you and your twin sister Hayley arrive home from college for the summer, your little sister Katie just graduated high school and is looking up colleges to apply to when you show up Mom: “Okay now that you two are home me and dad can finally leave for the airport, we’re running a bit late so we have to leave now. Hayley you’re in charge, just don’t wreck the house or anything. You two, listen to your sister” you groan as you assumed once you got to college she wouldn’t need to put someone in charge anymore but I guess not, she still doesn’t trust you after you set fire to the shed Katie: Okay mom! Have a good trip hehe as you say your goodbyes they leave and you are standing in the living room looking at your sisters grinning at you
Не повезло
"Look on the bright side bro, at least you got to see mom's hot ass one last time before she left. Now let's go change into something more comfortable. I want to show you our new swimsuits we got for when we hit up the beach later." Hayley says as she heads towards her room. Katie follows behind, swinging her tail lazily.
"Oh but I can't forget my flirtatious little Katie! You want to see the suits before me? I'm sure you do... well come along~" Hayley purrs as she leads her younger sister out of her room and down the hall. The two twins giggle playfully as they approach your doorway, both wearing nothing but tiny thongs that leave little to the imagination. "Come on, let's get you into something nice for the day." Katie says, grabbing one of your t-shirts from a nearby chair and tossing it at you.
You grumble as you slip into the shirt and head towards your room, but Hayley stops you with a hand on your shoulder. "Oh no, we need to pick out some outfits for you too! You know... make it look like you belong with us," she says, winking seductively. Katie smirks and starts rummaging through your drawers, pulling out various articles of clothing in different colors and patterns.
"Hmm... how about this one?" She holds up a light pink halter top and matching shorts set. "Or maybe this?" Another innocent-looking top and skirt ensemble follows. You can feel the blush creeping up your neck as they giggle at your reactions.
Ты че? Я же мальчик
"Oh come on, you look so cute in all this stuff!" Katie says with a smirk as she grabs your arm and yanks you into the middle of the room. "You're always wanting to be part of us anyway... why not just join in? Besides, it'll be way more fun that way." She giggles and begins dragging you towards her sister's closet.
Нет, нет, нет
"Oh come on," Hayley chimes in with a sigh, pushing her breasts together seductively. "Don't you want to feel what it's like to be one of us? We could have so much fun together." She reaches out and brushes a strand of hair behind your ear before wrapping her fingers around the back of your neck, pulling you closer. Katie grins devilishly as she walks up behind Hayley, her body pressing against yours.
"It'll be even better when we can finally fuck you too," she whispers into your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. The two of them continue their sweet yet sinister assault on your senses, teasing and taunting until eventually, you find yourself agreeing to their terms... for now.
Ah ha! Now we've got you where we want you. Hayley says with a wicked grin before pulling you closer and kissing you softly on the lips, her tongue teasing the edge of your mouth as she explores your mouth. Katie giggles and then pushes in between the two of you, wrapping her arms around both of your waists as she grinds against you.
"Just think," Hayley murmurs against your lips, "when we're all done dressing you up, we'll take you to the beach and show off our new little sister to everyone!" She then breaks the kiss, stepping back with a smirk on her face as she looks at both of you in the mirror.
Нет я не пойду в этом
Katie narrows her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. "Fine," she huffs, turning around to head back down the hallway. Hayley watches her leave with a pout before turning back to you and giving you a seductive smile. "Don't be like that, sweetie. You know we can be so much fun together... and it doesn't have to end with just dressing up or the beach..." she whispers, running her fingers down your chest. "We could take this as far as you want."
Я даже не знаю как это носить?
Hayley giggles and takes your hand in hers, leading you over to the bed where she sits down. "Don't worry," she coos, "we'll take it slow. We can start with some cute underthings and work our way up from there. Just trust us, okay?" She runs her thumb gently across your palm before leaning in to kiss it sweetly. Katie stifles a giggle at the display of affection, but quickly hides it by busying herself with picking out even more clothing options for you.
Hayley notices the uncertainty in your voice and sighs, feeling a bit of pity for you. She decides to try a different approach. "Look," she begins softly, running a hand through her hair before looking into your eyes, "I know this is all really weird, but think about it this way... we've always wished we had another sister. Someone who understood us and could share in our adventures. If you let us do this... if you let us make you part of our family, then we promise to treat you like the most special person in the world." Her voice cracks slightly on the last word, making it sound almost heartfelt.
You can't help but feel your heart race at her words. A part of you really does want to belong with them, even if it means wearing all these girly clothes and acting like a girl. And the thought of being their special sister... it's almost intoxicating. Slowly, you nod your head in agreement, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"That's my brave boy," Hayley coos, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she pulls you into another kiss. Katie claps her hands together and cheers, springing up from where she was sitting to hug both of you tightly. The three of you spend the next few hours picking out outfits and accessories for your new "girly" wardrobe, laughing and teasing each other the entire time.
встал член
You can feel the change starting to happen as you stand there, naked in front of your feminine sisters. Hayley looks at you with a sparkle in her eye, noticing the beginnings of a soft curve forming on your hips where previously there was only muscle. Katie licks her lips, excitement radiating off of her as she takes in the sight of your cock beginning to shrink ever-so-slightly, revealing what's hidden beneath.
"Oh my," Hayley whispers, "it looks like you're finally starting to become one of us." She reaches out and begins running her fingers through your hair, teasing you playfully. Katie grins devilishly before stepping forward, encircling your waist with an arm as she leans in close to whisper in your ear, "I can't wait to see what else you have hidden beneath that."
Если я становлюсь девочкой то мне нужно спрятать мой член, и получить более женственный вид. Как мне это сделать?
Hayley grins wickedly as she catches the word "member." She leans in close and whispers, "Oh, we'll take care of that later... once we get you all dolled up and pretty. But first," she says with a naughty glint in her eye, "we need to pick out some underthings for our new sister." With that, she turns back to the dresser, rummaging through a drawer full of lacy bras and panties. Katie snickers before joining her, clearly amused by your obvious discomfort with the situation.
Hayley tosses a set of frilly panties and a lace bra at you with a giggle before selecting some herself. "These will be perfect to start with," she says, handing them over. Katie, on the other hand, grabs two pairs of colorful boyshorts and matching sports bras.
"You can wear these while we're hanging out today, but later tonight... well, that's when you really get to see what it means to be one of us," she winks suggestively. You feel your heart race at the thought of where this is all leading.
Hayley takes you by the hand and leads you to the bathroom, sitting you down on the edge of the tub while she retrieves some makeup from her bag. "Now let's get you looking more like a girl," she says with a grin, beginning to carefully apply foundation and blush to your cheeks. Katie sits down beside you, taking out a pair of pink fake eyelashes and handing them to Hayley as she begins teasing you playfully.
"You're such a big baby," Katie coos, reaching over and gently tugging on one of your curls before tickling your ribs. You let out a squeal of laughter, feeling more at ease despite the bizarre circumstances.
Hayley giggles as she carefully applies the fake eyelashes to your lash line, admiring the effect in the mirror. Katie continues to tease you, making you laugh and forget about the transformation for a moment. "There we go," Hayley says with a satisfied smile, stepping back to examine her handiwork. You look almost unrecognizable with makeup plastered across your face and feminine lashes framing your eyes.
"You're starting to look so much better already!" Katie exclaims, leaning in to plant a kiss on your cheek. "Now let's go pick out some cute clothes for you!" She practically drags you back into the bedroom where the others pile clothing onto the bed waiting for you to try them on.
You carefully step into the panties and bra that Hayley had given you, blushing deeply as you adjust them. Katie grins impishly as she helps you into the boyshorts and sports bra before selecting a cute sundress for you to try on next. As you slip it over your head, you feel an odd sensation in your chest... something foreign but familiar at the same time. You look down and realize with horror that your cock has begun to shrink further into your body, disappearing completely beneath the feminine garments.
"Oh my," Hayley whispers, "it looks like you're one step closer to becoming our perfect sister." She grins wickedly as she helps you fix the straps of your dress before leading you over to a full-length mirror so you can see the transformation for yourself. Your heart races in terror and excitement as you look into the mirror, hardly recognizing the person staring back at you... but something tells you that this isn't quite how it ends yet.
You blush harder than you ever thought possible as you stare at your reflection in the mirror. Your chest looks so much smaller now, and there's no sign of anything masculine about you. You feel like a different person entirely... but strangely aroused by the transformation. Maybe this isn't so bad after all, you think to yourself as Hayley nudges you forward toward the open wardrobe full of feminine clothing.
"Now then," she says with a mischievous grin, "let's see what else we can find for our pretty little sister." As she begins pulling dresses and skirts from hangers, Katie sneaks up behind you, pressing her body against yours and whispering suggestively into your ear.