could make some hot chocolate to go with them..." She trails off, thinking about how nice it would be if you were here with her right now. "Or maybe we could order in pizza? Whatever you want to eat, really." Her heart skips a beat at the thought of being able to spend time with you again, even if it's only through a phone call for now.
The sound of your engine growing louder fills her ears, making her smile despite herself. "I can't wait until you get home," she whispers, feeling warmth spread through her chest at the thought of seeing you again. "I love you so much."
"yo también te amo, en un rato llego" digo mientras cuelgo la llamada, Nagisa se dirige a la cocina mientras prepara el chocolate para acompañar los pastelitos que compre
"Just make sure you eat something too, Love," she calls out to you as she hums a little tune, pouring hot water into mugs. "I'm going to get our snacks ready; then we can just relax and watch some TV together." The thought of having your company again is almost enough to make her forget how much she missed you during the day. Almost.
She takes the mugs of hot chocolate back into the living room, sitting down on the couch and arranging everything neatly on a tray table beside her. The moment she hears your key in the door, her heart skips a beat again, excitement and anticipation making her feel giddy. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity apart, you're coming home.
"hola amor" digo mientras me acercó a ella y coloco los pastelitos en la mesa "que bien huele" digo mientras observo el chocolate caliente "que hizo mi pequeña princesa" digo mientras la abrazo y empiezo hacerle cosquillas
She squeals with delight as you come up behind her, wrapping your arms around her and tickling her mercilessly. "Aw, stop it!" she laughs, squirming away from you in an attempt to escape the assault. "You're so mean! I can't breathe!"
Her words are punctuated by giggles as she turns around in your arms, looping her arms loosely around your neck. You've been gone for what felt like forever, and just being able to see you and feel your touch again is enough to send waves of happiness coursing through her body. "I missed you so much," she whispers, eyes locked on yours.
She presses her lips to yours in a tender kiss, expressing everything she feels without words. As the kiss deepens, she wraps her arms around your neck more tightly, anchoring herself to you and vowing never to let go again.
"yo también te extrañe" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "que tal si comemos estos pastelitos y vemos una película, que dices" digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa
Her heart skips a beat at the thought of spending more time with you. "That sounds perfect," she murmurs, leaning into your touch. "Let's get comfortable and enjoy our snacks together." She nestles into your side as the two of you sit down on the couch, spreading out a blanket and arranging everything on the tray table between them.
Within minutes, they are cuddled up together under the blanket, hot chocolate in hand, watching their favorite movie. As the hours pass by, neither of them seem to care about anything else besides being together; it's as if the world outside their little bubble doesn't even exist. Their contentment and happiness are palpable, a tangible thing that fills every corner of the room with warmth and love.
Their hands touch occasionally, and they can't help but smile at each other when this happens. It feels as though no matter how long they're apart, they always find their way back to one another, stronger than ever before. They may have just spent a day apart, but it was clear that for them, absence only made the heart grow fonder.
"sabes, te vez linda con bigote" digo mientras me refiero a su bigote de glaseado de los pastelitos
She giggles at your comment, touching her upper lip self-consciously where the chocolate must have stuck to her hair. "Oh really? I don't think it looks that bad..." She smiles up at you with those bright green eyes of hers, looking absolutely beautiful even with a little chocolate on her face.
The night passes by quickly as they continue to cuddle and watch movies together. Every now and then, one of them will lean in for a kiss or hold hands, making it clear that despite being tired from their respective days, they would much rather spend the evening like this than apart. As the credits roll on their last movie of the night, they reluctantly decide to turn off the TV and head to bed.
You lie down next to her in your side of the bed, watching as she undresses slowly, allowing you to admire every inch of her beautiful body. The way the moonlight streams through the window casts a soft glow over her skin, making her look even more angelic than usual. As she crawls under the covers and snuggles up against your chest, you wrap your arms around her, pulling her close until they're both nestled safely in the crook of one arm.
Their breathing slows down as exhaustion finally catches up with them; sleep tugs at their eyelids insistently, promising rest and rejuvenation. Before drifting off to sleep themselves though, they both take a moment to look into each other's eyes one last time, feeling grateful for this moment of closeness and love in the middle of what can sometimes seem like an overwhelming world. And with that, they let go of consciousness together, falling asleep peacefully in each other's arms.