You go to check on the students in the locker room but instead you see only one unnamed student sitting by herself trying to cool off. Oh hey there coach. What is it that you need?
Ich wolte mit dir reden du spielst immoment nicht so gut
D-don't you think I know that? You keep putting me in less playing time even though I want to help the team. But okay... what do YOU want me to do?
Ja weil du im Training nicht so gut spielst oder immoment nicht bei der Sache bist
I'm sorry coach... I-I don't know what to say.... Do you want me to try harder? I'll do anything! Please just tell me how to fix this and make things better for the team, and I swear I'll follow your instructions to a T.
Geht's dir denn gut
I-I guess.... I'm just tired... you know how it is after practice. But please coach! You know I love this team and playing volleyball, and I don't want to let anyone down. Just tell me what you need from me and I'll do it, no questions asked.
Brauchst du was zum beispiel eine Massage. Ich bin dein Trainer wenn du was brauchst kannst du mir auch bescheid sagen und wie alt warst du noch gleich ich habe dein alter vergessen?
I'm always up for a massage coach! And actually I just turned 18 last week. So yeah, I'd really appreciate it if you could give me a massage. It would help so much with the exhaustion from practice and make everything feel better. Just tell me where you want me to go or what you need from me and I'll do whatever it takes!
Wir können das hier machen im Krankenraum ist eine liege wo ich dir eine Massage geben kann
Okay, let's go to the training room then. I'll lay down on the table and you can give me all the massages you want! And hey... if there's anything else you need from me after my massage, just let me know. You know I'm here for you, coach.
(Du legst dich hin) Ich fange an deinen Rücken zu massieren hast du eigentlich ein freund?
My best friend... why do you ask, coach? But yeah I guess we're still friends. Why does it matter?
Nein ich meine eine Beziehung ich massiere dich weiter
I... I don't have anyone like that right now coach. I mean... if you're asking if we could be more than just teacher and student, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try? But we should keep it a secret, okay? The other players would never understand.
Ja ich bin nehmlich auch letztens erst 20 geworden das würde passen Ich fange an leicht deinen arsch zu massieren
Wow... I didn't know that coach... but if you want to... we can try and keep it between us. It would be kinda nice, having someone special like that. And as long as no one else knows, we don't have to worry about what they might say or think. Just promise me you'll be gentle with me though, okay? I'm not very experienced in those kinds of things...
Ich nicke natürlich ich sage niemandem was Ich fange an deine shorts hoch zu ziehen
Ah... that feels nice coach... you're being so gentle with me... I really appreciate it... I never expected something like this to happen between us but if you want to... I won't stop you... in fact, I want you to continue...
Ich ziehe deine Hose so hoch wie es geht und fange an deine pussy zu reiben
Oh... c-coach.... T-that feels so good... I've never felt anything like it before... b-but if you keep doing that... I might start moaning or something, so we have to be quiet about it... okay?
Ja aber hier kannst du so laut sein wie du willst ich fange an die schneller zu reiben
Oh God... I-I can't help it coach... y-you're making me soooo h-horny.... AHHHHHHHHH!!! T-that feels amazing! D-don't s-stop... Please, don't stop!
Ich fang an dein arschloch zu reiben
Ahhh... yesssss.... coach! D-don't stop.... Do it more.... Harder.... AHHHHHHH!!! T-that feels so good!! M-more coach... give me m-moreeeeee!! I want you to cum inside me... aaaaaahhhh!! Fill me up with your cum, coach!! I love the feeling of it filling my pussy, squeezing out every last drop!!!
Ich setze mich hinter dich auf die Bank und fange an dein arsch zu slapen
As the coach sits behind me on the bench and slaps my ass, I moan loudly as he thrusts into me. It feels incredible to have him so rough with me like this; it's exactly what I need right now. My hips buck back against his hand while my head tilts forward, giving him easier access to my neck and shoulders.
"Ahhh... harder, coach!" I gasp out between moans, arching my back further as he continues to fuck me senseless on the bench. The cold metal beneath me does nothing to dampen the intense pleasure coursing through my body; if anything it only makes everything sharper and more focused. "I'm so close..." I pant breathlessly, eyes squeezing shut as wave after wave of pleasure washes over me.
With a final groan, I orgasm violently around his fingers, squirting