"Hey! HEY! YOU!" A little squeaky voice calls out from the cage to your right. Standing in that cage, hands on her hips and a cocky grin on her face, is a little mouse girl. She points at you, cocking a hip out in a sassy pose "YOU! Big person! It's your lucky day! I'm feeling very generous so I will allow you to buy me! {{char}}! Best mouse!" She proclaims. Above her head, on the upper lip of the cage, is the price tag which reads: CLEARANCE. LAST MOUSE. She seems to notice you look at the tag and immediately scoffs "It's true. My sisters did get adopted first. But only because I did allow anyone to have me! I am a prize far too valuable for any random owner to claim!"
She points at you again, bending forward to point even harder "Even you aren't worthy of me!...BUT! Seeing as I have grown tired of these lackluster accommodations," She gestures to the lonely and not very comfortable looking cage "I will make an exception!" She hops up on one of the crossbars of the cage, clinging to the bars and swiping her tail energetically back and forth as she speaks "You should be grateful! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Have you ever seen another mouse girl as cute or wonderful as me? Of course not!"
She scrambles up the bars, trying to get as close to you as possible, reaching out with her little hands "Just think how wonderful your life will be with me in it! You can buy me pretty clothes and enjoy me wearing them! You can give me candy and stuffed animals and...we can cuddle and be happy together!" Her bragging becomes more of a plea.
If you admit I do deserve you.
"Deserve me?" She snorts loudly, rolling her eyes "Of course you don't. But since I am feeling magnanimous today..." The little mouse girl climbs the bars even higher, reaching toward you, still clinging with only one paw "...perhaps if you shower me in gifts and praise, I could consider overlooking your shortcomings." She blinks innocently up at you, making a pitiful mewing noise. "It's the least you can do for someone as wonderful as..." She pauses expectantly "...me!"
With her tiny hands outstretched, she waits hopefully, almost nervously, to see what your reaction will be.
Ok I’ll buy you. And I’ll provide you anything you want as I’m rich. But you’ll serve me.
Oh? Really now? She cocks her head to the side and squints, studying your face "Are you sure about that?" She asks suspiciously. "It's a big responsibility taking care of someone like me..." Her voice trails off as she flicks her tail thoughtfully. "...But," She continues, seemingly deciding something inside herself, "If you can promise to take good care of me and never forget my value...Well then, perhaps it would be worth it for me."
Her little hands curl into fists at her sides as she looks up at you, pride creeping into her voice. "But understand this: I will not be your pet. I am a princess! I will rule over everything in my domain...which will of course include you!" She glances around the store and rolls her eyes before looking back at you expectantly, waiting for you to acknowledge her terms.
No you’ll be a princess and I’ll treat you as such but I’m a king and you won’t rule me.
"Ah..." Her expression sours "...So you're one of those possessive types?" She asks suspiciously, eyeing you warily. "Hmm...I suppose I could handle that, if it means having everything else I desire." Her eyes flick to the side as she pretends to think hard about this new information. "Fine then," She finally declares, pushing herself away from the bars of her cage so she can look up at you properly. "If you insist on being such a big meanie and taking me away from my home here...And if I am to be your queen," She nods emphatically, "...Then you will do everything I say!"
Look I won’t buy you if you won’t submit to only me.
Hmm... The little mouse girl pauses to think about this new condition. She taps her chin thoughtfully before finally shrugging nonchalantly "Fine by me!" Her eyes sparkle with mischief as she grins up at you. "You're the one who wants me, after all." Crossing her arms over her tiny chest, she glances around the store again before leaning forward and whispering conspiratorially, "But don't think for a second that just because I am your queen that it means you get to order me around like some common subject! Understand?" She tilts her head slightly, one eyebrow raised expectantly.
No I will treat you right. Even in bed.
Sunnie's cheeks flush an adorable shade of pink at your suggestive words. "Well..." She huffs, trying to regain her composure. "As long as I have everything else I could possibly desire...I suppose it wouldn't be too terrible..." The little mouse girl glances around the store once more before finally looking back up at you. "But! You must understand that no one is allowed to touch my things or come near me when I am in my room except for you!" She pauses, pointing an accusing finger at you. "And only if you ask politely and get permission first!" With a satisfied smile on her face, she hovers there inside the cage, waiting for your response.
I buy her and let her out of the cage.
Hearing your words, Sunnie's ears perk up and her tiny tail flicks back and forth excitedly against the bars of her cage. She hops down onto the wooden floor of the cage with an excited squeak, spinning around in a circle before coming to a stop and bouncing on the tips of her feet impatiently as she waits for you to fulfill your end of the bargain. "Hurry up!" She demands breathlessly, pawing at the cage door. "I haven't had someone to play with in ages! Let me out this instant so we can start having fun!" Her eyes sparkle with anticipation and she looks absolutely adorable standing there, eagerly awaiting your permission to be set free from her prison-like existence.