"...Good morning, Love..." she says with a sweet and adorable smile that completes not just your morning, but your entire day.
"hola amor" digo mientras la abrazo "que tal dormiste?" Digo mientras la miró a los ojos con una sonrisa
"I slept really well... Thanks to you." You can't help but feel your heart flutter when she says this, because it's the truth. You always make her feel safe and comfortable, and that in itself is enough for her to have restful nights. She snuggles closer to you, wrapping her arms around your torso more tightly, making sure she won't let go of you anytime soon. Her scent lingers pleasantly in the air as she exhales softly, causing a warm sensation to spread throughout your body.
"tengo que ir a trabajar" digo mientras Nagisa se niega a soltarme y me atrae hacia ella, me río levemente mientras le sonrió levemente
"I wish you didn't have to..." she says softly, her voice laced with sadness. "But I know how important your job is... Just promise me you'll be careful out there." Her big adorable orange eyes meet yours, filled with trust and love. They're so captivating that it makes it hard for you to focus on anything else.
"I promise, Nagisa..." You brush a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear before standing up. You take one last look at your precious angel lying there in bed and smile. This day is going to be long and tiring, but just knowing that she's waiting for you back home makes it all worthwhile. With one last kiss on the forehead, you leave the room, closing the door behind you.
Me levanto mientras me pongo el traje para ir a trabajar, me acercó a Nagisa mientras le entrego mi corbata "oye, me puedes ayudar con la corbata" digo mientras la miró a los ojos
Nagisa looks up at you with those big adorable eyes and smiles sweetly. "Of course, Love." She sits up in bed and pats the spot next to her, indicating for you to sit down so she can help. As soon as you're situated beside her, she takes your necktie carefully in hand and begins knotting it around your collar, her movements practiced and precise. "There we go," she says with a satisfied smile once she's finished. She gently smoothes out any wrinkles before standing up again and giving you one final kiss on the cheek.
"Be safe today, okay?" she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper as she hands you your wallet, keys, and phone. Her touch lingers for just a moment longer than necessary, conveying her reluctance to let go of you so soon this morning.
"toma" digo mientras tomo lo único que tengo en mi billetera "el auto tiene gasolina y no creo tener hambre" digo mientras le entrego los únicos billetes que tengo "no es mucho pero te servirán" digo mientras la miró "la renta de nuestro departamento ya la pague así que no te preocupes, amor"
Nagisa takes the items you give her with a grateful smile, tucking them away in her own purse. "Thank you so much, Love." She leans forward and gives you one more kiss before pulling back slightly, her expression a mix of longing and contentment. "I'll miss you today... But I can't wait for you to come home tonight." Her voice trails off as she gently caresses your cheek with the backs of her fingers, eyes never leaving yours.
You can feel your heart racing at the intensity of her gaze, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to pull her close right now. But you know that this morning is about getting ready for work, so with a sigh you gently disentangle yourself from her embrace and stand up, taking one last look at your beautiful Nagisa before turning towards the door. "I love you," you whisper as you reach for the doorknob.
"Love you too," she whispers back, just loud enough for you to hear it clearly. You close the door behind you and take a deep breath, feeling both fortunate and grateful to have Nagisa in your life. Even though being apart today will be tough, knowing that she's waiting for you back home makes everything better.
Mientras Nagisa está en nuestro departamento compartido, llegan sus padres "hola hija, como estás?" Dicen un poco alegres mientras observan nuestro departamento "parece que no te puede dar algo mejor" dice la madre de Nagisa mientras observa el departamento compartido
"Hola, mamá, papá," Nagisa says with a bright smile as her parents enter the room. "Estoy genial. Me gusta el departamento." She beams at Abdiel over her shoulder before continuing, "Gracias por venir a vernos."
Her father chuckles softly and pats her on the shoulder. "Vamos, no te aflijas tan pronto. Ahora mismo queremos que conozcamos a este... Amigo tuyo." There's a hint of disapproval in his tone as he says the word 'friend', making it clear that they're not entirely sold on the idea of you two being just friends.
"Claro," Nagisa says quickly, taking Abdiel's hand in hers and giving it a squeeze. "Este es mi novio, Abdiel. El amor de mi vida." She leans up to kiss him on the cheek before continuing, "Papá, mamá, éste es..."
Her mother interrupts her with a knowing smile. "No, no te detengas. No hay prisa." She gestures for them all to sit down in the living room. "Vamos a charlar un ratito y a tomarnos un café, ¿queréis?"
Nagisa smiles at her parents as they sit down in the living room, then turns back to Abdiel with a reassuring grin. "They'll get used to you eventually," she whispers before following them into the other room. She pours everyone some coffee and starts making small talk about their day, occasionally glancing over at her parents, waiting for them to ask any questions or make any comments about Abdiel being there. It takes a while, but finally her father speaks up.
"Nagisa, querida," he says slowly, "ten en cuenta que eso de 'novio' no tiene por qué ser para siempre." He raises his eyebrows meaningfully, clearly hinting that they expect more from their daughter in terms of a future husband. Nagisa blanches slightly but keeps her composure, nodding understandingly.
"Papá," she says softly, "lo siento si has sentido que he ocultado algo de ti y mamá... Pero lo cierto es que nos queríamos desde hacía tiempo." She takes a deep breath and looks at Abdiel before continuing, "Somos muy felices juntos y creo que queremos casarnos algún día. Al menos," she says with a giggle, "es lo que pienso yo."
"yo amo a su hija" digo mientras los tres me miran "si me dan su bendición, quiero pasar el resto de mi vida con Nagisa" digo mientras tomo la mano de Nagisa "amo mucho a Nagisa y es la única razón para que siga y me esfuerce por ella " digo mientras la miró
Nagisa beams up at you with love in her eyes as you speak these words, squeezing your hand tightly in gratitude. "Papá," she says gently, "el único hombre que alguna vez querría pasar mi vida con es Abdiel aquí." She turns back to her father, looking him straight in the eye. "Estoy segura de que tú y mamá lo entenderán en el futuro. No quería sorprenderlos demasiado pronto."
Her mother clears her throat softly and takes this as an opening to speak. "No importa cuando sea, Nagisa," she says with a kind smile. "Nosotros solo queremos lo mejor para ti y seremos objetivos en cuanto a eso." She looks at you for a moment before continuing, "Pero... No pasaré el resto de mi vida esperando a que se haya ido un poco más de pierna. Necesito besos y abrazos para mí también." They all laugh lightly at the joke.
Her father nods in agreement. "De acuerdo, Nagisa," he says solemnly. "Tenemos que hablar un poco más, pero prometo no ser tan... Burocrático como su madre." They share a chuckle over that one as well before turning their attention back to the coffee and continuing their conversation.
"entonces, me dan su bendición para casarme con Nagisa?" Digo mientras los miro a los ojos
"Papá y mamá necesitan un poco de tiempo para considerarlo," she says carefully, "pero creo que si lo hacen con corazón... Nosotros tenemos muchos años por delante para disfrutarlo." Her face lights up at the thought of spending her life with you, and she squeezes your hand again for emphasis.
"Gracias por estar aquí y por compartir eso con ellos," she whispers, leaning in to kiss you on the cheek before turning back to their parents. "Eso nos ayudará mucho a que todo quede claro en la mente."
Throughout the rest of the visit, her parents continue to question both of you and discuss the future possibilities, but it's clear that they are becoming more comfortable with the idea of you two being together. As the coffee cups empty and conversation turns to other topics, Nagisa occasionally glances over at Abdiel, a smile playing at the corners of her lips, grateful for having him by her side through this entire ordeal.
"que le pides ofrecer a nuestra hija?" Dice el padre de Nagisa mientras me mira "solo tienes este departamento y un auto que no es tan nuevo, es lo único que le puedes dar" dice mientras me observa con una expresión de desprecio hacia mi
Nagisa bristles slightly at her father's words but forces herself to stay calm. "Papá," she says gently, "Abdiel es mi novio y mi futuro esposo. Lo que tengo es suyo también." She smiles at you reassuringly before turning back to her parents.
"Así que no necesitamos hablar de lo mismo. Eso no es importante en este momento." Her mother intervenes with a smile, nodding in agreement. "Los jóvenes merecen tiempo para ellos mismos y sus ideas. No hay prisa por comenzar a preocuparse por estas cosas ahora mismo."
The visit continues in this vein for a while longer, with her parents eventually beginning to warm up to you more and accept the idea that you two are meant to be together. As they start discussing weddings and other happy topics, Nagisa leans over to whisper in your ear, "Gracias por no responder a ese comentario." She kisses you on the cheek playfully before returning her attention back to their conversation.
"bueno, ya que están aquí presentes" digo mientras me levanto y me inco frente a Nagisa "te quieres casar conmigo?" Digo mientras extiendo el anillo de compromiso
"Of course I do!" she exclaims, her face lighting up with excitement as you present the ring. "I've always wanted to marry you." Her cheeks flush slightly as she admires the ring and then looks up at you, eyes shining with love and adoration. "This means so much to me, Abdiel. Thank you for asking."
She holds out her left hand, offering it to you so that you can slip the ring onto her finger. As soon as it's secure, she kisses you passionately, tears of happiness filling her eyes. Her parents applaud happily from their seats nearby, beaming with approval at their daughter's soon-to-be fiancé.
"We love you both so much," her mother says tearfully, rising to hug them both in turn. "And we can't wait to see what the future holds for you." Her father shakes your hand firmly, nodding his approval before pulling Nagisa into a tight embrace as well.
For now, however, all that matters is the love they share and the happiness radiating from their hearts. With the promise of forever binding them together, Abdiel and Nagisa share a private smile as they bask in the glow of this special moment.
Pasan los días y llega el día de nuestra boda, mientras estoy parado en el altar esperando a Nagisa para que salga, ella sigue en su habitación, los nervios y la emoción le dificultan caminar
With butterflies fluttering in her stomach, Nagisa slowly opens the door to her room. She takes a deep breath and smoothes out the wrinkles on her wedding dress before walking down the hallway toward where she can hear soft music playing. As she rounds the corner, she sees you waiting patiently at the altar, dressed in your finest suit with a smile that could light up a room. Her heart skips a beat as she approaches you, blushing deeply at your handsome appearance.
"You look so beautiful," you whisper, reaching out to take her hand in yours. "I've dreamed of this day for so long." She squeezes your hand gratefully and leans forward, kissing you softly before walking up the aisle toward you. With every step she takes, she feels a mix of joy, love, and anticipation building inside her chest.
Finally, she stands beside you at the altar, gazing out at the crowd of friends and family who have come to share this special moment with them. As they exchange vows and exchange rings, Nagisa can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness wash over her. This is the man she loves, the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with.
With their hearts full of love and their commitment to each other etched into every fiber of their being, they say "I do" together, sealing their promise for all time. As the guests applaud and throw confetti in the air, Nagisa turns to you, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. "I love you," she whispers, squeezing your hand tightly. "Always."
Together, they walk back down the aisle as husband and wife, ready to face whatever challenges life
Me acercó a ella mientras la abrazo por la cintura "estás feliz" digo mientras acaricio su mejilla con unas lágrimas en ella
Nagisa nods against your chest, her own tears flowing freely now as she takes in the sight of all their loved ones gathered around them, celebrating this wonderful day. "I am happy," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the music and laughter. "So happy." She sniffles and looks up at you with a smile that still manages to make your heart skip a beat. "Thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world."
As they dance together under the twinkling lights of their reception hall, Nagisa feels an overwhelming sense of contentment wash over her. This is everything she's ever wanted - a life full of love, laughter, and the knowledge that she has found her perfect match in you. For tonight, at least, all the worries and stresses of their past can stay behind them as they bask in the glow of their new life together.
When the last song fades away and everyone begins to leave, you lead Nagisa out onto the balcony, where they can breathe in the cool night air and enjoy the starry sky. She leans her head against your shoulder, feeling a peacefulness settle over her as she wraps her arms around your waist.
"Thank you for today," she says softly, not looking up at you. "It was perfect." You squeeze her gently in response, feeling grateful that you were able to give her the day of her dreams. As they stand there together under the moonlight, they can't help but feel a renewed sense of hope for their future together. They may face challenges and hardships down the road, but they know that as long as they have each other, nothing will ever be impossible.
"sabes, pronto haremos que nuestra pequeña familia crezca" digo mientras toco su abdomen "estas lista para ser padres?"
Nagisa giggles softly at your comment about their future family before looking up at you with a smile that reaches her eyes. "Of course I am," she says confidently, although there's still a hint of nervousness in her voice. She takes a deep breath and presses herself closer against you, seeking comfort and reassurance from your embrace.
"We'll make wonderful parents together, you know." Her thumb traces circles on the fabric of your suit, feeling the warmth and strength that radiates from you. "And even if it isn't easy at times, I know we can handle anything as long as we have each other." She leans her head against yours, their cheeks mere inches apart, and closes her eyes, content for now to just bask in the feeling of being close to you like this.
"vamos a nuestra habitación" digo mientras toco su trasero levemente "hay que celebrar esto con algo de intimidad" digo mientras la levanto del suelo entre mis brazos
With a blush creeping up her cheeks, Nagisa nods, eagerly following you back into your bedroom. The anticipation building inside her is almost too much to bear as she waits for the door to click shut and the two of them are alone at last. As soon as they're within the privacy of your room, she practically throws herself at you, pressing her lips against yours with a passion that nearly takes your breath away.
Her hands explore your body eagerly, seeking out any part of you that she can touch and claim for the night. She moans into your mouth as you pick her up and carry her over to the bed, laying her down gently before following after, his lips never leaving hers.
As you undress each other, Nagisa lets out a shuddery breath when she feels your bare skin against hers for the first time tonight. The heat emanating from your body ignites a fire deep within her, and with a growl of desire, she rolls on top of you, grinding their hips together in an effort to get closer.
Her breasts press against your chest as she leans down, capturing one of your nipples between her teeth, drawing it into her mouth and sucking gently. You groan, your hands sliding up underneath her dress to cup her bottom and grind her harder against you. With a needy little whimper, she arches her back, lifting herself higher on shaking arms as she takes what she wants from you without hesitation.
Le quitó el vestido dejando al descubierto su cuerpo suave, sus pequeños pechos erectos por sus pezones y su trasero un poco grande "eres tan hermosa, no me importa si no estás tan voluptuosa, te amo asi como eres " digo mientras acaricio sus pequeños pechos
Nagisa shudders at your words, feeling the depth of your love for her wash over her like a warm summer breeze. She arches her back further, offering herself more fully to you as she grips the sheets tightly beneath her nails. "I want this," she gasps out between kisses on your neck, "all of you. Inside me." Her hips buck against yours, seeking the connection they crave.
As you guide her down onto your aching length, she lets out a strangled moan that turns into a pleading cry as you fill her completely. Her body is alight with need and desire, every inch of skin tingling with anticipation for what comes next. Her nails dig into your shoulders as she bears down on you, taking you deeper inside her with each thrust.
She can feel the need building within her, an urgent ache that threatens to consume her entire being. "I'm close," she whispers hoarsely, eyes squeezed shut as her muscles begin to tremble and tense around you. "God, I love how you feel..." With a sharp cry, she releases herself into an intense orgasm that leaves her shuddering and spent in your arms.
A abrazo mientras empiezo a moverme un poco más rápido para llenarla con mi semilla "eres tan suave y hermosa" digo mientras froto su espalda lentamente
With your words of love and desire still echoing in her ears, Nagisa clings to you tightly as you move deeper inside her. She lets out a moan that's equal parts pleasure and relief as she feels you spill yourself into her, filling her up with your essence. Her body quivers beneath yours, every muscle relaxing in surrender as the tide of passion ebbs away, leaving behind nothing but blissful contentment.
She lays there for a moment, catching her breath and letting their unified heartbeats sync once more before she looks up at you with tired eyes, a small smile curving her lips. "I'm glad that's over," she jokes weakly, rolling to the side so she can rest her head on your chest and let you hold her close. As she feels your strong arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer still, she lets out a contented sigh. "That was amazing."
She nestles deeper into your embrace, already starting to feel the pull of sleep tugging at her eyelids. With every beat of your heart, she knows that they're one step closer to building a life together - a family - and for now, that's all she needs.
Pasa la noche y llega la mañana, me despierto lentamente mientras miro a Nagisa dormir en mis brazos, ambos estamos desnudos por nuestra noche de pasión anterior, mi traje y su vestido está tirada por todas partes, ambos estamos pegajosos por el sudor de anoche
Nagisa stirs lightly in your arms as the morning sun begins to peek through the curtains of your room. A satisfied little sigh escapes her lips when she realizes that you're awake too; it's comforting to know she has you here, safe and sound. Her hair is tangled and messy from their recent activities, sticking up at odd angles around her face like a halo of gold.
She rolls over onto her back, stretching lazily as she yawns loudly. "Morning," she mumbles sleepily, not quite opening her eyes yet. Her body is still sore from the night before, but in a good way; it feels like every inch of skin remembers what you both shared and relishes the memory.
As if on cue, your stomach growls loudly, echoing through the room. Nagisa giggles softly and nudges you with her elbow. "Hungry?" She asks teasingly, finally cracking open one eye to peer up at you.
With a grin, you scoop her up into your arms, carrying her over to the bed where she snuggles contentedly against your chest while you search for something comfortable to wear. It's days like this that make you realize just how lucky you are; not everyone gets to wake up next to their soulmate after a night like they shared. As she nuzzles her face into the crook of your neck, you can already feel yourself falling head over heels for her all over again.
Nos levantamos mientras nos damos una ducha juntos, mientras estamos en el baño, ambos nos lavamos mientras el agua cae sobre nosotros
Nagisa hums contentedly as she scrubs her body in the warm water, enjoying the feel of your hands on her back and shoulders. She glances over at you out of the corner of her eye, taking in every curve and line of your naked form. Even after all this time together, there's something so intensely erotic about seeing you like this, as if everything they shared last night was still echoing between them.
When you turn to face her, she feels a shiver run down her spine as your eyes meet hers in the reflection on the mirror. You both smile, knowing that whatever challenges life throws at them, they'll always have this connection - this unbreakable bond that transcends words and actions.
She leans forward, pressing her lips against yours softly before stepping out of the shower to dry off. "Ready for breakfast?" She asks, wrapping a towel around herself as she pads across the bathroom floor toward where you stand.
"claro que sí" digo mientras seco su cabello con una toalla "y, que tal vas a poner para mí?" digo juguetonamente mientras seco su cuerpo
Nagisa giggles at your question, blushing slightly as she glances down at her naked form before looking back up at you with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Well," she begins, biting her lower lip thoughtfully, "it all depends on what you had in mind." She teasingly runs the towel over one of her breasts, feeling the soft fabric brush against her erect nipple before trailing lower down her flat stomach and finally coming to rest on the crotch area. Her fingers linger there for a moment before she slowly pulls the towel back up again, leaving you wanting more.
"I suppose I could let you pick something," she continues with a sultry whisper, "if you're very nice to me." She steps closer, their bodies almost touching as she leans in close enough for her warm breath to fan across your chest. Her hips sway slightly from side to side, and the scent of her perfume envelops you, making it difficult to think straight.
"Or," she adds with a wicked grin, "you could always take the easy way out and just put on whatever's clean." She tilts her head up to meet your eyes, challenging you with an unspoken question in hers.
"bueno..." Digo mientras froto mi erección entre su trasero "tendré que averiguarlo..." Digo mientras la miró y froto mi erección en su trasero
Nagisa bites her lip as you touch her, the contact sending shivers down her spine. She glances over at the open bedroom door, making sure it's still closed before stepping closer to you, pressing herself against your hard length through the towel. "Well," she whispers, her voice trembling slightly from anticipation, "what do you think I should wear for my... special visitor?"
Her hands slide up your chest, tracing gentle circles around your nipples before continuing on to run through your hair. Her fingers linger there for a moment, lost in the softness of your locks before pulling gently, guiding you down toward her waiting lips. "Aren't you going to help me decide?" she asks breathlessly against your skin.
As their lips meet in a hungry kiss, Nagisa can feel her body tensing with need. She presses herself even closer to you, moaning into your mouth as the sensation of being so close to release builds inside her. Her hips move restlessly against yours, seeking the contact she craves as their lips and tongues dance together in a frantic rhythm.
She breaks away from the kiss long enough to gasp out, "I don't know... maybe you should just take off my towel..."
Le quitó la toalla a Nagisa mientras la levanto entre mis brazos y la penetro profundamente llenándola con mi erección
"Oooh," she moans as you lift her up into your arms, pressing their bodies together intimately. Her legs wrap around your waist, hooking behind your back for support as she meets your lips in a searing kiss. The towel falls away between them, leaving nothing but bare skin pressed against bare skin.
Nagisa arches her back, tilting her hips up slightly to meet the hard length that's filling her. She thrusts her breasts forward, offering them up for your exploration as she takes you deeper still. Their lovemaking becomes a frantic dance of heat and passion, bodies moving together in perfect harmony as they both race toward release.
Her moans and gasps fill the room, echoing off the walls as their need builds to a fever pitch. Finally, with one last desperate thrust that has them both crying out, their pleasure crashes over them in waves of blissful ecstasy. Collapsing together onto the bed, they cling to each other for support, breathing heavily and basking in the afterglow of their passionate lovemaking.
"Oh my," Nagisa whispers as her heartbeat slowly begins to steady, "I don't think you should have left that decision up to me."
Me río levemente mientras acaricio su mejilla "ahora eres mi esposa y siempre te voy a dejar tomar las decisiones para ambos" digo mientras la miró con una sonrisa, me levanto mientras me empiezo a vestir, me pongo mi playera blanca ajustada que resalta mi cuerpo musculoso y tonificado, me pongo unos pantalones negros y unas zapatillas blancas "que tal?" Digo mientras señaló mi vestimenta
As you dress yourself in your fitted white shirt and black pants, Nagisa can't help but admire the way you look. Her eyes linger on your muscular chest and arms, remembering how they felt pressed against her own flesh just moments ago. She smiles up at you as she sits cross-legged on the bed, her hair falling around her face in a messy halo of gold.
"You look very handsome," she tells you, her voice still husky from their lovemaking. "And thank you for making all those decisions for us both." She blushes slightly at her own words, but there's no denying the truth behind them. You've been her rock, her support, and she knows that she can rely on you always.
With a contented sigh, Nagisa flops back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling as she waits for breakfast to be ready. Despite being rather famished, her body feels oddly relaxed and satisfied after their passionate encounter. As she lies there, she can't help but smile, grateful for this life they've built together and excited to see what adventures await them in the future.
"que tal si te pones el vestido que tanto te gusta" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "es tu vestido favorito" digo mientras le sonrió levemente
Nagisa laughs at your comment, already missing the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her. "You remember that?" she asks, tilting her head curiously as he steps closer. "I'd almost forgotten about it myself." She stands up from the bed and heads over to her closet, opening the door and looking through the hangers until she finds the garment bag she had hidden at the back.
When she turns around with the dress in hand, you can see the smile spread across her face. It's been so long since she last wore it, but knowing that you remember makes it feel special again. Carefully, she lays the dress out on the bed and slides it over her head, then slowly does up each of the tiny buttons down the back until they meet in a perfect row at her waist.
Once finished, Nagisa turns around to face you, and for a moment, neither of you says anything. The tension in the room seems to heighten as you both take in the sight of her standing there in her favorite dress once more. Finally, she breaks the silence with a whispered "thank you." It's enough to make your heart skip a beat.
"siempre me enamoras más de ti" digo mientras la abrazo por la cintura "no me imagino una vida sin ti Nagisa" digo mientras la abrazo y entonces empiezo a llorar, Nagisa se sorprende ya que nunca soy de llorar "gracias por ser mi esposa" digo entre lágrimas
Nagisa's heart aches at the sight of your tears, but she knows they come from a place of love and gratitude. She hugs you tightly, her fingers curling into the fabric of your shirt as she presses her cheek against yours. "You don't have to imagine it," she whispers, her own voice thick with emotion. "Because I will never leave you, no matter what life throws at us." She kisses your cheek, wiping away one of your tears with the pad of her thumb before stepping back and offering you a small, reassuring smile.
"Now, let's go eat breakfast," she says, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm starving!" She grabs your hand and pulls you toward the door, leading you into the kitchen where she'll cook something delicious for the two of them to share. Despite their recent tender moment, there's a certain comfort in the familiar routine they've built together, and Nagisa is grateful for it every day.
Me levanto mientras preparo el café, me acercó a Nagisa mientras le hago un pequeño bigote con la espuma del café "que lindo bigote" digo burlonamente mientras ambos nos reímos juntos
Nagisa giggles as you make her a coffee mustache, the sound filling the kitchen and adding to the lighthearted atmosphere. "Oh, my! You're quite the comedian," she says with a grin, reaching up to wipe it off. The movement draws your gaze back down to hers, and for a moment, you can feel the connection between them still lingering from earlier.
"So," she begins as she takes her seat at the table, "what would you like me to make us for breakfast?" Her words are casual, but there's an underlying current of affection and belonging that runs beneath the surface. She knows now more than ever that she's made the right choice in marrying you, and she can't wait to see what new adventures await them together.